
Your adventure in the middle of the internets was suddenly interrupted when you saw a door engraved with a simple question: "A or B?" Inside this door, there is a small room with more doors beyond it, all locked for the time being. A screen is on the wall, but it is not displaying anything at the moment. A beat up poster is hanging to the left of it.

A: Try to turn on the screen
B: Look at the poster

(The choice you make is YOUR OWN action. Unless specified, there is no limit to the number of people that can make a selection on the same decision.)



The poster says:

"Wouldn't life be easier if every single thing you did only had exactly two choices? Come on in and solve as many "A or B" puzzles as you can to assemble the Absolute Orb before a different group of people that are trying to do the same!"

A: Read the Terms and Conditions
B: Read Troubleshooting

Everyone else

A banner labeled "A or B?" led you to this room. You can see a worn down poster and a screen that is not displaying anything.

A: Try to turn on the screen
B: Look at the poster



You rip the poster down to read some extra instructions on the back of it. An extremely similar poster is hanging where the first one was.

"All puzzles within are extremely intuitive and will never encounter any errors ever. However, if you believe there are errors present within your own brain, please unfold this poster and consult the appropriate section to troubleshoot the flaws you have with yourself."

A: Modern technology frightens me
B: Dating frightens me

Deku, Random User, Scotty

Despite your best wishes to turn on the screen, hopes do not activate any circuits. Maybe these decives on the side of the screen do?

A: Press the button
B: Toggle the switch

Valigarmander, CuccoLady

The poster says:

"Did you know that all participants in this building are telepathically linked? If you focus, you can see the outcomes of choices that all other participants make, even if you are not in the same room as them! You can then use this to help you complete certain challenges faster, or to blackmail your enemies online for being extremely awkward."

A: Read the Terms and Conditions
B: Read Troubleshooting

Everyone else

A banner labeled "A or B?" led you to this room. You can see a worn down poster, a screen that is not displaying anything, and a crowd of people shouting letters.

A: Try to turn on the screen
B: Look at the poster



"Being scared of technology is understandable. At age 50, you will automatically be unable to comprehend any new media. For now, you should relax, enjoy a balanced meal, and if all else fails, give the electronic of your choice some classic percussive maintenance."

A: Continue troubleshooting
B: Go to the screen


You press the button. A red LED turns on, revealing some text printed on the button you did not see before.


A: Press it again
B: Look at a different thing

Random User

You flip the switch. A microphone slides out of the wall around the same height as your head. It bops your chin.

A: Blow into it
B: Look at a different thing

Scotty, HotD

The screen is not displaying anything. You see a microphone, and a button that says "MASH -- 72 HOURS REMAINING".
A: Press the button
B: Blow into the mic



All information about you will be recorded for the purposes of improving your A or B experience. We will never share this information with outside sources unless it is profitable to do so.

By entering the facility, you waive the right to complain when the topic creator does not update for several days in a row.

If you encounter unexpected videos or images, your mind agrees that it can not un-see them.

Batteries are not included.

You agree to stop reading right now."

A: Read further...?
B: Look at a different thing


"If problems persist with your being for too long, have a friend turn you off and then turn you on again. Otherwise, please refer to the section that realates to your biggest complaint."

A: I'm kind of tired
B: This tutorial is taking too long

Everyone else

A banner labeled "A or B?" led you to this room. You can see a worn down poster, a screen that is not displaying anything, and a crowd of people shouting letters.

A: Try to turn on the screen
B: Look at the poster


Deku, HotD

You take turns pressing the button down. The click sound it makes is extremely satisfying.

A: Press it again
B: Look at a different thing

Random User

The microphone provides faint feedback, proving it is on. You feel compelled to speak into it, but obviously, you constantly stumble with your words, so you instead blurt out:

A: FoS S1x!
B: Bacon!

Scotty, Marilink

The screen is not displaying anything. You see a microphone, and a button that says "MASH -- 59 HOURS REMAINING".

A: Press the button
B: Blow into the mic


"T&C continued

You are not as brave as you think you are.

No nutrition besides basic snacks are provided. If you would like to recall your last meal, it would be in your benefit if it had everything you needed.

Completing the A Orb will not cure your loneliness.

All forms of litigation against us will result in somebody pointing at you and screaming OBJECTION until you lose the will to proceed."

A: Read further
B: Look at a different thing

CuccoLady (amplified)

"You should now feel that a burst of energy has been automatically been applied to your voice. The effect will fade after a certain amount of time, after which you can buy more samples of our energy product for ludicrous prices."


Everyone else

A banner labeled "A or B?" led you to this room. You can see a worn down poster, a screen that is not displaying anything, and a crowd of people shouting letters.

A: Try to turn on the screen
B: Look at the poster


Deku, HotD, Marilink

You continue to alternate doing button presses. It




A: Press it again
B: Look at a different thing

Random User

S1x feels singled out and is now much more likely to assassinate you during the night. Well done. Are your instincts powerful enough to turn it into a vote?

A: sure?
B: uhhhhh


The screen is not displaying anything. You see a microphone, and a button that says "MASH -- 38 HOURS REMAINING".

A: Press the button
B: Blow into the mic


"Any breakdowns you have should you ever check something multiple times and get different results shall be covered by your own insurance only, and they must exist in fiction only.

There is no Nameless."

You are now out of poster.

A: Read the air?
B: Look at a different thing

CuccoLady (amplified)

There are a couple more things in this room that you could divert your attention to. A hint submarine is not one of them.


Everyone else

A banner labeled "A or B?" led you to this room. You can see a worn down poster, a screen that is not displaying anything, and a crowd of people shouting letters.

A: Try to turn on the screen
B: Look at the poster


Deku, HotD

You continue to alternate doing button presses. Never give up! Trust your instincts!


(Time seems to pass more slowly when the host updates off schedule. How fortunate!)

A: Press it again
B: Look at a different thing

Random User

You have successfully lynched S1x. He was the Harbinger of Choice, Independent aligned. A replacement S1x will be delivered in the near future. You feel victorious for a moment, until you realize what a Harbinger of Choice is responsible for.
A: ????
B: ????


What shall you check out next?
A: The microphone
B: The poster


You approach the microphone, and try to say a well thought out sentence, but you immediately get stage shy and instead squeak out:

A: Strawberries!
B: Budgies!

Valigarmander, CuccoLady (amplified)

You now have a screen to examine. What interests you more?


Everyone else

A banner labeled "A or B?" led you to this room. You can see a worn down poster, a screen that is not displaying anything, and a crowd of people shouting letters.

A: Try to turn on the screen
B: Look at the poster



With the last press, the light on the button suddenly turns golden, and the text on it changes to "POTATOES".

This is your chance! Quick, complement it!

A: French fries
B: Turkey


With the last press, the light on the button suddenly turns golden, and the text on it changes to "POTATOES".

This is your chance! Quick, complement it!

A: Carrots
B: Pringles


With the last press, the light on the button suddenly turns golden, and the text on it changes to "POTATOES".

This is your chance! Quick, complement it!

A: Cran-raspberry juice
B: Tater tots

Random User

Attempting to overcome your temporary choice-blindness, you bump into a poster. You've read this before in someone else's mind.

A: ????
B: ????


Okay, sure, strawberries, whatever you say. But... what next?

You hear ticking sounds coming from... something.

A: Grapes
B: Sliced ham


You approach the microphone, but for some reason, it makes your nerves go haywire. All you can say to it is:

A: French kisses!
B: Italian sausages!

CuccoLady (amplified)

You approach the microphone, but for some reason, in your amplified state, you make its nerves go haywire. It tries to slowly retreat from you, but before it can get away, you:


Everyone else

A banner labeled "A or B?" led you to this room. You can see a worn down poster, a screen that is not displaying anything, and a crowd of people shouting letters.

A: Try to turn on the screen
B: Look at the poster



Ding! "Meal code complete!"

You heard the static-y white noise of a TV being turned on. The screen finally displays a loading bar. All of you turn towards it and stare at the bar in anticipation, wondering what comes next.

However, when the bar reached approximately the halfway point, the screen started flashing different colors and a familiar tune started to play. Only at this point did some of you look towards the corner...

One of you had stolen the microphone, and with as many decibels as possible, began singing along with the music.


A: o_0
B: Encore



As the louder subject was gearing up for song 2, the amplification buff wore off at the exact moment that is convenient for puzzlemasters that are not songwriters.

The loading bar reached 100%. Soothing music started to play while the screen displayed what looked like classic art with many As and Bs taped to it. A professional sounding voice clip started up.

"Welcome to the Terial Archives. You have now experienced a little bit of everything, completed the first A or B test of many, and are now ready to explore the challenges ahead.

However, we are not. We are currently constructing an appropriate set of challenges and variables based on how many of you participated in this opening round. We expect this construction to be complete around 7 days from now. The adventure will still be open to everybody once we start.

Please use this time to provide any feedback you may have, even something simple like "this is worth the words being typed". Also please use this time to make one of the most critical choices possible within A or B."

Two small tubes of different colors descended from the ceiling.

"To unlock the doors ahead, you must hold your hand up to them after painting the back of it a certain color. This color will determine who your allies are, who your direct competition will be, and which rooms you will be allowed to access. If you succeed on the Azure team, you can harness the energy within the Absolute Orb to create the most comfortable of hammocks -- more soothing than you can possibly imagine. If you succeed on the Byzantine team, you can harness its energy to manufacture screens that are much bigger than the ones you are staring at now. Their quality will truly be unmatched by anything on the market.

Please place your hand under one of the tubes, and wait for the true adventure to begin."

A: Have your hand painted Azure
B: Have your hand painted Byzantine


CuccoLady, Random User, Deku, HotD, Valigarmander, Marilink, Scotty, ZeldaGirl

LEDs above the doorway lit up. You heard another message.

"The lobby is now ready. As your choices will be limited, each of you may notice different things first. To control this factor, we highly recommend taking a short personality test to identify what kinds of activities interest you best. You may skip this if you accept that your observations will be made completely randomly and that you have no interests."

A: Answer the test (starts *Personality Test*)
B: Go straight in

Everyone else

A banner labeled "A or B?" led you to this room. A speaker is playing an audio clip: "Welcome to the Terial Archives. We are currently refilling our supply of paint. Please manually color your hand with the attached pens that were not stolen to advance to the lobby."

A: Ink your hand Azure
B: Ink your hand Byzantine

Important note: By entering an activity, marked *like this*, keep in mind that they (usually) have no early exit points. You are committed to the task until it is complete.


Deku, HotD, Valigarmander, ZeldaGirl

"Would you like to take a survey that will determine what things in the future rooms you notice first?"

A: Answer the test (starts *Personality Test*)
B: Go straight in


You hold up your hand. The lights around the door turn azure, and the door rotates open. You are now in the main lobby, the only room that you share with the other team. Many things have been placed in this room if you want to gather more information or if you just want to relax for a bit. What do you want to approach first?

A: The bookshelves
B: Something else


After CL steps through and the doors shut, you hold up your hand. The lights around the door turn byzantine, and the door rotates open. You are now in the main lobby, the only room that you share with the other team. Many things have been placed in this room if you want to gather more information or if you just want to relax for a bit. What do you want to approach first?

A: The big couch
B: Something else

Random User *Personality Test*

Question 1 of 5: You walk outside a clothing store, and you see somebody drop two small pairs of earrings that they just bought. What is the right thing to do with them?

A: Resell them
B: Wear them

Scotty *Personality Test*

Question 1 of 5: Which of these Myers-Briggs personality types do you think fits you better?


Everyone else

A banner labeled "A or B?" led you to this room. A speaker is playing an audio clip: "Welcome to the Terial Archives. Please place your hand under one of the colored tubes to be granted access to the lobby."

A: Have your hand painted Azure
B: Have your hand painted Byzantine



"Would you like to take a survey that will determine what things in the future rooms you notice first?"

A: Answer the test (starts *Personality Test*)
B: Go straight in


Hmm... well, how about that one?

A: The azure door marked "Grass Room"
B: Something else
(Shortcut) BA: The kitchen
(Shortcut) BBA: The big couch
(Shortcut) BBBA: The artifact collection
(Shortcut) BBBBA: The dude looking at his phone at the table
(Shortcut) BBBBBA: The vending machine
(Shortcut) BBBBBBA: The news ticker

(Please note: Depending on the length of the shortcuts, it may take more than one update to "process" them, based on time.)


You sit on the couch. You are instantly filled with comfort. There appears to be a circular hole in the ceiling above, but that doesn't matter right now. It feels tempting to relax for a bit and pass some time for yourself and your entire team. Sometimes in life, the best thing to do is just... rest. :smile:

A: Rest
B: Get up

Random User *Personality Test*

Question 2 of 5: Which is heavier?

A: 99 problems
B: 1000 anime

Scotty *Personality Test*

Question 2 of 5: How do you cope with stress in your life?

A: WoT
B: 1 hour shower in a fetal position

ZeldaGirl *Personality Test*

Question 1 of 5: After internal discussion, we have changed the subject of our seduction puzzle from a crying girl to a flying squirrel. What does this make you want to do?

A: Shrug and continue
B: Blame SJWs

Deku *Personality Test*

Question 1 of 5: Which font would you rather have your biography written in?

A: Papyrus
B: Comic Sans

HotD *Personality Test*

Question 1 of 5: You drop your phone after bumping into a wall. What happens next?

A: It bounces off its rubber case back into my hand
B: It "accidentally" takes a flattering picture of me

Everyone else

A banner labeled "A or B?" led you to this room. A speaker is playing an audio clip: "Welcome to the Terial Archives. Please place your hand under one of the colored tubes to be granted access to the lobby."

A: Have your hand painted Azure
B: Have your hand painted Byzantine


[USER=30663]@Carol of the Vals[/USER]

"Would you like to take a survey that will determine what things in the future rooms you notice first?"

A: Answer the test (starts *Personality Test*)
B: Go straight in

[USER=30977]@Santa CLause[/USER]

You sit down next to the due and introduce yourself.

"Oh hey. My name is Broa. I tried to get that A Orb earlier, but I couldn't solve all the puzzles by myself and I gave up. But I also don't really want to leave. So now I'm just sitting here hoping I can look the answers up on my phone.

Anything you wanted to know?"

A: About yourself
B: About the rooms you got to


A little bit of time passed. Due to issues from the higher powers, it felt like a few months, but that couldn't be possible. You should probably shower soon though.

A: Keep resting
B: Get up

[USER=35827]@SKELETOR[/USER] *Personality Test*

Question 3 of 5: A basketball is flying towards your head. What do you do?

A: Deflect it with your tongue
B: Activate your trap card

[USER=31048]@ScottyMcGee[/USER] *Personality Test*

Question 2 of 5: How do you cope with stress in your life?

A: WoT
B: 1 hour shower in a fetal position

[USER=21628]@ZeldaGirl[/USER] *Personality Test*

Question 2 of 5: You had an extremely heated art contest with a friend attempting to sketch the perfect accessory for men's suits. How did it end?

A: In a tie
B: In a draw

[USER=18320]@Dekurated Tree[/USER] *Personality Test*

Question 2 of 5: Are you alliterate?

A: I can read fine, thank you
B: Spooky scary skeletons send shivers down your spine

[USER=22385]@Heroine of the Dragon[/USER] *Personality Test*

Question 2 of 5: How fast do you complete projects you start?

A: Very slowly
B: ...complete?

Everyone else

A banner labeled "A or B?" led you to this room. A speaker is playing an audio clip: "Welcome to the Terial Archives. Please place your hand under one of the colored tubes to be granted access to the lobby."

A: Have your hand painted Azure
B: Have your hand painted Byzantine



You have arrived in the main lobby. Who/what would you like to go to first?

A: Broa
B: Something else


"Alright, check this out.

My favorite Pokemon is a Hoothoot that I caught with my Master Ball.

When I meet a quiet person, I always break the ice by asking why they are so quiet.

I use the same paper towel for every meal in a day order to save money.

The first letter I call in Hangman is J.

I have put 8 hours of play time into Flappy Bird.

My proudest recent achievement is completing Super Mario world using extensive save states every 10 seconds.

...Hey, that expression you're making is kinda weird. Is there something you want to tell me?"

A: Can you do favors for our team?
B: Your phone is at 4% battery!!!


A little bit of time passed again. Shortcuts feel like shorter cuts. The cushions feel like marshmallows. The air feels like magic dust. Don't sneeze.

A: Keep resting
B: Get up

Random User *Personality Test*

Question 4 of 5: What is your greatest weakness?

A: The inability to pinpoint my weaknesses
B: Being unable to complete responses to

Scotty *Personality Test*

Question 3 of 5: A Youtube video you just watched contains a bunch of obvious propaganda, several attempts to paint a broad group of people all as the enemy, and may subtly advertise its own merchandise in it. The obvious response to this exploitative video is to:

A: Like
B: Subscribe

ZeldaGirl *Personality Test*

Question 2 of 5: You had an extremely heated art contest with a friend attempting to sketch the perfect accessory for men's suits. How did it end?

A: In a tie
B: In a draw

Deku *Personality Test*

Question 3 of 5: What do you like to watch in your free time?

A: A movie
B: Bee Movie

HotD *Personality Test*

Question 2 of 5: How fast do you complete projects you start?

A: Very slowly
B: ...complete?


"Would you like to take a survey that will determine what things in the future rooms you notice first?"

A: Answer the test (starts *Personality Test*)
B: Go straight in

Everyone else

A banner labeled "A or B?" led you to this room. A speaker is playing an audio clip: "Welcome to the Terial Archives. Please place your hand under one of the colored tubes to be granted access to the lobby."

A: Have your hand painted Azure
B: Have your hand painted Byzantine



You have arrived in the main lobby. Who/what would you like to go to first?

A: Broa
B: Something else


"Uh oh. I've been here longer than I thought. That Soda Pop Secret Word Game app is too addictive.

Well, I have this cord, but I'm not sure where I can plug it into. Do you have any idea?"

A: Direct him to a spot at random
B: Find it for him (starts *Power Quest*)


A little bit of time passed again. Shortcuts feel like shorter cuts. The cushions feel like marshmallows. The air feels like magic dust. Don't sneeze.

A: Keep resting
B: Get up

Random User *Personality Test*

Question 4 of 5: What is your greatest weakness?

A: The inability to pinpoint my weaknesses
B: Being unable to complete responses to

Scotty *Personality Test*

Question 4 of 5: Complete this statement: One day, I want to swim in a swimming pool full of:

A: Legos
B: Fire

ZeldaGirl *Personality Test*

Question 2 of 5: You had an extremely heated art contest with a friend attempting to sketch the perfect accessory for men's suits. How did it end?

A: In a tie
B: In a draw

Deku *Personality Test*

Question 4 of 5: What is essential to keep on each floor of your home during stormy seasons?

A: Small flashlights
B: A nice, refreshing can of Pepsi. Nothing hits the spot in pure darkness quite like a gracious sponsorship

HotD *Personality Test*

Question 2 of 5: How fast do you complete projects you start?

A: Very slowly
B: ...complete?


You have arrived in the main lobby. Who/what would you like to go to first?

A: The kitchen
B: Something else


"Would you like to take a survey that will determine what things in the future rooms you notice first?"

A: Answer the test (starts *Personality Test*)
B: Go straight in

Everyone else

A banner labeled "A or B?" led you to this room. A speaker is playing an audio clip: "Welcome to the Terial Archives. Please place your hand under one of the colored tubes to be granted access to the lobby.

We are temporarily out of azure paint. Please be assured that we are aggressively hunting down as many azure hamsters as possible to supply our machines with more."

A: Listen to elevator music
B: Have your hand painted Byzantine



You have arrived in the main lobby. Who/what would you like to go to first?

A: Broa
B: Something else

CuccoLady *Power Quest*

Success: +5 A Points

Failure: +3 B Points

Select a half, quadrant, and section of the main lobby where you think a power source could be.

AAA: Bookshelves
AAB: Azure and byzantine doors
ABA: Kitchen
ABB: Big couch
BAA: Artifact collection
BAB: Broa's table
BBA: Vending machine
BBB: News ticker


The air still feels like magic dust.

A: Keep resting
B: Get up

Random User *Personality Test*

Question 5 of 5: If you were the tactician of a small army, what would your inspiring battlecry be?

A: Time to clip the snails!
B: Tic-Tac-Total destruction!

Scotty *Personality Test*

Question 5 of 5: Complete this statement: My view on my outside life as it is currently is:

A: lol
B: Oblivious

ZeldaGirl *Personality Test*

Question 2 of 5: You had an extremely heated art contest with a friend attempting to sketch the perfect accessory for men's suits. How did it end?

A: In a tie
B: In a draw

Deku *Personality Test*

Question 5 of 5: How satisfied were you with the tutorial?

A: Extremely satisfied
B: Every choice "satisfied" or lower; doesn't matter which one, somebody will get fired

HotD *Personality Test*

Question 2 of 5: How fast do you complete projects you start?

A: Very slowly
B: ...complete?


The kitchen has a "dynamic refrigerator", which changes its contents automatically every once in a while, so you are ensured to never accidentally eat spoiled food. It also has shelves full of food notes and note foods.

A: Check the fridge
B: Check the shelves

SML *Personality Test*

Question 1 of 5: How do you get out of bed?

B: Arrow keys



A: Keep listening to elevator music
B: Have your hand painted Byzantine

Everyone else

A banner labeled "A or B?" led you to this room. A speaker is playing an audio clip: "Welcome to the Terial Archives. Please place your hand under one of the colored tubes to be granted access to the lobby.

We are temporarily out of azure paint. Please be assured that we are aggressively hunting down as many azure hamsters as possible to supply our machines with more."

A: Listen to elevator music
B: Have your hand painted Byzantine



You have arrived in the main lobby. Who/what would you like to go to first?

A: Broa
B: Something else

CuccoLady *Power Quest*

The vending machine contains a bunch of things you don't care about right now. You can tell it is plugged into something behind, but it is sitting too close to the wall. All you can see is some kind of green mark.

A: Shove it out of the way
B: Press random buttons


The air still feels like magic dust.

A: Keep resting
B: Get up

Random User *Personality Test*

Congratulations! It appears your main trait is that you are supportive. In the next rooms, the things you will notice first will be items that will give your teammates the extra energy or extra courage to proceed forward. (Note: Appreciating their company is optional.)

Your information has been stored "safely". Press OK to enter the lobby.

B: Um, could you change that trait to "Crafty" instead?

Scotty *Personality Test*

Congratulations! It appears your main trait is that you are detail focused. In the next rooms, the things you will notice first will lead you to decorations and patterns that may give you the clues needed to make sense of a nearby puzzle. Magnifying glass sold separately.

Your information has been stored "safely". Press OK to enter the lobby.

B: Um, could you change that trait to "Studious" instead?

ZeldaGirl *Personality Test*

Question 2 of 5: You had an extremely heated art contest with a friend attempting to sketch the perfect accessory for men's suits. How did it end?

A: In a tie
B: In a draw

Deku *Personality Test*

Congratulations! It appears your main trait is that you are objective focused. In the next rooms, the things you will notice first are all things that take the quickest path towards the Absolute Orb. Theoretically. Guesswork may be required.

Your information has been stored "safely". Press OK to enter the lobby.

B: Um, could you change that trait to "detail focused" instead?

HotD *Personality Test*

Question 2 of 5: How fast do you complete projects you start?

A: Very slowly
B: ...complete?


When you grab the handle, you hear a CLUNK, grinding noises, a couple explosions, and finally a "ding!". The pressure loosens, and you open the door. The fridge currently contains two items, of which you can examine one of them.

A: Time casserole
B: Secret sauce

SML *Personality Test*

Question 1 of 5: How do you get out of bed?

B: Arrow keys


"Would you like to take a survey that will determine what things in the future rooms you notice first?"

A: Answer the test (starts *Personality Test*)
B: Go straight in

Everyone else

A banner labeled "A or B?" led you to this room. A speaker is playing an audio clip: "Welcome to the Terial Archives. Please place your hand under one of the colored tubes to be granted access to the lobby.

A: Have your hand painted Azure
B: Have your hand painted Byzantine



You have arrived in the main lobby. Who/what would you like to go to first?

A: Broa
B: Something else

CuccoLady *Power Quest*

With a few pushes, you force the vending machine further down the wall. Nobody questions exactly how you managed to do so. The mark is actually a green triangle. You see the vending machine cord plugged into a single outlet, which has a switch that is currently positioned left.

A: Remove the power cord
B: Move the switch


The air still feels like magic dust.

A: Keep resting
B: Get up

Random User *Personality Test*

You made a bold move claiming you know more about your personality than our extensively tested tests, but request accepted. You will sometimes see unique options available to only you, indicated by a special color, potentially giving you multiple correct paths to the Absolute Orb.

Your crafty self is now in the main lobby. Who/what would you like to go to first?

B: Um, could you change that trait to "Crafty" instead?

Scotty *Personality Test*

Your detail focused self is now in the main lobby. Who/what would you like to go to first?

A: The artifact collection
B: Something else

ZeldaGirl *Personality Test*

Question 2 of 5: You had an extremely heated art contest with a friend attempting to sketch the perfect accessory for men's suits. How did it end?

A: In a tie
B: In a draw

Deku *Personality Test*

Congratulations! It appears your main trait is that you are objective focused. In the next rooms, the things you will notice first are all things that take the quickest path towards the Absolute Orb. Theoretically. Guesswork may be required.

Your information has been stored "safely". Press OK to enter the lobby.

B: Um, could you change that trait to "detail focused" instead?

HotD *Personality Test*

Question 2 of 5: How fast do you complete projects you start?

A: Very slowly
B: ...complete?


Time casserole is made out of quality grade A seaweed, tuna, and clocks. After eating it, people tend to see time passing by either slower or faster, whichever is more convenient for the task they are doing. You can make this for just you, which could take a while, or you can leave it to the auto-preparing machine where you or a teammate can take it later.

A: Create it for yourself
B: Auto-prepare

SML *Personality Test*

Question 1 of 5: How do you get out of bed?

B: Arrow keys

Panfan *Personality Test*

Question 1 of 5: Which of these would you rather stick your nose in?

A: Jellyfish stingers
B: Political debates on Facebook
(Shortcut) BABAAA: (This was a path a teammate took. You may select any number of steps from that path.)

Everyone else

A banner labeled "A or B?" led you to this room. A speaker is playing an audio clip: "Welcome to the Terial Archives. Please place your hand under one of the colored tubes to be granted access to the lobby.

A: Have your hand painted Azure
B: Have your hand painted Byzantine



A: Azure door "Grass Room"
B: Something else



You have arrived in the main lobby. Who/what would you like to go to first?

A: Broa
B: Something else


You impulsively yank out the power cord. You hear a powerful THUD sound, and....




...and nothing else. Seems like everything's alright! After one more check, you plug in the charger and hear the satisfying sound effect of a battery being filled up with sweet power.

Content in your victory, you hum to yourself, with no concern about greater matters like if there were failure states (yes) and if there were hints on how to avoid them (yes, you luckbox).

Azure Team gains 5 A Points! (Total = 5)

A: Talk to Broa
B: Go to another section


The air still feels like magic dust.

A: Keep resting
B: Get up

Random User

OK, how about this one?

A: The artifact collection
B: Something else
(Shortcut) BA: The news ticker
(Shortcut) BBA: The vending machine
(Shortcut) BBBA: The kitchen
(Shortcut) BBBBA: The artifact collection
(Shortcut) BBBBBA: The bookshelves
(Shortcut) BBBBBBA: Broa


You approach a large table covered with raised glass. Inside the glass are a lot of materials from a town that once was, arranged in what seems to be no particular order. Some of them are marked in unusually shiny paint.

A: Inspect markings
B: Scroll through the information tablet

ZeldaGirl *Personality Test*

Question 2 of 5: You had an extremely heated art contest with a friend attempting to sketch the perfect accessory for men's suits. How did it end?

A: In a tie
B: In a draw


You have arrived in the main lobby. Who/what would you like to go to first?

A: The news ticker
B: Something else

HotD *Personality Test*

Question 2 of 5: How fast do you complete projects you start?

A: Very slowly
B: ...complete?


The dish is being assembled. Labor costs have been already charged to your credit card, so you have no worries.

A: Look for other food
B: Go to another section

SML *Personality Test*

Question 1 of 5: How do you get out of bed?

B: Arrow keys

Panfan *Personality Test*

Question 2 of 5: Do you feel guilty for the thing you did yesterday?

A: I think so, Brain, but how could UN agree to it if she was unconscious?
B: No, it was a prank, therefore I take no responsibility


"Would you like to take a survey that will determine what things in the future rooms you notice first?"

A: Answer the test (starts *Personality Test*)
B: Go straight in

Everyone else

A banner labeled "A or B?" led you to this room. A speaker is playing an audio clip: "Welcome to the Terial Archives. Please place your hand under one of the colored tubes to be granted access to the lobby."

A: Have your hand painted Azure
B: Have your hand painted Byzantine