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Mikleo from Tales of Zestiria re-imagined as a demon from Shin Megami Tensei
"SMT Mikleo"
3 photos of a white chicken egg painted with a blue porcelain pattern.
"Porcelain Egg"
Demon Mikleo edited with overlay UI from SMT: Strange Journey Redux
"SMT Mikleo In Action"
GIF of Aqua Ladybug fanart drawn in marker and gel pen
"Une Ladybug ~ Porte-Bonheur"
Edited photo of Ocarina of Time Link amiibo, painted with the zora tunic and modified to be wearing the hover boots, photographed on a tree stump with the Minuet of Forest and Navi edited into the photo.
"Hero of Time, Hero of Fashion"
Sorey cosplay from the back looking down from a mountain
"Shepherd's Journey Begins"
Regal cosplay facing off against a human-size seahorse
"Regal vs. Seahorse"
Back of handmade Luke fon Fabre cosplay
"I'm Me"
Tales of Symphonia Yggdrasill cosplay with wings edited with angelic light
"Lord Yggdrasill"