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Hyrulian War--THE WAR ITSELF!!

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Hyrulian War--THE WAR ITSELF!!


Post by Booyakasha » Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:02 pm
Ladies and gentlemen, the dreaded event is finally upon us; the Hyrulian War has begun. The once-peaceful races of Hyrule have gone on the march--whether to glory or ruination, no man can say. Let us begin.

?I ut inimicos devorare!?

EXTRA!! Calm Before the Storm--No Random Encounters or Environmental Alerts Until Next Round!
EXTRA!! Hylians and Undead Allied!
EXTRA!! Income From Territories Will Start Next Round! Racial Advantages Go Into Effect Immediately!

The Hylian Army has 1100 troops at its main base (Castle Hylia), and 100 troops at each of the Hylians' other ancestral territories (Hylia Castle Town, Temple of Time). They begin with 100 rupees and 100 resources.

The Gerudo Army has 1000 troops at its main base (Gerudo Fortress), and 100 troops at each of the Gerudo's other ancestral territories (The Colossus, Haunted Wasteland). They begin with 100 rupees and 100 resources.

The Zora Army has 1000 troops at its main base (Zora's Domain), and 100 troops at each of the Zora's other ancestral territories (The Falls, Jabu Jabu's Fountain). They begin with 100+30 (racial advantage) = 130 rupees and 100 resources.

The Undead Army has 1000 troops at its main base (Castle Burmunica), and 100 troops at each of the Undead's other ancestral territories (Ancient Kings, The Glacier). They begin with 100 rupees and 100 resources.

The Kokiri Army has 1000 troops at its main base (Kokiri Fortress), and 100 troops at each of the Kokiri's other ancestral territories (Deku Tree's Glade, Sacred Forest Meadow). They begin with 100 rupees and 100+20 (racial advantage) = 120 resources.

The Goron Army has 1000 troops at its main base (Goron Citadel), and 100 troops at each of the Gorons' other ancestral territories (Death Mountain, Dodongo Cavern). They begin with 100 rupees and 100 resources.

Generals, Freelancers, post at your leisure. I recommend keeping the map handy whenever you're taking your turn--whether you use the original or this colour-coded version is up to you. Feel free to ask any questions you might have. If you ask them here, I'll cover them in my warmod update; if you PM me, it's possible I'll answer them sooner (don't bank too heavily on it, though).

If you aren't signed up but would still like to play, head here and sign up already!

[EDIT: As per requests from the players, here's a recap of the troop upgrades.]

Serrated Edges--Adds 5% to your army's damage potential. NEW! Can stack.

Tower Shields--Subtracts 5% from the damage potential of any force attacking your army. NEW! Can stack.

Postman Boots--Allows a single force of no more than 100 troops to move an additional space per round. (No effect on mounted units.)

NEW! Hylian Longbows--Upgrades the damage of Archery Attacks from 1d6 + 5% to 1d6 + 10%
Cost of any upgrade--500 rupees, 100 resources, 5 rounds to develop
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Post by Marilink » Mon Oct 29, 2007 12:11 pm
OoC: Woo! First post. Let's rock.

The turn:
I move 700 Soldiers from Kokiri Fortress (KF) to Lost Woods East (LWE). 50 troops each from Sacred Forest Meadow (SFM) and Deku Tree's Glade (DTG) move into Skull Kid's Refuge (SKR).

KF: 300
SKR: 100
DTG: 50
SFM: 50

-Rupees and Resources: What are they for?'
-How do we get more soldiers?

And the RP:
Ooc: All right, so I don't have time to RP today. But because not everyone will read my intro in the signup topic, I'ma just post a link to that. Haven't read it? Read it! Read it? What the heck, why not read it again?


I'll try to get one in tomorrow. Besides, that's when my plan actually starts to show itself anyway.
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Post by Blake » Mon Oct 29, 2007 3:16 pm
Within the hollowed rocks of Death Mountain, where a giant network of caves twisted and stretched for miles within the massive mountain, was a large ceremony taking place. In the center of Goron city there was a large opening where all of the gorons had gathered. From the lower decks to the higher decks, gorons jumped, waved their arms, and cheered on as two warriors fought on a small ledge hung by three small yet sturdy ropes directly above the center of the grand hall.

The young and older goron warriors were in a heated match on a small platform overlooking the city. The young and fit goron threw a crushing fist, only be anticipated by his older and wiser opponent who grasped his fist and crushed his hand with his superior strength. The older goron let go of his deadly grasp on the younger one and wrapped his arms around the young goron and shoved him with all his might. The young goron struggled, the initial force the older goron brought onto him was too much for him to stop. He continued to slide closer and closer to the edge of the ring, until at last in desperation he butt his head into his opponent’s head, stunning the older goron. During this quick opportunity, the younger goron lifted the older one and with all of his might and tossed him out of the ring. The older goron crashed into the rock ground below, next to a large finely crafted stone vase placed directly beneath the ring.

The crowd blazed wildly with cheers as the climax of the fight finally ended with a large thud. The young goron walked over to the edge of the ring and looked down at his opponent. His opponent managed to get up and shook his body as he fought off the pain as if it was nothing and looked up at the younger goron. He smiled for a brief moment, acknowledging the young one’s victory, and curled up into a ball and took off.

“Well, that was a very interesting match for our opening ceremony today!” Shouted a large goron, known as ‘Hot Rodder Goron.’ “Let’s hear it for our champion, Link!”

The champion of the battle swung his arms into the air and flexed his muscles. The crowd roared once more, shaking the halls of the city.

“And now our runner up, Chieftain of the Gorons, Darunia!”

The crowd continued to shout and cheer as the older goron rolled up the final ramp to the top deck at full speed and launched himself off the ramp. He sprung out in front of many gorons, perfectly landing on his feet. The crowd cheered on their Chieftain and his son before Darunia began to speak.

“Thank you all fellow gorons, thank you Hot Rodder,” he began. “We gorons have always took pride in our amazing strength. My own son still has yet to develop some of his wits in the art of combat.” He began to laugh, “But, he sure did hone some of my own wits today when he bashed me in head. Let’s hear it again for my brave and powerful son!”

The crowd’s loud roars filled the room for one last time before the room would quiet down.

“For several years we have lived as a strong and mature race, overlooking the dangers of Death Mountain. Our people, led by the Legendary Dambardag, brought us up this seemingly barren mountain filled with dangers in order to carve a path that would forever change the Goron Race. Our ancestors have purged this mountain of evil, slaying the giant King Dodongo, and finishing off the menacing Volvagia and have created an amazing home for us. Since those ages, we have looked after our city, Death Mountain, and the other populated towns, ensuring that there would be no uprising on our premises.”

Now catching everyone’s attention, Darunia began to explain why the Gorons were gathered in the hall.

“However, due to recent events there has been an uprising, not on Death Mountain, but in the entire Kingdom of Hyrule! Hylian Knights take up sword and shield, Kokiri mobilize in their protective woods, Zoras scout along the rivers and banks, Gerudos create encampments across their valley, and a new filthy undead race has arisen in the frozen tundra of Hyrule.”

He raised his arms, stretching them out towards his people as he spoke.

“This, my people, is the beginning of a catastrophic war. As our ancestors have, we must look after our homeland and secure it with proper force. We must run blindly into the heart of danger and ensure the future safety of our people.”

He pointed at a younger goron, an older goron, a small goron, and a large goron as he spoke, “I call upon you, and you. I call upon all of you willing to become one of those ancestors that will become the living legends known for protecting the welfare of our people during this desperate time!”


OOC: Lol, I'll have part 2 of my intro up sometime... probably tomorrow or the next day. And then we'll find out(including me) who my General is.

Now, my battle:

Dodongo's Cavern:
- Move 50 soldiers into Death Mountain Trail

Death Mountain:
- Move 50 soldiers into Rivers of Stone

Goron Citadel:
- Move 310 soldiers into Death Mountain Trail
- Move 310 soldiers into Rivers of Stone
- Train 20 More Gorons

Dodongo's Cavern: 50
Goron Citadel: 380 (+20) = 400
Death Mountain: 50
Death Mountain Trail: 360
Rivers of Stone: 360

Rupees: 100 - 80 = 20

And I have a question regarding attacks:
Is it like risk where only one territory can move into an attack zone one at a time, or can you take multiple territories and launch a siege? And if you attack with x soldiers, then x have to move in once a territory is conquered?

Edit: Ugh.. stupid me. If I train for 20 it's only 80 rupees.

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Post by Wyborn » Mon Oct 29, 2007 3:28 pm
I'll move 100 troops from the Haunted Wasteland to the Desert Colossus, 200 from Gerudo Fortress to Haunted Wasteland, 200 from Gerudo Fortress to the Chasm North, and then I'll use my race's special ability to move the 200 from Chasm North to Red Rock Pass.

I'll convert 20 rupees to another 10 resources.

So, my standings should look like this.

Gerudo Fortress: 600
Haunted Wasteland: 200
Desert Colossus: 200
Chasm North: 0, still mine?
Red Rock Pass: 200

Rupees: 80
Resources: 110

I'll be making an RP post on the next turn.

Boo, what sorts of things can we research using resources? Are they limited to constructs, or can we also research reasonably limited magic?
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Post by I am nobody » Mon Oct 29, 2007 7:30 pm
Turn One:

I move 50 troops from Ancient Kings to The Dead Fields.
I move 50 troops from the Castle Burmica to The Frozen Heath.

Buying Things:

Spend 20 rupees on 10 resources.
Buying 20 troops for 80 rupees.


What is the resource cost for the troop upgrades/research?

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Post by Apollo the Just » Mon Oct 29, 2007 8:52 pm
question: What do the freeloaders/troops/not generals do?
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Post by Booyakasha » Mon Oct 29, 2007 11:19 pm

All right, since we've only had four generals post so far, I'm going to postpone the next warmod update until tomorrow night at 10 PM. That's the only time I can really do it--I've got a busy schedule. (As I post this, it's 10:15, Wisconsin time--if you live in a different time zone, it's on you to figure out when you should be posting.) Now, your questions--

Marilink: Rupees are used for training troops, buying resources, and paying the fee for having Freelancers on your side. Resources are used to build Fortified Areas and to develop whatever kooky weapons you can think of that you want to try and build.
You get more soldiers by training them. Soldiers cost 4 rupees apiece, and they start out at your main base.

Blake: You can attack an area from multiple adjacent regions at once (say, you have men at HFNE, HFNW, and HFW, and you wanted to attack Lon Lon Ranch). Moreover, when you're coordinating an attack like that, I only roll the 'success or failure' die once.

Wyborn: In the Zelda series, magic has sort of a 'gift from the heavens' kind of thing going on. That isn't something you can really research. Unless you can think of a terrific reason for it, research and development is pretty much limited to the physical.
Chasm North is still yours--once you've gone through a territory, it's been claimed in the name of your country, whether your troops stick around or not.

i_am_nobody: Depends on what you want. PM me and I'll make you an offer. (Don't ask about it here--some enterprising no-goodnik might steal your idea.)

Cucco_Demon: Freelancers do whatever they want. Some harass enemy encampments, driving down morale and increasing desertion; some scout out enemy troop placements, providing their generals with valuable intel; some encourage rebellion in enemy territories, forcing the enemy leadership to choose between diverting men and losing the territory. And that's just off the top of my head. Think of ways that your character can help the Gerudo outside of the fighting that's going on. Use your imagination, roleplay, and above all have fun--let me worry about the stats.
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Post by KirbyBoy2000 » Tue Oct 30, 2007 4:20 pm

[To be posted once I get a general, provided it gets done before the next day.]

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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Oct 30, 2007 4:27 pm
^You really need to align yourself with one of the races if you're going to play.
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Post by Cravdraa » Tue Oct 30, 2007 8:27 pm
Okay, I'm sending the 100 troops at Jabu-Jabu's fountain to The Falls.
I'm sending the 100 troops already at the falls to Lake Hylia.
200 troops from Zora's Domain to Lake Hylia.
300 troops from Zora's Domain to Flooded Pass.

56R will be spent making 14 more troops at Zora's domain.

That leaves me looking like this:
100 at The Falls
300 at Lake Hylia
300 at Flooded Pass
514 at Zora's domain
0 at Jabu-Jabu's fountain
74R left.

10 rupees to SD a.k.a. Melvanna for her sevices. I would request you investigate the Undead lands as it suites you. Excellent post, btw.

10 rupees to Tazy if and when he shows up.

54R left. 64R if Tazy doesn't show.

I'd also like to open up negotiations with the Gerudo Nation about forming an alliance. PM me if you're interested Wyborn. I think there are quite a few reasons it could be mutually beneficial.

Boo, a question. Where do new troops get sent to when they're trained? Can I have them appear in any territory I control, or do they start out at at my main base automaticly?

Big RP post to come, as soon as I find the time and energy.

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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Tue Oct 30, 2007 8:33 pm
The Freelancer and the Gorons

Today was a good day for me; I was hired by the Gorons to help in their struggle. But as a test, I have to enter their city by taking the mountain path.

"This mountain is massive, but I was waiting for this opportunity for a while..."

I begin to approach the city. It looks like they really wanted to test me; large boulders start to roll down the path! I easily doge every last boulder that rolled down, but now Gorons start lobbing Bombs at me! They were serious when they wanted to test me!!

*BOOM!* *BOOM* *BOOM* "AGGGGGH!" A bomb's blast managed to graze me, but the Gorons continued to throw bombs! I gathered my strength and dashed away from those bombs. Now, I had to deal with a Goron standing between me and the City. I knew I couldn't out-power the Goron, so I had to find a way to out-smart him.

I tried to dash through it, but it's no good; he hit me away easily. I tried to run around him, but he matched my speed and hit me again. "Damn. I have to knock him down..." I decided to stand close to him, and he took another swing at me. He missed, and he was made dizzy from the heavy swing's momentum. I took my chance and knocked him down, then I made my way to the city's enterance.

"Well done..."
"Who's there?" I said
"I'm the general of this army. You passed my test. Your the first creature to complete our challenge, and now you can join our army if you please." It seemed to be the general of the army.
"Of course! That's why I came here!" I said
"Then, here is your first assignment..."

(Check the Sign-up if you don't believe I'm on the Goron's side...)

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Post by Demonicus Prime » Tue Oct 30, 2007 9:37 pm
I move 300(heh), in seperate 100-man groups to Hylian Market, Guarded Path, and Old Union Bridge.

Spend 100R on new men, stationing 15 at OUB, 10 at Hylian Market, and 5 at Guarded Path.

I'll fix it if it's not legal for some reason. Boo never replied. :p

Edited. See, toldja I'd mess up something. :p

[EDIT: Yeah. Still messed up. BTW, everyone, let's try to keep the War as free from extraneous posts as possible. It'll be less of a headache for your humble, sexy Warmod.]
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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Oct 30, 2007 9:45 pm
DP: Bah. Like it's my fault I couldn't make head or tail of your PM. By the way, new troops cost 4 rupees apiece. That makes 25 new recruits.

Crav: New troops automatically enter from your main base.

Warmod update to follow around 10 PM. Figure I'll give the Freelancers one last chance to take their turn this round.
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Post by Wyborn » Tue Oct 30, 2007 9:52 pm
You moved those men from where, though? You never say.
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Post by Demonicus Prime » Tue Oct 30, 2007 9:58 pm
100 from each of my beginning spots, I guess. Castle Hylia has 1000 now, and my two Hylian Castle Towns (East and West) have nothing, now.
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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Oct 30, 2007 10:05 pm
Some issues, DP.

First of all, any new troops enter the map through your main base, Castle Hylia.

Secondly, your troops can only move one space per round. The only spaces you could currently have troops on are Temple of Time, Castle Hylia, Hyrule Castle Town, Hylian Market, and The Guarded Path. Feel free to look at the map--I've got it linked up top of the thread.
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Post by Blake » Tue Oct 30, 2007 10:08 pm
OOC: Well SK, I want you to investigate Kokiri Forest. The 700 troops stationed in Lost Woods east is making me a little concerned at the moment. What you accomplish there is up to you. (My next post probably tomorrow will incorporate you into my story BTW).

- My character in this game is General Grathos.

Edit: Oh yeah and Boo, if you see this (hopefully), could you keep track of the game time like they do on that Hyrulian Forum? It doesn't have to be fancy, but I may want to refer back to events in my previous posts in the future.

Now Part 2(of 3 now lol) of my intro:


“I object,” stated one Goron amidst the large crowd. The crowd grew silent as an old Goron stood. He was an average sized goron; his muscles were rather large like any typical goron, but his charred hands, worn from years of dedicated work for the goron’s race, revealed his age. In the palm of his old left hand was a silver scale buried beneath his skin. He wore a woven-cloth shirt that wrapped around half of the goron’s back and front, hanging on his left shoulder.

“Please, state your concerns, dear Elder,” Darunia spoke.

“The Goron race has lived on Death Mountain for centuries, one of the most dangerous areas in the world aside from Gerudo Valley. This foolish war being waged across the kingdoms will ravage many lands. Hyrule Castle’s walls will crumble, the Kokiri Forest will burn, Burminica will be razed, and Zora Domain's water supply will be tainted with blood. The fields of Hyrule themselves will be littered with warriors and will unearth devastation.”

“However, in a barren region such as Death Mountain, one so desolate and dangerous, none would dare even enter. Death Mountain is virtually useless for any other race than our own. The only salvageable materials they can find here are rock and precious metals. But are the dangers worth their causes for capturing these materials?! Most certainly not!”

“I object!” Shouted another Goron on the other side of the room. This goron was a much younger one, in his middle ages. He had a very strong build compared to the others around him. On his left hand he wore a large spiked steel gauntlet, on his right he wore a silver gauntlet. He stood up tall and proud as he spoke.

“Your logic is reasonable, suffice to say. It is true that it would take sheer determination alone to conquer a mountain full of rock hurling gorons that would crush their numbers in seconds…” he began.

“However, what of the recent shortages of dodongo meat to supply the goron race?” Asked the mighty goron.

“The Dodongos certainly have dwindled over the years because of our growing race. However, collecting food would cause us to have to travel across half of Hyrule to Burmunica to feast on the mighty dodongos within the deep earth there. Under normal conditions it would be no problem, but with our neighbors amassing their armies, it would be impossible to hunt without endangering our lives,” replied the old goron.

“And what are you suggesting Berathor, that we eat squishy skulltulla instead?” asked Grathos.

Arguments sprung everywhere in the room almost instantly. It took a few moments before Darunia could get their attention once more.

“Calm yourselves proud gorons…” Darunia shouted out to his people. He took a deep breath and spoke calmly. “Both Berathor and Grathos bring up strong points. It would nearly be suicide for our enemies to launch an attack up Death Mountain not only because of our brute strength, but also because we would have higher ground. Our rocks and bombs would annihilate any who tried to trek up the mountain.

“But the fact is we are reaching a dangerously low shortage of food in the near future. Our only choices to solve this problem are to wait out this epic war or to take the risks of traversing through the fields of Hyrule to hunt for meaty species to allow the dodongos to repopulate. What do the people of Goron Citadel say?”

The crowed repeatedly shouted “Grathos! Grathos! Grathos!” cheering on the goron’s cause. Berathor looked down in disappointment and sat back down.

“Alright, then it is decided. Eat your last portions of dodongo meat and bask in the hot springs of Death Mountain. Live the luxurious life of a citizen for one last time, for it may be the most rest you get in this war.” shouted Darunia to his people.

The crowd roared on, shaking the very caves of Goron Citadel; their cheers echoing across the skies of Hyrule…

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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Oct 30, 2007 10:36 pm

All right, everyone. I've just now realized that I've got a Bio exam first thing in the morning. Forgive me, but the exam must take priority--I need to study, and I thus won't have time to post my warmod update until tomorrow morning about 11 AM. Sorry--no help for it now. Gotta go cram. Outtie.
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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Tue Oct 30, 2007 10:45 pm
Time to make the first Freelancer Move!

OoC: I'm starting at the Goron Citadel (since I just joined the Gorons) and I move to The Sooted Wilds.
(I'll Role play later...)

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Post by Wyborn » Wed Oct 31, 2007 12:02 am
They were beautiful, all of them.

The sun was beating down on them as they prepared themselves, wind carrying grains of sand and snatches of conversation about a war that had seemed to spring up out of the ground. Some already wore their armor, had been training in it against the wishes of their commander, bodies glistening with sweat as they stripped down and drank enough water that they were berated again, called softheels as if they had never walked in the desert before, and they returned to perfect form and expressed shame and laughed amongst each other when their commanders were out of hearing.

They were the Gerudo, and they were beautiful.

He was everything to each of them: a son, a brother, a father, a pupil, a king, a god. He knew this, and he loved each of them as the leaders of the other tribes would never understand.

He strolled amongst them, and the chatter died and the shouted orders were hushed and they all turned to look at him. He was tall and long and powerful, skin as dark as any of theirs and eyes a burning hazel, his head wreathed in a crown of hair the color of orange fire. His heavy leather boots fell silently with every step, the wind rippled his black robes as he walked amongst them, and a path opened amongst the mass through which he walked. He passed by them and they each fell to one knee, showing loyalty and fealty, but not submission, never submission - that had been his lone edict when he had risen to take the throne, that they would never submit to anyone, not king or god, and least of all to him. They followed him out of awe and understanding and love, and the silence that fell across the Gerudo fortress was born of those things.

He looked around at each of them as he walked past, blazing eyes taking in every face and recalling every name, the name of every mother and sister and daughter and teacher, every woman who had ever raised him up when he fell and every instructor who had ever struck him for error. He knew them all, and hey all looked him in the eyes and saw that recognition. There were no words.

Walking past them and to his pavilion, he turned at the end and looked out at them all. There was another moment of breathless anticipation, where anyone watching would have expected an outcry, a roar, a storm of cheering to shatter the earth, but there was no sound. He raised his right hand to them, and they raised their left hands in return, and they went back to their training. They were filled with a new vigor, a new purpose of action, and there was not a one amongst them who did anything without absolutely perfect form and execution.

Behind him, two incredibly old women stepped out of the shade of the pavilion, their skin as dark as oiled leather and their noses longer than their gnarled fingers. Both wore jewels embedded in their foreheads, just above the eyes, one red and one blue.

"Lord," said the woman with the blue jewel, "the Zora general has sent offers of a treaty."

"They are beautiful, are they not?" the king of the Gerudo said.

"Sire?" The woman with the red jewel had a voice as rough as her skin - it was easy to tell the two women were twins.

"All of them," he said, gesturing out at the women before him. "Thy are diamonds in the sand, every one."

"Ours is truly the fairest of the races," said the red-jeweled woman.

"The envy of every other," said the blue-jeweled. They knew better than to interrupt him when he was thinking.

He nodded. "They deserve better than this...this arid land of sand and unforgiving, brutal wind."

"Our people have lived in the desert for a hundred generations, lord," said the red-jeweled sister.

"We are a strong race, well-suited to this environ, and have been so since time immemorial." The blue-jeweled's sister voice was edged with a reprimanding tone.

"I do not mean to say that we cannot live in the desert, mothers. It is merely that," and here he paused in thought, searching for the words. "It is merely that beautiful things deserve beautiful things. These women - all of them - deserve green grass and trees that bear sweet fruit, clear water an hour's walk in any direction, and winds that carry the kiss of life and unweary rest."

"Do you covet the land, lord, the very earth and wind?" the sisters asked together.

"I do," he said, and he nodded. He had never stopped looking out over the army of his sisters and daughters and mothers. "I covet it for them. I started this war for them, the other tribes blind to my ambitions. If need be, I will grind the other peoples under my heel for them - when this is over, no Gerudo will ever want for water again."

They said nothing, only looked at each other and thought.

He turned to them and strode past them, into the shade of his wall-less pavilion. There would be no barriers between him and his people.

"Come, Kotake, Koume. We must compose a message to the Zora King that we will accept his treaty for now."

"Of course, Ganondorf," they said together, and the three of them walked to a table in the shade and sat and talked.


OoC: Okay then! That's just an RP post. Boo, I didn't take any action, except to accept the treaty offered by Cravdraa, so I hope it's okay.

Let's get this party started, everybody.
Help me out with the best fanfiction ever, Ganondorf Beats Up EVERYONE! You decide who gets beaten!

For the battle-minded and mathematically inclined, there's the Hyrulian War, a revived time-honored tradition!
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Hyrulian War--THE WAR ITSELF!!

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Post by Booyakasha » Wed Oct 31, 2007 11:29 am

All right, first things first--as some of you probably already know, Demonicus Prime has dropped out of the war. We won't go into the reasons here--I'm more interested in the problem that this situation presents us.

In past incarnations of HW, when a general dropped out, the War was put on hold until a new general could be found. However, I don't want to do that here, for several reasons--
1. The War is already off to a rocky start, what with the first round lasting longer than it should have, and me having to postpone last night's warmod update until now.
2. Whatever your opinions on HW, it appears to me that it has helped to increase activity on the Zelda Forum, both in the HW topics and out of them. I see members hanging around these topics that simply didn't hang around the Zelda Forum in the past--as co-conspirator in the rebirth of HW here at VGF, I'm fairly proud of this, and, as mod, the last thing I want to do is cause whatever activity the War may have generated to drop off.

For these reasons, I am going to step into the role of the Hylian General until someone more suitable is found.

I know this is a controversial decision, being that I'm also Warmod. All I can do is promise to be objective.

Now, without further ado...

"I ut inimicos devorare!
Issue 2...........10-31-07

EXTRA!! Gerudo and Zora sign historic alliance!
EXTRA!! Goron Troops on Death Mountain Trail Experience Random Encounter with Large Neutral Party--A Giant Cow!! It Moos At Them Benignly And Wanders Off!!
EXTRA!! Zora Troops in Flooded Pass Experience Random Encounter with Large Hostile Party--A Bigocto!! 10 Zora Warriors Slain Before Beast is Defeated!
EXTRA!! Thunderstorms over Hylian Market! Any Forces Moving to or from Hylian Market Suffer 5% Losses From Lightning Strikes!

Kokiri--+ 2 territories
FINANCES: 100 + (5/3)*100 = 266 rupees; -10 (Freelancer fee) = 256 rupees
TERRITORIES: Kokiri Fortress 300, Lost Woods East 700, Skull Kids' Refuge 100, Deku Tree's Glade 50, Sacred Forest Meadow 50
RESOURCES: 100 + 20 (racial advantage) = 120

Gorons--+ 2 territories, + 20 troops, -80 rupees
FINANCES: 100 - 80 + (5/3)*100 = 186 rupees; -10 (Freelancer fee) = 176 rupees
TERRITORIES: Goron Citadel 400, Death Mountain 50, Dodongo Cavern 50, Death Mountain Trail 360, Rivers of Stone 360

Gerudo--+ 2 territories, + 10 resources, -20 rupees
FINANCES: 100 - 20 + (5/3)*100 = 246 rupees; -10 (Freelancer fee) = 236 rupees
TERRITORIES: Gerudo Fortress 600, Haunted Wasteland 200, The Colossus 200, The Chasm North 0, Red Rock Pass 200
RESOURCES: 100 + 10 = 110

Undead--+ 2 territories, + 10 resources, + 20 troops, - 100 rupees
FINANCES: 100 - 100 + (5/3)*100 = 166 rupees
TERRITORIES: Castle Burmunica 970, Ancient Kings 50, The Glacier 100, Dead Fields 50, Frozen Heath 50
RESOURCES: 100 + 10 = 110

Zora--+ 2 territories, + 14 troops, - 10 troops
FINANCES: 130 - 56 + (5/3)*100 = 240 rupees; 240 + 30 (racial advantage) = 270; 270 - 20 (Freelancer fees) = 250 rupees
TERRITORIES: Zora's Domain 514, Jabu Jabu's Fountain 0, The Falls 100, Lake Hylia 300, Flooded Pass 290

Hylians--+ 2 territories, + 25 troops, - 100 rupees
FINANCES: 100 - 100 + (5/3)*100 = 166 rupees; 166 - 10 (Freelancer fee) = 156 rupees
TERRITORIES: Castle Hylia 825, Temple of Time 100, Hylia Castle Town 100, Guarded Path 200, Hylian Market 100

Generals, check your PMs. Freelancers, make with the freelancing.

Everyone, I hope to start the next round tomorrow around 10 PM. Make sure you've posted by then.
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Post by Marilink » Wed Oct 31, 2007 12:10 pm
The turn:

From LWE: 300 soldiers to SKR, 100 to Lost Woods West (LWW)
Train 10 Kokiri

KF: 310
LWE: 300
LWW: 100
SKR: 400
DTG: 50
SFM: 50

Questions: None for now

The RP:

Another beautiful day dawned. Aaric sat on an overhang that overlooked the Sacred Forest Meadow, watching the sun rise over the Kokiri Fortress. It was a beautiful sunrise, with more shades of color than any man could describe.

Aaric enjoyed the sunrise. He wouldn't admit it to any peers or soldiers, but it was completely true. He loved the quietness of the Meadow and the colors in the sky early in the morning. It was almost painful to him to be awakened by the clashing of swords in the training ground off in the distance.

He was pulled back into reality: There was war going on.

He hopped back to his feet, and searched around. Sometimes, Saria would be out in the Meadow at this time, and they would talk. Aaric felt as if he could tell anything to her. After all, she did assist in the protection of the forest. It only seemed fair for her to know what was going on. But sadly, today there was no sign of her. He jumped down off the overhang and made his way to the training grounds.

The beauty of the forest at sunrise still enraptured him. The trees seemed to be mirrors of the sky's many colors, and it was as if life was pouring from every aspect of the meadow. As he passed through the Deku Tree's glade, he gave a respectful bow. Though he did not move, the Deku Tree seemed as if to nod in approval. Aaric continued on his way, kicking a deku nut as he walked.

The sunrise was ending, and the day was beginning. The colors would soon be returning to the green he knew and loved, and had become so used to. He couldn't wait to see the different colors the sunrise made on the territories all over Hyrule. He had never traveled abroad.

Aaric entered the Kokiri Fortress, putting on the face of a general. The sunrise was over and his mask was put back on.

He stopped and nodded to a group of recruits walking by, whispering to each other in hushed voices. After they passed, he chuckled. Most of the time, he loved the whole general thing. He was respected, feared, and loved all at the same time. Some people would love to have any one of those emotions shown to him at one time, but Aaric got them all.

He made it to the general's room and relayed his commands for the day to the messenger. The messenger carried the orders to the field, and Aaric was left with the strange Skull Kid and general Kal of the Dekus, whom he greatly disliked.

The silence was deafening to the two minor generals. Aaric loved making Kal uncomfortable, but he felt pretty sorry for Skull Kid. Whatever, that guy was just weird.

He spoke up. "So, Kal, got any verbal attacks on the Deku Tree for us today? You could make fun of the Sage Saria, too, if you want. That'd be kinda funny, wouldn't it?"

Kal shook in his chair and responded ", sir. No words from me today."

Aaric smiled. "Good. Seeya, SK." Skull Kid's eyes widened, but he said nothing.


Aaric walked out of the room, signaling the end of the "meeting." Time to meet with this freelancer.
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Post by Apiary Tazy » Wed Oct 31, 2007 1:17 pm
It seemed that Life had been breathed into Zora's Army at last.

As such the beautiful Moring had brought the Hyrulian Tribute to the doors of many Zoras. One in particular was a Zora named....Zant. He looked at the Paper and immeadiatly noticed the Bigocto that killed 10 Zoras.

".....I MUST GO!" Bellowed the great Zora as he shoved the door down with his voice. He grabbed a Warhammer, Arrows and a Book of Spells and rushed off towards Flooded Pass.

(lol i am Zant)

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Post by I am nobody » Wed Oct 31, 2007 1:38 pm
(Alright, that was one of the worst alliances in history. Gone after one turn :( .)

Move 10 troops from the Dead Fields to the Chill Swamp.

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Post by Booyakasha » Wed Oct 31, 2007 1:56 pm
The Undead-Hylian Alliance is only over if you want it to be over, i_am_nobody; as far as I'm concerned, it's still going on.
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Post by Daos » Wed Oct 31, 2007 3:47 pm
Move into Lost Woods East to assist the troops there (RP later).
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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Wed Oct 31, 2007 4:29 pm
I'm wondering: what if 2 or more freelancers meet in the same place?

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Post by Booyakasha » Wed Oct 31, 2007 4:35 pm
SK: They won't unless you want them to (the areas are pretty big). If you want to write up an encounter with one of the other Freelancers, that's fine; just remember, Freelancers can't be killed, so don't go all counter-ops and try to take them out or anything..
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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Wed Oct 31, 2007 5:09 pm
Ooc: O.K. then, I'll move from The Sooted Wildsto the Lost Woods: East to raise a little hell. Heh, heh, heh...

Heading out from The Goron citadel, I head to the Lost woods to carry out my assignment from the General of the Gorons. I traveled through the Rivers of Stone, which was a strange place that had stones everywhere that made travel difficult, and the Sooted Wilds, which seemed to be a wooded area with soot created by Death Mountain's Volcano. Around here, I got exausted and needed a rest. "This area is a nice place", I spoke, before going to sleep.

(That was before the 1st offical Warmod. Afterwards...)

The sun greeted me as I continued to my destination. Now, I entered the Petrified Forest. This forest of stone seemed like a good place to ambush the Kokiri soldiers. I moved on to the east side of the Lost Woods, where I find 300 able-bodied Kokiri soldiers. I needed a plan to scare them them and possibly reduce their numbers...

Then I remembered that this is a wooded area; fire works best here! I started to create a small torch. This is more than enough to scare the Kokiri, and maybe I can kill a few of them myself during the confusion, if the fire doesen't..., I thought. I toss the torch nearby their camp, and the fire started to burn intensely. "Now's my chance to off some of them..."

"Who's there?!?!" yelled somebody. It was Daos, the Kokiri Freelancer! I couldn't stay around for long unless I wanted my throat cut. I got away from the area as fast as I can, but not before I left my firey mark on the Kokiri...

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Post by Blake » Wed Oct 31, 2007 7:28 pm
Hey, SK I sent a PM to you.


Death Mountain Trail:
- Move 195 soldiers from Death Mountain Trail to Kakariko Village
- Move 25 soldiers from Death Mountain Trail to High Pass

Rivers Of Stone:
- Move 195 soldiers from Rivers of Stone to the Sooted Wilds
- Move 25 soldiers from Rivers of Stone to High Pass

Goron Citadel:
- Move 20 Gorons from Goron Citadel to Death Mountain Trail
- Move 20 Gorons from Goron Citadel to Rivers of Stone
- Train 40 Gorons

Rupees: 176 - 160 = 16
Resources: 100

Goron Citadel 400(-40, +40 = 400), Death Mountain 50, Dodongo Cavern 50, Death Mountain Trail 360(-195, -25 + 20 = 160), Rivers of Stone 360(-195, -25, +20 = 160), Kakariko Village 195, High Pass 50, The Sooted Wilds 195

No RP tonight, separate post regarding it probably tomorrow.

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Post by Apollo the Just » Wed Oct 31, 2007 7:46 pm
OK, I've NEVER played Hyrulian War before, and I have no idea what I'm doing. This is just one more question, and then I'll start playing as best I can.

So... can we RP about exploring whatever areas we're in and discover rupees and resources to gain and use? Or do we just go along with what the generals do... or what? I just want to make sure before I make a huge and stupid mistake.
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Post by Wyborn » Wed Oct 31, 2007 8:36 pm
Time to save up my rupees and act in the interest of kickin' butt.

No RP for this post.

Move 200 from Haunted Wasteland to The Chasm North.
Move 200 from Desert Colossus to The Chasm South.
Move 200 from Red Rock Pass to The Old Corral.
Move 200 from The Old Corral to Hyrule Field SouthWest.

Boo, look for a PM with a question....
Help me out with the best fanfiction ever, Ganondorf Beats Up EVERYONE! You decide who gets beaten!

For the battle-minded and mathematically inclined, there's the Hyrulian War, a revived time-honored tradition!

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Post by Blake » Wed Oct 31, 2007 9:21 pm
Hey SK, I sent you a PM regarding a question about the war.

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Post by Booyakasha » Wed Oct 31, 2007 10:47 pm
Cucco_Demon: As a Freelancer, you're allowed to do essentially anything you want. Have you ever taken part in an on-going story here at VGF? You know, where a group of people come up with characters and write interconnected portions of the same story? Freelancing is a great deal like that--you put together a character concept for yourself, and then decide what your character is going to do inside the greater context of the war. And bear in mind that there are ways to help out your side without ever coming into contact with the enemy--your own suggestion of an explorer-Freelancer, searching through the little-known corners of Hyrule for odd rupees and resources, would fall into this category. Imagine a fast-thinking, resourceful adventurer, good at scrounging, sturdy enough to survive the hardships of the back-country, with an eye out for anything she can carry off and contritube to the Gerudo war chest. I like it.
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Post by Apollo the Just » Wed Oct 31, 2007 11:53 pm
Despite having lived right near it her whole life, Leila could never help but be taken aback at the magnificence of the Desert Colossus. The Spirit Temple it contained held more secrets and mysteries than any other part of Hyrule. A normal explorer could savage the area for weeks before finding a measly ten rupees; however, Leila was not your average explorer.

She entered the colossus with great caution; her commander had been very firm when assigning her this mission. "Whatever you do, DO NOT underestimate the power of the Ancients. Expect the unexpected- then again, if you are as good as they say, that should not come as a shock. Now go! Find what you can, and report back to me withing twenty-four hours!!"

Twenty-four hours, Leila thought to herself. Try about twelve.

She began exploring. Being a gerudo herself, she was more educated than most about the culture of the ancients who built the temple originally. Even so, she did not take the job lightly. There were many tricks, traps, and puzzles built to throw off and trap unwelcome visitors. After nimbly dodging two floating pots and collecting the two rupees within them, Leila turned left.

She scavenged the entirety of the temple. Dodging jars, flaming anubis, and solving tedious block puzzles-- after around ten hours, she had managed to collect around fifty rupees.

The majority of treasures were hidden within small, hidden compartments in the walls that nobody except a gerudo would be able to spot. Most of the treasure chests had already been opened by somebody, but there were still many hidden secrets Leila was able to discover with her master skills. Within fourteen hours, Leila exited the temple and handed her commander the fifty rupees she had uncovered.

"Fifty, eh? Well, I suppose that's much better than anyone else could do..." He pocketed the currency and ordered the troops to rest for the night. Leila did so happily.


that would be fifty rupees for the gerudo. For now.
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Post by Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds » Thu Nov 01, 2007 4:53 am
Super awesomeness! My post is too long, so it shall be in pieces ;)

So, what IS the best way to procrastinate? You use a plastic icecream lid to make a hexagon template, so you can redraw the entire map (lack of printer). Then you cover the map with plastic, so you can use your new whiteboard/dry erase markers to indicate which race is where. Hooray! What fun!

Also, if you manage to make it all the way through my post, please forgive any and all unusual ideas presented. I kind of just started making up crazy things as I went along, and got all excited over it, so made up more! CREATIVE LICENCE, YSE. ^_________^

Forgiveness, please, for the incredible length also. If only I could write so enthusiastically for my books. *le sigh*
Nonsense, I have not yet begun to defile myself.

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Post by Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds » Thu Nov 01, 2007 4:56 am
Travel light and swiftly, friend. Remember this well: your only option may be to flee from an enemy. Beware.


Melvanna swam lazily in the cool water of the river that ran through Zora's Domain. As sun reached down through the cracks in the earthen roof, the dragon rolled over and over in pleasure. None observing her would have assumed a war was on their doorstep. None would even begin comprehend her own misgivings.

She lazed on her back, basking in the sunshine amid sounds of water and nature and seclusion. A tiny splash to her left made Melvanna tilt her long ears backwards into the pool and listen to the swish, swish of Zora fins cutting flawlessly through the water. The dragon smiled to herself, pointed teeth glittering in the light.

The Zora surfaced with little more than the sound of drips tinkling off his face. Melvanna didn't bother facing him, already knowing that the great general Shul had come to discuss her... inactivity.

'Shul, Shul, don't bother berating me. I know full well the time, but one must never neglect their hygiene,' she said seriously.

Shul sighed. 'Melvanna, please. I do not feel you are taking this very seriously. There is far too much at stake! If my faith in you is misplaced, then tell me now and I will not rely on you.'

The dragon rolled over and swam deeper into the pool, lazily waving her tail back and forth. Her large almond-shaped eyes darkened to a navy blue and she took a small sip of the water. It tasted sweet, yet vaguely salty with minerals. Shul made a “tut” of exasperation, hovering in the water and waiting as patiently as he could for the other to divert her attention.

'I know of a place, general Shul, where there might be some people who can assist us with information. I will set forth to meet with these people presently,' Melvanna said.

'Where do these people reside?' Shul asked.

'In the Cursed Mere.'

The dragon spoke casually while Shul could only gape. Even though it was a nearby province to the Zora's kingdom, the Cursed Mere was a seldom traveled area, by the people of the water, or anyone else.

'The last known people to venture into the Cursed Mere were the Undead, and they didn't even survive!' Shul exclaimed. He swam hastily to the dragon's side and held her arm tightly. 'We will need all the help you can provide us; why throw yourself into some fool's errand? It is far too dangerous to enter those lands alone, you'll surely perish and be of no use to anyone!'

Melvanna showed her same brutal grin, all teeth glistening. 'The beings that reside there are afraid of me, dear Shul. I am forsaken by their Goddesses. I am their Bae-synné.'

The Zora general touched his forehead with two slender fingers to ward off bad luck associated with uttering the Old Tongue. Melvanna's eyes scrunched up in glee at his discomfort.

'Perhaps I should just say “herald of doom”, instead? Shall that placate your superstitious mind?' the dragon chuckled.

Shul just grimaced in reply.

'Very well!' Melvanna continued. 'Then you may rest easily knowing I won't say Bae-synné to you again!'

Shul hurriedly made the warding gesture again, scowling at his companion. Melvanna laughed uproariously and pet the Zora's arm in reassurance. 'I will send word to you when I have something useful to say,' she told him. 'Until then, may the currents flow with you, Shul.'

'And the tides carry you onwards. Thank you.' Shul nodded to the dragon as she swam to the shore, wondering to himself if she had gone mad in her absence. Perhaps, however, she had always been crazy and no one thought anything of it. Shrugging it off, the general sighed heavily and swam off to meet with his troops.

Moments later, Shul remembered he had meant to tell Melvanna that the Gerudo had agreed to an alliance with them. Cursing himself, the Zora sent a handful of message boys running off towards the Flooded Pass, hoping to catch Melvanna before she got too far.

Hours later, when the message boys had returned, they all reported the same story to Shul.

No one had seen Melvanna leave the Zora's palace.


On a bridge stretching across the expanse of Lake Hylia, an older Zora lounged. He had been watching a flock of gulls drift on the breeze, wondering if he could catch one, and what it would taste like. The tip of his tongue protruded slightly while his eyebrows bunched together in the middle of his weathered face. This was his “thinking expression”, and no one would want to tell him he looked stupid, or they were in for a belting!

The old Zora was so intrigued by the possible taste of cooked gull meat, he didn't even notice when a shimmering blue dragon, no bigger than himself, landed with a little thump on the bridge before him. She sidled up to him, calling a small fog up from the lake to distract him from the birds overhead.

Slowly, the Zora looked down and immediately began shouting wordlessly. Melvanna grinned, producing her long-stemmed pipe and puffing on it merrily.

'Do you have a problem, sir?' she asked mockingly.


The old, grey Zora continued screaming, backing along the bridge, slowly growing more and more obscene with his language. Melvanna blew smoke rings into her cloud of fog, watching as they mingled together. Suddenly growing tired of listening to the old creature ranting, she began advancing upon the Zora. He blindly stumbled backwards onto a large chuck of land that stabbed upwards from the lake.

'CERESTAN VASOR, MIND YOUR TONGUE!' Melvanna screeched. The Zora instantly stopped his tirade, falling into the dirt. His eyes were opened unnaturally wide in shock.

'I know you, old man. I need your bag of throwing bones,' Melvanna said.

'What? No! Crazy beast! Those are my treasures, you can't eat my bones!'

The dragon rolled her eyes at Cerestan and balled her small hand into a fist. 'I need them to save your race. Do not resist me.'

Laughing intermittently, the old Zora traced a large circle into the ground, putting a cross evenly through the middle.

'Four quarters, four questions, four answers, four paces north-east. Four delicious fish, four more for me, four for free, for me, for free!' Cerestan giggled, overcome by his unusual insanity. Reaching underneath his fins, the Zora removed a heavy leather bag that clanked when it moved.

'My bones, girly dragon girl. You cannot be eatin' my bones.'

Melvanna tapped her pipe against her teeth, impatient and irritated. 'One.'

'No, four. Idiot.' Cerestan didn't look up from his bag.


'Idiot,' the old Zora snorted.


As Melvanna finished counting, she pulled back her arm and punched Cerestan in the face. He howled in outrage and clutched as his cheek. Rage flared in his eyes and the elderly water hermit threw his bag of bones right at Melvanna's face. Without so much as a blink, the dragon caught the bag and blew smoke at him.

'Thank you. Good day.'

With that, she left the yowling Zora in a sea of mist, content that she had retrieved the divination bones before setting out on her quests.


Tucked into a sheltered knoll was a humble church of the Goddess. Robed men trailed back and forth between the stone abbey and their small gardens. Growing happily in the sunshine were a small variety of vegetables and other edible plants, though the weather was not usually so kind to the lands in the Cursed Mere. A chill ice wind still blew in from the east every now and then, making the priests shiver and pull their clothes tighter, while the swampy land around them gurgled with the sounds of insects and unspeakable creatures.

Their home was in a protected shell, so completely in contrast to the rest of the landscape that it was like stepping into another world. Long before the Cursed Mere became cursed, it was a prosperous land of farming and good harvest, but fell into rotting ruin when the hex was cast upon it. The only place left untouched was the domain of the church. Endlessly, the brotherhood praised the Goddesses for keeping their grounds lush and plentiful, proclaiming that they were the mighty “Chosen” of the deities.

In truth, an awful secret kept hidden deep within their dungeon was truly the cause of their salvation. Alas, that very secret could not save them from their own delusion...
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Post by Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds » Thu Nov 01, 2007 4:58 am
Melvanna leaned back, pressing at her spine. The walking was causing her back to ache, yet her wings were already tired from flying across the Flooded Pass. She sighed gently, wondering if she was beginning to get old. A cool wind blowing in from the frozen region of the Undead eased her discomfort, but she was tired of the marshlands she had been trekking through. The dragon's large eyes glistened with a sheen of tears as she wandered between gnarled, broken trees and blackened reeds. Melvanna remembered a time before all this. She had frolicked among the great cornfields and sprawling orchards that had grown as far as the eye could see.

She remembered the happy families that had prospered once.

Shaking her head to clear her mind, Melvanna took back to the air, flying low above the swamp. She manipulated the wind to help carry her forwards, instead of fighting through the natural airflow. The dragon knew it wouldn't be far to find the old church, and those that lived within.

The sun was still reasonably high in the sky, and Melvanna guessed the priests would probably have eaten their lunch already. That meant she had missed the opportunity to enter their grounds unnoticed.

'Oh well,' she murmured to herself. 'Let them tend their land while terror rains upon them.'

Trying not to yawn, the dragon lit her pipe and lazily breathed the warm smoke while gliding ever onwards. Her eyes trailed over the black, decaying flora that lay in stagnant pools filled with bugs and bloated corpses of unidentifiable creatures. She sneered at the filth, blowing smoke from her nostrils forcefully.

'What a waste...'

Melvanna only barely noticed the tendril of green plant-life reaching out into the swamp, being caught up in her memories and disgust for the present state of things. Tilting her wings to glide further southwards, she felt a change in energies and knew they were nearby.

With a “whoop!”, the dragon beat her wings powerfully and rose higher into the air. Over a jumble of dilapidated and crumbling old buildings she saw the bright green of life again. Faster and faster she flew, sailing down over the abbey as a blur of glowing blue scales. It was only moments before the priests noticed her, and instantly they threw up a cry of warning.

Melvanna pulled her wings in close to her body and swooped over the running men. They covered their heads with their arms, screaming in a horrific symphony. The dragon passed over them again, hearing the word they shrieked:


The brotherhood knew her. They feared her, not as an unknown enemy, but as a nightmare come to life. They had passed the knowledge of her wrath down through their order, and now terror was upon them.

The dragon grew vengeful. She was the only living creature outside of the priesthood who knew the truth behind the unending curse, yet the men deceived themselves to the point that they could no longer discern reality. Melvanna harboured her rage, allowing it to strengthen and bloom within, watching those pathetic creatures scurry for their senseless lives.

She was beautiful when she was angry.

The colour of her scales deepened to an incredible turquoise with flashes of the brightest blue. The dragon landed heavily at the door of the church and kneeled in the dirt.

'This has been a long time coming.'

Standing, Melvanna raised her arms high into the air and the sky immediately clouded over. Thunder rumbled from high overhead, hidden inside the gloom. The few priests left outside pressed themselves to the earth, crying for their Goddesses to save them. Melvanna cackled at their prayers.

Rain poured onto the abbey in sheets, mixed with the occasional hailstone. The dragon stared intensely into the heart of her storm and screamed to the sky. Hail crashed all around her, pounding the stone walls and thatched roof, knocking holes into it as the tempest intensified. Shafts of lighting struck the ground and building repeatedly, shredding what remained of the roof and exploding it into the wind.

The dragon stretched her wings open to their fullest extent and drew the lightning into a massive ball. It crashed into the church with a deafening roar, tearing the very foundations from the earth and tossing them across the clearing and into the swamp.

Everyone inside was killed instantly. Anyone outside was left strewn across the grass. Melvanna stood alone, staring at the ruin of the small church.

The wind died down slowly, and the rain reduced to a soothing sprinkle. The dragon closed her eyes wearily and drew a deep breath.

Stepping over a few charred remains, Melvanna walked directly to an untouched patch of wood paneling on the floor. She kicked it aside to expose a hole into the earth, then lowered herself to climb into it. The darkness smelt of age and damp, while a faint scent of sweetness wafted across the room. The dragon lit her pipe and made her way through the chamber, following a gentle pink glow.

'Hello, Great One,' Melvanna called softly. A tinkling sound was all she received in reply.

Rounding a slight corner, the dragon saw at once the reason she came here.

The reason the land was cursed.

The reason she murdered the priests.

Bound in a large cage was a luminescent woman, garbed only in undying, enchanted vine. Her long magenta coloured hair laid in waves around her form and her gentle pink eyes gazed unerringly at the dragon standing nearby. The woman was flawless and shapely, even trapped as she was. Melvanna teared up at the atrocity of capturing something of such wonderous beauty and power. Stepping forward, she grasped the lock with her hand and sent a flash of heat through her body.

As the metal softened, the dragon tore it from the cage and opened the door. The woman inside stared earnestly at Melvanna, a look of hope spreading across her pointed elven features.

'Come, Great One. I have returned your freedom, as you rightfully deserve. I have punished the men who, in their greed, captured you and believed themselves blessed. If any survived, they are yours to do with as you wish.' Melvanna offered her blue scaled hand to the glowing pink one and was overcome with happiness when the woman accepted. Gently and carefully leading her from the cage, the dragon bowed low in respect.

'Great Faerie, it is my honour to assist you. I can only hope for your forgiveness that it took me this long to come.'

The woman smiled down at her companion and tittered with unrestrained glee. As happiness filled her, the faerie's hair floated around her face gracefully, and she lifted slowly to hover a foot above the ground.

'Thank you, child,' the woman whispered. 'Let us leave this place.'

Together they resurfaced and bathed in the fading sunlight. Melvanna began to feel the wearing effects of commanding so much power all at once. She leaned back against the trunk of a tree, looking towards the dark eastern sky. Soon, she would need to leave for the Tundra Flats and observe the Undead army.

'Let me heal you, and any boon I am able to grant you, I shall,' the Great Faerie said.

Melvanna held up her hand. 'No, please. I will heal with rest. If you wish to do as I ask, you shall need all of your strength for yourself.'

The faerie smiled brightly. 'Anything, just ask.'

With a nod, Melvanna said, 'There is a war and my allegiance lies with the Zora. Fly west to the Zora's Domain and speak with the King and general Shul. Any power you can lend us could mean the difference between survival and destruction.'

'As you wish. Be safe, dragon.'

A small sound made them both turn and search for the source. Among the rubble strewn through the grass, a young priest crawled, whimpering softly. Melvanna raised her eyebrows in surprise. She glanced back to the Great Faerie and saw the otherworldly lady staring avidly at the man before them.

'Does your offer still stand, child?' the faerie asked.


'That any survivors are mine?'

'Ah, of course, Great One. I must embark now, regardless, so it is a pleasure to leave him to your whims,' Melvanna said.

A frightening look splashed across the faerie's face, and tiny fangs were bared from between her lips. 'Very well, then. Safe journey to you, and we shall meet again soon.'

Melvanna nodded, watching the priest stop a few feet away from the luminescent fae. He raised himself to his feet and gratingly begged forgiveness. The dragon strolled away slowly, gazing back only once to see the faerie clutching the terrified man and lowering her mouth to his neck.

His screams cut through the air, trailing off into a disturbing gurgle.

All the same, Melvanna grinned.


In the frigid darkness of the Tundra Flats, Melvanna observed the camp of the Undead army from her mound of snow on the border of the Frozen Heath. Scratching a circle into the permafrost, then crossing it carefully, the dragon emptied the throwing bones into her hand, shook them a few times, and dropped them to the ground. Carefully observing their positions within the quarters of the circle, Melvanna mused over the reading.

'Seems these zombies may have a weakness... Interesting.'

She curled herself under a layer of frost and happily lay in wait, watching the silent encampment. She dozed often, enjoying the ice and snow. The dragon realised that until she had more strength, she wouldn't be able to scout much better than this.

Besides, it was definitely time for a nap.
Nonsense, I have not yet begun to defile myself.

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Post by Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds » Thu Nov 01, 2007 5:00 am
Kind reader of my ungodly mass of RPing: thank you for bearing through my insanity. I hope you enjoyed yourself! (you can always PM me to talk about writing or some such)

People who didn't read the enormity of my RPing: I'm currently positioned in the Tundra Flats. I killed a pile of completely invented and unimportant dudes. It was great. You should read it. ;)

Mister Boo Warmod Guy: Quick PM coming your way!
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Post by Booyakasha » Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:08 pm
Hylian General Update

All in all, it had taken only five hours for the once-dignified War Council to devolve into a shouting match.

The Four-Star General of the Hylian Army had presided over the War Council for well over thirty years, and had been as much a politician as a commander. The Council, composed of three dozen advisors, diplomats, one-time soldiers, and various functionaries, was a rat's nest of hostile factions and competitive interests, and getting them to work together towards any end required the patience of a saint and the cunning of a devil. The General had had both, and they had served him well during his career.

One evening, in the midst of a tactical conference, the General's eyes closed and he slumped forward onto the table, scattering strategic maps and reconaissance reports as he fell. He had remained comatose since then; the physicians were unable to treat his sudden illness, nor even to determine what might have caused it; they could only wait and pray for the General's return.

Three days after the General's illness struck, the War Council attempted to resume business. However, without the General's guiding hand, the Council splintered into factions in short order; divided on every issue and unable to compromise, the aged councillors had eventually gone from diplomatic disagreement to verbal sparring, and thence to simply shouting insults. The War Council stood on the brink of dissolution, a disaster that would have brought about what no armed force ever had--the annihilation of the Hylian Army.

In the midst of their row, none of the aged councillors noticed the cloaked figure enter the room, followed by a servant bearing a great helmet. Suddenly, the figure cried in a great, gusty voice: "Enough! Be still, you swine!" Shocked silence fell in an instant. All present looked to the stranger, bristling at his audacity. The stranger pushed back his hood to reveal a shock of close-cropped black hair, grey eyes, and sharp features. A sneer of contempt marred what might otherwise have been a handsome face. He spoke again, his voice hard: "You old fools! The other peoples of our land march to war, seizing territory, and you would dare to place your personal concerns and rivalries before the good of Hylia? For shame!"

Many of the councillors looked down, feeling cowed; many did not. One of these, a grizzled old veteran, stood and challenged the newcomer: "And who are you, to presume superiority over the noblemen of this land?"

The newcomer laughed and cast his cloak aside. He was dressed for war; however, the eyes of those assembled were drawn not to the suit of heavy mail he wore, nor to the great sword hanging in a battered scabbard at his side, but rather to his azure blue surcoat, which was embroidered in gold with the standard of the Crown Prince--a crown over crossed swords, surmounting the winged-triforce emblem of the royal family.

The veteran sat, eyes blazing, amidst murmurs from the councillors. The Crown Prince had been sent away some twelve years ago to a monastery on the faraway isle of Koholint, there to learn the arts of statecraft, war and combat under the stern tutelage of the warrior-monks; while there, it was rumored, he'd so impressed the abbot as to be allowed to train in the arts of magic under the notorious sorcerer Uomer.

The Prince noted the discomfiture of the council with obvious relish, and continued. "I have come here at the request of my father; I am to assume full command of the Hylian Army effective immediately. If any of you louts has anything to say about it, speak up now; otherwise, I will have your respect, your cooperation, and your loyalty--and Goddesses preserve you if I don't!", he added significantly. With that, he strode purposefully to the head of the table, the place formerly occupied by the General, and sat. The councillors sullenly retook their places, and the meeting began anew.

As the advisors delivered curt status reports, the Prince thought, Good. If I cannot unite them by diplomacy and tact, I will do so by common hatred. Let it be so. And, in the hearts and minds of the councillors, loathing festered, spurring thoughts of treachery...
Troop movements: 650 from Castle Hylia to Guarded Path. 200 from Guarded Path to Old Union Bridge. 100 from Temple of Time to Hylia Castle Town. 100 from Hylia Castle Town to Guarded Path. 5 from Hylian Market to King's Highway North.

Finances: 156 - 100 (training 25 troops) = 56 rupees

Territories: Castle Hylia 200, Temple of Time 0, Hylia Castle Town 100, Hylian Market 95, Guarded Path 750, Old Union Bridge 200, King's Highway North 5

Resources: 100

Diplomacy--i_am_nobody, I'm afraid I must end our alliance.
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Post by Cravdraa » Thu Nov 01, 2007 2:30 pm
Gotta post because I won't have time later and don't want to hold up the game.

250 rupees
TERRITORIES: Zora's Domain 514, Jabu Jabu's Fountain 0, The Falls 100, Lake Hylia 300, Flooded Pass 290

Okay, buying 50 more soldiers. That brings Zora's Domain up to 564 and leaves me with 50 rupees.

Troop movements:
200 troops from Lake Hylia to Zora River.
100 troops from Lake Hylia to The Lake Shore.
100 troops from The Falls to Lake Hylia.
90 troops from Flooded Pass to The Lake Shore.
200 troops from Flooded Pass to The Cursed Mere.
100 troops from Zora's Domain to Flooded Pass.

That leaves me looking like this:
Jabu Jabu's Fountain 0
The Falls 0
Zora's Domain 464
Lake Hylia 100
Flooded Pass 100
Zora River 200
The Lake Shore 190
The Cursed Mere 200.

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Post by KirbyBoy2000 » Thu Nov 01, 2007 2:36 pm
A young man stood within the town of the Hylian Market. He wore simple clothes, grey pants with a blue tunic that draped over them slightly. At his side was a short sword, and at his feet a cucco. While he seemed fairly common in his appearance, he was actually a soldier for the army... Or he thought atleast. He sent a message, an offering of his services to the late General, but was unsure of if the message had been reached. Still; even if he was not recognized under the Hylian Army he would fight for it with all his strength.

Leaving the Market, he headed northeast, travelling as far to the Union Bridge, where many members of the Hylian Army stood. From atop the bridge, the village of Kakariko could be seen in the distance; armed Goron forces within it. Anger filled the Hylian at the thought; Kakariko, a small village that was mostly filled with those of the Hylian race, now taken by the Goron Army.

He could easily advance into the village and attack them; however what good would it lead to? He cannot fight off over a hundred men, and what would it accomplish other than invoking an attack from the Goron? It was not a decision he could make to throw war onto his own country, he would have to wait for the decision of others; either by the Prince to free the village, or of the Goron Leader to lead an assault onto Hylian lands. Either way, once a decision was made, he would fight with all of his might for the Hylian lands.

- - -

Travelling to Old Union Bridge. If the Hylian Army attacks or gets attacked I'll fight with them. Or any other action Boo might feel me more suitable to do I'll do it.

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Post by Booyakasha » Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:50 pm
Warmod Update

First and foremost, the Freelancer After-Action Report--

Tazy Ten (Zora): Went to Flooded Pass, apparently to see the dead Bigocto. Still there.

Daos (Kokiri): Went to Lost Woods East. Still there.

Shadow_Kirby (Gorons): Lit a wildfire in Lost Woods East, causing the deaths of 15 Kokiri troops. Chased away by Daos. Current Location: Petrified Forest

Cucco_Demon (Gerudo): Creative looting in temples at The Colossus, earning 50 rupees for Gerudo. Still there

Saria Dragon (Zora): Thievery, mayhem, and murder a-plenty--fortunately, none directed against PCs (yet). Now spying on the Undead force at Frozen Heath. Current Location: Tundra Flats

KirbyBoy2000 (Hylians): Standing watch with Hylian force at Old Union Bridge.


"I ut inimicos devorare!
Issue 3....................11-01-07

EXTRA!! Hylians Dissolve Treaty With Undead, Sign Treaty With Gorons!
EXTRA!! Kokiri Troops At Lost Woods West Experience Random Encounter With Small Neutral Party--A Cucco! It Clucks At Them Annoyingly, Then Scampers Off!
EXTRA!! Undead Troops At Dead Fields Experience Random Encounter With Small Friendly Party--A Lost Child! The Evil Skeleton Warriors Helpfully Point the Child in the Right Direction, and the Child Gives Them 20 Rupees as a Reward! Hot Dog!
EXTRA!! Wildfires Rage Through Lost Woods East, Killing 15 Kokiri Troops Before Burning Out!
EXTRA!! Sandstorm Springs up in Haunted Wasteland! (Totally Surprising!) Travel to or from Haunted Wasteland Impossible!
EXTRA!! Kakariko Village Overrun! Special Territory--Confers additional 20 rupee bonus per round!
EXTRA!! Old Corral Overrun! Special Territory--Confers one-time bonus of 30 resources!

Kokiri--+ 1 territory, + 10 troops, - 15 troops, - 40 rupees
FINANCES: 256 + (6/3)*100 = 456 rupees; 456 - 40 - 10 (FL fee) = 406 rupees
TERRITORIES: Kokiri Fortress 310, Lost Woods East 285, Lost Woods West 100, Skull Kids' Refuge 400, Deku Tree's Glade 50, Sacred Forest Meadow 50
RESOURCES: 120 + 20 (racial advantage) = 140

Undead--+ 1 territory, + 10 rupees
FINANCES: 166 + (6/3)*100 = 366 rupees; 366 + 10 = 376 rupees
TERRITORIES: Castle Burmunica 370, Ancient Kings 50, The Glacier 100, Dead Fields 40, Frozen Heath 50, Chill Swamp 10

Gorons--+ 3 territories, + 40 troops, - 160 rupees, + 20 rupees
FINANCES: 176 + (8/3)*100 + 20 = 462 rupees; 462 - 160 - 10 (FL fee) = 292 rupees
TERRITORIES: Goron Citadel 400, Death Mountain 50, Dodongo Cavern 50, Death Mountain Trail 160, Rivers of Stone 160, Kakariko Village 195, Sooted Wilds 195, High Pass 50

Gerudo--+ 3 territories, + 30 resources, + 50 rupees
FINANCES: 236 + (8/3)*100 + 50 = 552 rupees; 552 - 10 (FL fee) = 542 rupees
TERRITORIES: Gerudo Fortress 600, Haunted Wasteland 0, Desert Colossus 0, Chasm North 200, Chasm South 200, Red Rock Pass 0, Old Corral 0, Hyrule Field SW 200
RESOURCES: 110 + 30 = 140

Hylians--+ 2 territories, + 26 troops, - 100 rupees
FINANCES: 156 + (7/3)*100 = 389 rupees; 389 - 100 - 10 (FL fee) = 279 rupees
TERRITORIES: Castle Hylia 201, Temple of Time 0, Hylia Castle Town 100, Hylian Market 95, Guarded Path 750, Old Union Bridge 200, King's Highway North 5

Zora--+ 3 territories, + 50 troops, - 200 rupees
FINANCES: 250 + (8/3)*100 + 30 (racial advantage) = 546 rupees; 546 - 200 - 20 (FL fee) = 326 rupees
TERRITORIES: Zora's Domain 464, Jabu Jabu's Fountain 0, The Falls 0, Lake Hylia 100, Flooded Pass 100, Zora River 200, The Lake Shore 190, The Cursed Mere 200

Questions? Ask 'em here in the thread, or PM them to me. The next warmod update will be tomorrow night, right around this time--make sure you've posted by then, my ducklings.
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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Fri Nov 02, 2007 1:17 am
A Desperate Plan...

My Official Move: Move from the Petrified Forest to Lon Lon Ranch to attempt to slow down or kill my enemies by building traps in Lon Lon Ranch, making it dangerous for my enemies to take.


After completing my first mission and being chased out of the Lost Woods, I came across another mission from my General. He was concerned about the Gerudo attempting to take over Lon Lon Ranch and possible positional advantage. I needed to act quickly, as the General mentioned that The Gerudo were already nearby, ready to take over! I sprinted through The Tangle ignoring the strange vegitation and headed for Hyrule Field's North-East Side. The field's were vast indeed, and plenty of open space. Unfortunately, there were a lot of Gerudo at the South-West side of these fields too. I needed to go faster!!!

I manage to make it to Lon Lon Ranch, enjoying the green pastures and the mooing, signaling that I made it in time. I take a look at the Ranch's South-West side and get my first bit of good news; the Gerudo are tired and sleeping for the moment. This was my chance. I gathered my tools and created traps to attempt to prevent ANYONE from taking Lon Lon Ranch and maybe eliminate a bunch of them.

(Some Time Later...)

I managed to build traps making an assault on Lon Lon Ranch very dangerous. My enemies could strike here at any moment, and man do I have a surprise for them...

(Note: Goron's are safe from my traps...)

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Post by I am nobody » Fri Nov 02, 2007 7:13 am
10 troops from Frozen Heath to Abandoned Farm.
10 Troops from Frozen Heath to Tundra Flats.
30 troops from Castle Burmica to the Frozen Heath.


Spend 180 rupees on 90 resources.

Spend 120 rupees training 30 troops.

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Post by Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds » Fri Nov 02, 2007 8:56 am
A ghostly voice awakened the resting dragon.

Melvanna, go quickly! There is trouble, you are needed.

Her eyes fluttered open slowly, and she struggled to keep the warning in her mind. However, sleepiness made her lose fragments of the message, and soon, all she remembered was a feeling of foreboding.

Perhaps danger was stalking her now...


Huddled silently beneath her cloak of snow, the small blue dragon sighed and nibbled at her claws. She had placed her pipe a few feet away, also hidden, so that she would not be tempted to smoke and give away her location. With the bare light of pre-dawn, the Undead campsite had grown into a hive of activity with commands being shouted and supplies moved around constantly. To Melvanna, it all seemed to be useless milling. They hadn't appeared to achieve anything in the past hour.

Rubbing at her face, the dragon groaned very quietly with boredom. Unfortunately, she was also growing hungry and that made her irritable. Her eyes strayed towards her pipe and she wondered how irresponsible it would be for her to just have a small puff. Shuffling over, she scooped up her pipe and began shaking snow from its bowl...

Breaking into her thoughts was the sudden sound of alarm. The Undead army began running and gathering up their weapons with no coordination whatsoever, driven by an unidentified fear. Their low cries carried to Melvanna and she looked closer at the enemy.

Within their ranks, a fire glowed brightly. They had been warming themselves by it only moments before.

Now staggering through the fire was an absolutely massive creature. As it trampled over one of the fallen Undead, the dragon crept forward to investigate the disruption. Nearing, she was able to view the deadly creature in all its horror.

Standing many feet taller than the Undead, it had an unhealthy orange sheen to its skin. When it turned in Melvanna's direction, she saw it only had one huge eye bulging from its forehead under a tangle of dirty blonde hair.

The dragon scowled; there hadn't been any reports of a Hinox in years. It was believed that they had been living alone, far beyond the reaches of civilised races, or simply died off. However, here was one standing amidst a legion of the Undead army, clear as day.

The loincloth it wore was shabby and covered in filth, and even with its incredible size, it looked thin and undernourished. The Hinox grumbled to itself in a voice reminiscent of boulders grinding together. Melvanna braved the possibility of discovery to edge even closer and crouched low to the icy ground.

It took mere seconds for the explosion to wrack the camp.

The dragon barely registered what had happened as the shockwave pounded against her body. A great roar filled her ears and she added her screams to those of the Undead.

Fire cracked and hissed on the Undead's tents and bodies. Melvanna couldn't tell if any had been killed, but their abject terror was apparent. The Hinox rumbled out more rocky words in its primitive language and produced another blackened bomb, causing the Undead to scurry away as fast as they were able.

None stayed to fight.

Melvanna watched as the Hinox brought its large, weathered arm back beside his head and launched the bomb towards the fleeing creatures. They scattered away from the explosive, some even running back towards the Hinox, in greater fear of the bomb than the looming creature itself. Melvanna stored that knowledge away and began her retreat, hurriedly taking to the air as soon as she was far enough away not to gain anyone's attention.

She continued flying north-west until finding a sheltered area in the Peahat Plains. Resting for a moment, Melvanna produced her pipe and the bag of throwing bones. She mused over the Undead's fear and carefully drew the quartered circle to cast a reading. The wind carried her small wisps of smoke over the low grass and bushes and she nodded to herself at the divination. Looking around, the dragon realised she had no swift way of contacting the Zora and huffed in frustration. Standing, she stalked back and forth, blowing larger and larger plumes from her nostrils.

Unable to think of an adequate solution, she threw herself onto a pile of bushes in disgust.

Moments passed in silence, but then an angry tinkling sound dashed around Melvanna's head. She opened her eyes wide in surprise, watching as a tiny glowing ball of faerie swooped closer.

Then the solution struck her.

'You look delicious,' Melvanna purred at the faerie. It stopped mid-dive and fluttered before the dragon. 'If you don't want me to eat you, perhaps you can do me a service?'

The faerie buzzed in contempt. 'You wouldn't be able to catch me, silly!'

Melvanna lifted her lip in a sneer. She raised her hand slowly, stopping when it was level with the pinkish glowing ball. She cooled the air around the faerie and it began to flutter slower, lethargically. As it drifted lower and lower to the ground, it tinkled unhappily.

'Okay, I was wrong,' the faerie squeaked out. 'I'm sorry, won't you forgive me? I don't believe you would eat me, but I shall do as you ask anyway.'

Laughing quietly, the dragon nodded and allowed the air to warm back to its normal temperature. The faerie bobbed around in excitement, flying past Melvanna's head quickly.

'Thank you, little fae. I need you to bear an urgent message to Shul, the general of the Zora army. Tell him the Undead appear to have a debilitating fear of explosives, and perhaps he can exploit that weakness.'

The faerie tinkled in acknowledgment. 'I know exactly where he is! My cousin saw him just the other day, and her cousin had overheard that the Gerudo were fighting with the Zora! Fancy that! The Gerudo, now they're a brutal bunch. But I suppose, in this awful time, they are the best race to be aligned with! Too bad they're walking right into the Goron's trap at the Ranch, hey? Well, I will deliver your message swiftly, lady-dragon! Be well! Try not to crush any of my bushes again!'

Before Melvanna could stop the tiny creature, it had already raced off, disappearing into the foliage of the nearby plants. She scrunched her eyes up, trying to make heads or tails of what the faerie had just told her. A Gerudo alliance? Gorons laying a trap at Lon Lon Ranch? If that was true, Melvanna needed to travel north and either warn her new allies, or disable this unknown trap.

The dragon heaved a great sigh, wondering why she had bothered returning at all. Lighting her long pipe, she beat her wings forcefully and began flying towards the farmland, only hoping she would make it there in time.


A rooster crowed from afar, marking Melvanna's approach to the sprawling Lon Lon Ranch. The tall stone walls that surrounded the entire property glinted gently in the sunlight.

The dragon had made good time, using just a little of her restored energy to blow the wind her way. Stopping only once in her flight to eat, she had seen no signs of other people, enemy or otherwise. Gathering her wings together against her back, she landed running, prepared to evade any possible ambush.

As she rounded the corner and took in the view of the rich green grass, Melvanna almost felt disappointed that there was not some great contingency of enemies lying in wait. She shrugged and slowed to her usual gait, heading out towards the corrals.

There were many sounds in the Lon Lon Ranch; natural sounds at a farm. The peaceful and innocent clucking of cuccos, the low mooing of cows and an occasional whinny of horses. Melvanna even smiled a little at the seeming serenity of the ranch, right until she stepped on something wet, sticky and disgusting.

'Ugh!' she exclaimed, looking at the bottom of her foot. Smeared all over it was an excessively large cucco poop. She glared at the nearest of the animals in utter abhorrence.

'I'm going to beat you with A TREE!' Melvanna flung her foot at the cucco and kicked it twice. The small unintelligent fowl squawked and flapped wildly, running away from the dragon. Only seconds later, it resumed scratching at the ground, oblivious to its prior attack.

Melvanna stared, enraged and amazed that the bird didn't even really react.

Then, it ruffled its feathers a little and let another great big turd plop to the ground.

The dragon dived at the cucco and began smacking it with one hand, rolling through a pile of hay. 'Filth bird!' she yelled.

The cucco squawked and struggled to get away. The longer Melvanna whacked it, the louder its screeches grew, filling the Lon Lon Ranch with its awful noise.

A low rumble grew in the distance. The dragon didn't notice it, caught up in her mindless frustration. When she finally let go of the hapless bird, it was far too late...

Descending from the heavens came a cloud of feathered beasts. Their wrath evoked, the immense flock of cuccos filled the sky like an unending cloud of flapping death-bringers.

Melvanna scampered backwards, at a complete loss of how to react. She knew in an instant that her energy was not enough to hold off the seemingly infinite amount of fowl. Nonetheless, she extended her arms towards the sky and began firing small balls of electricity from the palms of her hands. As the energy struck the cuccos, they exploded into fireballs and came crashing to the earth with the stink of burning feathers.

The dragon continued her defence against the birds, oblivious to Lon Lon Ranch going up in flames around her.


Melvanna collapsed, exhausted and weakened from fending off the rabid attack. Her eyes were blurry and full of soot, and the dragon was unable to obtain a clear grasp of reality. Crawling a few feet, she finally fell to the ground and drifted into a deep sleep.


Time passed, and Melvanna awoke to the scent of charred flesh. Her stomach rumbled enthusiastically in reply, drawing her dry eyes open. Sitting before her was an unidentifiable bundle of cooked meat for whence the smell originated. The dragon licked her lips, reaching for the item and pulling it straight to her mouth. Chewing eagerly, she stuffed the flesh into her mouth while sitting up.

'Mmm, tastes like chicken!'

Only then did she look around at the apocalyptic destruction and really saw the burnt out ruin that might have been Lon Lon Ranch previously. With a bit of a sniff, Melvanna reached down to retrieve her pipe and lit it thoughtfully.

And there she sat, waiting for the Gerudo to arrive, wondering if this would mark a short end to their alliance.

'Well, it was all that damned cucco's fault, anyhow.'
Nonsense, I have not yet begun to defile myself.

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Post by Apiary Tazy » Fri Nov 02, 2007 12:07 pm
Zant walked with the other Zoras to Flooded Pass. It was there he saw it.

The Bigocto.

Zant immeadiatley opened his book of spells and stared in the distance... and saw a disturbing sight. Something he knew would happen

There was another Bigocto in the distance.

Zant thumbed through the book, until he got to a page near the end of the book. Zant immeadiatley held forth his hand and said...."Cumonous Heerai!"

And with that the Bigocto was dragged to Zant, stunned due to the amazing speed at which it traveled. Zant immeadiatley grabbed the Warhammer from his Back and great Strength slammed it upon the Bigocto.

The Bigocto cracked open like a piggy Bank and 3 Bags of Gold where inside. Zant immeadiatley states ".....Bigoctos are know for Swallowing adventurers....It seems this one had only eaten one Traveler...." Zant immeadiatley pulled out a Skeleton from the Octo's Body, wearing Hylian Clothes. "We need to move, with two Dead Bigocto's here the enitre family will attack us...Come on" Stupified, the Zoras followed Zant to the border between Flooded Pass and the Cursed Mere, which is where Zant stops...."This is good enough" Says Zant as he notices the smoke coming from the Mere. "We can't go to the Cursed Mere yet, Bokoblins may already be all over it. We'll say here for now". Zant immeadiatly sits and goes off to sleep, hoping to get a good 40 Winks after all this excitement.

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Post by Marilink » Fri Nov 02, 2007 12:16 pm
The turn: 200 troops from SKR and 91 troops from LWW both move into the Black Forest (BF).

9 soldiers from LWW disperse in groups: 3 to the Petrified Forest (PF), 3 to The Tangle (tT), and 3 to the Sylvan Verge (SV).

40 soldiers from LWE move into SKR.

40 soldiers from KF move into DTG.

Convert 40 rupees to 20 resources.

The standings:
KF: 260
DTG: 90
SFM: 50
SKR: 240
LWE: 245
LWW: 0
tT: 3
SV: 3
PF: 3
BF: 291

The Questions: None for now

The RP: Money.

Kokiri liked money.

Maybe it was the childish nature in them that was greedy. Maybe they were just poorer than most and valued the money more. Whatever it was, they liked money. General Ivan Aaric was definitely no exception to the rule.

That day, at the daily General's meeting, Aaric burst through the wooden double doors, jammed his sword in the tabletop, and hopped up. Sitting indian-style on top of the table, he said, bluntly: "Let's get some more money."

The Deku refused to speak, mostly out of fear. Skull kid piped out, "Let's get some more territory, sir."

"Awesome idea!" Aaric stood up, and jumped off the table. Throwing his message to the messenger, he sat down in his seat. "I just sent 3 soldiers each to go get some territory. Petrified Forest, The Tangle, and the Sylvan Verge. Good idea, nay?"

"But sir," Kal piped up, "the Gorons are in the Sooted Wilds. That's one territory away."

"Who the hell cares? Dumb rocks won't know we're there. Besides, if we do, our guys can run. Besides, we'll still have the Sylvan Verge, the Gorons are nowhere near there. I'm just spreading the territory, Kally."

"You're sending 9 soldiers on a suicide mission!"

"Are you general of this army?" His voice was rising. "I didn't think so. It's a gamble, yeah. I'm gambling lives, yeah. This is a war. That's all we're doing. Playing with lives like they're pawns on a map." Aaric jumped on the table and kicked the markers off the Hyrulian map. "This might help us. It might hurt us. It might all break even. So what? We need money to fortify the Lost Woods. Those soldiers knew the risks before they signed up. This was one of the risks. They know what's going on."

"Fine, sir. If you want to kill your troops, that's fine with me."

In a flash, Aaric's sword flew across the room and pinned the corner of Kal's shirt to the chair.

Not saying a word, the general coolly walked out of the room, yanking his sword from the back of the chair.

When out of the room, he called back in. "I'm going out in the field. You and SK have a good time."

And then he was gone.
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Post by Booyakasha » Fri Nov 02, 2007 12:46 pm
Hylian General Update

Prince Wulfstan sat back in his chair, having just delivered a summary of his tactical decisions to the War Council; his personal servant stood just behind his chair, as always. Silence reigned over the assemblage for a time. Then, seemingly as one, the councillors began to raise objections, clearly trying not to shout out of grudging respect for the young lord, but still vying for his attention. After several seconds, the Prince rose, and all went quiet. "One at a time," the Prince admonished.

An aged minister in green velvet spoke first--"Young liege, the people have come to embrace the Undead as brethren; it will rankle them that you would cast their alliance aside so blithely."

The Prince chuckled mirthlessly. "The people are the ones who drove the Undead out in the first place, and it's a fool who supposes the Undead have forgotten as much. In any case, alliance with the Gorons places us in a stronger position--with allies on our eastern flank, we will be able to devote greater attention to the southern cutthroats."

Kiel, the scarred old campaigner who'd challenged the Prince when he first took command, blurted out, "You would give those rock-eating savages dominion over Kakariko Village?"

The Prince's hand dropped subtly to his sword-hilt. "We remind you, Major Kiel," he began, his voice flat and impassive, "that you speak to the first-born of your sovereign. We further remind you that the Gorons are a staunch ally, and that We have taken a blood oath of mutual protection. Finally, we enjoin you to consider--the people of Kakariko Village have no political connection to Us or Our kingdom. They pay no taxes, send no tribute, offer us no stout young men to fight in Hylia's wars. That they are descended from Hylian stock is of no practical consequence to Us. Do We make Ourselves clear?"

The major bowed; the Prince was not known to lapse into the ornate royal speech of the court except in moments of anger, and the wrath of a future monarch is nothing to be laughed at. When he looked up again, his eyes glinted with ill-concealed hatred. An uncomfortable silence fell across the room.

At last, Wulfstan spoke. "Gentlemen, it is late; this conference is adjourned for the day. We will begin again tomorrow morning." The councillors rose, bowed deeply, and filed out, leaving the Prince alone but for the servant. The Prince sat for several minutes, eyes closed, seemingly deep in thought. His servant approached the arm of his chair silently, waiting. At length, the Prince opened his eyes and stared out over the table. "Well?"

The servant spoke. "You saw the major's look, my liege. Your response to his insolence was just, but it humiliated him just the same. Additionally, my sources indicate he has distant relations in Kakariko; the Goron intrusion will not likely harm them, but he clearly considers it a point of honour to see the Gorons cast out." The prince nodded, and the servant continued hesitantly: "I believe Kiel will plot against you, if he has not begun to do so already."

The prince nodded wearily; all this political intrigue was exhausting. "Any other new plots?"

The servant shook his head. "I observed nothing. You know these low-born politicians, young master--treacherous, but unimaginatively so. If it doesn't line their pockets, they can't be bothered with it." The servant hesitated, appeared about to continue, and then stopped. Wulfstan noticed.

"Is there anything else?" The servant, obviously uncomfortable, appeared to be searching for words. The Prince smiled. "You believe it was wrong of me to break the alliance with the Undead?" The servant cast his eyes down and nodded. Prince Wulfstan clapped him on the arm and stood. "Well, it may even have been. The Alliance with the Undead, that was a blood oath, too. I don't claim it was right to break it off, merely...expedient. I'll accept the stain on my soul if it betters our chances of winning this war. And in the end, winning is the important thing." The servant began to speak, but the Prince waved him off, "No, no, I don't claim it's the only thing. But, as I see it, if we're victorious, our people will write the history books, and they'll do me justice--greater justice than I perhaps deserve. And if we lose, and the history books end up being written by some Kokiri brat up a tree, they'll say I was the king of all bastards--if I must die in this war, let me die hated by my enemies for being devious scum, not loved because I'm an easy target."

That said, the Prince strode out of the Council chamber, his servant trailing closely behind...
Troop movements: 95 from Hylian Market to Ruined Tower, 5 from King's Highway North to Ruined Tower, 100 from Hylia Castle Town to Hylian Market, 300 from Guarded Path to King's Highway North, 150 from Guarded Path to Old Union Bridge, 100 from Old Union Bridge to Graveyard, 100 from Old Union Bridge to King's Highway South

Finances: 279 - 160 (trained troops) = 119 rupees

Territories: Castle Hylia 243, Temple of Time 0, Hylia Castle Town 0, Hylian Market 100, Guarded Path 300, Ruined Tower 100, King's Highway North 300, Old Union Bridge 150, King's Highway South 100, Graveyard 100

Resources: 100
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Post by Blake » Fri Nov 02, 2007 7:03 pm
Roleplay Later:

Goron Citadel:
- Train 20 gorons
- Move 20 gorons into Death Mountain Trail
- Move 100 gorons into Rivers of Stone

Dodongo's Cavern
- Move 25 gorons into Death Mountain Trail.

Death Mountain:
- Move 25 gorons into Rivers of Stone.

Rivers of Stone:
- Move 130 gorons into the Sooted Wilds
- Move 25 gorons into High Pass

Death Mountain Trail:
- Move 75 gorons into High Pass.

High Pass
- Move 25 gorons from high pass into Spectacle Rock.

Sooted Wilds:
- Attack Petrified Forest with 25 gorons.
- Attack The Tangle with 25 gorons.

TERRITORIES: Goron Citadel 400(-120 + 20 = 300), Death Mountain 25, Dodongo Cavern 25, Death Mountain Trail 130, Rivers of Stone 130, Kakariko Village 195, Sooted Wilds 325(-50 = 275), High Pass 125, Petrified Forest(25?), The Tangle(25?), Spectacle Rock(25)

Rupees: 292 - 280 = 212
Resources: 100

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Post by Wyborn » Fri Nov 02, 2007 9:07 pm
"Lord, our divinations reveal that Lon Lon Ranch has been destroyed."

Ganondorf looked up from his maps, where he had been considering a series of figurines representing the amassed troops of the different races, and the intensity of his eyes made the twin witches flinch.

"How many casualties?"

"None, my lord," Kotake said where Koume fell silent. "A freelancer working for the Gorons set traps, of a nature so that no one but a Goron could enter the ranch unharmed, but the Zora's mercenary entered the ranch with the intent of disabling the traps and ended up burning the area to cinders."


"An accident, lord," Koume said, "I am sure the young dragon meant no offense."

"You said there were no casualties; what of the livestock?"

"Lord?" both sisters spoke together.

"The entire reason for our race to Lon Lon was the acquisition of their horses; we have enough people trained to ride that we could make a formidable archery division out of them, given a month. How much livestock was lost?"

"Countless cuccos, lord, and one milk cow, but the owners of the ranch managed to evacuate with nearly two hundred horses and half again as many cattle."

The silence that followed this was almost jarring, and the two sisters fidgeted as they looked at their surrogate son, who was staring at the map spread before him. The howling of the storm in the Haunted Wasteland could be heard throughout the entire fortress.

"Another bit of news, Ganondorf," Kotake said, and Koume bowed in deference as she stepped back under the king's too-intense eyes. "We have confirmed that the general of the Hylian army has fallen ill, possibly from some poison, and that the Hylian forces are now being lead by the crown prince, returned from his training in Koholint."



"The crown prince is crafty, and will be suspicious, but he is too young to remember my ascension to my own throne and too soon returned to have pieced together that I started this war. He is mistrustful by nature - Kotake." The blue-jeweled sister stood straighter. "You will go to the crown prince and inform him of the action undertaken by the Goron's mercenary, and how it has cost him the use of Lon Lon's resources, though we will be willing to negotiate on that front. Go."

"Yes, Ganondorf," she said, and with a bow she disappeared in a flurry of light and icy cold, a chill wind blowing across the entirety of the fortress.

"Koume," and the red-jeweled sister rose from her bow and looked her surrogate son in the eyes, "in which direction did the Lon Lon owners flee?"

"South, lord. I imagine that they recognized the mercenary as working for the Gorons, somehow, and assumed it was he who destroyed their ranch. I would be willing to bet they never saw the dragon amidst her flame."

"You will inform the commander outside of Lon Lon of this situation, and give her instructions to intercept and return with their horses and cattle."

"Yes, lord."

"After giving these directions, go to the Zora general and inform him of my displeasure as his inability to keep an eye on his own freelancer. Make it clear that this has strained the alliance."

"Yes, lord."

"And one more thing, Koume." Ganondorf grinned, the flash of white in his dark face having a strange, wolfish quality not normally found in his regal features. "When you and Kotake return, I will be ready to march with the troops. If the crowned prince of Hyrule has returned, it would be best for him to see the face of his conqueror."

The old woman cackled, knowing she was dismissed, and disappeared in a flash of light and heat.

Rising, Ganondorf strode out from the shade of his pavilion, and spread his arms out to the troops who were amassed before him.

"My warriors, prepare - WE MARCH!"

They began to cheer over the sound of ringing metal.


"And if we lose, and the history books end up being written by some Kokiri brat up a tree, they'll say I was the king of all bastards--if I must die in this war, let me die hated by my enemies for being devious scum, not loved because I'm an easy target."

A blast of icy wind sent the prince's clothes fluttering, and his manservant wheeled on his heels in surprise and something like panic at the sound of ancient, cackling laughter.

"That is wisdom, my lord prince of Hyrule, honor unto your family and may your father reign forever."

The Prince turned too, then, but he knew already what he would see: Kotake, the ice witch, had appeared in the middle of his fortress - or hadn't, and this was just an image of her. The very sight sent chills through him, though: his time in Koholint had forged him into steel, and he knew that his own sorcery would trump hers, that he could snuff her out with precious little effort, but he could not help recalling the words spoken to him by his nanny in his youth, spoken to him as they had been spoken to all Hylian children for the past hundred and thirty years.

You must not be bad, my Prince; for if you are bad, the Twinrova will come and steal you away.

"What are you doing here, witch?" the servant asked, overcoming his shock to step between his lord and this potential threat, too excited in the moment to realize that he was breaking protocol. For the moment the prince allowed him to continue.

"I have come to deliver a message to the crown prince and future master of Hyrule," Kotake said, bowing so low that he nose and blue jewel nearly touched the ground. "As you have undoubtedly heard, my fair master, Lon Lon Ranch has been lost - burned to the ground, as a result of traps set by a Goron mercenary." She grinned at the Prince as if he had flinched, though he had not. "Well does my own king, Ganondorf, know how important the ranch is to Hyrule, and to the Hylians in particular - we have taken care to commandeer the livestock and give the owners of the ranch safe passage into our lands. My lord is willing to bargain with my prince concerning the matter of returning the cattle into the hand of their proper master."

No mention was made of the horses, the pride of all of Hyrule, but still the prince said nothing; he could think of nothing that would break through the impenetrable facade of this witch's compliance.

"The main purpose of my visit is this, my prince: my own lord bids you beware of the Gorons, for they do not appear to be acting in the best interest of the continuance of your kingdom. If you will give me your leave to go, my prince, I will return soon to obtain your answer concerning the matter of the Lon Lon cattle."

"You have it, Kotake; be gone."

With a laugh and a whirl, she had left, or the image had left, or whatever; Wulfstan exhaled, as he had found himself utterly unable to do in the witch's presence. Was there some old fable about Twinrova stealing one's breath? It did not matter.


The sound of the animals moving was like thunder, two thousands hooves striking the ground in an intermittent rain that drowned out all sound except for the high whoops of the hands who had taken charge of the massive heard; getting the cattle and horses to run together would normally have bordered on impossible, especially with the fires still raging behind them, but the Lon Lon ranchers were the best in the world, Hyrulian or not.

Talon, the owner of the ranch, rode at the head of the drive, alongside his daughter, Malon, who as always rode upon Epona, the finest mare that the ranch had ever produced.

It took them several minutes to slow to a stop, but when they saw the moving mass of purple cloth and silver scimitars precious little distance away, they did stop; many were the tales of the Gerudo being pushed by the wind, able to overtake any sizable group of people over a short distance, and Talon did not dare run that risk. He sat upon his horse, waiting as the apparent leader of the Gerudo ran towards him. Malon was at his side, as always.

They dismounted when the captain drew near, and in that moment Talon became aware of the smell of his animals. It took on a pleasant quality for him; they were his, and the gods would be damned if he would let anyone take them from him while he drew breath.

"You are the mistress of the horses?" the Gerudo asked.

"I am Malon of Lon Lon," Malon answered with a nod, and Talon did not speak out; the Gerudo would only address a man as a leader when royalty was present, and even then only when Ganondorf himself had acknowledged them.

"Allow us to escort you to the Gerudo fortress, horse mistress; there is a war on, and we have reason to believe that the destruction of your ranch was brought on by a mercenary hired by an ally of the Hylian king."

"Can you offer proof of this?"

"We cannot, Malon; we can only offer you and your livestock safe conduct and protection from the war."

Talon grunted, just low enough that it could not be heard by either of the women, but he was put someone to ease when Malon asked "And what do you want that we have?"

The Gerudo did not grin; she was delivering words from her king. "We will commandeer one half of your horses for the war effort, and there is a good chance that we will sell all of the cattle back to the Hylian king."

"How will we be compensated for the loss of our animals?"

"With your lives, firstly," the Gerudo said, but her voice held no menace; it was the simple truth. "You will be given quarters in the Gerudo fortress, and at the end of the war we will help you rebuild your ranch and restock your cattle. You are well-known as a great rider, horse mistress; if you would give us the month or two it would take to teach our archers to fire from the saddle, you would be given full status as a member of the Gerudo tribe, as would your father and ranch hands. If you so wished, you could command your own division, once we are sure you are up to the task."

Malon licked her lips, but Talon could tell she was taken aback by the sheer enormity of it, and cleared his throat. The Gerudo's head turned to look at him a tad too quickly for him to be comfortable, but he spoke anyway. "What you mean to say," Talon said, and he ignored the look of terror that his daughter gave him for speaking to a Gerudo captain, "is that we have to choose: be killed and have our animals stolen here, or lend aid to an enemy of our own race - of our rightful king."

The Gerudo just nodded. "You understand, then. Still, there is honor in aiding us; when we win this war, Ganondorf will be king, and your status and home will be restored to you three-fold."

"We will petition Ganondorf about the use of our herds."

"You may," the Gerudo said, "and he may even listen: but your daughter is fair, and her hair is red enough that I would be careful that the king does not give her a daughter." Malon flinched, but the Gerudo continued to look Talon in his eyes. "You have a stout heart, Hylian. You will serve us well, I think - and if you are lucky, you will give us strong daughters. Are we in agreement that you will let us escort you to the Gerudo Fortress?"

"There is no need," Malon said, "for an escort. I have heard of the alliance between the Gerudo and the Zora - we are hemmed in on all sides, and will travel faster by ourselves. We will go to the fortress." Talon nodded his approval, though at that point it was far too late to do anything.

"Agreed. May the goddesses guard you on your journey." With that she returned to her troops at a run, and then the lot of them were on the move again.

"Come on, sweetheart," Talon said as the two of them mounted their horses. "We'll figure something out, but right now this is our lot and if we want to hold onto anything we had best get going."

"Yes, Papa," Malon said.

The herd started to move again.


All right then, little bit of an RP summary before moving on to actual troop movements and such.

When Lon Lon Ranch burned, the family escaped - Malon, Talon, Ingo, and various other hands herding 300 cattle and 200 horses into Hyrule Field South. The Gerudo adjacent to that hex intercepted them, and they are now headed back to the Gerudo fortress.

Kotake went and bugged the Crown Prince a bit, using magic to cast an illusion of herself into the fortress; the idea that she could get in is kind of ridiculous, so she poses no actual threat, especially since the Prince could kill her if she ever did get in.

Cravdraa, Koume should be showing up on your doorstep either in your next post or in mine, if you want to go in that direction, to point out how dangerous it is not to keep an eye on your freelancer. Won't really be there, etc.

Question the First: I found an RP reason to have horses, and canonically the Gerudo have had horseback archers; would it be possible for me to train 100 mounted archers?

Question the Second: Do armies have to be in adjacent hexes to attack, or do they have to be in the same hex? If the latter, does attacking from an adjacent hex require movement?

Question the Third: Is what I did there with the cattle and horses even kosher? If not just ignore it, I don't mind, I just thought it was neat.

Actual Actions Taken:

Troop Movements: 600 from Gerudo Fortress to The Chasm North, 200 from The Chasm North to Scorched Land, 200 from The Chasm South to Thieve's Den, 200 from Hyrule Field SW to Hyrule Field S, and use my race's special ability to move the 200 from Hyrule Field S to The Fences.

Finances: 542 rupees still, unless I am mistaken

Resources: 140

Territories: Gerudo Fortress 0, Haunted Wasteland 0, Desert Colossus 0, Hyrule Field SW 0, Hyrule Field S 0, Old Corral 0, Chasm South 0, Red Rock pass 0, Chasm North 600, Thieve's Den 200, Scorched Land 200, The Fences 200 (+4, 12 total)
Help me out with the best fanfiction ever, Ganondorf Beats Up EVERYONE! You decide who gets beaten!

For the battle-minded and mathematically inclined, there's the Hyrulian War, a revived time-honored tradition!

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Post by Apollo the Just » Fri Nov 02, 2007 10:43 pm
EDIT: SK's right. Sorry. I'll post another RP in a bit.
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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Fri Nov 02, 2007 10:54 pm
(Ooc: Wait, CuccoLady! The Collosus is at best 5 Spaces (Territories) away from Lon Lon Ranch, and [post=873534]Freelancers can only move 4 spaces per turn![/post] Check the map carefully if you don't believe me!!)

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Post by Apollo the Just » Fri Nov 02, 2007 11:03 pm
There didn't seem to be too much to do... not too many resources were evident in the desolate wasteland.

"Maybe I'll start heading back to the Fortress. Tomorrow, I'll resume work for Lord Ganondorf... in the meantime I need to get out of this forsaken place."

Leila placed one foot in front of the other and walked until the rocklike structure of Gerudo Fortress came into view.

From there, she received intelligence that the Gerudo army was on the move, and she also heard of the tragic story of Lon Lon ranch. Not really having anything better to do, she decided to head toward the ranch to check things out.

She treaded carefully, and managed to avoid detection by other races. After awhile, dusk fell and she entered Red Rock Pass. She was at the entrance to Hyrule Field.

"OK, I'll rest here for tonight, and we'll see what tomorrow brings."

Leila set up a ramshackle tent under the shelter of the maroon boulders, and soon slept.
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Post by Marilink » Fri Nov 02, 2007 11:04 pm
OoC: Booya, when's the Warmod update coming tonight?
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Post by Booyakasha » Fri Nov 02, 2007 11:52 pm
Crav hasn't posted yet.

[EDIT: Been up since six this morning, and just finished a full shift at my store. Tired. Warmod update postponed at least until tomorrow morning: if Crav hasn't posted by then, I'll at least answer your questions and PMs. G'night.]
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Post by KirbyBoy2000 » Sat Nov 03, 2007 12:06 am
The new Hylian General, the Prince had shattered the former bonds made with the Undead, and has formed a new alliance with the Goron, the very race I was willing to attack the other day. I am unsure of what it is I should do, other than follow the army. I suppose the best way I could help is to face the enemies of the Hylian, and by extension, those who oppose the Goron. I had heard word the Goron Army began an assault on Kokiri lands that were undefended. Even more so, that the Kokiri had left a territory completely unguarded, with not even a single soldier in the area. I will head towards the Western Lost Woods and shred the Kokiri influence there. -KB

The hylian soldier immediately left the Union Bridge, heading southeast until he had finally reached the Lost Woods West. The only people within it were natives, some of them were Kokiri, the rest primarily Deku or Skull Kids. He went to the people and began to spread messages against the Kokiri.

"The Kokiri army doesn't care for this town; they are simply using it as a stepping stone. Taking what you earn from this land to elevate themselves further, while giving you nothing in return. The actions of the army itself should speak for this, they simply march in and take what they want, and then leave towards the next place they desire. You, the people of this land deserve better. And the Kokiri Army will not help you to better yourselves, only constrain and bind you. If you care for this land and the people within it, you will break free from the Kokiri. Do not give them the right to just take whatever they want. You are a strong people, and should not be cast aside for the gains of another."

The man moved out of the publics eye after his speech. Watching from the shadows as people continued through their day, some spreading the message to others whenever they had passed by. He hoped they would take up his message and stop supporting the Kokiri army, but only time would be able to tell if he was successful or not.
- - - - - -
Hopefully that will do. ...But there are 0 people, so its not like they can hold it anyway. Sure, it will fail in the long run, what with there being 300+ troops right next to it, but they won't get its resources next turn, and hopefully they might lose some soldiers reclaiming it if the people respond to it well..

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Post by Booyakasha » Sat Nov 03, 2007 11:15 am
Warmod Mini-Update

EXTRA!! Lon Lon Ranch Blows Right On Up!! 'Well, That's Just Friggin' Great.'--Talon

You people, honsetly. Only three days in, and already a major terrain feature has been annihilated. Maybe it's those violent video games you all play.

Now, to business--

Units with this skill can attack an enemy in an adjacent space without entering it. They deal (1d6 + 5)% of their unaugmented damage potential per archery attack; in melee combat, they are treated like any other normal unit.
Cost--6 rupees to create new, 2 rupees to retrain standard troops.

Units of this type are mounted on an animal of your choosing (horses are most likely, but anything suitable is allowed, canonical or not), and may travel two spaces per turn.
Cost--8 rupees to create new, 4 rupees to retrain standard troops

Units with this skill can attack an enemy in an adjacent space without entering it. They deal (1d6+5)% of their unaugmented damage potential per archery attack; in melee combat, they are treated like any other normal unit. They may travel two spaces per turn, instead of the normal one.
Cost--10 rupees to create new, 6 rupees to retrain standard troops, 4 rupees to retrain Archers, 2 rupees to retrain Cavaliers

Feel free to rename any of these units according to your army's theme (e.g. Kokiri Slingshotters, Knights of Hylia, Zora Dragoon, etc)

Wy question 1: See above.
Wy question 2: An army must move into an enemy's hex to attack (unless, of course, it has Archers present).
Wy question 3: Not kosher, but I'm not a fan of glossing over posts like they never happened. RP to follow.
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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Sat Nov 03, 2007 11:31 am

Booyakasha wrote:
EXTRA!! Lon Lon Ranch Blows Right On Up!! 'Well, That's Just Friggin' Great.'--Talon

You people, honsetly. Only three days in, and already a major terrain feature has been annihilated. Maybe it's those violent video games you all play.

OoC: Well, I only wanted to make traps to get my enemies who wanted Lon Lon Ranch. Don't blame me; blame that dragon that went crazy because of some silly birds... :p

BTW: Is Lon Lon Ranch gone for good???

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Post by Booyakasha » Sat Nov 03, 2007 12:47 pm
RP Post

Suppressing a shudder, Prince Wulfstan waited a long moment, reaching out with his senses to ensure the witch had indeed left. Satisfied that the passage was secure, the Prince turned to his loyal servant Geoffery and spoke, eyes blazing: "Do you remember what I said about doing what is necessary to ensure our victory?" The servant nodded blearily, still awed by the scene that had just taken place. "The Gerudo have captured our cattle, and I must assume the horses have been taken as well--thieves and murderers though they may be, they know the value of good horseflesh." A faraway look came into his eyes. "I must be ruthless--for the sake of our people, I must be savage."

The Prince came out of his reverie and seemed to steel himself. "Bring the bird. I must send a message." The Prince returned to the council chamber, snatched up pen and paper, and began to write furiously.

Geoffrey scurried off to the Prince's antechamber, which housed, among other things, the falcon the Prince had brought back with him from the islands, a great grey bird named Sturm. He donned the thick leather glove required to keep the bird's talons from slicing through a handler's cloth and flesh, and allowed the falcon to step up onto his forearm. Leaving the bird hooded, he returned slowly to the council chamber, lest he should disturb the temperamental beast with quick movements.

Arriving, Geoff saw his young lord finishing a letter by rolling and sealing it with his signet ring; a second letter, already finished, lay on the table next to him. Looking up, Prince Wulfstan noted his servant's presence. He picked up the two scrolls on the table and approached Geoff resolutely. Gently, with practiced ease, the Prince unhooded the falcon and held up his mailed arm; Sturm stepped up onto Wulfstan's forearm, crying softly and flapping great wings for balance. The Prince smoothed the feathers at the bird's neck for a moment, and said, "A gift from my teacher, he is--Sturm, heir to a grand lineage of falcons, bred for speed, endurance, and wit. Uomer knew, always knew I'd need his services one day." The prince then turned and looked the bird directly in the eye; Sturm met his master's gaze. Geoffrey watched with distinct unease as the two stared into each other; Wulfstan spoke softly and unintelligibly, seeming to communicate some deep intent directly to the creature. Suddenly, Sturm seemed to bow deeply, flapped its wings mightily, and rose into the air. The Prince held out the letters, and the bird gripped them delicately in its talons. "Open the window, Geoffrey."

The servant did as commanded; a cool draft blew into the room, scattering papers and rustling tapestries. Sturm flew to the open window and settled on the casement, then leapt and dove. In moments, the falcon had vanished into the darkness, its parting cry echoing off the walls of Castle Hylia.
Two days later at dusk, the column of Gerudo troops marched steadily onward, followed by the massive herd of cattle and horses. The sun had beat down mercilessly all day. Malon and the girls of the ranch had been 'politely invited' to ride among the warriors up ahead; Talon and his team of wranglers followed, keeping the livestock together, largely unguarded by the Gerudo. Contempt, most likely, thought Talon. They don't think it's in us to disobey. He clutched the reins sullenly as he rode, praying for a chance at defiance.

Far overhead, some predatory bird screamed. The warriors up ahead passed a jutting rock formation. No breeze blew; the day was oppressively hot and still. The air shimmered in the heat. The cry of the bird came again, closer this time. The rancher went for his canteen, poured a few drops into his handkerchief, and mopped his face.

Suddenly, as the herd moved past the rocks, an object fell into the wide, upturned brim of Talon's sombrero. He took it off, wincing at the sudden glare from the sun, and found a heavy scroll nestled in the edge. Talon looked around unobtrusively; seeing no Gerudo nearby, he took the scroll and examined it--it bore the seal of the royal family. His heart thudding in his ears, Talon broke the seal and unrolled the letter. A long, tubular jar fell out, landing across the saddlehorn. The rancher read--

Loyal Citizen of Hylia,

We greet you. We acknowledge the long and lasting service your family has provided to the ruling house of Hylia. The Crown regrets the terrible dishonour done you by its foes, and offers you the means to make even this small victory of the enemy a hollow one. Find enclosed the means heretofore specified. We trust you will do what must be done, and quickly, for the greater glory of Hylia. Your compliance shall be rewarded amply.

--Wulfstan Daphnesson Hyrule, Crown Prince of Hylia, by the grace of the goddesses ruler of the land. Done this fourth day of Summer's Fire, in the year 743.

Talon thrust the letter up his sleeve quickly and lifted the transluscent jar, noting the fine powder inside. The stopper was engraved with skulls and flames. Tears stinging his eyes, Talon secreted the poison away in his pack, knowing that any reward offered would in the end belong to his descendants alone, that his death was assured if he followed the royal mandate. Knowing just as well that the mandate had to be obeyed if his people were ever to return to civilised life.

Up ahead, the warriors signalled a halt for the night. Talon dismounted, unsaddling his horse at once, and vowed not to lose his opportunity.
The next day, Ganondorf sat in conference with the Twinrova, planning out a training regimen for his beloved Gerudo to train a full cohort of his troops in the ways of horseback archery. The skill had long been held a mere feat of agility, a trick, with little application in combat; Ganondorf, however, planned to put it to practical use. Suddenly, a scroll arched down from the sky and bounced off the table between the Gerudo general and his advisors. Ganondorf snatched the note, broke the seal, and opened it.

"A missive from the Crown Prince of Hylia?" croaked Kotake. "What does it say, sovereign?"

Ganondorf blinked. "It reads simply, 'scorched earth'."
Meanwhile, far away across the deserts, the livestock were already beginning to sicken and die...
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Post by Cravdraa » Sat Nov 03, 2007 2:07 pm
326 rupees
TERRITORIES: Zora's Domain 464, Jabu Jabu's Fountain 0, The Falls 0, Lake Hylia 100, Flooded Pass 100, Zora River 200, The Lake Shore 190, The Cursed Mere 200

Troop movements:
200 from The Cursed Mere to Tundra Flats. Crush the 10 Undead there and claim the land in the name of the Zora!
190 from The Lake Shore to Peahat Plains. Train 100 of the troops to ARCHERS for 200R. Train train 20 to HORSEBACK ARCHER for 120R.
200 from Zora River to The Fences. Don't attack my Gerudo allies there. (duh)
Move the 100 from Lake Hylia to The Lake Shore.
Move the 100 from Flooded Pass to The Lake Shore.

That leaves me with 6 whole rupees.
Sending a letter to Ganondorf, requesting control of The Fences territory. Explaining that I feel it's important to Zora Defense and our continued growth in power. Also sending my regrets about the unfortunate Lon Lon incident.

SD\Melvanna, care to spread a little chaos in the undead controlled territories?
Tazy\Zant, Either go annoy the Undead or scout for reasources. We could use them.

My apologies for holding up the game.

Observation. Where are all the Undead? It looks like there should be a lot more of them. Was there a mistake on the last update?

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Post by Apiary Tazy » Sat Nov 03, 2007 3:23 pm
This will now be for next turn, Sorry about that.

Zant looked ahead and saw that an owl passed overhead. It drops a Letter with the Zora's Emblem for the Seal.....It seemed the Zora's General had already noticed him.

Zant opened the Letter and read its contents....

Shul] It seems that you have joined the War wrote:

Zant scratched his head. Greater? He wouldn't call it that, but even so....ant Continued reading

It would be best if you were to Help us with the Undead. Especially, in places like the Frozen Heath or the Dead Fields. If you can't do that at the moment, It would be best if you could get us some resources. Please do either of these before th Undead decide to swarm us. Thank You

-Shul, Zora General

Ahhhhhh, how long has it been since Zant got an order? Years? It did not matter. He got up and went to one of the Soldiers. The Soldier looks back at Zant and says "Hello, Zant. Do you need anything?" Zant looks to the West and states "Out to the West is an old Undead Camp. It apparantly had found plently Resources around there before the Zoras pushed them out, all you need is a Axe and some Picks.....I need to go. Excuse me". And with that, Zant made his way to the Frozen Heath.

He was lucky to find an Undead Camp on the Edge of the Frozen Heath. It seemed that we would start some Trouble right now. He pulled out the Spell Book, and an Arrow. He flipped to the right Page on the book and concentrated on the Arrow. He immeadiatley Yells "Volvagia Apprahendae". Zant throws the Arrow near the Undead Camp. Many Undead notice him and where ready to attack....until an Earthquake started.

It got mightier and mightier until and ground itself broke where the arrow was. Suddenly a slightly invisible Dragon Appears from the Ground. And with the Arrow and a Handfull of Undead it it's Mouth, bursts into a Tower of Flame, Burning much of the Camp and many Undead. Zant looked at the wonderous sight and said "I'm remembering that spell". Zant then faints, due to the outsource of Power he poured into the Arrow in order to summon Volvagia's Ghost.

I directed the Zoras to an Undead Camp with some possible resources.

I destroyed some Undead and an Undead Camp with Volvagia's Ghost.

Fainted afterwards.

[EDIT--This is your second turn of the previous round, so it wasn't counted for Gazette 4. I leave it up to you whether you want this to be your turn for the new round, or whether you want to do something else.]

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Post by Booyakasha » Sun Nov 04, 2007 1:07 am

Cravdraa wrote:
Observation. Where are all the Undead? It looks like there should be a lot more of them. Was there a mistake on the last update?

Ooh, well spotted. Should read 'Burmunica 970', not 370. That's what I get for mixing medications. Or not.


Freelancer After-Action Report!!

Shadow_Kirby--Contributed to the destruction of Lon Lon Ranch. Still there.

Saria Dragon--Also contributed to the destruction of Lon Lon Ranch, caused by rampant chicken abuse. Still there.

Zant Ten--Looted Bigocto corpse for 50 rupees' worth of gold. Location: Still there. (Only one turn per round, silly.)

CuccoLady--Traveled to Red Rock Pass. Still there.

KirbyBoy2000--Fomented revolution in Lost Woods West; LWW reverts to neutral until Kokiri reclaim it with at least 30 troops.

'I ut inimicos devorare!'
Issue 4.....................11-03-07

EXTRA!! Lon Lon Ranch Destroyed! Only Smoking Ruins Remain! Jiminy!
EXTRA!! Gerudo Capture Fugitives Departing Lon Lon Ranch! Mysterious Ailment Kills Over 90% of Rescued Animals! "How unfortunate."--Prince Wulfstan
EXTRA!! Zora Force at Lake Shore Experience Random Encounter With Small Friendly Party--A Fairy! She Leads Them to 10 Resources!
EXTRA!! Undead Force at Abandoned Farm Experience Random Encounter With Large Neutral Party--An Abominable Snowman! It Waves Politely At Them And Lumbers Off!
EXTRA!! Battle Between 25 Gorons and 3 Kokiri at Petrified Forest! Gorons Victorious, Losing No Troops!
EXTRA!! Battle Between 25 Gorons and 3 Kokiri at The Tangle! Gorons Repelled--No Losses On Either Side!
EXTRA!! Battle Between 200 Zora and 10 Undead at Tundra Flats! Zora Repelled--Undead Lose 1 Unit!

(Screwy dice roll, there. I don't get it either. Those 10 Undead must have been total badasses. (Wonder who's going to make the inevitable '300' reference first. I friggin' know it's coming.))

EXTRA!! Snow Blankets Skull Kids' Refuge! Any Units Traveling to or from Skull Kids' Refuge Experience 5% Losses From Death By Exposure!

Undead--+ 2 territories, - 1 troop, + 30 troops, + 90 resources, - 300 rupees
FINANCES: 376 + (8/3)*100 = 642 rupees; 642 - 300 = 342 rupees
TERRITORIES: Castle Burmunica 970, Ancient Kings 50, The Glacier 100, Frozen Heath 60, Dead Fields 40, Abandoned Farm 10, Tundra Flats 9, Chill Swamp 10
RESOURCES: 110 + 90 = 200

Kokiri--+ 4 territories, - 2 territories, + 20 resources, - 40 rupees, - 3 troops
FINANCES: 406 + (8/3)*100 = 672 rupees; 672 - 40 - 10 (FL fee) = 632 rupees
TERRITORIES: Kokiri Fortress 260, Deku Tree's Glade 90, Sacred Forest Meadow 50, Skull Kids' Refuge 240, Lost Woods East 245, The Tangle 3, Sylvan Verge 3, Black Forest 291
RESOURCES: 140 + 20 + 20 (racial advantage) = 180

Hylians--+ 3 territories, + 40 troops, - 160 rupees
FINANCES: 279 + (10/3)*100 = 612 rupees; 612 - 160 - 10 (FL fee) = 442 rupees
TERRITORIES: Castle Hylia 243, Temple of Time 0, Hylia Castle Town 0, Hylian Market 100, Guarded Path 300, Ruined Tower 100, King's Highway North 300, Old Union Bridge 150, King's Highway South 100, Graveyard 100

Gorons--+ 2 territories, + 20 troops, - 80 rupees
FINANCES: 292 + (10/3)*100 = 625 rupees; 625 - 80 - 10 (FL fee) = 535 rupees
TERRITORIES: Goron Citadel 300, Death Mountain 25, Dodongo Cavern 25, Death Mountain Trail 130, Rivers of Stone 130, Kakariko Village 195, Sooted Wilds 300, High Pass 125, Petrified Forest 25, Spectacle Rock 25

Gerudo--+ 4 territories, + 15 horses (= 15 free upgrades to Cavalier), + 20 cattle (= 20 resources)
FINANCES: 542 + (12/3)*100 = 942 rupees; 942 - 10 (FL fee) = 932 rupees
TERRITORIES: Gerudo Fortress 0, Haunted Wasteland 0, Desert Colossus 0, Hyrule Field SW 0, Hyrule Field S 0, Old Corral 0, Chasm South 0, Red Rock pass 0, Chasm North 600, Thieve's Den 200, Scorched Land 200, The Fences 200
RESOURCES: 140 + 20 = 160

Zora--+ 1 territory, - 320 rupees, + 10 resources
FINANCES: 326 + (9/3)*100 + 50 (FL activities) + 30 (racial advantage) = 706 rupees; 706 - 320 - 20 (FL fees) = 366 rupees
TERRITORIES: Zora's Domain 464, Jabu Jabu's Fountain 0, The Falls 0, Lake Hylia 100, Flooded Pass 100, Zora River 200, The Lake Shore 200, The Cursed Mere 200, Peahat Plains 70/100A/20H, The Fences 200 (visiting)
RESOURCES: 100 + 10 = 110
That's how the shorthand is going to go, by the way, when I'm indicating the troops present. Unadorned numbers represent regular troops; A for archers, C for cavaliers, H for horseback archers.

Wy--Note that some of the livestock survived. I thought it only fair, since the capture of Lon Lon, by my notes, was to earn the capturer a one-time bonus of 50 rupees and 20 resources.

All right, folks. Let's try for tomorrow night around 10 PM. Generals, Freelancers, get a-posting.
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Post by Apollo the Just » Sun Nov 04, 2007 1:09 am
ASlright, NOW I can do this

Koume, albeit being loyal to her lord, also had a bit of a free will-- she would do the task she was bid, but first, decided to take a bit of a detour.

Leila had awoken early, and was awaiting orders from her Lord. Suddenly, a puff of smoke bloomed and Koume's figure emerged.

The witch grinned at Leila's surprised expression. "Our troops are avoiding Lon Lon Ranch... the animals have been intercepted and the fields burnt to the ground."

"Yes. I think we ALL are well aware of that, thanks." Leila did not hide her annoyance at the witch; she dared think even the Great Lord Ganondorf wouldn't kill such a valuable troop over a bit of mouth to his messenger.

"Perhaps... due to this fire, much resources have been covered in ashes... hidden among the ruin... nearly impossible to find, I dare say. It would take weeks for a normal team to savage such an area and survive with a rupee or three..."

Leila caught the hint. "Okay, I will do it. Do I have cover?"

The witch cackled. "That you will not need, my dear. Not a single member from any race dares approach such a dead and dangerous place... not to mention, if you are as good as they say, you will hardly need it..."

It was apparent that the witch was not willing to negotiate. More than likely this was not even an order; but a whim that would gain her favor from the King. Even so, Leila wanted to do all she could to serve her Lord.

Dusk began to fall. A few lone sands rode the wind from the adjacent Desert, clouding Leila's already fading vision. However, within ten minutes her eyes adjusted to the pitch black; she stalked toward the ruin of what used to be a lively ranch.

Grumblings and noises could be heard. "Well, so much for 'no one' being around here," Leila thought. Despite this, she pressed forward, hugging the shadows and moving with the gentle night breeze. Eventually, she entered the devastated lands.

"I can't believe this used to be such a lively place..." Leila spoke with a voice as gentle as the moonlight. She scouted the area, then began excavating what she could.

Jars, jars, more jars... a feeding bucket...

Finding useful resources was proving to be more difficult than she had expected. In order to find something worthwhile, Leila was going to have to use brains.

She recalled the map she had been shown by the sly witch before her departure earlier.

"Let me see... there was a barn to the southeast, around there... and a house right over there, to the west..." Leila recalled all of the details she possibly could.

After awhile, she began to mark among the ashes where the buildings had once stood as best she could. She first dug into the fleshy earth where the Ranch hands' home had been. After about an hour of digging and polishing, she discovered around seventy or so full-conditioned resources necessary for life, and around ten rupees, as well.

"OK, I think that does it. Here are some cans of food... preservatives are very handy. And here are some ragged clothes. The fabrics could be easily washed and recycled. And over here are a few rupees..." Leila did a quick recap of all the items she'd collected. She then packed what she could into a sack, and creeped silently back to her camp.

After around five trips, the +70 RESOURCES and +10 RUPEES had been placed back at the camp. When Leila awoke the next morning, she found they were gone.

"That's not surprising... that witch made me do all the work, and she collects the credit..."

As she closed her eyes once more, Leila could swear she could hear a sinister chuckle floating amongst the breeze.
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Post by Blake » Sun Nov 04, 2007 1:38 am
Rivers Of Stone
- Move 50 Gorons into The Sooted Wilds

Spectacle Rock:
- Move 12 Gorons into Hyrule Field North
- Move 13 Gorons into Hyrule Field NE

High Pass:
- Move 25 Gorons into Spectacle Rock

Sooted Wilds:
- Have 25 Gorons attack the Tangle
- Move 25 Gorons into Petrified Forest

Petrified Forest
- Move 25 Gorons into Lost Woods West

In Addition: Begin to research Serrated Edges.

TERRITORIES: Goron Citadel 300, Death Mountain 25, Dodongo Cavern 25, Death Mountain Trail 130, Rivers of Stone 130(-50 = 80), Kakariko Village 195, Sooted Wilds 300(+50 - 50 = 300), High Pass 125(-25 = 100), Petrified Forest 25(+25 - 25 = 25), Spectacle Rock 25(-25 + 25 = 25), Tangle(25?), Lost Woods West(25), Hyrule Field North(12), Hyrule Field NE(13)
Rupees: 535 - 500 = 35
Resources: 100 - 100 = 0

Roleplay: Someday to finish my dang intro already...

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Post by I am nobody » Sun Nov 04, 2007 8:30 am
40 Troops from the Frozen Heath to The Tundra Flats.
300 Troops from Castle Burmica to the Frozen Heath.

New Troops:
Spend 200 rupees training 100 Castle Burmica troops to 100 Archers.

Spend 100 rupees on 50 resources.


Can I train troops to other units outside of Castle Burmica?

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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Sun Nov 04, 2007 1:10 pm
(To all Roleplayers: If you see me, I'm a purple Sword Kirby in case you need to know what I look like...)

My official move: Travel from (the burned down) Lon Lon Ranch to The Fences to attempt to have the Gerudo and the Zora break their alliance.

*Yawn* "What a good rest. Maybe I'll-"

As I wake up from my "well earned" nap, I look around to find Lon Lon Ranch burned to the ground. Ashes lay where once houses and fences stood tall.

"What the hell happened here!?!?" I look around to find Leila digging around for... something. I decide to walk up to her and *slap* "What the heck are you going to find in these ashes!?!? Fool!" I continue to walk around the scorched lands when I find... a dragon!!!!

So, this thing is responsible, I thought, but I needed to move on to more important buisness. Maybe I'll give it a quick slash. The b**** destroyed my traps!!! So I did, leaving a bloody, nasty scar it wouldn't soon forget. Knowing how dangerous Dragons are, I dash out of Lon Lon Ruins (as I affectionately call the area) to The Fences, where Zora and Gerudo troops are amassing themselves...

This looks like trouble... I thought. I started to talk to the general of the Zora, who was nearby.

"Sir, I need you attention. You do realize that those gerudo are planning to invade your lands very soon, do you? I noticed that, on the way here, that the Gerudo are near Zora River, and that they look like they were marching to invade Zora River! I think eventually, they'll take your garudian God's Chamber, Jabu Jabu's Fountain! I don't think this is good for your people if they have to fight an uphill battle with the Gerudo taking your territories and limiting your resources all the time! Please stop your alliance with the Gerudo before they ambush you and your troops and take your ancestrial homes!! Please!"

(Waiting for Crav's reply before I roleplay further)

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Post by Marilink » Sun Nov 04, 2007 1:35 pm
The Turn:

Convert 40 rupees into 20 resources
[632-40=592 rupees]

Fortify Lost Woods East
[592-400=192 rupees, 200-200 resources = 0 resources (OH NOES!)]

Retrain 45 soldiers in LWE to Archers
[192-90=102 rupees]


-Move 91 soliders from BF into LWW to reclaim the land
-Pray that the 3 soldiers in the Tangle really kick some ass
-Move the 3 soldiers from SV to HFSE
-Move 20 soldiers from DTG to SFM
-Move 50 soldiers from KF to LWE
-Tell Daos to raise some hell in the empty territories held by the Gerudo
-Move 100 soldiers from BF into SV
-Move 100 soldiers from BF into The Crumbled Wall (CW)
-Move 40 soldiers from SKR to LWW
*-Fire upon PF with archers in LWE

KF: 210
DTG: 70
SFM: 70
LWW: 131
LWE: 250 + 45 archers
tT: 3(?)
SV: 100
CW: 100
BF: 0
SKR: 200]

1. Can you not trust me with the standings? If there's an inconsistency, go with what I said in my turn, not with my math in the Standings.

2. Why did you mention the awesome 10 Undead, but my 3 Kokiri get no love?


Aaric was in the Lost Woods East, or as he liked to call it, "L-wee." He was checking on the progress of the archery training and supervising the fortification of the area.

"Well...uh, sorry, what's your name again?"

"Ed, sir."

"Ed, of course. You're doing a hell of a job training these guys. Nice to see my finances are actually doing some good."

"Thank you, sir. I've always enjoyed archery, and I was ecstatic when you announced your decision."

"Well, let's hope you guys can help us out. Report back to me tomorrow with your progress." Aaric gave a respectful nod.

"Aye, sir." Ed saluted, and darted off to practice with his recruits a little more. Aaric had forgotten his name, but he was spoken to--that's more than most of these soldiers could say.

However, Ed's morale was completely demolished when a messenger came riding in on a skeleton-horse, plowing him completely to the ground.

"General Aaric!...Oh, sorry, Ed. You okay?" The messenger glanced down with a sad look on his face.

Aaric rushed up. "Yes, yes, what is it? Don't worry about Frank, he's okay."

"It's...Ed, sir."

"Right, whatever. Anyway, where the hell did you get this horse?"

"That's part of the message, sir." The messenger said, exasperated. "I was given this by the Undead as a peace offering."

"The Undead? Really?" Aaric looked surprised. "Funny. We were just on our way to clean their clocks in the Black Forest."

"That's probably the reason I have this horse, sir. Their general is coming now to make a peace treaty." The messenger handed a slip of paper over to Aaric. The writing was scratchy and almost illegible, but he seemed to understand what it said."

"Oh wow, he's in the West Lost Woods right now. That's gonna help the rebellion. General No-Body, huh? Fitting name. Well, see him in."

Aaric's coolness surprised the messenger. "Hm...Okay, sir." With a quick glance to Ed on the ground, the messenger rode off.


About an hour later, a Kokiri on lookout yelled at the top of his lungs: "General Nobody approaches!"

Aaric added, "Don't fire, archers, he's got a white flag. Plus, I think it'd just go right through him."

The Undead General rode in on a skeletal horse, much like the messenger's. This horse was different in two ways: It had a red sash across its back, and the person riding it had no skin.

"Hello, sir."

The voice was eerie, almost painful. Now Aaric understood why the Undead tended not to speak. "Hello, No-Body. Nice to see you here. Sorry the accommodations aren't so great. If we were in the Fortress, you wouldn't be seeing people sawing and carrying logs all over the place...Well, you might, but it wouldn't be normal. Hah. Let's go over in this tent and discuss the matter, shall we?"

The Undead man's face was expressionless--Aaric wasn't sure if the niceties had paid off. The two of them went inside one of the tents and remained there for quite a while.


An announcement was made from General Aaric himself.

"Men of the Kokiri, give heed! The Undead have just signed with us a peace treaty! They are friendly to us now. If some of you are questioning this, General No-Body and I discovered it would be for both our goods to ally with each other--strength in numbers. With the bands of troops across the rest of the map, we need all the extra help we can get.

"So, 3 cheers for the beginning of a great and terrible friendship!"

The soldiers cheered loudly. The response was more enthusiastic than Aaric had anticipated. He had another section of reassurance written down for his speech, but his soldiers were loyal to the end. He decided to skip to the very end of his speech.

"Now, men, let's get rid of those damn Gorons!"
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Post by Cravdraa » Sun Nov 04, 2007 2:00 pm
General Shul looked down at the small creature attempting to speak with him.

"How in Din's name did you manage to get into the middle of the Zora Camp? You're the Gonon freelancer, aren't you?! Guards! Seize him!"

*Before SK even knew what was happening, he was set upon by nearly 200 soldiers, bound, gagged, thrown into a make-shift prison, and chained to the ground.*

That day SK learned a very valuable lesson. When you spot an enemy army, it's best not to walk into the middle of it and attempt to strike up a conversation with it's commanding general.

Sending a letter to the Gorons, stating that their freelancer is now a prisoner of war. He will be released upon payment of 30 rupees or 15 resources.

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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Sun Nov 04, 2007 2:25 pm
"...Bloody hell." I sit in their makeshift cell, making NO progress whatsoever in the Goron's plan. I needed to find a way to get out of here...
What this means for me...
If the Gorons pay: I move back to their Citadel, still their Freelancer.
If they don't: I'm no longer the Goron Freelancer, and next turn, I miracously escape... (and i'll Roleplay my escape, but no more until I'm hired again by a different group.)

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Post by Blake » Sun Nov 04, 2007 7:57 pm
Alright, I'll pay the 30 rupees to free SK.

Roleplay: Who knows? When I have the will and am not busy.

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Post by Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds » Sun Nov 04, 2007 9:26 pm
Now, now, it had been my intention from the moment I saw the map to go and destroy Lon Lon. It needed to be set on fire, don't you understand?! :O

Also, congratulations on the capture of SK, Crav! Huzzah for the glorious Zora leader!


Time is precious, knowledge is power and patience is a virtue. Often, we must ignore all these rules for the more pressing matter of revenge and treachery.


Among the Zora army the Great Faerie flew. She had found travel difficult and rested often, but she was relieved to know that after her long journey, an end was in sight.

'General Shul! Will someone take me to the general!' she cried to the water people milling around.

A Zora hurried forward, bowing respectfully. 'This way, lady,' he murmured.

Together they hastily made their way to a grand pavilion that the general of the Zora army rested in. The fae glided forward and Shul rose to his feet to meet her.

'What do I owe this wondrous pleasure to? It is a rare day that one of your kind ventures into our lands like this,' Shul said.

'Your mercenary, the dragon Melvanna, saved me from the horrors of captivity. I offered her a reward, and all she would accept is my assistance for your army. I come to you with a great boon.' The faerie tinkled happily, glowing an even brighter pink than usual.

Shul seemed speechless. Melvanna had been busy, then.

'Follow me, general Shul.'

A handful of Zora followed behind the Great Faerie and Shul as they made their way to a looming cliff side. Set against it was a pile of boulders and the fae gestured towards them.

'If you would, these rocks need moving,' she said.

Shul frowned slightly. 'Well, we can do that,' he replied hesitantly. The faerie smiled at his reluctance.

One of the Zora present produced a worn pouch and removed an unusual looking item. As the Great Faerie looked on in wonder, he smiled at her and said, 'These are bombs, lady. We can use them underwater, as well as above the surface. Please, you must keep clear when I detonate it.'

The Zora then set the bomb, and everyone nearby cleared the area. A massive boom shook through the air with a cloud of dust emanating from the site. As it cleared, Shul, the faerie and the other Zora edged forward to peer into the cave that opened like a great maw before them.

'Inside, general Shul, you will find a maze. At the end of the maze lies an ancient treasure stash, hidden by a great Hylian explorer.' The faerie nodded to herself. 'I hope this is a suitable reward for my life, and freedom.'

Everyone gazed into the darkened depths, collectively thinking "maze?".

'As much as I appreciate your help, Great Faerie, I must apologise. We are in the midst of a terrible war, as you know, and I do not believe I can spare the manpower to go in search of this treasure. I am very sorry.' Shul looked unhappily back towards his army. 'We are stretched thin already, and have suffered losses that strike us to the very heart.'

Instead of looking crestfallen, the fae glittered pink and giggled. 'I understand. Let me extend further assistance, then!'

Without a backwards glance, she flew straight into the cave. The Zora stared at the opening, then each other. None knew what to do, except wait. It was mere moments before a low whine was heard, followed by a shimmering blue ring appearing nearby. Shul stepped closer to investigate and was startled when the Great Faerie emerged, grinning in absolute excitement.

'A portal, directly to the treasure chamber!' she cried joyously.

The Zora took up an incredible cheer and all rushed to the portal. Tumbling through it, they reappeared in a large cavern, lit by flickering torches. The people of the water quickly opened the chests, ten in total, gasping in awe at the plentiful supply of rupees within. Shul could hardly believe his eyes, having badly needed more money to fund his campaign.

'Thank you, Great Faerie!' he said in earnest. 'This is more than we could ever have dreamed of!'

However, the faerie was gone.

When Shul returned to his encampment, a Zora came with a missive. 'While you were gone, sir, a small faerie came bearing news of Melvanna. She reports the Undead have a weakness regarding explosions. The lady dragon recommended stockpiling bombs to use in battle against them.'

Shul nodded and thanked the messenger, too busy calculating how best to spend his newfound wealth.


Melvanna looked down at herself in disgust. She was covered in soot and ashes, and she really wanted to bathe. It took her little time to discover the bare remains of Lon Lon Ranch's well, and she happily filled a trough and washed herself clean. Whilst bathing, she came across a long scratch on the scales of her hide and fumed to herself. Someone had dared to attempt attacking her! And look how they had marred her beautiful scales!

She had seen no sign of anyone since waking, which only irritated her more. Instead of hunting down and massacring the fool that dared touch her, the dragon decided that perhaps it would be optimal to finally leave and return to her post, spying on the Undead. She looked around the ruins in a smug sort of pleasure at the destruction she had reaped, before flying south-east to where she had originated.

It didn't take the dragon long to alight in the Tundra Flats and she reveled in the cool weather. Staying out of sight of the Undead stationed there was a simple matter, and she lounged in a soft pile of snow, smoking her pipe contentedly.

The Undead were skittish and fighting amongst themselves. She overheard that they had barely won a fight against a large calvary of Zora warriors, as the Hinox had stayed in the area and made it an unsafe battleground. Wisely, the Zora had retreated back to the relative safety of the Cursed Mere to regroup and replenish themselves.

Melvanna sighed a large plume of smoke from her nose and watched it rise swiftly in the cool air. She was bored, mostly. These zombies weren't exactly doing much and the dragon wanted more action. She lolled her head back and forth in the snow, collecting flakes in the soft fur around her face; the icy weather was just to her liking.

Growing ever more weary of the inactivity, the small dragon began wandering slowly around the edges of the encampment. Sparse tents and a few catchments of water were in their grounds. Melvanna sniffed at it carefully before taking a quick drink.

Soon, the sound of more troops arriving could be heard at the southern border of the camp. Melvanna swiftly made her way around there and watched as the Undead warriors brought a large, ugly chest with them into the midst of the campsite.

The troops gathered around a bonfire and left the chest unattended. Clearly, they had gained confidence with the additional warriors adding to their strength. The dragon snuck towards the large wooden chest and had picked the lock in no time.

Inside were numerous bottles of a vile looking potion. The colour of rotting meat, with blues and greens threading between black and grey slime, Melvanna stared at them with an instinctual disgust.

Nonetheless, she reached into the chest to remove the piece of parchment from under one of the bottles and read the letter. It outlined the contents of the bottles as a type of disease, a bacteria that consumed the flesh of the living. The dragon shuddered as she ran her claw along the outside of a bottle. Such destructive force. Such an awful fate for anyone.

Then, she grinned.

The letter also pointed out that this was the only supply the Undead had, and that it should be used sparingly, and with the greatest amount of caution. Melvanna gathered the chest up onto her back and lumbered away with it to her hiding place, forming a terrible plan in her mind.

The Undead revelry continued and they never even noticed their chest missing.


Drawing her strength slowly and deliberately, Melvanna called forth a roaring thunderstorm. It travelled across the lands of the Undead like a hungry beast on the prowl, finally brooding above the Tundra Flats and stretching as far east as the Abandoned Farm. The lightning rumbled menacingly, causing many of the Undead to look skywards, superstitions playing heavily on their minds.

It was terrible luck to experience a storm during a war campaign.

Melvanna looked on in a sort of hazy glee. She was engulfed by the control of her storm as she was nurturing the vicious static electricity that grew in the clouds.

Taking up an armful of the deadly potions, she held them as tenderly as a lover, so they would not accidentally break against her body and infect her with the terrible disease. The dragon lunged into the air, spiraling upwards into the heart of the cold, wet clouds where the wind howled in her ears. She took even greater care with the bottles, now that they were dampened.

Gazing back towards the earth, the Undead stoked their fire and it blazed even under the wind and rain. It glowed like a beacon, a guiding light for the herald of destruction and mayhem. The Bae-synné.

Having gathered enough of the lightning's energy, the dragon watched it whip around the clouds like an enraged, snarling leopard. She drew it around her body, expanding her own shape with the angry electricity.

A giant dragon of lightning hovering within the clouds.

Soaring out from her momentary residence, the enormous electric dragon screeched at the pathetic Undead below. A cry of warning and terror ran through the camp, but Melvanna barely heard it. She extended a long lightning-arm towards the scattering creatures and gently tossed a potion into their unit. It tumbled through the air majestically before hitting the ground and smashing to spread its vile contents over the Undead warriors nearby.

Again and again, Melvanna flew her electric manifestation low over the opposing army, throwing down her foul findings and coating the Undead with the flesh-eating illness. Some screamed, others simply fled towards their home, hoping for safety.

It wasn't long before the entire area was deserted.

However, Melvanna was not yet sated.

She flowed through the storm, straight into the heart of the Abandoned Farm. Stationed there was a token group of the Undead; not even a full dozen to protect the land. The great dragon screamed in victory, swooping low over their shelter and pelting it with the remaining potions. From within the broken farmhouse came cries of horror and suffering. A cloud of the potion's noxious gases ballooned from the empty windowframes and slowly, the Undead inside grew silent.

Melvanna took to the skies once more, dispelling the electricity from around her body in earsplitting cracks of lightning. She left the storm rolling overhead to work itself naturally to its end, and drifted to the ground near the farmhouse.

The dragon ignored the decrepit entirely, directing her attention instead to nearby snowdrifts.

She peered at them curiously, before brushing away the icy flakes to reveal a pile of discarded items. With a whoop of excitement, Melvanna began scampering from one snow mount to another, uncovering a seemingly endless supply of resources.



*Rescued Great Faerie leads Zora to ten chests full of rupees. Rejoicement!

*Melvanna returned to the Tundra Flats as well as embarking to the Abandoned Farm. She frightened the Undead in both camps, making them desert both territories (or die :D ). Many fled back towards the Frozen Heath, taking with them a terrible, flesh-consuming disease she had cast, using a nasty potion. Perhaps they shall infect others, causing untold deaths among the Undead troops!

*Currently at the Abandoned Farm, rummaging up resources. Oooh, shinies!
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Post by Wyborn » Mon Nov 05, 2007 12:55 am
200 from The Fences to Old Corral, ceding The Fences to the Zora.

600 from Chasm North to Red Rock Pass.

That's....iit for now.
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Post by Booyakasha » Mon Nov 05, 2007 11:22 am
Warmod Mini-Update

All right, first and foremost, questions.

i_am_nobody: You can retrain Regular Army into higher units anywhere on the map. It's only when you're training a unit from scratch that it enters at your main base, whether Regular, Archer, Cavalier, or Horseback Archer.

Marilink 1: The Hylian Gazette is meant to sum up and present every race's current attributes in a single place, for everyone's benefit. It isn't that I mistrust anyone's math; it's that I don't want people to have to go to the hassle of having to constantly sift through the posts for the hard data they have to make strategic decisions off of.

Marilink 2: The Undead were more heavily out-numbered, and the scale of the Kokiri/Goron engagement was smaller. Forgive my wicked journalistic bias; the Kokiri troops fought no less bravely for all that I failed to report their struggle.

And now, announcements----
First off, my home internet connection isn't working right now; hopefully, it'll be up again shortly, but, until that happens, I have to resort to the computers at the university to conduct HW business. Now, I'm only on campus during the day, so I won't be as responsive to questions as before; additionally, I won't be able to post on Tuesday at all, because I'm essentially booked solid from 7 AM to 7:30 PM (awesome scheduling on my part). Unless my internet service fixes itself between now and then, look for the next Warmod Update on Wednesday Morning.

Second--Freelancers, I appreciate your enthusiasm for helping out your sides, and your RP has been terrific, but you need to bear a sense of proportion in mind while playing. Do you remember the 'demo' I posted in the sign-up, where the Freelancer was chided for arbitrarily throwing the Goron force out of Kakariko Village? Some of you are well over the line. I'm hesitant to post a hard-and-fast set of rules for Freelancers the way I did for Generals, but it's getting to the point where I have to either bring out the old 'negatory, good buddy' stamp or just gloss right on over your posts, and I really don't want to do either of those.
Some guidelines to consider--
A) 'Mining' is welcome, but trim it back to 50-80 rupees' worth of stuff per round at most, if you please.
B) Fomenting rebellion, too, is welcome, but it only works on neutral NPCs; you're not going to turn army units against their leadership.
C) Everyone, one character only, or, if you really want to play multiple characters, they should stay together and work together--otherwise, it's going to cost your general a sight more than just 10 rupees per round to keep you on.
D) Germ warfare is inappropriate to the setting. Freelancers, you may kill a small contingent of enemy soldiers through the clever use of fire, frost, lightning, magic, or the assistance of creatures; a genetically-engineered superplague, however, is both out of step with Hyrule's technological level and totally unbalanced.

Right. Got to go. Hylian General update and Warmod update to follow on Wednesday morning at the latest--Generals, Freelancers, make sure you've posted by then. Sorry about the inconvenience. Take care, all.
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Post by Apiary Tazy » Mon Nov 05, 2007 12:50 pm
When I said "Camp" I ment like maybe 5 or 10 Undead at most, I didn't really attack them all.

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Post by Daos » Mon Nov 05, 2007 6:51 pm
It didn't help that the Kokiri did not use doors in their architecture. Daos REALLY wanted to make a scene but since there was no door to slam open he would have to suffice with stopming his feet. Which is exactly what he did as he entered the room where Aaric was busy hovering over a map of Hyrule with his top commanders. Everyone looked up as the Sheikah entered.
"The Undead armies??!" What are you thinking?"

Aaric gave him a look.
"I'm thinking that it's not your job to question me, it's not what I pay you for."

"Of course, but I don't trust them"

"Well they are our allies at the moment, you really have no say in the matter"

Daos didn't like it but neither did he press his argument. The Kokiri did pay him and he owed Aaric his life besides. He had learned long ago not to underestimate the kid looking Kokiri.

"What are your orders then?"

"The Gerudo have left territory open, go and raise some hell"

"Ahh, now that's what I'm talking about. I shall leave right away"

Move to Gerudo Fortress and raise hell
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Post by Booyakasha » Mon Nov 05, 2007 9:04 pm
Home internet's back up. Once Crav and I have each banged out a General update, I'll swing a Warmod update and start the next round on up.
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Post by Wyborn » Mon Nov 05, 2007 9:16 pm
Daos, I think you're too far to make it to the fortress.
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Post by Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds » Mon Nov 05, 2007 10:06 pm

It's a naturally occuring virii; no one ever suggested it was some genetically modified whatever.

You don't need to give us rules, but some guidelines would've helped. Too late now, we might learn from our mistakes though.

Also, I had originally assumed (after reading the sign up topic) that I would not be responsible for deciding what rewards my people would gain for my actions, hence, I've done nothing definative until now.

I might be able to muster up the enthusiasm to change my post before the warmod update. If not, just ignore it. Maybe I can manage something more suitable next time.
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Post by Cravdraa » Mon Nov 05, 2007 10:14 pm
366 rupees
TERRITORIES: Zora's Domain 464, Jabu Jabu's Fountain 0, The Falls 0, Lake Hylia 100, Flooded Pass 100, Zora River 200, The Lake Shore 200, The Cursed Mere 200, Peahat Plains 70/100A/20H, The Fences 200 (visiting)

Troop movments:
Ganondorf has given me The Fences.
The 70 soldiers and 100 archers will move from Peahat Plains to Bone Orchard. The Archers will open fire on the undead at Tundra Flats.
The 20 Horseback Archers will continue onward to the Crumbled Wall and open fire on the Undead troops at Abandoned Farm.
The 200 in Cursed Mere will move to Tundra Flats and take it for the Zora.
The 100 at Flooded Pass will move to Cursed Mere. 200 rupees to train them into archers.
50 soldiers at Zora's Domain to be trained into archers for 100 rupees
That leaves me with 66R.
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Post by Booyakasha » Mon Nov 05, 2007 11:04 pm
Clarification, plus Hylian General Update

I wasn't trying to single any of you Freelancers out. Personally, I'm delighted that this is the first time I've felt the need to say anything at all--it usually takes a lot less time. Please, please don't take it the wrong way; however it may have sounded, my actual intent in that message was to nudge you all gently in the right direction, not to crack whips and snarl. If I sounded hostile, chalk it up to me being in a mad rush this morning, compounded by my frustration over the home internet situation.

Hylian Generalship--

FINANCES: No change.

TROOP MOVEMENTS: 100 from Hylian Market to Ruined Tower; 300 from Guarded Path to King's Highway North; 300 from King's Highway North to Stone Circle; 100 from King's Highway South to Hyrule Field NW

TERRITORIES: Castle of Hylia 243, Temple of Time 0, Hylia Castle Town 0, Hylian Market 0, Guarded Path 300, Ruined Tower 200, King's Highway North 300, Old Union Bridge 150, Stone Circle 300, King's Highway South 0, Graveyard 100, Hyrule Field NW 100 (+2)

By the way, Wy--as I said in the last Warmod update, you got 15 horses out of the old Lon Lon fugitive capture, aka 15 free upgrades to Cavalier. Do you want to use those yet? If so, which units are you going to upgrade?
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Post by Daos » Mon Nov 05, 2007 11:10 pm
It's okay I wasn't offended. Thats why I chose to be a freelancer because my real life is sometimes so busy and/or chaotic that I knew being a general would be hard to do.
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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Mon Nov 05, 2007 11:18 pm

Booyakasha wrote:
I wasn't trying to single any of you Freelancers out. Personally, I'm delighted that this is the first time I've felt the need to say anything at all--it usually takes a lot less time.

Frankly, I'd rather you single me out if I did anything wrong! It's the only way I'll learn. If I did anything wrong, just SAY SO (preferably in a PM)!

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Post by Wyborn » Mon Nov 05, 2007 11:27 pm
I will not use it yet: no point yet.
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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Nov 06, 2007 12:29 am
Cravdraa, Crumbled Wall is already owned by the Kokiri. You can't send units there.

Freelancer After-Action Report!

Zant Ten--Used terrifying devil-magic to kill 20 Undead at Frozen Heath. Current Location: Tundra Flats

CuccoLady--Scavenged 35 resources and 10 rupees for Gerudo at Lon Lon Ranch. Still there.

Shadow Kirby--Captured and ransomed, earning Gorons -30 rupees. Current Location: The Fences

Saria Dragon--Participated in the procurement of 40 rupees' worth of treasure; killed the hell out of 10 Undead troops at Abandoned Farm. Still there, looking for resources.

Daos--Traveling towards Gerudo lands (not to Gerudo Fortress, of course, which, being a Fortified Area, is off-limits to Freelancers). Current Location: Hyrule Field NE, let's say.

KirbyBoy2000--Hasn't posted. We'll say he's continuing his revolutionary activities in LWW, making it so the Kokiri have to maintain 30 troops there or lose that territory again. (By the way, Freelancers, if you're ever unable to post for a day, I'm going to continue the activities you were engaged in when we last saw you.)

'I ut inimicos devorare!
Issue 5.......................11-06-07

EXTRA!! Kokiri and Undead Sign Historic Alliance!
EXTRA!! Goron Troops At Hyrule Field North Experience Random Encounter With Medium-Sized Hostile Party--A Peahat! The Beast is Defeated at the Cost of 7 Goron Soldiers!
EXTRA!! Gerudo Troops At Old Corral Experience Random Encounter With Large Hostile Party--A Pack of Lynels! The Fierce Monsters are Exterminated, but Only After 15 Brave Soldiers Have Fallen!
EXTRA!! Earthquakes at Rivers of Stone! Movement to or from Rivers of Stone Impossible!
EXTRA!! Battle Between 25 Gorons and 3 Kokiri at The Tangle--Gorons Victorious, Losing No Soldiers!
EXTRA!! Battle Between 25 Gorons and 91 Kokiri At Lost Woods West--Kokiri Victorious, Losing 8 Soldiers!
EXTRA!! Battle Between 200 Zora and 39 Undead At Tundra Flats--Zora Victorious, Losing 8 Soldiers
EXTRA!! Archery Attack By Kokiri in Lost Woods E Against Gorons in Petrified Forest! 5 Gorons Killed!
EXTRA!! Archery Attack By Zora in Bone Orchard Against Undead At Tundra Flats! 10 Undead Killed!

Gorons--+ 3 territories, - 500 rupees, - 100 resources, - 25 troops, - 7 troops, - 30 rupees
FINANCES: 535 + (13/3)*100 = 968 rupees; 968 - 500 - 10 (FL fee) - 30 (ransom for SK) = 458 rupees
TERRITORIES: Goron Citadel 300, Death Mountain 25, Dodongo Cavern 25, Death Mountain Trail 130, Rivers of Stone 80, Kakariko Village 195, Sooted Wilds 300, High Pass 100, Petrified Forest 20, Spectacle Rock 25, The Tangle 25, Hyrule Field N 5, Hyrule Field NE 13
RESOURCES: 100 - 100 = 0
DEVELOPMENT: Serrated Edges--20% complete

Undead-- - 1 territory, - 200 rupees, - 100 rupees, + 50 resources, - 10 troops, - 10 troops, - 20 troops, - 39 troops
FINANCES: 342 + (6/3)*100 = 542 rupees; 542 - 200 - 100 = 242 rupees
TERRITORIES: Castle Burmunica 570/100A, Ancient Kings 50, The Glacier 100, Frozen Heath 300, Dead Fields 40, Chill Swamp 10
RESOURCES: 200 + 50 = 250

Kokiri--+ 2 territories, -40 rupees, + 20 resources, - 90 rupees, - 8 troops, - 3 troops, - 2 troops
FINANCES: 632 + (10/3)*100 = 965 rupees; 965 - 40 - 90 - 400 - 10 (FL fee) = 425 rupees
TERRITORIES: Kokiri Fortress 210, Deku Tree's Glade 70, Sacred Forest Meadow 70, Lost Woods East 250/45A, Skull Kids' Refuge 200, Lost Woods West 121, Black Forest 0, Sylvan Verge 100, Crumbled Wall 100, Hyrule Field SE 3
RESOURCES: 180 + 20 + 20 (racial advantage) = 220; 220 - 200 = 20
DEVELOPMENTS: New Fortified Area, Lost Woods East--33% complete

Gerudo-- - 1 territory, -15 troops
FINANCES: 932 + (11/3)*100 = 1298 rupees; 1298 - 10 (FL fee) = 1288 rupees
TERRITORIES: Gerudo Fortress 0, Haunted Wasteland 0, Desert Colossus 0, Hyrule Field SW 0, Hyrule Field S 0, Old Corral 185, Chasm South 0, Red Rock Pass 600, Chasm North 0, Thieves' Den 200, Scorched Land 200
RESOURCES: 160 (+ 15 horses)

Zora--+ 4 territories, - 8 troops, - 200 rupees, - 100 rupees
FINANCES: 366 + (13/3)*100 + 30 (racial advantage) + 40 = 879 rupees; 879 - 200 - 100 - 20 (FL fees) = 559 rupees
TERRITORIES: Zora's Domain 414/50A, Jabu Jabu's Fountain 0, The Falls 0, Lake Hylia 100, Flooded Pass 0, Zora River 200, Lake Shore 200, Cursed Mere 100A, The Fences 200, Peahat Plains 0, Bone Orchard 70/100A, Tundra Flats 192, Abandoned Farm 20H

Hylians--+ 2 territories
FINANCES: 442 + (12/3)*100 = 842 rupees; 842 - 10 (FL fee) = 832 rupees
TERRITORIES: Castle of Hylia 243, Temple of Time 0, Hylia Castle Town 0, Hylian Market 0, Guarded Path 0, Ruined Tower 200, King's Highway North 300, Old Union Bridge 150, Stone Circle 300, King's Highway South 0, Graveyard 100, Hyrule Field NW 100
And that's that done with. Everyone, see about swinging a post by tomorrow night. Outtie.
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Post by Wyborn » Tue Nov 06, 2007 6:31 pm
Sidenote: CL works for me unless there has been treachery of which I am unaware.
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Post by Cravdraa » Tue Nov 06, 2007 7:40 pm
Sorry, I hadn't realized. Those Horseback archers will attack Abandoned Farm directly then.

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Post by Booyakasha » Wed Nov 07, 2007 12:36 am
The Warmod Update's all good and finished now. Go, glory in its splendour.
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Post by Wyborn » Wed Nov 07, 2007 12:46 am
Oy Boo:

Wyborn wrote:
200 from The Fences to Old Corral, ceding The Fences to the Zora.

600 from Chasm North to Red Rock Pass.

That's....iit for now.

This is just here for reference.
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Post by Apollo the Just » Wed Nov 07, 2007 1:28 am
Sorry. I guess that seventy resources was a... tad bit exaggerated :D

now for RPing: (and please tell me if anything I'm doing is not allowed or should be limited or whatnot. Again, I'm a noob at this.)

A lot of commotion awakened Leila early. For the umpteenth time. "Well, I suppose I can count on not having any sleep for the rest of this blasted war…" She staggered upwards, and looked southeast, in the direction of the Abandoned Farm, an undead campsite. "What in Hyrule is going on…" Leila quickly packed what few possessions she had with her and made her way toward the noise.

By the time she reached the site, it was completely deserted. It had snowed last night, and Leila was wrapped in a white cloak for warmth, as well as camouflage. "What happened here…?" Shards of glass were strewn about everywhere, and collapsed tents were scattered about the scene. Leila began walking around when she realized there were probably a good amount of usable resources here for her King to use in battle. She began searching through tents, around deserted campfires, everywhere. After around an hour or so, she'd collected a good twenty resources and around fifty rupees.

Leila was about to call it a day when her clumsy feet tripped over something on the ground. She turned around and saw a fully-intact bottle laying in the snow. It looked as though it'd taken a beating, but it was surrounded by a thick layer of soft, cushioning snow. Leila decided to go ahead and take it along. She was picking it up when an oddly deep, yet feminine voice behind her said, "I wouldn't touch that if I were you."

Leila turned to find a large, scaly, winged creature about ten feet tall behind her. She was about to reach for her two swords when the dragon said "Wait! Don't bother; you'll only get yourself killed. You want to know what I did to the LAST guy who attacked me? Or, at least, what I'd do to him if I knew where the hell he was… but that's completely beside the point!! I'm the Zora's freelancer."

She lowered her weapons. "I think I DID hear something about a dragon under Zora command… but I don't completely trust you yet," she warned.

The giant laughed. "I would hope not. Even so, that bottle you were so intent on taking with you JUST SO HAPPENS to contain a large amount of flesh-devouring bacteria."

Leila raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really? And I suppose wings are going to grow out of my feet, now?"

But the dragon appeared serious. "If you truly want to die, be my guest and take that bottle, and crack it over your head, while you're at it." Something about the dragon's expression and voice convinced Leila that she was telling the truth.

"All right, I think I trust you. Still, this could be useful for our army, if it truly does destroy flesh. It is cruel and ruthless, but heck. This is war." Leila took of her snowy cloak and gently wrapped the bottle in it. She packed it away with the rest of her resources and decided to spend the night under a small cave nearby.

"Well, farewell, dragon. My name is Leila, and should we meet again, I hope our allied races REMAIN allied, so I won't have to destroy you."

"An amusing thought, indeed! Well, Gerudo, my name is Melvenna. And don't say I didn't warn you about that bottle." And with that, the dragon flew off to wherever she felt she needed to go. Leila closed her eyes and slept, careful to hide the entrance to her dwelling.
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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Wed Nov 07, 2007 2:05 am

"Heh, heh, heh. Your lucky today, Freelancer... we'll let you go."

A Zora soldier set me free from my prison. I didn't understand why they would give such a charity, but I took the charity with great haste, and made my way away from the Zora/Gerudo encampment.

Why did they let me go? They should've offed me and got the ordeal over with... I thought. Then, the "reason" hit me like a rock to the skull; the Gorons paid my way out. They paid the ransom... Those IDIOTS! This is war; they should've left me to rot in that cell! Now, I felt I had to repay the Gorons in full and plenty more. I hated the idea of eternal servitude, so I went to work trying to crush any Gerudo encampments nearby... so I made my way north...

My luck seem to turn for the better; I found an abandoned Gerudo Camp at the SW side of Hyrule Field. Using all my rage from my Imprisionment, I started to smash up their camp, destroying whatever I could find...

What this means:
I destroyed Resources Left behind in SW Hyrule field by the Gerudo (-5 resources; none of which are horses)
I'm attempting to change SW Hyrule Field into a Neutral Territory
If any of this is Illegal, tell me...

? for Booyakasha: I still have 3 spaces I can move; can I affect more than 1 territory like that per turn, as long as I can move more spaces, or must I stop if I affect another army's territory like that?

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Post by I am nobody » Wed Nov 07, 2007 9:11 am

20 Troops from Ancient Kings to The Chill Swamp.
20 Troops from the Chill Swamp to The Abandoned Farm.

New Troops:

125 Of the 300 at the Frozen Heath to Archers.


All 125 Archers fire on the Zora at Tundra Flats
150 Troops attack the Tundra Flats.
The remaining 25 troops attack at the Abandoned Farm.

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Post by Booyakasha » Wed Nov 07, 2007 10:28 am
Wy: I'm not sure what the problem is. The troops are where you sent them; as for why there's only 185 at the Old Corral instead of 200, your troops there got hit by a Random Encounter, as per the third 'EXTRA' item at the top of the latest Gazette.

SK: Both are legal. As for a continued If it'd just been a case of destroying resources and then running off giggling, that'd be one thing, but inciting rebellion in an enemy space is time-consuming, and effectively ends your turn.
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Post by Marilink » Wed Nov 07, 2007 1:45 pm
The turn:

-Convert 10 soldiers in SFM to Horseback Archers
-Buy 20 resources

-Fire upon the Petrified Forest
-Attack Abandoned Farm w/ 90 soldiers from Crumbled Wall
-Attack the Tangle w/ 50 soldiers from LWW
-Attack HFNE w/ 50 soldiers from Sylvan Verge
-Attack Petrified Forest w/ 30 soldiers from LWE

-Move 2 soldiers from HFSE to HFS, claim the territory
-50 soldiers from KF to LWE
-50 soldiers move from SKR to LWW
-10 Horseback archers move from SFM to LWW

Questions: None for now

RP: Possibly later
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Post by Booyakasha » Wed Nov 07, 2007 10:25 pm
Hylian General Update

Troop movements--
300 troops from King's Highway North to Stone Circle, 100 troops from Old Union Bridge to King's Highway South, 50 troops from Graveyard to King's Highway South, 50 troops from Hyrule Field NW to Lon Lon Ranch, 100 troops from Castle Hylia to Guarded Path

Train 100 troops in Guarded Path to Archers

Begin researching Tower Shields

FINANCES: 832 - 500 - 200 = 132 rupees
TERRITORIES: Castle Hylia 143, Temple of Time 0, Hylia Castle Town 0, Hylian Market 0, Guarded Path 100, Ruined Tower 200, King's Highway North 0, Old Union Bridge 50, Stone Circle 600, King's Highway South 100, Graveyard 50, Hyrule Field NW 50, Lon Lon Ranch 50
RESOURCES: 100 - 100 = 0

RP to follow.
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Post by Blake » Wed Nov 07, 2007 10:58 pm
Death Mountain Trail:
- Move 105 Gorons into High Pass

High Pass
- Move 100 into Spectacle Rock

Sooted Wilds
- Move/Attack with 50 Gorons into Petrified Forest

Attacking The Tangle:
- From Sooted Wilds, Attack With 50 Gorons and...
- In addition, use 25 Gorons from Spectable Rock for a dual attack or whatever you wanna call this thing.

RP: maybe Thanksgiving break lol...

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Post by Apiary Tazy » Thu Nov 08, 2007 9:20 pm
Zant woke up. He would have immeadiatley gone ahead to eat something, if he was not out of food. He got up and noticed about 300 Undead desending upon the Flats. about 125 were Archers as they aimed at the Zora. Suddenly, out of the line was a Redead in more Regal Clothes. The Redead started to speak".....Hmph. So, you Summoned the Great Volvagia to attack us? Well, We'll be sure to send your broken body to your country after we BEND them to our will......You may have one last request before dying."

"My Last Request is to give the Zoras the freedom they deserve" Says Zant.

"Sure.....We will give them the freedom of DEATH! FIRE!" Said the Redead as the Archers release the bows.

The Arrows blanketed the sky as Zant pulled out his Warhammer. He put it over his head and slammed it on the ground

The Hammer made a barrier, protecting Zant from the Arrows.

However, Most of the Archers were already about to fire thier second Arrow. Zant did not have much time. He ran head long into the Archers and Yelled the First Spell that came to mind. "Volvagia Apprahendae!, Cru-"

Zant forgot for a one second that if you incorrectly use a Spell, You're either in trouble, Or your enemies. Suddenly, Zant exploded into a Giant Fireball, and bursts through thier ranks. He stops to watch some of the Archers Running around on fire. "COME AT ME! ALL OF YOU!" Zant Motions to the Archers, knowing that they could not fight them hand-to hand
I'm Fighting the Archers :D

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Post by Wyborn » Thu Nov 08, 2007 10:02 pm
600 from Red Rock Pass to Thieves' Den, 185 from Old Corral to Hyrule Field Southwest, 185 from HFSW to Lon Lon Ranch, and engage in battle.

My stuff is really simplified right now and I apologize but I have a lot on my plate.
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Post by I am nobody » Fri Nov 09, 2007 9:22 am
^^ Fine. All the Archers come at you. ( They are the same as noraml troops in melee combat. )

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Post by Booyakasha » Fri Nov 09, 2007 9:54 am
^Very true.
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Post by Marilink » Fri Nov 09, 2007 1:26 pm
Hey Boo, mind giving me a quick list of the allied nations?

Is it Hylian - Goron, Gerudo - Zora, Undead - Kokiri?
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Post by Blake » Fri Nov 09, 2007 1:31 pm
^ Yeah, those are the current standings

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Post by Cravdraa » Fri Nov 09, 2007 5:48 pm
Excellent job distracting them Zant. It lets me put my plan into action.

559 rupees
TERRITORIES: Zora's Domain 414/50A, Jabu Jabu's Fountain 0, The Falls 0, Lake Hylia 100, Flooded Pass 0, Zora River 200, Lake Shore 200, Cursed Mere 100A, The Fences 200, Peahat Plains 0, Bone Orchard 70/100A, Tundra Flats 192, Abandoned Farm 20H

Withe Zant slowing the attack, 192 soldiers at Tundra Flats will beat a hasty retreat to Cursed Mere to join up with the 100 Archers already there.
The 100 Archers in Cursed Mere will open fire on the Undead troops entering Tundra Flats, covering my retreat, inflicting casualties on the enemy, and hopefully allowing Zant to escape once he's done his job.

The 20 Horseback archers at should be able to easily outrun the advancing Kokiri and undead troops attacking Abandoned Farm, being twice as fast as them. They will fall back to Bone Orchard and meet up with the 70/100A already there. Both the 20 Horseback archers and the 100 Archers will open fire on Abandoned Farm, slaughtering the enemies that have just arrived there.

The 200 troops at The Lake Shore will move to Cursed Mere, strengthening my numbers there to 392\100A
100 more troops will be trained to Archers at Cursed Mere for 200R.

The 200 troops at Zora River will move to The Lake Shore.
The 100 troops at Lake Hylia will move to The Lake Shore.

The 200 troops at The Fences will move to Peahat Plains. 100 of them will be trained into Archers.

That leaves me with 159R.

Question: Can troops trained into Archers attack durring the same turn?
If so, cool. My new archers in Peahat Plains and Cursed Mere will attack as well, turning Tundra Flats into an absolute blood bath. If not, no problem. Just means I get to slaughter anything left next turn.

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Post by Booyakasha » Sat Nov 10, 2007 12:44 pm
Rules Clarification!! (*Huzzah!*)
If you wish to pull troops back before an attacking force, it is allowed; however, it comes at the cost of 1/20 of the force being pulled out. (Think of it as a twentieth of your troops fighting a rear-guard action so the rest can escape.) Troops that 'fall back' in this fashion have taken their move, and cannot move again; they can, however, defend themselves if attacked later on in the turn, and they can still perform an Archery Attack if they're able to.

Freelancer After-Action Report!!

CuccoLady--Scrounged up 20 resources and 50 rupees in the ruins of Abandoned Farm; chewed the fat with Melvanna for a bit. Still there.

Shadow Kirby--Smashed up the abandoned Gerudo territory at Hyrule Field SW, destroying 5 resources. Led territory in revolt, turning it neutral (Gerudo must maintain 30 troops in Hyrule Field SW or lose control). Still there.

Zant 10--Lit himself on fire and kamikazed a platoon of Undead Archers at Frozen Heath, killing 10 Archers. Still there, and still on fire, presumably.

KirbyBoy2000--No post; continues revolutionary activities in Lost Woods West (Kokiri must keep 30 soldiers in LWW or lose the province)

Saria Dragoon--No post; continues scrounging for resources at Abandoned Farm, finding 10 this turn.

Daos--No post; continues towards Gerudo territories. Current Location: Red Rock Pass

'I ut inimicos devorare!
Issue 6----------------11-10-07

EXTRA!! Zora Troops at Peahat Plains Experience Random Encounter With Large Friendly Party--A Platoon of Partisans! They Join the Zora Force, Swelling Its Ranks By 9/2A/1C!
EXTRA!! Goron Troops at Spectacle Rock Experience Random Encounter With Medium Friendly Party--a peasant with a Herd of Cattle! The Gorons Appropriate the Cattle for the Goron Army, Earning 20 Resources!
EXTRA!! Flooding at Zora River!! Movement to or from Zora River Impossible!
EXTRA!! Battles at The Tangle!! 50 Kokiri troops defeat 25 Goron troops, losing 15 troops! Gorons Counter-Attack with 75 troops, Defeating the Kokiri and losing 15 troops in the process!
EXTRA!! Archery Attack on Petrified Forest, Killing 5 Goron troops!
EXTRA!! Battle at Petrified Forest!! 30 Kokiri troops Attack 15 Goron troops--Attack Repelled! 3 Kokiri troops and 1 Goron troop Killed!
EXTRA!! Battle at Hyrule Field NE! 50 Kokiri troops defeat 13 Goron troops, losing 4 troops in the process!
EXTRA!! 20 Zora Horseback Archers Fall Back Before Onslaught of Kokiri and Undead troops at Abandoned Farm, losing 1 in the process!
EXTRA!! Archery Attack on Tundra Flats, Killing 12 Zora troops!
EXTRA!! 180 Zora Troops Fall Back Before Undead Onslaught at Tundra Flats, losing 9 in the process!
EXTRA!! Archery Attack on Tundra Flats, Killing 20 Undead troops!
EXTRA!! Archery Attack on Abandoned Farm, Killing 6 Undead troops and 6 Kokiri Troops!
EXTRA!! Battle at Lon Lon Ranch! 185 Gerudo troops Defeat 50 Hylian troops, losing 14 troops in the process!

Undead--+ 2 territories, - 10 Archers, - 20 troops, - 7 troops
FINANCES: 242 + (8/3)*100 = 508 rupees; 508 - 250 = 258 rupees
TERRITORIES: Castle Burmunica 573/101A, Ancient Kings 30, The Glacier 100, Frozen Heath 25/115A, Dead Fields 40, Tundra Flats 130, Chill Swamp 20, Abandoned Farm 4

Kokiri--+ 1 territory, -50 troops, -3 troops, -3 troops, -6 troops, + 20 resources, -40 rupees, -60 rupees
FINANCES: 425 + (11/3)*100 = 791 rupees; 791 - 40 - 60 - 10 (FL fee) = 681 rupees
TERRITORIES: Kokiri Fortress 160, Sacred Forest Meadow 60, Deku Tree's Glade 70, Lost Woods E 297/45A, Skull Kids' Refuge 150, Lost Woods W 121, Black Forest 0, Sylvan Verge 50, Hyrule Field NE 46, Crumbled Wall 10, Hyrule Field SE 3, Abandoned Farm 90 (visiting)
RESOURCES: 20 + 20 (racial advantage) = 40
DEVELOPMENTS: New Fortified Area--Lost Woods East 67% Complete

Hylians-- -500 rupees, -100 resources, -200 rupees, - 50 troops
FINANCES: 832 + (12/3)*100 = 1232 rupees; 1232 - 500 - 200 - 10 (FL fee) = 522 rupees
TERRITORIES: Castle Hylia 143, Temple of Time 0, Hylia Castle Town 0, Hylian Market 0, Guarded Path 100A, Ruined Tower 200, King's Highway North 0, Old Union Bridge 50, Stone Circle 600, King's Highway South 100, Graveyard 50, Hyrule Field NW 50
RESOURCES: 100 - 100 = 0
DEVELOPMENTS: Tower Shields--20% Complete

Gorons-- - 1 territory, -25 troops, - 5 troops, -15 troops, -1 troop, -13 troops, + 20 resources
FINANCES: 458 + (12/3)*100 + 20 (Kakariko Bonus) = 878 rupees; 878 - 10 (FL fee) = 868 rupees
TERRITORIES: Goron Citadel 300, Death Mountain 25, Dodongo Cavern 25, Death Mountain Trail 25, Rivers of Stone 80, Kakariko Village 195, Sooted Wilds 200, High Pass 105, Petrified Forest 64, Spectacle Rock 100, The Tangle 60, Hyrule Field N 5
RESOURCES: 0 + 20 = 20
DEVELOPMENTS: Serrated Edges--40% Complete

Gerudo-- -14 troops, - 5 resources
FINANCES: 1288 + (11/3)*100 = 1654 rupees; 1654 - 10 (FL fee) = 1644 rupees
TERRITORIES: Gerudo Fortress 0, Haunted Wasteland 0, Desert Colossus 0, Hyrule Field S 0, Old Corral 0, Chasm South 0, Red Rock Pass 0, Chasm North 0, Thieves' Den 800, Scorched Land 200, Lon Lon Ranch 171
RESOURCES: 160 (+15 horses) - 5 = 155 (+15 horses)

Zora-- -2 territories, - 1H troop, - 9 troops, + 9/2A/1C, + 20 resources, + 50 rupees, + 10 resources
FINANCES: 559 + (11/3)*100 + 30 (racial advantage) + 50 = 1105 rupees; 1105 - 200 - 200 - 20 (FL fees) = 685 rupees
TERRITORIES: Zora's Domain 414/50A, Jabu Jabu's Fountain 0, The Falls 0, Lake Hylia 0, Flooded Pass 0, Zora River 200, Lake Shore 100, Cursed Mere 280/200A, The Fences 0, Peahat Plains 109/102A/1C, Bone Orchard 70/100A/19H
RESOURCES: 110 + 20 + 10 = 140
Questions Answered!

Crav: Troops can be used immediately once they've been trained or retrained.
All right, that's that done. Try to post by Sunday at 10 PM, everyone.
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Post by I am nobody » Sat Nov 10, 2007 1:05 pm
All 115 Archers at the Frozen Heath to Horsback Archers. ( 230 rupees )


The 115 Horsback Archers attack the Cursed Mere
The 130 troops attack with the HAs.

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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Sat Nov 10, 2007 2:11 pm
^^OoC: I thought I turned Hyrule Field SW Neutral. Why do the Gerudo still have it?

Booyakasha wrote:
Gerudo-- + 1 territory, -14 troops, - 5 resources
FINANCES: 1288 + (12/3)*100 = 1688 rupees; 1688 - 10 (FL fee) = 1678 rupees
TERRITORIES: Gerudo Fortress 0, Haunted Wasteland 0, Desert Colossus 0, Hyrule Field SW 0, Hyrule Field S 0, Old Corral 0, Chasm South 0, Red Rock Pass 0, Chasm North 0, Thieves' Den 800, Scorched Land 200, Lon Lon Ranch 171
RESOURCES: 160 (+15 horses) - 5 = 155 (+15 horses)


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Post by Wyborn » Sat Nov 10, 2007 2:56 pm
OoC: Hey, Shadow_Kirby, logistics question for you.

If supplies are in a supply train, that means they're probably moving with the troops. Why, then, would you be attacking an empty space where there are no troops (and thus no supply train) and, canonically, there have never been supplies in the first place? I mean, CuccoLady confirmed it as being a place where treasure hunters go....
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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Sat Nov 10, 2007 2:59 pm
You got a point...
I'm changing my move

I must say this, though: If you troops WERE there, they might leave some things behind. Things you could use. Things other Freelancers could find (and destroy). Besides, how else does an army mark their territory? Faith? Flags? TRUST!?!? I don't think so.

New Move: I attack the Gerudo Troops at Lon Lon Ranch and afterwards, escape into Hyrule Field NW.

Roleplay spoilers: I swiftly kill 5 Gerudo troops and destroy 15 Gerudo resources, 5 of which are horses.

Why no roleplay? I'm not in the mood, especially when someone ruins my fun...

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Post by Marilink » Sat Nov 10, 2007 4:06 pm
OoC: Jeez, everybody is closing in on me. I really dunno what to do right now, I'll think on it and hopefully post tomorrow.
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Post by Booyakasha » Sat Nov 10, 2007 7:17 pm
i_am_nobody: Upgrading from Archer to Horseback Archer costs 4 rupees per unit, not 2.

Shadow Kirby: Whoa. Good catch; inasmuch as the Gerudo force just kind of breezed on through, the territory would revert to neutrality as a result of your Glorious Revolutionary Dialectic. Fixed.

BTW--I forgot the racial advantages both of the Undead and the Gorons when I was figuring out battle stats earlier. I'll have them fixed up in a Jeffy. Meantime, it might not be a bad idea for all you Generals to take a look at my mathery--you know, make sure everything's on the up-and-up.
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Post by Blake » Sat Nov 10, 2007 11:08 pm
High Pass:
Train 105 Current Troops into Warriors(Cavaliers) and move them to Hyrule Field North

Spectacle Rock:
Move 100 From Spectacle Rock To Hyrule Field North

Petrified Forest:
Move 53 To The Tangle

The Tangle:
Attack Sylvan Verge With 55 Gorons

Rivers Of Stone:
Move 80 Gorons into High Pass

Death Mountain Trail:
Move 25 Gorons into High Pass

Goron City:
Move 25 Gorons into Death Mountain Trail, 125 Into Rivers Of Stone

Sooted Wilds:
Move 75 Gorons into Spectacle Rock

Rupees: 858 - 420 = 438 Rupees

Just out of curiosity, do I still get 20 rupees for owning Kakariko Village or did you forget to include it last round?

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Post by Apollo the Just » Sun Nov 11, 2007 3:42 am
An average girl Leila's age would be famished, parched, and downright TIRED by now... all of the walking, scavenging, polishing, collecting, traveling, et cetera added up after awhile. Even so, Leila was up and ready for action bright and early in the morning.

...Especially since she heard the distant cries from Lon Lon Ranch... (or the ruins of it, anyway).

She walked towards it , forcing her still awakening eyes to focus. Leila clambered out of her temporary home and walked for ten minutes or so before finding the source of the commotion.

A pesky ballon-type thing with flowing silver hair was causing havoc in the camp at Lon Lon Ranch.

"Good thing I left that place, eh?" Leila thought to herself.

She was about to go up to him and teach him a thing or two when he realized he was going to be killed pretty soon, and fled to Hyrule Field NW.

Luckily, Leila had energy to spare.

She ran long and hard until the tiny pink dot came into her view once more. She approached it.

Upon seeing this Gerudo girl behind him, the small creature grasped its sword and began flailing wildly at her. Leila deftly dodged it and tripped him over his oversized feet.

"What brought you to attack our lands? You knew it would lead to your demise," Leila said, the tip of her recently-drawn blade a mere inch from SK's fear-stricken face.

"W-well, you... you know..." He then shook his head. "Wait. What am I afraid of, this little girl? HA! I could teach you a thing or two about hostaging." He then rolled aside quickly and grasped up his sword.

Leila smiled. "Ah, so you want to tussle. Is that it?"

The two had at each other for around twenty minutes before the sun set and neither could see too well.

Leila glanced at the small round thing.

"I will spare your life, creatur-"


"Whatever. I will let you live if you assist me with something." She glanced sideways at him; the kirby grimaced at her twisted expression.

"Why should I help YOU?!"

"Because if you help me to scavenge this area, I will allow you to keep--SOME--of the findings."

The Kirby raised an eyebrow.

"And just what do you intend to find HERE?!" He let out a small laugh.

"Oh, trust me. You can find things ANYWHERE- if you know where and how to look. Now do you want to help or not?!"

Sephiroth Kirby thought for a moment.

"...Fine. I'll help."

From that moment until well past midnight, the unlikely duo scavenged up what they could find... a shadow watched their progress.

"Well, altogether that's 40 rupees and 20 resources. Split up, you can take twenty rupees and ten resources, and I'll take the rest. Oh, and DO NOT tell anyone of this incident, or BOTH of our heads will roll. Next time we meet, we will probably be enemies once more." With that, Leila walked off, leaving the Kirby there with his things.

Little did the creature know that he had been gypped-- the rupees and resources Leila had given him were fake. Of course, she was well-hidden in her den before he knew. Besides, it wasn't as if he'd lost anything... he just hadn't gained anything, either.

Leila was about to close her eyes to sleep when a puff of smoke bloomed from nowhere and Kotake the witch stepped forth.

"TREASON!!! You have proven your disloyalty for the final time-- I shall be taking THESE (the witch grabbed the bottle of flesh-eating bacteria as well as the twenty rupees and ten resources) and will be on my way now. You ought to have thought about where your loyalties lie before committing such a treacherous act..."

Leila was paralyzed with fear. The witch was mad, and she was going to dispose of what she thought was a traitor.

"NO! WAIT! It was a joke, I-"

One more puff of smoke bloomed.

No one ever heard from that specific Gerudo again.


-encountered and chased SK
-'teamed up' with him to get +20 RUPEES AND +10 RESOURCES (he didn't get anything, though. Leila's a cheapskate)
-got killed for 'treachery' (I was bored of just scavenging and scavenging. Next time I'll have a new character.)
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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Sun Nov 11, 2007 10:18 am
^(OoC: Geez. TWO Kirbies now (me being one of them)?)

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Post by Apiary Tazy » Sun Nov 11, 2007 12:09 pm
Zant had been rolling around in the Snow after that stupid move, avoiding the arrows as he rolled.


The Regal Redead had no time to finish as a thrown Warhammer smashes his head in. Zant jumps up and continues to run at much faster speeds without the Hammer. He is actually able to notice the Zoras coming over the hill to attack the Undead during this little game of "dodge the arrows". Suddenly the runs at the Undead and grab his Bloody Warhammer. "GO MY ZORAN BROTHERS!" Zant then jumped high in the air, then slammed it down, dissappating the Undead Ranks.

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Post by I am nobody » Sun Nov 11, 2007 3:25 pm

Booyakasha wrote:
i_am_nobody: Upgrading from Archer to Horseback Archer costs 4 rupees per unit, not 2.

In that case, I upgrade 60 Archers, who carry out the previous actions. The remeaing 50 do not move.

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Post by Wyborn » Sun Nov 11, 2007 8:52 pm
I'll be posting a few hours late, guys. It's going to take some thinking.

Shadow_Kirby, you are in intense trouble.
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Post by Booyakasha » Sun Nov 11, 2007 8:58 pm
Questions Answered, Plus Hylian General Update

Blake: Whoops missus. You see? No matter how much time I spend on a Warmod update, I always forget something. Fixed.

CuccoLady: Leila doesn't have to die just because you want to do something other than scavenge. Like I said before, you're allowed to do most anything, and you can change what you're doing any time it suits you. Such is the malleability of the Freelancer as a unit. Not that I'm trying to tell you what to do, you understand--I just hate to see a player character get killed.
(*puts on Hylian General hat*)

Expenditures: -240 rupees, training 60 new troops

Troop movements: 100 from Castle Hylia to Guarded Path, 100 from King's Highway S to Hyrule Field NW, 150 from Stone Circle to Hyrule Field NW, 250 from Stone Circle to Barren Mesa, 100A from Guarded Path to King's Highway N

FINANCES: 522 rupees - 240 = 282 rupees
TERRITORIES: Castle Hylia 106, Temple of Time 0, Hylia Castle Town 0, Hylian Market 0, Guarded Path 100, Ruined Tower 200, King's Highway North 100A, Old Union Bridge 50, Stone Circle 200, King's Highway South 0, Graveyard 50, Barren Mesa 250, Hyrule Field NW 300
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Post by Cravdraa » Sun Nov 11, 2007 9:55 pm
685 rupees
TERRITORIES: Zora's Domain 414/50A, Jabu Jabu's Fountain 0, The Falls 0, Lake Hylia 0, Flooded Pass 0, Zora River 200, Lake Shore 100, Cursed Mere 280/200A, The Fences 0, Peahat Plains 109/102A/1C, Bone Orchard 70/100A/19H

Don't have much time, so I'll keep this short.
600 Rupees used to train 100 troops at Cursed Mere to Horseback Archers.
All forces in Cursed Mere, Peahat Plains, and Bone Orchard attack Tundra Flats.

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Post by Marilink » Sun Nov 11, 2007 10:00 pm
Mass retreat!

Attacks: 46 soldiers from HFNE attack The Tangle

Movement: 121 from LWW into SKR
90 soldiers from Abandoned Farm to Chill Swamp
1 from HFSE to HFNE

Development: LWE fortification complete
retrain 100 troops in SKR to archers
retrain 100 troops in LWE to archers
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Post by Apollo the Just » Mon Nov 12, 2007 3:04 am
^^^yeah, but that made it more interesting. She's still dead.
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Post by Booyakasha » Mon Nov 12, 2007 3:49 am
Fair enough. You're still playing, though, right?
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Post by Apollo the Just » Tue Nov 13, 2007 12:13 am
yeah. I'm just gonna be someone else.
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Post by Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds » Tue Nov 13, 2007 8:24 pm
Sorry, I'll try and make a post for this soon.
Nonsense, I have not yet begun to defile myself.

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Post by Cravdraa » Wed Nov 14, 2007 11:26 am
*pokes Boo*
You lose your internet connection again or something?


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Post by Booyakasha » Wed Nov 14, 2007 11:31 am
*pokes back, with a pointy stick*
Not every general has posted this round.
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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Wed Nov 14, 2007 12:14 pm

Wyborn wrote:
I'll be posting a few hours late, guys. It's going to take some thinking.

Shadow_Kirby, you are in intense trouble.

*pokes Wyborn with a sword*

Where's that trouble you promised me? Were waiting on you, General of the Gerudo!

At least I know you won't kill me AGAIN!

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Post by Marilink » Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:04 pm
Aaric kicks Ganondorf in the shins.
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Post by Booyakasha » Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:41 pm
Let's not get silly, here. I don't mind a little good-natured joshing, but so help me God-Jesus, if this devolves into a pie-fight...

...let's just say I'm quick on the draw with a delete/merge. Don't tempt me.
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Post by Marilink » Wed Nov 14, 2007 3:38 pm
Bah, no way. Just wasting time, since we can't do anything else right now.
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Post by Wyborn » Thu Nov 15, 2007 2:18 pm
All right, peoples. Now we are going to have a war!

To my understanding I have 166 troops in Lon Lon Ranch. Therefore....

Wait crap why the hell did I move to Thieve's Den instead of scorched path?


400 from Thieve's Den to Red Rock Pass, 400 from Thieve's Den to The Old Corral, 166 from Lon Lon Ranch to Hyrule Field South, and use my race's special ability to move the 166 from Hyrule Field South to The Fences.

Dropping 800 rupees to train another 200 troops.

Boo, I suggest updating the first post in the topic with what upgrades we can purchase, since my PM box got flooded and I am afraid I lost some killer info.
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Post by Booyakasha » Fri Nov 16, 2007 12:27 am
^Tomorrow morning. Warmod Update, too. Plus it's payday. That's like a trifecta of awesome, right there. Don't you ever miss it.
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Post by Booyakasha » Fri Nov 16, 2007 12:13 pm
Warmod Update

Yeah, it's a double post. Deal with it.

Semi-Important Announcement!

A list of available upgrades can be found on page one. I advise all generals to go take a look--who knows what your country's armorers might have cooked up?

Freelancer After-Action Report!

Shadow Kirby--Murder and sabotage at Lon Lon Ranch. 5 soldiers killed; 10 resources destroyed; 5 horses knifed in the face. Current Location: Hyrule Field NW.

CuccoLady--Scrounged up 20 rupees and 10 resources at Lon Lon Ranch. Got killed (as per RP). New character to follow. Starting Location: Gerudo Fortress.

Zant Ten--Extinguished self. Scrapped with some Undead troops at Frozen Heath, killing 10. Still there.

KirbyBoy2000--No post; continues revolutionary activities in Lost Woods West (Kokiri must keep 30 soldiers in LWW or lose the province)

Saria Dragoon--No post; continues scrounging for resources at Abandoned Farm, finding 10 this turn.

Daos--No post; still in Red Rock Pass

I ut inimicos devorare!
Issue 7........................11-16-07

EXTRA!! Kokiri Fortification at Lost Woods E completed!
EXTRA!! Goron troops at Spectacle Rock experience Random Encounter with Small Hostile Party--A Group of Tektites! 3 Goron troops are killed in the altercation!
EXTRA!! Gerudo troops at The Old Corral experience Random Encounter with Large Neutral Party--A Huge Cucco! It clucks thunderously at them and stalks off, shaking the ground with each step! Gerudo troops vaguely creeped out by whole affair, but otherwise unaffected!
EXTRA!! Environmental Alert!! Damaging Hail swoops down out of the North! Any troop movements to or from the following regions result in 5% losses--Kakariko Village, Old Union Bridge, High Pass, The Graveyard
EXTRA!! Battle at Cursed Mere! 60 mounted Undead troops from Frozen Heath and 130 Undead troops from Tundra Flats attack 480 Zora at Cursed Mere-- attack 'successful'! All Undead die in attack; 76 Zora troops fall as well (44/32A), leaving 236/168A!
EXTRA!! Battle at Sylvan Verge! 55 Goron troops from The Tangle attack 50 Kokiri troops--attack successful! All Kokiri are killed; 41 Gorons die in attack, leaving 14 Gorons in Sylvan Verge!
EXTRA!! Battle at The Tangle! 46 Kokiri troops from Hyrule Field NE attack 58 Goron troops--attack 'successful! All Kokiri die in attack; 33 Gorons fall, leaving 25 Gorons in The Tangle!

Undead-- -1 territory, -130/60H, -240 rupees, -10 troops
FINANCES: 258 + (7/3)*100 = 491 rupees; 491 - 240 = 251 rupees
TERRITORIES: Castle Burmunica 587/101A/6H, Ancient Kings 30, The Glacier 100, Frozen Heath 15/55A, Dead Fields 40, Chill Swamp 20, Abandoned Farm 4

Gorons-- +1 territory, -3 troops, -33 troops, -41 troops, -420 rupees
FINANCES: 868 + (13/3)*100 + 20 (Kakariko Village bonus) = 1321; 1321 - 420 - 10 (FL fee) = 891 rupees
TERRITORIES: Goron Citadel 150, Death Mountain 25, Dodongo Cavern 25, Death Mountain Trail 25, Rivers of Stone 125, Kakariko Village 195, Sooted Wilds 125, High Pass 105, Petrified Forest 11, Spectacle Rock 75, The Tangle 25, Hyrule Field N 105/105W(C), Sylvan Verge 14
DEVELOPMENTS: Serrated Edges--60% Complete

Hylians-- + 1 territory, -240 rupees, +60 troops
FINANCES: 522 + (13/3)*100 = 955 rupees; 955 - 240 - 10 (FL fee) = 705 rupees
TERRITORIES: Castle Hylia 106, Temple of Time 0, Hylia Castle Town 0, Hylian Market 0, Guarded Path 100, Ruined Tower 200, King's Highway North 100A, Old Union Bridge 50, Stone Circle 200, King's Highway South 0, Graveyard 50, Barren Mesa 250, Hyrule Field NW 300
DEVELOPMENTS: Tower Shields--40% Complete

Zora-- -600 rupees, -44/32A, + 10 resources
FINANCES: 685 + (11/3)*100 + 30 (racial advantage) = 1081 rupees; 1081 - 600 - 20 (FL fees) = 461 rupees
TERRITORIES: Zora's Domain 414/50A, Jabu Jabu's Fountain 0, The Falls 0, Lake Hylia 0, Flooded Pass 0, Zora River 200, Lake Shore 100, Cursed Mere 0, Peahat Plains 0, Bone Orchard 0, Tundra Flats 315/370A/1C/119H
RESOURCES: 140 + 10 = 150

Kokiri-- -2 territories, -50 troops, -46 troops, -200 rupees, -200 rupees
FINANCES: 681 + (9/3)*100 = 981 rupees; 981 - 200 - 200 - 10 (FL fee) = 571 rupees
TERRITORIES: Kokiri Fortress 160, Sacred Forest Meadow 60, Deku Tree's Glade 70, Lost Woods E Stronghold 197/145A, Skull Kids' Refuge 171/100A, Black Forest 0, Hyrule Field NE 1, Crumbled Wall 10, Hyrule Field SE 2, Chill Swamp 90 (visiting)
RESOURCES: 40 + 20 (racial advantage) = 60

Gerudo-- + 1 territory, -5 troops, -10 resources, -5 horses, +10 resources, +20 rupees, -800 rupees, +200 troops
FINANCES: 1644 + (12/3)*100 + 20 = 2064 rupees; 2064 - 800 - 10 (FL fee) = 1254 rupees
TERRITORIES: Gerudo Fortress 200, Haunted Wasteland 0, Desert Colossus 0, Hyrule Field S 0, Old Corral 400, Chasm South 0, Red Rock Pass 400, Chasm North 0, Thieves' Den 0, Scorched Land 200, Lon Lon Ranch 0, The Fences 166
RESOURCES: 155 + 10 - 5 (+ 15 -5 horses) = 160 (+ 10 horses)
Wyborn recently raised the specter of allowing the Generals themselves to take the field, as a sort of 'heavy tank' unit. If a nation decides to do this, they get a map unit for their General. The General is a true badass, with a damage potential of 100; additionally, if the General attaches himself to a force, that force receives a morale boost, experienced in gameplay terms as a 5% boost in damage potential. Any damage to a force commanded by the General is soaked up by his troops first; if his unit is defeated in combat, it's removed from the map, and the General reappears at his main base. The General can repay the development costs and return to the field if he wishes; however, if he's defeated again, his character is said to have died and his nation automatically loses the war. As you can see, this is not a decision to be taken lightly.

In short--you train a unit for your General. This unit has a damage potential of 100, and grants a 5% damage potential bonus to any force he attaches himself to (this force can't amount to more than one fifth of the nation's total army). The General himself is immune to this bonus, and likewise to his nation's racial advantage; he is, however, affected by any Troop Developments you research. If defeated, the General's unit is removed from the map. If a General is defeated twice in this fashion, he is considered dead and his nation loses.
Cost--600 rupees, 300 resources, 5 months to train.
Pretty sure I've already answered everyone's questions. If you have more, post 'em here, or hit me via PM.

I won't be able to go on tomorrow after about noon, so let's try and have everyone post by Sunday night, around 10 PM. Get crackin', everyone. Outtie.
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Post by Wyborn » Fri Nov 16, 2007 2:14 pm
Hey Boo: mght wanna include the archer/mount upgrades, too...and the fort stuff, and the general stuff. Not to be pushy or anything, it'll just be much easier to keep track of if it's all in the OP.

Ladies and gentlemen! Party time.

I am cracking my knuckles now - at some point I will post an RP, but this is gonna be a simple, mechanics-style post.

Train the 200 from Gerudo Fortress into Cavalier, use 10 free upgrade (-760 rupees).

Get forty more resources (-80 rupees)

Move 200 from Gerudo Fortress to The Chasm North, then 200 from Chasm North to Scorched Land.

Using my race's special ability I move the 200 Cavaliers one more space, in addition to the 200 fresh infantry (400 total) from Scorched Land - directly into the Barren Mesa.

400 from Red Rock Pass into Barren Mesa.

400 in Old Corral into Barren Mesa.

166 from The Fences to Hyrule Field South.

All 1200 troops in Barren Mesa (1000 infantry, 200 cavalier) engage with the Hylian enemy.

Boo, I assume it is impossible for you to retreat in any direction from which I was attacking you, as that would be silly.

My standings should look like this (not gonna count territories up right now because, Hell, it's not complicated).

FINANCES: 1254 - 760 - 80 = 414
RESOURCES: 160 + 40 = 200

I'll give you your scorched eath, Boo. Every single advantage I can squeeze out of my racial ability is going to be leveled square at your face.
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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Fri Nov 16, 2007 2:48 pm
A couple of thoughts:

First, I can safely assume that Generals cannot be killed by Freelancers, even if they're alone on a single territory for some odd reason, Right?

Second, when you said that the General is immune to his Racial advantage, does that include POSITIVE advantages?

Anyways, my next move takes me to The Lake Shore, through South-West area of Hyrule Field and through the Fences (3 territories). Why? The usual: death, destruction, and mayhem; the things I'm good at. :D

Note this is AFTER the Gerudo's (Wyborn's) move.

"Whew... what a workout!"

I smile as I look at the "art" I left behind and the Gerudo blood on my hands and sword. My vengance is nearly complete.

"HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!! Now, to get vengance on those who imprisioned me in the first place!"

"Who's there??" I prepare my sword, expecting a lone Gerudo fool to challenge me... but it was a Hylian fool. It seemed that he didn't want to fight and I didn't want to either; I thought the Gorons and the Hylians are allies.

"Oh, it YOU. The loose cannonball of the Gorons. What are you doing here?"

"Resting." I point to my sword, which is stained by the Gerudo's blood. "Isn't it beautiful, the bloodshed of the Gerudo?" I taste the blood on my sword, getting a strange rush from it.

"O......kay..." the Hylian soldier get a little freaked out and heads back to his group. Now, I point my sword of vengence to my next target: the Zora.

I make my way through Southwest Hyrule Field into the fences, avoiding any unwanted altercations with the Gerudo stationed at South Hyrule Field.

"I dine for fish sticks, not chicken breast" I remark...

Now I've entered Zora territory: The Lake Shore. There I see a Beautiful lake, plenty of povisions and supplies, and 100 able-bodied soldiers. I decide to wash my blood-stained hands, sword, and cap at the lake...

"HEY!! IT'S YOU AGAIN!" a Zora screamed. Then 5 Zora charge at me...

I slash one of their heads off. Then, another one attacks me, but I block his sword and pushed mine into his chest. Another Zora thrusts his spear at me, but I grab it and thrusted it into his skull, piercing it. The remaining two try to attack me together. We start clashing swords, sparks flying every time our swords make contact. I managed to wound one of them. The other one got scared and tried to retreat to call his platoon, but I used one of their swords and tossed it straight into his back. I head back to the wounded Zora.

"Wait! Please spare me! I have a wife and children! I beg of you!"

"You have yet to truly begin to beg..." I draw my sword to the Zora...

"NO, NO, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" I begin to torture the last Zora that attacked me, enjoying every second I give him pain and enjoying the screams of his agony.

Too bad he died so soon, I thought. Now to deal with the other troops. Of course, I couldn't take on 95 soldiers alone, so I tossed one of the dead bodies into the encampment. This freaked the Soldiers out, giving me some time to steal some of their food, destroy some of their weapons and some of their armor.

I'm going to feast tonight! I thought, as I set up camp at The Fences and feasted on their food as well as the dead bodies of the Zora I killed...

What this means:
I killed 5 Zora in The Lake Shore (and I retreated back to The Fences)
I destroyed 8 of the Zora's resources (2 for food, 3 for weapons, 3 for armor)
I'm feasting. Zora fish sticks are tasty! :D (means absolutely nothing)

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Post by I am nobody » Fri Nov 16, 2007 2:56 pm
Movement: The 6 HAs at Caslte Burmica will move to The Abandoned Farm.

And, thats it.

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Post by Wyborn » Fri Nov 16, 2007 5:20 pm
I'm not Boo, SK, but lemme lay it out for you like this:

An extremely combat-oriented freelancer could get away with having a damage potential of about 10. Maybe. You can kill ten troops, tops, assuming they are completely alone.

A General has a damage potential of 100 and the backing of being a story-centric incontrovertible bad-ass.

Do you think you could kill them? :p
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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Fri Nov 16, 2007 5:45 pm
Nope. Dream at best. If I do think I can kill a General alone, I'd be fooling myself. A purple Kirby with a sword and cap (who I'm RPing as) is more cute than bad-ass against a General.

Then again, if I do dream about killing a General, I'd better wake up and apologize to him (or her).

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Post by Cravdraa » Fri Nov 16, 2007 7:39 pm
461 rupees
TERRITORIES: Zora's Domain 414/50A, Jabu Jabu's Fountain 0, The Falls 0, Lake Hylia 0, Flooded Pass 0, Zora River 200, Lake Shore 100, Cursed Mere 0, Peahat Plains 0, Bone Orchard 0, Tundra Flats 315/370A/1C/119H

The 200 troops at Zora River at will move to Lake Shore.
All three hundred troops at Lake Shore will be actively searching for Shadow Kirby to recapture him. They all know what he looks like because he was already my prisoner once and he shouldn't be hard to find since he's attacking my forces out in the open.

SK: This is a warning. I was fairly merciful last time. I'm taken no agressive actions against the Gorons. Get the hell out of Zora lands and go bother somebody else, because next time I won't be so kind. Can't kill you, but I can come up with some other equally interesting punishments. Maybe I'll have your sword arm cut off. Maybe I'll have you blinded. Maybe I give you to Wyborn, he's far more creative that I. That said, it's going to cost a heck of a lot more for the Gorons to get you back this time. You've outstayed your welcome. Leave now.

Begining construction of Zora secret weapon at Tundra Flats.
315 troops at Tundra Flats will attack Abandoned Farm.
100 Horseback Archers from Tundra Flats will pass through Abandoned Farm in the confusion (not attacking) and attack Chill Swamp.
The 370 Archers and remaining Horseback Archers at Tundra Flats will open fire on the Undead troops at the Frozen Heath.

That should do nicely.

Tazy, SD: If you see this, then go have some fun doing what you'd like.

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Post by Blake » Fri Nov 16, 2007 10:10 pm
Hyrule Field North:
- Train All 105 Troops Into Warriors(420)
- Use 205 Warriors To Attack Hyrule Field South
- Move one warrior into Hyrule Field Southwest
- Move 4 warriors into Lon Lon Ranch

Spectacle Rock:
- Train 17 troops into archers and have them fire on Hyrule Field Northeast(34)
- Move in 30 troops, have archers hold their ground in Spectacle Rock

Petrified Forest:
- Move one troop into Lost Woods West

Sylvan Verge:
- Have 3 troops attack Hyrule Field Southeast
- Have 11 troops attack The Crumbled Wall

The Tangle:
- Train one Warrior and have him move into Black Forest(4)

Convert 200 Rupees to 100 Resources

Rupees: -658
Resources: +100

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Post by Marilink » Fri Nov 16, 2007 10:31 pm
-Convert 80 rupees into 40 resources
-Begin researching Tower Shields

Crap, I forgot about that stupid revolution.
Archery time, baby.

Fire upon the poor sucker in BF with 35 soldiers in SKR
Fire upon the poor sucker in LWW with 35 soldiers in SKR
Fire upon the poor suckers in the Petrified Forest with 50 archers in LWE
Move (attack?) into BF with 30 soldiers from Chill Swamp
Move (attack?) into LWW with 40 soldiers from SKR
Move (attack?) into Petrified Forest with 50 soldiers from LWE
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Post by Cravdraa » Fri Nov 16, 2007 10:55 pm
The situation has changed.

The 100 Hourseback Archers will not attack Chill Swamp.
Instead they'll head up to Hyrule Field S through Bone Orchard to Support the Gerudos against the attack.

A letter to Aaric of the Kokiri from General Shul of the Zora

It seems you and your people are in a tight spot at the moment.
At the moment, we Zora have no quarl with the Kokiri. At this time I urge you to focus your attentions on the Goron threat that even now bares down upon you. While we are not at peace, you have my word on the honor of the Zorian people that we will not strike you from behind as you defend yourselves.

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Post by Marilink » Fri Nov 16, 2007 11:19 pm
RP Post

[OoC: Oh dude, I was expecting a 20% loss on that retreat from Chill Swamp. Sweetness.]

Have you ever witnessed a 12-year-old at his breakfast table with a cup of home-made coffee, a newspaper, and stubble?

Such was the sight in the innermost sanctions of the Kokiri Fortress on this very morning.

General Ivan Aaric was suffering from an immense lack of sleep. His troops were falling left and right, he was losing territory like none other. His plans were all falling apart. He could definitely wait for the messenger's report.

There was a knock on the door. Aaric was less than gracious. "If it's bad news, tell me later, moron."

"No, sir. Good news."

With a sigh, Aaric dropped the Hylian Gazette and opened up the door. "What."

Not sure if it was a question, the messenger replied anyway. "The fortification of the Lost Woods East is complete, sir. Also, the Gorons have been deploying small number of troops into territories adjacent to our archers."

"I read the Hylian Gazette, You idiot!" Aaric's voice was now raised, though groggy in his exhaustion. "You think I didn't know all this already? For Din's sake, come on. Fire upon the Gorons, see if their rocky asses can take it. Move some troops in to take the empty territories."

"But sir--"

Aaric exaggerated the messenger's voice, sounding whiny: "But sir nothing. Get out of here and relay the troop movements to the field."


Aaric slammed the door in the messenger's face. But, still determined, the messenger simply slipped a piece of paper under the floor.

The Kokiri had flushed most of the anger out of his system. Calmer, he picked up the paper. It was a letter from the Zora general, Shul. He read its contents, and read it again. The childish nature made a short burst into his heart, and with enthusiasm he shouted "YESSS!"

He sat down in his chair and immediately composed a response.

Dear General Shul,
I am grateful and honored by your request. The Gorons have been particularly troublesome, and the impending attack from your nation has been of great concern to my fellow generals.

I accept your terms of a limited peace, and I understand the circumstances: While we are not allied, we will not attack each other for the time being. I appreciate your concern, and I also wish you luck in your endeavors.

May the goddesses be with you: The power of Din, the love of Nayru, and the wisdom of Farore.

General Ivan Aaric

Aaric slid the note back under the door.
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Post by Blake » Fri Nov 16, 2007 11:49 pm
(To Crav): I would think that your achers would arrive a little later than the battle that is being taken place in Hyrule Field South since you have changed your plans. Just want to see how Boo will respond to this. If he does say that you indeed would be able to completely support Wyborn (thus outnumbering me drastically) I will reposition my troops at Lon Lon Ranch instead.

If your attack is after my battle with Wyborn(What I think would be a counterattack), then I will accept my casualties.


I actually have a roleplay!! (Part 3/3 Of Intro, Month 1)

After a few hours, the meeting dispersed. Gorons heavily ate Dodongo, others relaxed in the hot springs of Death Mountain, some lifted boulders and challenged others to duels, and even a few went inside Death Mountain Crater to the Fire Temple to meditate and relax.

Inside Goron City, there were only a few left that coordinated their strategies. Inside Darunia’s suite resided Link, Grathos, Berathor, Darunia, and another young Goron named Keilthan.

Keilthan was smaller in stature, but yet almost as strong as the General himself. He wore a cloth that covered his waist, revealing his powerful stomach and his sturdy arms. On his left arm, near his shoulder, he wore a golden Goron Bracelet, showing his outstanding strength. He listened intently to the Council’s plans while being vigilant at the same time, being sure no ordinary Goron would hear their plan.

“Alright,” Darunia began. “I have summoned you all to help aid in our future for our kingdom. We have several routes here. Our immediate threats are our neighbors, the Hylians and Kokiri. We must first secure our borders to further protect ourselves from the dangers lurking outside of our mountains. “Is everyone in agreement?”

“Yes Chieftain” replied the members.

“In addition,” Grathos began “we will need to further our expansion to secure the former areas. We must go deeper into the heart of Hyrule to protect ourselves and our precious mountain.”

“Grathos, are you really considering so many proud Goron soldiers to forsake their home in order to secure the plains of Hyrule? Even a powerful race such as ourselves hinges on morality. If our soldiers do not have a cause, then even the mighty Goron will fall to a Kokiri child.” Berathor replied.

“You are correct in that aspect Berathor, but we are going to be entrenched in one of the largest wars in Hyrule. None of the races want to claim Hyrule Field; however, it must be done. Whoever controls the heart of Hyrule controls the fate of the country.” Grathos spoke back.

“Unfortunately Berathor, I believe the young Grathos’ wisdom is correct this time. The people have taken a like to your bravery Grathos, would you be willing to lead our troops to battle?” Darunia asked.

Berathor nearly panicked, “Please Chieftain, you must recognize the danger –“

“Yes.” Grathos interrupted. “I am willing to lead our people to a prosperous age, where we will finally be free from Death Mountain, where we will be free to roam the realm of Hyrule.”

“Then it is settled.”

Darunia adjourned the meeting and with Link, he led Grathos and Keilthan to the main gate of Goron City. While rolling up the ramps in Goron City, Grathos heard soldiers yelling and throwing bombs.

“The attack must have already begun!” thought Grathos.

As the four Gorons finally reached the main gate, at the end they found a strange sight. In front of the mighty Gorons was a small circular purple person with very large feet, equipped with a sword. Darunia was the only one not in shock.

“What is this thing?” shouted Grathos in anger. “How did he manage to get up this mountain in the first place?”

“His name is Shadow Kirby. He is willing to fight for our people as a freelancer. Unlike us large Gorons who can be anticipated from miles, this small creature can slip within the ranks of our enemies and cripple them.” Darunia replied.

Grathos poked the purple puff-ball with his finger. “You mean this squishy thing?”

The purple Kirby immediately became angry and within a split second, unsheathed his sword towards Grathos’ face.

“If you refuse my offer, better yet threaten me again, I’ll make short work of you rock man,” Shadow Kirby gritted through his teeth.

“Settle down. Everyone is riled up about this war. The least we can do is avoid bloodshed for at least another day.” Darunia spoke up. The two backed away from each other.

“I think he has proved his point,” Keilthan said. “His small statue gives him the advantage of protecting himself better from attacks. With his given skills, he can out maneuver many of our foes.”

Grathos gave Keilthan a menacing glare. Keilthan sighed.

“I will keep tabs on Shadow Kirby General Grathos,” said Darunia. “I have given you command of the entire Goron army Grathos. To go against my judgement will only determine when your career ends in this war, is that clear?”

“Yes Chieftain,” replied Grathos.

“Good. Now ready yourself soldiers. You have a war to command.”

Darunia and Link rolled back into Goron city. Shadow Kirby turned around and began to talk away, rolling his eyes at the thought of having to deal with General Grathos. Grathos and Keilthan walked over to one of the large cliffs on Death Mountain and looked down.

“I don’t mean to speak out of line General, but you have been very close-minded about this war. You speak of moving into Hyrule Field alone. On top of that you do not support our new freelancer. How are we to win a war if we are against everyone else?”

“Don’t feel you need to address me formerly Keilthan, we have always been good friends. The reason I worry about the other nations is that we are a proud honest race. I am reluctant to ally myself with people who may be interested in later backstabbing us. Allying may be a thought to consider, but we shall see how this war turns out first.”

Moments later Berathor rolled over and joined Grathos and Keilthan.

“I want to wish you luck on your campaign Grathos. We may never come to an agreement about our views, but I will support you in this war nonetheless,” Berathor spoke.

“Yes, I apologize Berathor for attacking you earlier. I strongly believe this is the only course of action we can take to secure the safety of our people. Hopefully someday we can leave our disputes aside and finally get along.” Grathos turned to some soldiers in the distance. “Let us prepare for war soldiers! Take my lead and let us secure the prosperity of our nation!”

Grathos rolled up into a ball and rallied the other soliders. Hundreds of gorons began to roll down the hill, leaving their home of Death Mountain. Keilthan shortly followed, leaving Berathor on the hill overlooking the soldiers leaving.

“If only the hero of time were here now…” Berathor sighed.

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Post by Wyborn » Sat Nov 17, 2007 12:18 am
...What in the Hell is a Warrior?
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Post by Marilink » Sat Nov 17, 2007 12:38 am
I was wondering the same thing--I chose to ignore it for the time being.
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Post by Wyborn » Sat Nov 17, 2007 12:41 am
It's important to me, though!

And yes - the Gorons have opened themselves up on another front, feel free to push.
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Post by Blake » Sat Nov 17, 2007 12:41 am
I was wondering if I should rename Warriors into Champions instead.

They're technically Cavaliers. I don't think my Gorons can ride horses :(

Edit: And while we're all chatting away trying to help out our 'Adjacent Allies' I'll help mine too.

I am nobody: I would suggest warding off Crav's attack or at least matching it at Tundra Flats. Otherwise, he has no reason to stop invading your lands and will continue to take your territory until you are probably left with your last 3 ancestral territories(Or left with nothing at all).

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Post by Apollo the Just » Sat Nov 17, 2007 1:19 am
the witch cackled... her twisted mind found joy in disturbing violence.

Leila's murder was not truly because Koume actually BELIEVED that Leila was a traitor; more so because she yearned for a way to settle her warped thoughts. She needed to get the fire within her OUT.

"WHEEE HEE HEEE!!! I feel the power ready to burst from my fingertips-- who shall be the lucky target today?! a HAHAHAHA!!!"

Her laugh was quite disturbing... if one heard it they might imagine some kind of horrible torture or something. It was not a laugh of pleasure-- one of utter MADNESS.

The witch mounted her broom and flew about Hyrule Field. A few large, brown figures were spotted below.

Truth be told, Koume didn't even know the figures were Hylians-- even had they been Gerudo, she'd have attacked. From her angle, it was hard to distinguish, anyway...Unless, of course, her target was the Great Gannondorf, she would attack regardless. She was... an inhuman creature.

"OOhoohoo!!! Aren't you lucky lads!!"

The witch had flown from Gerudo Fortress, and was, as usual, completely ignoring her leader's orders.

She forced her sister to go scavenge up whatever while SHE dealt with a little violent therapy.

She circled over the Ruined Tower until dusk fell. The Hylians soon fell asleep, whether in camps or even taking shelter in the crumbling ruins.

"Ohohoho.... what nice material these tents are made of... highly flammable!!!!"

She snapped her crinkly old fingers and screams in the night were heard. A large puff of suffocating smoke emerged from the burnt charcoaly ruin.

The shrieks awakened the rest of the soldiers. Koume paid them no mind, burning and burning...

Thirty soldiers lost their lives and homes that night, as well as their twenty resources... al because of her pyromaniacal attack.

After ten minutes, this damage was done and Koume was driven off by hordes of Hylian soldiers.

"EEheehee... I shall be back, do not fret, my dears!! Do not forget what has happened to your fellows because of Koume!! Ganondorf WILL rule-- ooh, yess!!!! Aahahahahaha!!!!"

The witch flew off into the already rising sun. She hid herself well and slept dreams too mind-numbingly twisted to be typed here.
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Post by Booyakasha » Sat Nov 17, 2007 1:27 am
^Thirty dead? Out of scale. Halve it.
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Post by Apollo the Just » Sat Nov 17, 2007 1:29 am
15 dead.

Sorry, again. I'm a noob.
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Post by Blake » Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:07 pm
Here's a good comparison of what happened when Wyborn's 1200 attacked those 250 Hylians

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Post by Jaguar » Sun Nov 18, 2007 5:07 am
Let's see if I still have it in me...

"Dawn approaches. The smell of the air is familiar to this poor soul. He has seen it many times, fought on the side of the many greats who have long passed, and at times, against those same greats. He has led countries and been overlord, but those times are long gone. Dawn approaches. A new day, and new opportunities with it. He doesn't know where the wind may carry him, what new places he may see...what old tragedies may be replayed. War can be a dangerous thing, something not to be taken lightly.

Dawn approaches, and with it, Jaguar, former Caesar of the Kokiri, Marquis of the Hylians, steps forth into Castle Hylia, humbly requesting an audience with the Lord of the Hylians, to join his service."

Yeah, so um, in other words, I wish to join the Hylians, k?

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Post by Booyakasha » Sun Nov 18, 2007 10:40 am
Important Warmod Announcement, Plus Hylian General Update

My home computer is acting shirty again, and, while I'm posting this General Update from home, I'd rather not risk trying to do a Warmod Update and have my computer quit three times on me, the way it did while I was trying to post this General Update. I'll have to do it on campus tomorrow. Warmod Update is postponed until tomorrow morning. Sorry, everyone.

Jaguar--A new Freelancer? Welcome aboard. I'll assume you've read over the topic a bit and know the rules. Hylia is allied with the Gorons, and our major enemy right now is the Gerudo--I leave it up to you how you'd like to contribute to the war effort. (If, on the other hand, you'd like to take over as General...we could probaly arrange something to that effect as well.)

Blake--The Zora move into Hyrule Field South would be in the nature of a counter-attack, not a combined assault. (It's turn-based; while attacks happen supposedly in real-time, I deal with them in a 'first come, first served' kind of fashion. That's how I've been doing it, anyhow, and no one's complained so far.)
20 to train 5 troops in Hyrule Field NW into Cavaliers
20 to train 5 troops at Ruined Tower into Cavaliers
200 to train 50 troops at Old Union Bridge into Cavaliers
200 to train 50 troops at Graveyard into Cavaliers
260 to train 65 troops at Guarded Path into Cavaliers

Troop movements--
250 Retreat from Barren Mesa to Stone Circle, losing 5% of troops (-13)

170 from Ruined Tower to Stone Circle, 285 from Hyrule Field NW to Stone Circle, 100A from King's Highway North to Stone Circle, 65C from Guarded Path to Stone Circle, 50C from Old Union Bridge to Stone Circle, 50C from Graveyard to Stone Circle, 5C from Hyrule Field NW to Hyrule Field SW to Old Corral, 5C from Ruined Tower to Scorched Land to Red Rock Pass, 106 from Castle Hylia to Guarded Path, 35 from Guarded Path to King's Highway North

100A fire on Barren Mesa

FINANCES: 705 - 20 - 20 - 200 - 200 - 260 = 5 rupees
TERRITORIES: Castle Hylia 0, Hylia Castle Town 0, Temple of Time 0, Hylian Market 0, Guarded Path 106, Ruined Tower 10, King's Highway North 35, Old Union Bridge 0, Scorched Land 0, Stone Circle 892/100A/165C, King's Highway South 0, Graveyard 0, Red Rock Pass 5C, Hyrule Field NW 10, Old Corral 5C (+ 2)
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Post by Blake » Sun Nov 18, 2007 12:33 pm

Booyakasha wrote:
That's how I've been doing it, anyhow, and no one's complained so far.

Just wanted to double check. As long as I deal some bloodshed I'm cool.

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Post by Wyborn » Sun Nov 18, 2007 12:36 pm
The only thing I'm noticing now is that if you had stayed and fought, Boo, you would have managed to kill 53 troops total before you were completely wiped out - the idea that thirteen troops could hold back literally a hundred times their own number long enough for a force that size to beat a retreat seems a bit wonky.

I'll send you a PM about it.
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Post by Cravdraa » Sun Nov 18, 2007 2:05 pm
Well, not to be a pain, but I'm complaining about it.
I put forth the point that I would have acted this way and not needed to change my plans if Blake had posted first. The troops are traveling the same distance and should arive at the same time, unless you want to give a tactical advantage to whoever posts last.
If the person who posts last has an advantage of getting to see everyones movements, then you can expect everyone to try and wait until the last moment to post, each trying to outwait the others. Is that really something you want to encourage?
The game would never move if we played that way.

My troops should arrive in time to fight along side the Gerudo.
If not, I can tell you that from now on I will be posting after everyone else, because that's just too much of an advantage to pass up.

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Post by Wyborn » Sun Nov 18, 2007 2:07 pm
I recommend taking it to PM, Crav.

But yeah, posting last is a definite advantage - just the ability to retreat illustrates that.
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Post by Marilink » Sun Nov 18, 2007 2:29 pm
Yeah, but Crav, I've been trying pretty hard to post as late I can because I figured out the turn-basing a while ago.

If we have all the generals trying to post last, nobody's gonna post. I say we just keep going as we have been going.
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Post by Cravdraa » Sun Nov 18, 2007 2:46 pm
That's exactly the point I was making. It's not fair to penalized people for being timely about their posts and it's also detrimental to the game itself.

But at any rate, Wy's right. I don't want to clutter up the topic. I trust Boo with whatever decision he makes. I just wanted to get that out there and point out that there's another side to this issue. However it goes, I'll just adjust my strategy accordingly.

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Post by Jaguar » Sun Nov 18, 2007 3:00 pm
Boo - It has definately been a minute or two since I've been general, but if you need someone to take it off of your hands, I will consider it. Let me look over the topic a bit more closely and the rules as well before I do decide to take it over. I will have to forget some of the complexities that arose in previous HW's.
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Post by Marilink » Sun Nov 18, 2007 3:00 pm
Ah, okay, after re-reading I understand. Skimming hurts sometimes.
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Post by Blake » Sun Nov 18, 2007 7:05 pm
Alright I have a suggestion for this issue that sprung up.

There's only two ways about solving this issue 'perfectly' in my opinion.

#1: We all PM Boo our results. This is a pain in the ass for Boo and if I was warmod I would not accept this. I'm sure anyone can understand this.


#2: What if Boo rolls a six sided dice at the end of each month? Technically, our soldiers shouldn't be aware of the enemies movement until they are engaged. This is a partial solution to solve this. The highest number on the dice acts as priority.

So if me and Crav both got a 6, My cavaliers and his horseback archers would both make it to Wyborn's in time, resulting in a catastophic loss for me. Otherwise if I get a 6 and Crav 5, I destroy wyborn followed by Crav destroying me.(These instances would both be under the assumption Wy rolled a 6).

Because Boo would roll the dice at the end of the month, essentially we would not know who reaches what destination at what time. So then you would have to consider: does sending x soldiers at location y really benefit me? Is it worth the risk?

In addition, this would remove the flaw of having to post last to benefit that we're all aware of now.

Excuse me for speaking out of line Boo, but it's just something I thought up.

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Post by Booyakasha » Sun Nov 18, 2007 10:12 pm
Feh. Rules-lawyering.

^Either one of those would be sufficient to drive me insane.

Things are staying as they are. Under 'order of posting', early posters lack the benefit of seeing what everyone else is doing, but they have the advantage of hitting first; whereas late posters get to see what everyone does and react to it, but they cede initiative. Under 'everyone hits at once', the early posters have neither advantage, and the late posters have both. Tell me which system is more likely to make people hang back and post at the last minute.

You all seem to be forgetting that one round carries over into the next. The first poster of Round B is, in effect, posting 'after' the last poster of Round A, and reacting to what everyone did in the previous round. Sorry, but that's how I look at it.

If this ends up being that much of a problem (which I honestly don't think it will be), if it turns into a game-ruiner, I don't mind assigning you all a cycling order of posting. Bear in mind, though, that kind of crap is only going to make the rounds take even longer.

Oh, and one last thing--no more changing your turns. From this moment on, if I see someone put out a 'do-over' post, altering your turn in response to what a latter poster writes, the 'do-over' will be ignored. Are we clear on this?
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Post by Booyakasha » Mon Nov 19, 2007 11:49 am
Warmod Update

Again with the double-posting. Just who do I think I am, anyway?
Rules Clarification! (*huzzah*)

When retreating before an attack, a force loses a number of soldiers equal to 10% of the attacking party's damage potential. This is a change from the old rule, which was a simple blanket 5% loss. Effective beginning this coming turn.

Just to mix things up a little, I'm throwing in an extra Environmental Alert every round, starting now.
Freelancer After-Action Report!

Shadow Kirby--Murder and sabotage at the Lake Shore, with a bit of semi-cannibalism thrown in for colour. You're a strange little man, SK. 5 Zora troops killed, 8 resources destroyed. Current Location: The Fences

CuccoLady--Started a fire at Ruined Tower, killing 15 soldiers. (No resources destroyed, as Hylia has no resources to destroy.) Current Location: Scorched Land (too far to make it back to Gerudo Fortress)

Zant Ten--No post; still in Frozen Heath.

KirbyBoy2000--No post; continues revolutionary activities in Lost Woods West (Kokiri must keep 30 soldiers in LWW or lose the province)

Saria Dragoon--No post; continues scrounging for resources at Abandoned Farm, finding 10 this turn.

Daos--No post; still in Red Rock Pass
I ut inimicos devorare!
Issue 8......................11-19-07

EXTRA!! Goron troops at Spectacle Rock experience Random Encounter with Small Friendly Party--A Trio of Partisans! 3 regular troops join the Goron force stationed there.
EXTRA!! Zora troops at Lake Shore experiernce Random Encounter with Small Friendly Party--A Dog! The troops share some food with the stray mutt, and it repays their kindness by digging up a chest of treasure (20 rupees)!
EXTRA!! Environmental Alert! Earthquakes at Skull Kids' Refuge! No troop movements to or from SKR this turn!
EXTRA!! Environmental Alert! Eruption at Death Mountain! Any troops attempting to move to or from Death Mountain, Goron Citadel, or Rivers of Stone suffer 5% losses this turn!
EXTRA!! Battle at Abandoned Farm! 315 Zora troops attack 4/6H Undead troops--attack successful! Zora lose no troops in altercation!
EXTRA!! Archery Attack on Frozen Heath! 370A + 19H fire; (1d6 + 5) = 9; 9% * 389 = 34 kills! 7/27A Undead killed in attack!
EXTRA!! Battles at Hyrule Field S! 205 Goron Champions attack 166 Gerudo troops--attack successful! Gorons lose 122C in attack, leaving 83C in Hyrule Field S! Zora counter-attack with 100 Horseback archers from Tundra Flats--attack successful! Zora lose 83H in altercation, leaving 17H in Hyrule Field S!
EXTRA!! Archery Attack on Hyrule Field NE! 17A fire; (1d6 + 5) = 8; 8% *17 = 1 kill! All Kokiri killed in attack!
EXTRA!! Archery Attack on Petrified Forest! 50A fire; (1d6 + 5) = 6; 6% * 50 = 3 kills! 3 Gorons killed in attack!
EXTRA!! Archery Attack on Lost Woods West! 35A fire; (1d6 + 5) = 9; 9% * 35 = 3 kills! All Gorons killed in attack!
EXTRA!! Archery Attack on Black Forest! 35A fire; (1d6 + 5) = 6; 6% * 35 = 2 kills! All Gorons killed in attack!
EXTRA!! Battle at Petrified Forest! 50 Kokiri troops attack 7 Goron troops--attack successful! Kokiri lose 1 troop in attack, leaving 49 in Petrified Forest!
EXTRA!! Battle at Hyrule Field SE! 3 Goron troops attack 2 Kokiri troops--attack successful! Gorons lose 1 troops in attack, leaving 2 in Hyrule Field SE!
EXTRA!! Battle at Crumbled Wall! 11 Goron troops attack 10 Kokiri troops--attack repelled! Each side loses 1 troop in altercation; Gorons return to Sylvan Verge!
EXTRA!! Archery Attack on Barren Mesa! 100A fire; (1d6+5) = 10; 10 Gerudo killed in attack (leaving a mere 1190)!

Gerudo-- -4 territories, + 40 resources, - 80 rupees, -760 rupees, -166 troops
FINANCES: 1254 + (8/3)*100 = 1520 rupees; 1520 - 760 - 80 - 10 (FL fee) = 670 rupees
TERRITORIES: Gerudo Fortress 0, Desert Colossus 0, Haunted Wasteland 0, Chasm North 0, Chasm South 0, Thieves' Den 0, Barren Mesa 1200, The Fences 0
RESOURCES: 160 + 40 = 200

Undead-- -1 territory, - 4/6H, -7/27A
FINANCES: 251 + (6/3)*100 = 451 rupees
TERRITORIES: Castle Burmunica 587/104A/1H, Ancient Kings 30, The Glacier 100, Frozen Heath 8/28A, Dead Fields 40, Chill Swamp 20

Zora-- +2 territories, -5 troops, -8 resources, -83H, -100 rupees, -50 resources, + 20 rupees
FINANCES: 461 + (13/3)*100 + 30 (RA) + 20 = 944 rupees; 944 - 100 - 20 (FL fees) = 824 rupees
TERRITORIES: Zora's Domain 414/50A, Jabu Jabu's Fountain 0, The Falls 0, Lake Hylia 0, Flooded Pass 0, Zora River 0, Lake Shore 295, Cursed Mere 0, Peahat Plains 0, Bone Orchard 0, Tundra Flats 370A/1C/19H, Abandoned Farm 315, Hyrule Field S 17H
RESOURCES: 150 - 50 - 8 = 92
DEVELOPMENTS: Secret Weapon--50% Complete

Gorons-- + 3 territories, -200 rupees, + 100 resources, - 420 rupees, - 68 rupees, - 4 rupees, -205C, -1 troop, -1 troop, -10 troops, -3 troops, -3 troops, -1C, -1 troop, + 3 troops
FINANCES: 658 + (16/3)*100 + 20 (KV bonus) = 1211 rupees; 1211 - 200 - 420 - 68 - 4 - 10 (FL fee) = 509 rupees
TERRITORIES: Goron Citadel 150, Death Mountain 25, Dodongo Cavern 25, Death Mountain Trail 25, Rivers of Stone 125, Kakariko Village 195, Sooted Wilds 125, High Pass 105, Spectacle Rock 31/17A, The Tangle 24, Hyrule Field N 5, Hyrule Field NE 30, Hyrule Field SW 1, Hyrule Field SE 2, Lon Lon Ranch 4, Sylvan Verge 10
RESOURCES: 20 + 100 = 120
DEVELOPMENTS: Serrated Edges--80% complete

Kokiri-- -80 rupees, +40 resources, -1 troop, -1 troop, -1 troop, -1 troop
FINANCES: 571 + (9/3)*100 = 871 rupees; 871 - 500 - 80 - 10 (FL fees) = 281 rupees
TERRITORIES: Kokiri Fortress 160, Sacred Forest Meadow 60, Deku Tree's Glade 70, Lost Woods E Stronghold 147/145A, Skull Kids' Refuge 131/100A, Lost Woods West 40, Petrified Forest 49, Black Forest 30, Crumbled Wall 9, Chill Swamp 60 (visiting)
RESOURCES: 60 + 40 + 20 (RA) = 120; 120 - 100 = 20
DEVELOPMENTS: Tower Shields--20% complete

FINANCES: 705 + (15/3)*100 = 1205 rupees; 1205 - 20 - 20 - 200 - 200 - 260 - 10 (FL fees) = 495 rupees
TERRITORIES: Castle Hylia 0, Hylia Castle Town 0, Temple of Time 0, Hylian Market 0, Guarded Path 106, Ruined Tower 10, King's Highway North 35, Old Union Bridge 0, Scorched Land 0, Stone Circle 892/100A/165C, King's Highway South 0, Graveyard 0, Red Rock Pass 5C, Hyrule Field NW 10, Old Corral 5C
DEVELOPMENTS: Tower Shields--60% complete
Well, that's that. I've tentatively set the next Warmod Update for tomorrow night. Try to post by then, everyone. Outtie.
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Post by Wyborn » Mon Nov 19, 2007 1:26 pm
Well then, Crav, what say we route Boo altogether, eh wot? Gonna take a little land back.

Drop 604 rupees training 75 cavaliers and 1 infantry.

76 troops from Gerudo Fortress to The Chasm North. Use my race's special ability to move the 76 from Chasm North - 1 into Scorched Land, 75 into Red Rock Pass. Cavalier get another move anyway, so 25 in Red Rock Pass will move into the Old Corral - they can do this because those fifty are already fighting the 5 surrounded Hylian soldiers. The 25 in The Old Corral will engage with the 5 Hylians there.

The 1,190 troops from The Barren Mesa are heading into Stone Circle.

All Gerudo will engage with the enemy - there will be no survivors.

Edit: Aaric, Marilink, however you prefer to be addressed: the Gorons are scattered, and I believe the body of their remaining troops will attempt to wipe me out. If you can muster even four hundred troops you can wipe out the majority of his forces before he can do anything. Do it.

Edit2: Hey Boo, take note that 200 of the warriors in Barren Mesa/Stone Circle are cavaliers ( 198 now, but eh).
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Post by Apiary Tazy » Mon Nov 19, 2007 2:39 pm
Zant Had been fighting against the Archers for a good couple of, however he had to end it. He had a bad feeling about something.....He slammed down his Warhammer, causing a slight quake. Then he threw himself in the air. He flew over the Tundra Flats and the Peahat Plains, then lands in the Fences. He got up....and found that his bad feeling had some truth to it.

There was Zora blood in numorous places amd the stench of Cooked Zora Flesh was in the air. Zant knew that little creep to tried to break Zora's alliance with the Gerudo was to blame, immeadiatley he looked through his spellbook and uttered "Waticus Closus!"

"Zant" walks towards MK's position, plainly noticing the gouged body of the Zora. He pulls out a Translucent Arrow and Yells "YOU FOOLISH CREATURE! YOU WILL BE UTTERLY DESTROYED!"
Zant watches from the bushes, as the Possessed Lake Water that looks like Zant challenged MK.

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Post by Blake » Mon Nov 19, 2007 2:45 pm
Kakariko Village:
- Move 175 and visit Old Union Bridge

Hyrule Field NE
- Train 15 into champions and have them attack Hyrule Field South(60)

Lon Lon Ranch:
- Train all 4 into champions.(16)
- Have 1 move into Peahat Plains(if my attack is successful, otherwise attack HFS)
- Have 1 move into Bone Orchard(if my attack is successful, otherwise attack HFS)
- Have 1 move into Zora River
- Have 1 move into The Fences

Hyrule Field N:
- Have 1 move into Lon Lon Ranch

Sooted Wilds:
- Have 50 attack Petrified Forest
- Train 30 into champions and move into Sylvan Verge

Sylvan Verge:
- Have all 10 attack Crumbled Wall

The Tangle:
- Have 1 move into Sylvan Verge

Spectacle Rock And Tangle
- Train 17 archers into champions(Spectacle)(34)
- Move 30 troops into Tangle(Spectacle)
- Have 24 troops from Tangle and 17 champions from Spectacle attack Lost Woods West

General: Convert 160 rupees into 80 resources

Rupees: -270
Resources: +80

Boo/Jaguar(Whoever the Hylian General is): (To Jaguar)Me and you currently have an alliance if you’re the Hylian General right now. You either lucked out by losing 10% troops, or you just lost everything by Wyborn. But Wyborn still will have 70 or so remaining soldiers if he's successful. It is imperative that he does not advance further into your lands. (To Boo or Jaguar)I PROMISE to give you 250 rupees next month if you use all 35 troops at King’s Highway North and train 35 Cavaliers at the guarded path and have them all simultaneously attack with your force at Stone Circle. It will only cost you to 140 rupees to train the Cavaliers. This will leave you 110 extra rupees to build 25 more troops, since you will need to spend all the money you have to retrain troops next month. Please trust me on this one, I’m not going to go parading in your lands and gobble them up.

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Post by Wyborn » Mon Nov 19, 2007 2:54 pm
Actually, Crav, you know what? Leave the Hylians to me.

Let's do what we can to crush Blake in our territories. If you recapture anything on my side, cede it to me, wouldja? I'm dying over here.
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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Mon Nov 19, 2007 3:10 pm

Booyakasha wrote:
Oh, and one last thing--no more changing your turns. From this moment on, if I see someone put out a 'do-over' post, altering your turn in response to what a latter poster writes, the 'do-over' will be ignored. Are we clear on this?


Booyakasha wrote:
Shadow Kirby--Murder and sabotage at the Lake Shore, with a bit of semi-cannibalism thrown in for colour. You're a strange little man, SK.

:rotfl: That I am, Booyakasha. That I am. All silliness aside...

I'll move from The Fences to The Chasm South to attempt to turn it Neutral.

*cucco crow*
"Ahhhh... what a party last night... Time to get going"

Suddenly, some NUT shot... something at me!

"Yikes!" I bolt out of there. My concern is not with that NUT shooting at me...

I arrive at The south area of the Chasm, exausted and tired... Nothing was here... How could this be Gerudo Terrritory??? I thought. I decided to stick around to change that fact...
-_- Yeah, I know. Not much on the RP. Not much was here in the first place... Anyways to recap:

I Ran away from Zant (nothing important)
I'm attempting to turn The Chasm South Neutral.

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Post by I am nobody » Mon Nov 19, 2007 4:06 pm
Troop Purchaces:

110 New Troops.


Archers at The Frozen Heath fire on The Abandoned Farm.


300 Troops from Castle Burmica to Frozen Heath.

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Post by Wyborn » Mon Nov 19, 2007 4:12 pm
Nothing ever came of Crav trying to capture Shadow_Kirby, then?

Gragh! Bad luck...
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Post by Booyakasha » Mon Nov 19, 2007 4:28 pm
Hylian General Update

^^Troops cost 4 apiece.

^How could he have captured SK? It's not like SK just waltzed up wearing a big 'Capture Me!' sandwich-board, the way he did last time.

Blake: He posted first. If I'd posted first, that'd be one thing; but for me to manifest another 70 troops at Stone Circle before the Gerudo attack hits just wouldn't be cricket. Oh, and I appreciate the loan (that's what we'll call it--I'll pay it back, and don't think I'll be stingy with you when the Kokiri come calling, either).

By the way, Wyborn, you smell funny. I know, harsh words, but that's what you get for crossing the preeminent Hylian General of our times.

-424, training 106 regulars at Guarded Path into Cavaliers.

Troop movements--
106C from Guarded Path to Stone Circle
35 from King's Highway North to Stone Circle
10 from Ruined Tower to Scorched Land.
10 from Hyrule Field NW to Barren Mesa.

Not bothering with the territorial demarcation until I see how things look.
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Post by Blake » Mon Nov 19, 2007 4:59 pm
^ What I meant to say is if you at least move 70 troops down there then two things could happen:

A) You both lost 10% casualties. You would be merely moving enough troops to cover Wy's assault.

B) You lost all your troops, but you counter attack with enough to defend your lands.

Edit: Yeah nevermind, that works even better heh.

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Post by Booyakasha » Mon Nov 19, 2007 5:37 pm
^No loan, then? Awww...
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Post by Wyborn » Mon Nov 19, 2007 5:41 pm

You're bad, Boo, and Blake's fighting the Kokiri solidly, but...

ShadowKirby you are the biggest thorn in my side during this whole game and you better thank God that Freelancers can't die.
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Post by Blake » Mon Nov 19, 2007 5:43 pm
No I'll still give you the money next month since you took a heavy beating and my turn has passed.

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Post by Marilink » Mon Nov 19, 2007 5:54 pm
Man, this is gettin' crazy.

Developments: None, for now.

Message to Ganondorf/Wyborn: There's an earthquake in SKR, where I have most of my troops. Plus he posted first and is attacking me from all sides. I'll see what I can do.

Movement and attacks:
-60 move from Kokiri Fortress into LWE
-30 move from DTG into LWE
-30 move from SFM into DTG
-Reinforce the Petrified Forest with 45 from LWE
-Reinforce LWW with 45 from LWE
-Fire upon the oncoming Goron attacks in the Petrified Forest with 55 archers in LWE
-Fire upon the oncoming Goron attacks in the LWW with the rest of the LWE archers
-30 soldiers from the Chill Swamp reinforce the troops at the Crumbled Wall
-30 soldiers from the Chill Swamp move into the Black Forest
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Post by Jaguar » Mon Nov 19, 2007 7:27 pm
Boo, I think too much stuff is going on right now for me to take over without affecting the race. On that note, if it is all right with you, I wish to head to the battlefield with the army.

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Post by Cravdraa » Mon Nov 19, 2007 8:56 pm
Blake, I don't believe you can make "if then" statements. You'd have to wait until your turn was over to find out if the attack was successful or not. Not that it matters. You picked a fight with the wrong person. I'm going to clean up this little mess you made and then next turn I'm coming after you.

824 rupees
TERRITORIES: Zora's Domain 414/50A, Jabu Jabu's Fountain 0, The Falls 0, Lake Hylia 0, Flooded Pass 0, Zora River 0, Lake Shore 295, Cursed Mere 0, Peahat Plains 0, Bone Orchard 0, Tundra Flats 370A/1C/19H, Abandoned Farm 315, Hyrule Field S 17H
RESOURCES: 150 - 50 - 8 = 92
DEVELOPMENTS: Secret Weapon--50% Complete

All Troops at Abandoned Farm attack the Dead fields.

The 370 Archers at Tundra Flats will open fire on the Frozen Heath

Upgrading the 1C I have to a Horseback Archer.
10 Horseback Archers from Tundra Flats to Bone Orchard. Open fire on Hyrule Field SE
10 Horseback Archers from Tundra Flats to Peahat Plains.

100 Troops from Lake Shore to Zora River.
100 Troops from Lake Shore to The Fences.
The remaining 95 troops at the Lake Shore trained to Cavaliers.
95 Cavaliers from Lake Shore to Hyrule Field S.
100 new troops trained at Zora's Domain.
200 troops from Zora's Domain to Flooded Pass.

SD, Tazy. The Goron troops are scattered and vulnrable to your attacks. I would really like it if either of you could head up into their territory and act as cleanup for some of the tiny groups of troops. Wipe out the small groups that they have everywhere and return their territories to neutral.

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Post by Booyakasha » Mon Nov 19, 2007 9:03 pm

Jaguar wrote:
Boo, I think too much stuff is going on right now for me to take over without affecting the race. On that note, if it is all right with you, I wish to head to the battlefield with the army.

Fair enough. I leave up to you where and how your presence will be felt; in the meantime, I name you Freelancer for Hylia. Go cause some trouble for our enemies, many though they be!
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Post by Blake » Mon Nov 19, 2007 9:34 pm
Crav, what if I sent 200 rupees to you if you didn't further your attack on me?

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Post by Wyborn » Mon Nov 19, 2007 9:41 pm
CuccoLady, I could use similar help: I can't route the Hylians, and am about to have precious few soldiers left on the field. Hit them where you can hurt them most, please.

Blake: You don't know what invasion is until you see me use Cavaliers and the Wind Stone to take every single territory you have. Boo can't push inexorably into my territories - I will end you, given half a chance.
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Post by Blake » Mon Nov 19, 2007 10:43 pm
I'm afraid Crav's terms of agreement are not going to satisfy well with me. We'll have to fight this one out.

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Post by Wyborn » Mon Nov 19, 2007 11:13 pm
CuccoLady: you, as Koume, are hereby vested with the authority to act as the Gerudo claimant on any lands that you clear of enemy troops.

Do with this what you will.
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Post by Apollo the Just » Mon Nov 19, 2007 11:57 pm
Ganondorf summoned the Witch.

"I know what you have done... I am displeased with your free will, and yet, SATISFIED...for now... with the outcome. Now, I assign you with the task of HELPING ME. Gorons and Hylians both pose a threat. I need you to do what you can and get my territories back!! To the Southwest of Hyrule Field is a lone Goron defending his territory. I want you to dispose of him, claim his land, and make yourself otherwise useful!!"

It was clear her master was in dire need. Koume turned around and summoned her broom, about to take off whn her sister Kotake interrupted. "Master!! Koume has proven her disloyalty time and again. Allow me to go in her stead!!"

The Gerudo king slapped his forehead. "This is no time for siblings to squabble about! I order you two to head to Hyrule Field Southwest... AND YOU MUST NOT FAIL ME."

The sisters meekly mounted their brooms and flew, resuming their bickering only when they were far away from their leader.

The southwest portion of the field was vast... however, within a good hour, the witches' aging eyes found the lone Goron, humming to himself at a campfire.

The witches cackled.

"Koume, how unfortunate for the fellow..."

"Indeed, Kotake, it is too bad his life will now end. Pitiful creature..."

As a result of a five-hundred-year-old equivelant of a pubic mood swing, the sisters then held hands and morphed together, forming the formidable creature known as Twinrova... the elemental sorceress.

With a raise of the hand, an enormous fireball fell from the heavens and engulfed the helpless creature. The flames engulfed the area, forming a rather large crater. Kotake, however, was unhappy with not having done anything. She raised her arm and covered the ground in unmeltable snow, ice, and sleet...

Their work done, the sisters slept in the white blanket of snow, the tomb for that one unfortunate Goron... As they slept, light of judgement from the heavens bore the mark of the Gerudo onto the frozen wasteland.

Their work was done... the Goron was dead, the land was theirs, and what few-- (around five)-- resources had been in the area were COMPLETELY destroyed.

"All hail Ganondorf..."



-Koume joined with Kotake and went to HFSW
-killed the one goron there, claimed the territory by power vested by Ganondorf

(oh and please, Boo, feel free to tell me if I did anything illegal here... there's bound to be something, again, I'm a noob. :D )
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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:37 am
^I'll allow it this once, owing to your swell RP. From now on, Freelancers can only shift a territory to neutrality, not claim it outright. Claiming requires regular army. There's no precedent for letting Freelancers claim territory, and I'm not going to start one.
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Post by Apollo the Just » Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:41 am
sorry, Wy told me to.

*shifts blame to someone else*


(but in all seriousness, I gotcha. Won't happen in future. Promise.)
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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:45 am
Hope you understand, Wy. Letting Freelancers claim territory just opens up a can of worms.
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Post by Wyborn » Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:47 am
Fair enough. It's why I stipulated she had to kill troops on it, but I absolutely understand how it would imbalance things (oh boy do I).

CL, this doesn't change anything. Go on as planned, just let me do the claiming.
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Post by Apollo the Just » Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:49 am
OK. I don't feel like changing my RP right now (I will if you insist), but consider the place NEUTRAL and NOT CLAIMED as of now. The rest is the same. :D
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Post by Wyborn » Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:51 am
Nah, Boo said that you could claim it, just that this is the only time. I'll just have to claim after this.
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Post by Apollo the Just » Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:58 am
Gotcha. Ok, well now that that's settled, *calls everyone else* you guys can continue now. Sorry for the [strike]convenient[/strike] interruption.
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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Nov 20, 2007 1:10 am
Looks like every general's posted. Generals, I'm still holding off until tomorrow night to start the next round--you might want to use the interim to try and touch base with your Freelancers. You know, discuss a vague plan of action, or even just wake up your absentees. And remember, there's no rule against firing a deadbeat FL--just let me know about it so I can stop charging you the per-round fee, eh?
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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Nov 20, 2007 1:24 pm
Sorry for the double-post, everyone--once again, I have an exam first thing tomorrow morning, and tonight is really the only time can study for it. Warmod Update postponed until tomorrow night. Really sorry. Gotta run.
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Post by Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds » Tue Nov 20, 2007 11:46 pm
The Frozen Heath.

A place of uncompromising cold and desolation. Melvanna had trekked slowly into the lands, stopping to watch the amassed Undead milling around their camp.

The small dragon sneered in contempt.

She had found herself in a bog of despondency and tried to be reclusive, however the pressing need to help her old Zora friends had drawn her out of herself long enough to head towards the larger number of enemies.

All the same, contact with any other being (living, dead, or the unholy mix of both) had brought out a foul mood in the dragon. She glared in silent loathing of the enemy, emotions boiling, slowly pushing her forward. The camp was heavy with anticipation, though Melvanna didn't know why. She just growled, low in her throat, then silently took to the air.

As she rose into the sky, clouds scuttled overhead. The dragon flew in wide circles, drawing her power and bringing darker, ominous clouds to swirl with her movement. The Undead didn't seem to notice, going about their own routine in their almost peaceful setting.

Melvanna's resentment grew stronger and stronger as her storm whipped around her. Soon, the ground was lost far beneath the brooding cover of clouds and the wind spiraled dangerously.

With a screech of unbound frustration, the dragon expelled an orb of energy that exploded like lightning. Long tendrils of cloud snaked down to the earth in wobbling, revolving cones. The tornadoes roared their warning as they descended upon the encampment and the Undead ran for their lives. Melvanna brought rain crashing to the ground, thrown wildly by the billowing wind. The dragon swooped and flew hard against the pull of the tornadoes, directing an endless stream of the rain after the fleeing Undead.

The first sheets of rain froze to the permafrost laying on the barren ground. Soon, the torrential downpour became too much for the chilled earth to freeze and rivulets roamed across the land. As the storm continued, those rivulets became creeks, that became streams, that became frothing, foaming rivers. The water flowed off and filled every small chasm and crevasse in the area, wearing at the earth, flooding the tundra.

Melvanna shook her head in a hopeless effort to flick water from her eyes, feeding the storm with her anger. No longer contained, she was unable, or unwilling to abate her rage. The rain did not slacken and the flooding continued.

The ways leading north became totally, undeniably impassible.


Mmmkay, the idea is that the Undead can't move from the Frozen Heath. If that's not breaking some untold rule again. :p

Nonsense, I have not yet begun to defile myself.

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Post by I am nobody » Wed Nov 21, 2007 9:12 am
I wasn't going to move them anyway....

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Post by Jaguar » Thu Nov 22, 2007 1:10 am
Heading to Stone Circle then...

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Post by Booyakasha » Thu Nov 22, 2007 3:36 am
Warmod Update

Rules Clarification! (*huzzah!*)
When upgrading foot soldiers to mounted soldiers, you can only train Archers to Horseback Archers, not to Cavaliers. Now, I've only just noticed that a general trained Archers into Cavaliers this past round, so I'll let it slide in this one instance. From now on, though, you're getting called on it, okay?
Freelancer After-Action Report!

Zant Ten--Moved to the Fences, to do battle with SK. Still there.

Shadow Kirby--Fled before Zant's onslaught to Chasm South; raised Chasm South in revolt (territory requires presence of 30 Gerudo soldiers, or it will revert to neutral). Still there.

Jaguar--Entered the map at Castle Hylia; moved to Stone Circle. Still there.

CuccoLady--Visited Hyrule FIeld SW; annihilated Goron presence, claimed land for Gerudo. Still there.

Saria Dragoon--Ooh, tetchy. Used magical weather control hoodoo to cause rampant flooding in Frozen Heath; no troops can move to or from Frozen Heath this turn. Still there.

Daos--No post; still hanging around Red Rock Pass.

KirbyBoy2000--Services terminated; removed from play.
'I ut inimicos devorare!'
Issue 9........................11-21-07

EXTRA!! Goron Troops at Sooted Wilds experience Random Encounter with Medium Neutral Party--A Crazy Old Man! He rants at them for a while before shambling off!
EXTRA!! Undead Troops at The Glacier experience Random Encounter with Large Friendly Party--A Whale! They harpoon the leviathan and, after dragging it ashore, find 40 rupees and 10 resources in the beast's belly! An astute observer is heard to remark, 'That doesn't even seem scientifically possible,' before getting his head chopped off by one of the skeleton warriors!
EXTRA!! Environmental Alert!! Arctic blast over Zora River--any forces moving to or from Lake Shore this round suffer 5% losses from Death By Exposure!
EXTRA!! Environmental Alert!! Brushfire in Black Forest--movement to or from Black Forest impossible this round!!
EXTRA!! Apocalyptic Battles at Stone Circle! 992/198C Gerudo attack 892/100A/165C Hylians--attack successful! Gerudo lose 938/187C in attack, leaving 54/11C Gerudo alive in Stone Circle! Hylians Counter-attack with 35/106C--attack successful! Hylians lose 7/23C in attack, leaving 28/83C alive in Stone Circle! Holy crap!
EXTRA!! Battle at Scorched Land! 10 Hylians attack 1 Gerudo--attack successful! Hylians lose no troops in attack!
EXTRA!! Battle at Red Rock Pass! 50C Gerudo attack 5C Hylians--attack successful! Gerudo lose no troops in attack!
EXTRA!! Battle at Old Corral! 25C Gerudo attack 5C Hylians--attack successful! Gerudo lose 1C in attack, leaving 24C Gerudo alive in Old Corral!
EXTRA!! Battle at Hyrule Field S! 15C Gorons attack 17H Zora--attack repelled! Both sides lose 2 troops--Gorons retreat to Lon Lon Ranch!
EXTRA!! Battles at Petrified Forest!! 50 Gorons attack 49 Kokiri--attack successful! Gorons lose 42 troops in attack, leaving 8 Gorons in Petrified Forest! 6 Gorons killed in Kokiri Archery Attack from LWE! Kokiri counter-attack with 45 troops--attack successful! Kokiri lose no troops in attack!
EXTRA!! Battle at Crumbled Wall! 10 Gorons attack 9 Kokiri--attack repelled! Both sides lose 1 troop--Gorons retreat to Sylvan Verge!
EXTRA!! Battles at Lost Woods West! 24/17C Gorons attack 40 Kokiri--attack successful! Gorons lose 20/14C in attack, leaving 4/3C Gorons alive in Lost Woods West! 3/2C Gorons killed in Kokiri Archery Attack! Kokiri counter-attack with 45 troops--attack successful! Kokiri lose no troops in attack!
EXTRA!! Archery Attack on Abandoned Farm! 2 Zora troops killed!
EXTRA!! Battle at Dead Fields! 313 Zora attack 40 Undead--attack repelled! Undead lose 4 troops; Zora lose 31 troops--Zora retreat to Abandoned Farm!
EXTRA!! Archery Attack on Hyrule Field SE! 1 Goron killed!
EXTRA!! Archery Attack on Frozen Heath! 37 Undead killed!
EXTRA!! Battle at Zora River! 100 Zora attack 1C Goron--attack successful! Zora lose no troops in attack!
EXTRA!! Battle at The Fences! 100 Zora attack 1C Goron--attack successful!
Zora lose no troops in attack!
EXTRA!! Battle at Bone Orchard! 10H Zora attack 1C Goron--attack successful! Zora lose no troops in attack!
EXTRA!! Battle at Peahat Plains! 10H Zora attack 1C Goron--attack successful! Zora lose etc.

Gerudo-- - 992/198C, -608 rupees, + 1/75C, - 1/1C
FINANCES: 680 + (8/3)*100 = 946; 946 - 604 - 10 (FL fee)= 332 rupees
TERRITORIES: Gerudo Fortress 0, Haunted Wasteland 0, The Colossus 0, The Chasm North 0, Red Rock Pass 50C, Thieves' Den 0, The Old Corral 24C, Hyrule Field SW 0

Gorons-- -1 territory, -330 rupees, + 80 resources, - 50 troops, -23/17C, -1 troop, -1 troop, -1C, -1C, -1C, -1C, -2C
FINANCES: 509 + (15/3)*100 = 1009 rupees; 1009 - 330 - 10 (FL fee) - 250 (loan to Hylians) = 419 rupees
TERRITORIES: Goron Citadel 150, Death Mountain 25, Dodongo Cavern 25, Death Mountain Trail 25, Rivers of Stone 125, Kakariko Village 20, Old Union Bridge 175 (visiting), Sooted Wilds 45, High Pass 105, Spectacle Rock 1, The Tangle 30, Hyrule Field N 4, Hyrule Field NE 15, Hyrule Field SE 1, Lon Lon Ranch 1/13C, Sylvan Verge 10/30C
RESOURCES: 120 + 80 = 200 resources
DEVELOPMENTS: Serrated Edges--Completed!

Undead-- -440 rupees, +110 troops, +40 rupees, +10 resources, -4 troops, -37 troops
FINANCES: 451 + (6/3)*100 + 40 = 691 rupees; 691 - 440 = 251 rupees
TERRITORIES: Castle Burmunica 391/104A/1H, Ancient Kings 30, The Glacier 100, Frozen Heath 308/28A, Dead Fields 36, Chill Swamp 20
RESOURCES: 250 + 10 = 260

Hylians-- -1 territory, -892/100A/165C, -5C, -5C
FINANCES: 495 + (14/3)*100 = 961 rupees; 961 - 424 - 10 (FL fee)= 527 rupees
TERRITORIES: Castle Hylia 0, Hylia Castle Town 0, Temple of Time 0, Hylian Market 0, Guarded Path 0, Ruined Tower 0, King's Highway North 0, Old Union Bridge 0, Scorched Land 10, Stone Circle 28/83C, King's Highway South 0, Graveyard 0, Hyrule Field NW 0, Barren Mesa 10
DEVELOPMENTS: Tower Shields--80% complete

Kokiri-- -49 troops, -40 troops, - 1 troop
FINANCES: 281 + (9/3)*100 = 581 rupees; 581 - 10 (FL fees) = 571 rupees
TERRITORIES: Kokiri Fortress 100, Sacred Forest Meadow 30, Deku Tree's Glade 70, Lost Woods E Stronghold 147/145A, Skull Kids' Refuge 131/100A, Lost Woods West 45, Petrified Forest 45, Black Forest 60, Crumbled Wall 38
RESOURCES: 20 + 20 (RA) = 40
DEVELOPMENTS: Tower Shields--40% complete

Zora-- -2 troops, -31 troops, -2H, + 100 troops, - 400 rupees
FINANCES: 824 + (14/3)*100 + 30 (RA) = 1320 rupees; 1320 - 2 - 380 - 400 - 20 (FL fees) = 518
TERRITORIES: Zora's Domain 314/50A, Jabu Jabu's Fountain 0, The Falls 0, Lake Hylia 0, Flooded Pass 200, Zora River 100, Lake Shore 0, Cursed Mere 0, Peahat Plains 10H, Bone Orchard 10H, Tundra Flats 370A, Abandoned Farm 282, Hyrule Field S 95C/15H, The Fences 100
DEVELOPMENTS: Secret Weapon--Completed! Unveiling presumably to follow in the next Zora General Update!
That's done, and so am I. No chance in hell of a Warmod Update tomorrow--let's shoot for Friday night, eh? Sleep well, lammikins.
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Post by Wyborn » Thu Nov 22, 2007 3:44 am
Oy, Boo, check your PMs.

Also: hahaha, that is the best, most apocalyptic battle ever.

Crav, let's chat so we can coordinate the ass-kicking.
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Post by Apollo the Just » Thu Nov 22, 2007 3:46 am
Ganondorf was pleased with Twinrova's last move... so he ordered yet another similar attack.

"The foolish Gorons have yet again left a lone soldier guarding a large piece of territory. Destroy him, so that land is no longer the Goron's... then, perhaps later we can claim that land."

"As you wish, My Lord," The sisters said in unison. They then mounted their brooms and flew north to Spectacle Rock.

The soldier was shivering. It was warm where he stood; his spasms emerged due to complete fear. He'd learned what had happened to the LAST Goron who was left alone in such a state...

He had a right to worry. A similar fate would soon cause an untimely end to the wretched Goron.

The sisters decided against binding together against the weak brute... there was hardly a point. Last time's job did nothing but waste their magic... so each of the sisters claimed half of their target, and set upon their twisted work.

A lone scream was heard in the night... silenced by the work of evil. The witches, work done, swept away on their enchanted broomsticks... leaving the horribly disfigured figure on the ground. The sight of what used to be a Goron was disturbing... half charred, burnt, and horribly blistered... whilst the other half was frostbitten and pale. The sight was truly frightening...

The territory no longer belonged to Gorons. It was now free to be claimed.
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Post by Booyakasha » Thu Nov 22, 2007 3:50 am
^Which territory? Or is it a surprise?
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Post by Apollo the Just » Thu Nov 22, 2007 3:51 am
Oops. That was Spectacle rock, I thought I specified.
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Post by Wyborn » Thu Nov 22, 2007 4:41 am
Firstly I want to apologize for my general lack of RPing, and promise that this will be rectified next turn.

If S_K wants to stay in The Chasm South at a time like this, then woe betide him! There is work to be done.

If at any time during this post I end up crossing into Zora territory, I am not claiming it as my own. I am passing through allied lands with no intent to conquer.

Train 80 troops and move them into The Chasm North, and from there use my race's special ability to move them into Scorched Land, where they will engage with the ten Hylian soldiers. Good luck there, Boo.

24 from The Old Corral will move into Hyrule Field Southwest, and from there to Hyrule Field Northwest.

50 from Red Rock Pass will move into The Old Corral.

Now we play the waiting game.

Marilink, push. The Gorons are vulnerable, and they are about to wish they had never been born.
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Post by Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds » Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:03 am
Melvanna beat her wings with incredible strength, though flying so high in the atmosphere gave her less resistance than usual. To aid her, a wind blew northward and the dragon peered down at the land so far beneath her. Luckily, she had exceptional eye-sight and was scanning the land of the south-eastern Hyrule Field for a lone Goron.

It hadn't been that long ago that she had received a message, brought by a tiny tinkering faerie, that she needed to move against the people of fire and rock.

There were weak points, she had been told. North, in the warmer grassed areas of the world, were Goron troops scattered thinly across many of the territories.


She had flown immediately, knowing there was precious little time. She gazed down at the sun-bathed field below, knowing the wind was making each blade of grass dance together, that small birds hopped around the bushes, looking for bugs in the moist soil.

It wasn't long before the Goron was sighted. He was huddled amidst the low growing scrub. He looked just like a rock, aside from the fact that he was moving. Melvanna was lucky to spot him and silently thanked her own ancient gods.

Without a thought of remorse, she glided down in a gentle spiral. The Goron didn't see her, didn't notice the coming of his death. He didn't realise how cold it had gotten until his breath misted in front of him.

And yet, he still didn't see the dragon.

She slithered low along the ground, making no sound, moving with the natural bend of the grasses. The icy conditions she brought lowered the temperature dramatically, and the being that lived amongst fire and brimstone became sluggish and stiff, trying to understand the frosty conditions.

Melvanna stood slowly and crept behind the Goron, held her slender, clawed hands out to him and closed her eyes. She could feel his slow, laboured breathing and his reduced heart rate. She focused intently on the sound of the heart beats, zeroing in on the gentle thud-THUD, thud-THUD in his chest with an unnatural accuracy.

From behind the Goron that never even knew about the dragon, Melvanna shot twin rods of ice from the palms of her hands. They were perfectly straight, magically enchanted to go crashing through the hard skin-like exterior of the creature and spear the centre of the Goron's heart. As the ice exploded from the other side of his chest, the Goron could barely look down at the two frozen shafts.

His lifeblood melted the ice slowly, but by that time, Melvanna had already left.

The dragon flew into Lon Lon Ranch... or, what was left of it. She grinned to herself, remembering that the destruction was her own doing. Too bad those cuccos were so ready to maul anything that attacked their kind.

Camped right in the centre of the charred ruins were a crack team of Goron troops. Cavaliers, high-bred among the rock people, trained to move fast, fight hard and destroy all in their path. Melvanna sneered and lit her pipe, watching them from behind a small rock wall.

They grouped together, tall and buff Gorons. They were the rocky equivalent of muscular, though their bodies grew in a completely different fashion to almost every other living creature. The small dragon sized them up and counted carefully. Thirteen of the tough Cavaliers and a single regular troop with them, all content to wait for orders from their leader. Melvanna held no false assumptions. If they managed to catch her, they wouldn't even hesitate to tear her to pieces.

All the same, the dragon did not fear.

She blew a gentle plume of smoke skywards before setting forth into the midst of the enemy. As they began yelling and scampering towards her, she calmly held her hands out to them, flinging shafts of ice towards each Goron. They ducked and weaved and bunched even closer together, which is exactly what Melvanna was waiting for.

In an instant, a savage row of ice stakes thrust up from the ground, one after the other. They spiraled around the group of Gorons, trapping them in a frozen prison.

They pounded against the ice to no avail, roaring their rage and indignation. The Gorons were captured and held against their will- the great Cavaliers of the Goron Army! And there before them was a tiny dragon, smiling at their rage.

Melvanna shot more spears of enchanted ice up through the middle of the Gorons. They shouted in pain as they were stabbed, though they mostly survived it. The dragon found herself tiring, and wondered if she would be able to continue her rampage long enough to wipe out the force of rock and fire people.

It was then, however, that the sounds of the Gorons were drowned under a maniacal laugh.

Melvanna turned to face the newcomer, and found herself staring into the crazed eyes of Zant.

She grinned at her ally and bowed her head slightly.

'Nice timing,' she said with a motion towards the caged Gorons. 'Care to help me finish them off?'

The screams that rang through the air were more chilling than any ice.
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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Thu Nov 22, 2007 9:47 am

Wyborn wrote:
If S_K wants to stay in The Chasm South at a time like this, then woe betide him! There is work to be done.

For once, I agree with you 100%! Your land's offically gone (look at the warmod carefully), and I have no intentions on staying! Now then...

I travel from Chasm South to Peahat plains, Killing off the minimal resistance there, and if its OK, revert the territory to neutral.
"Man, this is BORING!!! Nothing to destroy, nothing to kill... What was the point???"

I was restless. Without death and destruction, I didn't feel alive. I decided to move on, since there was nothing but scenery here.

I traveled to the Theives Den, where some people were mouening the death of one of their own, burned to death... That face was familiar to me, but I moved on to The Zora River.

"Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr... this place got chilly quick!" A blizzard engulfed Zora River, fortunately covering my approach from the 100 troops stationed there. They're going to have a hard time with this storm... I thought. Marching through the blizzard, I approach The Fences, the sight of my little party two days(Turns) ago, and 100 troops were interested in crashing my party, although I was nowhere to be found. Also, that nut who drove me away was still there... I swiftly move to Peahat plains before any of them could spot me.

"Ah! Perfect Prey!!! Only 10 troops! Tonight, I dine for Fish Sticks!"

The bad news: They were all on horses. I had to steal one before I attacked them. Fortunately, I found my opprotunity; two Zora were talking to each other...

"Hey pal, do you think we'll win this war?"
"Of course! With the Gerudo on our side, we'll claim everything Hyrule has to offer!"
"Yeah! We should throw a party like that jerk-a** Freelancer had! Eating us like that; I should make roasted marshmallow out of him once we win!!!"
*akward silence*
*More silence, the Zora begins to turn around*
"Hey John, where are-"

I cut off his head like I cut off his scentence. "Roasted Marshmallow? Yeah Right!" :D

I begin to focus on the other eight Zora who are far away, but nearby. I get my bow and arrow ready, aim my arrow at the head of one of the Zora and fired. The arrow pierced the head of one of the Zora horsemen, which attracted the attention of the others.

"Hey! It's HIM! Lets GO!!!!!!" The remaining 7 horsemen charge at me, but I had time for another arrow shot, which hits another horseman in the chest, killing him. With the remaining 6 riders, I go on one of their horses and charge at them with rage in my eyes.

"Here's a little trick I learned from your hero!" I yell.

"What?" That scentence stunned the Zora for a moment, which I used a Spin Attack to decapitate 3 of them.
"No more games! Troops, attack!!!!" The remaining 3 charge at me with their swords held high. I turn back and start to battle them, taking out only one of them on one of the sides of their formation. Now, the Zora surround me, not planning to make the same mistake again.

"We have you now!!!" They both charge at me... and...
I jump out of the way at the last moment. They killed each other. No more Horseback Zora.

"Whew, what a workout!" :D
Then I spotted a small suplies cache, which included weapons and food! I destroyed the weapons and use the food to throw another party! I even gather a few of the Zora to become part of my party... as dinner! ^_^

I kill ALL of the Zora troops currently at Peahat Plains (-10H)
I destroy some weapons and Eat their food (-5 resources; 3 for food and 2 for weapons)
MORE Zora Fish Sticks!!! ^_^
(Not sure if this is legal, but...) I attempt to turn Peahat Plains Neutral.

If I have a question for Boo, it would be if the last move of mine is legal, considering what else I've done. If not, ignore the attempt at turning Peahat Plains neutral.
That's all.

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Post by Booyakasha » Thu Nov 22, 2007 10:18 am
Hey, Blake--if you're still willing to cut us that loan, say so when you take your turn; I'll reserve my turn until after you've posted. In any event, check your PMs before you post your General Update.
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Post by Wyborn » Thu Nov 22, 2007 12:03 pm
Is that how it works, Boo? I was under the impression that I was only under an imperative to get troops there so long as Shadow_Kirby remained, since he's the one who's raising a whole "throw off the shackles of oppression" thing in the first place.

Is The Chasm South now Neutral, and if so do I still need to leave 30 troops there for the rest of the game or, now that Shadow_Kirby's gone, can I recapture it with a single troop?
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Post by Marilink » Thu Nov 22, 2007 12:49 pm
Oh, I'm pushing.

Development: Convert 20 rupees into 10 resources

Movement and attacking:
30 soldiers from DTG into LWE
30 soldeirs from KF into LWE
60 archers from LWE into Petrified Forest, all fire into Sooted Wilds
50 soldiers from LWE move into Petrified Forest
45 soldiers Attack the Sooted Wilds from Petrified Forest

70 archers move into LWW from LWE
50 archers move into LWW from SKR
30 soldiers move into LWW from LWE
41 soldiers move into BF from SKR
60 archers in LWW fire into The Tangle
45 soldiers attack The Tangle from LWW
60 archers in LWW fire into The Sylvan Verge
60 soldiers from BF attack the Sylvan Verge

23 soldiers attack HFSE
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Post by I am nobody » Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:29 pm

Move all troops at the Glacier to Caslte Burmica.
Move all Castle Burmica troops to The Frozen Heath.
Move all troops at Ancient Kings to the Dead Fields.
Move all troops at the Dead Fields to the Chill Swamp.

Land Control:*

Give Zora Ancient Kings.
Give Zora The Glacier.


Build Fort at Chill Swamp.**

* Crav, it will take a few turns to move everything.
** I know I don't have enough to build this, construction starts upon recieving money from Zora.

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Post by Daos » Thu Nov 22, 2007 11:22 pm
Move to closest Hylian controlled territory ( I don't know how far away that is).
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Post by Booyakasha » Fri Nov 23, 2007 1:09 am
All right, I've kept myself away from criticism of tactics so far, but seriously, i_am_nobody--yielding up territory to the enemy just as they're opening a second front? That's just bad planning. Show a little backbone--the Kokiri need you.
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Post by Cravdraa » Fri Nov 23, 2007 1:36 am
I've negotiated some terms with Ian. He wants to save the Kokiri, and I'm allowing him to. I get the bulk of his lands, his troops march unattacked to Chill Swamp, save his ally, and quickly win new lands by crushing the Goron's inferior numbers. As a bonus, I'm even allowing him to keep his castle so he doesn't lose his racial advantage and giving him a little starter donation to build a fort that'll act as his new home base.

In return, I get a nice chunk of new land and don't have to waste the troops to wipe him out that I'd much rather be sending to attack what I consider a much greater threat.

Everybody wins! err... except the Gorons.

I'll be making my real post as soon as you get back to me on those questions I asked.

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Post by Blake » Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:21 pm
It only makes sense (to me at least) that the Kokiri would hold their front against me as the undead would hold their front against the Zora. Not particularly sure what a fortress will do in the Chill Swamp as opposed to in the Frozen Heath or Tundra Flats, but I guess we'll see.

I could understand your tactics this round Marilink, but I wouldn't get too involved in doing Crav's dirty work. Crav promised to spare whatever he can to attack me. It'd be best to take advantage of my lands after he unleashes his attack.

Gorons-- -1 territory, -330 rupees, + 80 resources, - 50 troops, -23/17C, -1 troop, -1 troop, -1C, -1C, -1C, -1C, -2C
FINANCES: 509 + (15/3)*100 = 1009 rupees; 1009 - 330 - 10 (FL fee) - 250 (loan to Hylians) = 419 rupees
TERRITORIES: Goron Citadel 150, Death Mountain 25, Dodongo Cavern 25, Death Mountain Trail 25, Rivers of Stone 125, Kakariko Village 20, Old Union Bridge 175 (visiting), Sooted Wilds 45, High Pass 105, Spectacle Rock 1, The Tangle 30, Hyrule Field N 4, Hyrule Field NE 15, Hyrule Field SE 1, Lon Lon Ranch 1/13C, Sylvan Verge 10/30C
RESOURCES: 120 + 80 = 200 resources
DEVELOPMENTS: Serrated Edges--Completed!

Goron Citadel:
150 move into Rivers of Stone

Dodongo Cavern:
Move 25 into Death Mountain Trail

Death Mountain:
Move 25 into Rivers of Stone

Rivers Of Stone:
All Attack Sooted Wilds

High Pass:
1 Move into Spectacle Rock
103 Attack/Move into Sooted Wilds

Old Union Bridge:
Train 60 Gorons into Champions and attack Hyrule Field Northwest
Move 40 Gorons visiting King's Highway North
Move 75 Gorons into the Graveyard

General: Give 250 rupees to Hylians, Train 100 Troops at Goron Citadel

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Post by I am nobody » Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:35 pm
^ Well, I give up a lot of land to get a fortress in a much better position, and almost gurranteed to have no attacks against me until the Hylians and Gorons have destryed. Meanwhile I have over 1,000 troops in a single territory. I don't need that many troops to guard one territory, and so have plenty of troops to get a far better location then what I started with. Seems worth it to me.

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Post by heh » Fri Nov 23, 2007 10:36 pm
He was known as the Bonecrafter, or in the some places that had not seen his glorious art, The Blood Mage. He called himself a different name, altough he couldn't quite remember what it was at the moment. He was human, except for hideous holes in his flesh through which you could see his bones and his veins, of these there were several. He couldn't quite remember how he had got that way. Folks called him "half-undead" which did not make sense. If he was UNdead, wouldn't he be alive? Therefore, he would be Full Alive. Unless they ment half Undead and half dead, which would mean half-alive, which makes perfect sense. Yes, that must be what they ment.

He carried an enchanted Bloodsword, which thirsted for, well, blood. It was thristy quite often, as a matter of fact. Luckily blood was easy to find. It had been made that way years ago by a black necro-something who stecthed a star-circle thing in blood and sacrificed some goats or sheep or something to some god... or spirit, and bound their tormented whasits or something... whatever, He called it Bloody Pete because it liked blood and its name was Pete and thats all there is to it.

He also carried a bonesaw he looted off some bleeding thing's table while it was doing something to some other bleeding thing that he did not make bleed, which he kept inside his ribcage, and a butterfly knife he had made himself which was kept in a secret-place-that-shall-not-be-named-for-RP-purposes (namely so I can suddenly pull a knife out of nowhere without it being a some duex ex machina bull****). Oh yeah, he also wore some red armor, which was conveint if you were looking at him so you didn't have to see all those holes I was talking about.

He was walking along in what might have been a beatiful meadow if it wasn't a frozen wasteland. It suddenly occured to him that he had no idea what he was doing. He waved at a passing Blue-Dragon thing.

Then he remembered he had previously been at the Castle Burmecia, talking to the King-Dude about orders to go do this or that, whatever, it didn't matter. He had then walked out this way while saying hello to a bunch of highly respected necromancer lords, vampires, wolve-things, skeletons, and mindless zombie slaves. The mindless zombie slaves were not very talkative at all.

So here he was at a frozen wasteland, no wait, he was in some abandoned blood-farm now, walking around to go do some orders for the Skull-Duke or whatever. What were his orders? Why was he taking them? Whatever, he must have had good reason. He trusted his judgement.

After tripping over some crumbling wall, he finally reached the place he decided he must have decided earlier as his rest point. It was very green.

He decided that it would be a good idea to decide to go get something to eat, so he did that and then went to get something to eat. He found a deer. He stabbed the deer. He feasted on the deers intestines and a bit of pancreas washed down by various other gorey bits. He collected some bones for art purposes and found a nice cave with some delicious bats and camped there for about a month. All through the month the goron soldiers in a nearby camp found some brutally murdered carcasses with various vital organs missing depending on his diet at the time, and, as you can imagine, this is very unsettling to people like peasants who were getting a bit creeped out and this a very long sentence.

*Move 4 Spaces to Sylvan Verge and Raise Hell in the form of creating scary myths to tell to children for years to come.*

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Post by Cravdraa » Fri Nov 23, 2007 11:40 pm
518 R
TERRITORIES: Zora's Domain 314/50A, Jabu Jabu's Fountain 0, The Falls 0, Lake Hylia 0, Flooded Pass 200, Zora River 100, Lake Shore 0, Cursed Mere 0, Peahat Plains 10H, Bone Orchard 10H, Tundra Flats 370A, Abandoned Farm 282, Hyrule Field S 95C/15H, The Fences 100
DEVELOPMENTS: Secret Weapon--Completed! Unveiling presumably to follow in the next Zora General Update!

First off, it will be known that as I travel through any gerudo territories, I won't be claiming them for myself.

Sending 150 Rupees to the Undead to build a new home in chill swamp since I've decided I want the land they're living on now, but I don't want the bad press that'd come from slaughtering them, so I'll let them live in a swamp. (I'm so generous.) I hearby declare Chill swamp to be an offical Undead reservation that no Zora will live in... for now.

It's come to my attention that Tazy\Zant is on a trip for the holidays and can't post, so that changes my plans a bit.

15H at Hyrule Field S will move\attack Lon Lon Ranch, depending on if SD managed to clear them all out for me.

The 10H at Bone Orchard will move to Hyrule Field SE for the simple reason that I think it's funny.

Now I find that Shadow kirby has been making a pain of himself. And having "gently encouraged" the Undead to relocate, I no longer have any target to test my secret weapon out on. Now you can't kill a freelancer, but you can sure have a good time trying. So I put forth this very short RP.


An enormous, wickedly barbed lance the size of a full grown tree launched from Tundra Flats. It streaked through the sky into the very heart of Peahat Plains. A tiny purple blob was attempting to make a grizzly meal for himself when suddenly a giant wooden bolt split the sky and came crashing down right next to him. The impact sent Shadow Kirby sprawling and knocked him unconcious. Unfortunately for him, his left foot landed in his own cooking fire, and when he woke up several hours later, he'd recieved terrible burns and to top it off, his foot had plumped up like a roasted marshmellow.

A single archer will move from Tundra flats to Peahat Plains.
All troops at Abandoned Farm will move to Tundra Flats.
The 200 troops at Flooded Pass will move to The Cursed Mere.
The 95C at Hyrule Field S will move to The Old Corral.
The troops at The Fences and Zora River will also move to The Old Corral, loosing 5 due to the blizzard.

All troops at Tundra Flats will be at high alert. Security will be tight all over, but especially around the Giant Fishbone Ballista which will have 50 men standing guard over it at all time.

That about does it.

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Post by Booyakasha » Sat Nov 24, 2007 1:35 am

All right, now. This might seem unexpected to some of you, so I'm going to preface it a bit with my justifications--

I've been devoting at least two hours a day to HW for a solid month. Hylian General Updates, Warmod Updates, HW-related PMs, putting together new game features--it stacks up. Wednesday's Warmod Update took three hours by itself. Now, I really, really like HW; that's not what this is about. The main thrust is, I'm getting a little burned out here; it's getting to be a chore for me, and that's bad. I need a break. I've earned a break, damn it. And so I want to take a break. Nothing absurd, you understand--all I'm asking is not to have to think about HW for a couple of days. Monday morning, I'll be raring to go with the next Warmod. Is this cool with everyone?
Train 180 soldiers (-720 rupees); move to Guarded Path.

28/83C from Stone Circle to Scorched Land.

That's all I got. I sense I'm in for a spot of bother here.
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Post by Wyborn » Sat Nov 24, 2007 1:55 am
A bother indeed.

Take your break, Boo. No worries.

Had any luck scrounging up that general?
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Post by Daos » Sat Nov 24, 2007 2:01 am
A break? But I'm like, posting in here all the time! Just kidding, enjoy your break Boo.
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Post by Booyakasha » Sat Nov 24, 2007 2:03 am
^^Nope. Jaguar decided to Freelance, and I never heard back from NG. Ah well.
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Post by Cravdraa » Sat Nov 24, 2007 2:06 am
Go ahead, Boo. We can wait.

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Post by heh » Mon Nov 26, 2007 10:01 am
I see you viewing this thread boo.

its time for an update yaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy

I hope your all unburned out from your break.

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Post by Booyakasha » Mon Nov 26, 2007 11:48 am
Warmod Update

^I appreciate your enthusiasm, but let's keep the War topic itself as free from extraneous posts as possible, ehh?

Questions? ANSWERS!!
Wy--When a Freelancer incites rebellion in a territory, the rebellion only lasts as long as the Freelancer continues his revolutionary activities in that territory; once he leaves, it goes back to normal.
Freelancer After-Action Report!

CuccoLady--Travelled to Spectacle Rock: killed the Goron presence, swayed territory to neutrality. Still there.

Saria Dragoon--Travelled to Hyrule Field SE: killed 1 Goron troop. Travelled on to Lon Lon Ranch--killed 1/13C Goron. No territorial hootenanny specified, so both territories remain Goron-controlled. Current Location: Lon Lon Ranch.

Shadow Kirby--Travelled to Peahat Plains: killed 10H Zora, destroyed 5 resources. Territory liberated. Injured in Zora Ballista attack--can only move one space per round for next two rounds.

Daos--Travelled to Barren Mesa. Still there.

That Guy--Travelled to Sylvan Verge: engaged in successful campaign of horror and spookery against Gorons, causing 5/3C to desert. Still there.

Jaguar--No post; still hanging around Stone Circle.

Zant Ten--No post; last seen at Lon Lon Ranch.
'I ut inimicos devorare!'
Issue 10.....................11-26-07

EXTRA!! Zora troops at Cursed Mere experience Random Encounter with Large Neutral Party--A Herd of Caribou! They bellow ominously and stampede away to the north!
EXTRA!! Hylian troops at Guarded Path experience Random Encounter with Medium Friendly Party--A Group of Partisans! Hylian force at Guarded Path increases by 10!
EXTRA!! Environmental Alert!! Earthquakes rock Dodongo Cavern--Movement to or from Dodongo Cavern impossible this turn!
EXTRA!! Environmental Alert!! Thunderstorms over Old Corral--any forces moving to or from Old Corral suffer 5% losses to Lightning Strikes!
EXTRA!! Battles at Scorched Land! 80 Gerudo attack 10 Hylians--attack successful! Gerudo lose 1 troop in attack, leaving 79 Gerudo troops alive in Scorched Land! Hylians counter-attack with 28/83C from Stone Circle--attack successful! Hylians lose 13/37C in attack, leaving 15/46C alive in Scorched Land!
EXTRA!! Archery Attack on Sooted Wilds! 60 Archers * (1d5+5 = 10)% = 6 kills, leaving 39 Gorons alive in Sooted Wilds!
EXTRA!! Battle at Sooted Wilds! 45 Kokiri attack 39 Gorons--attack 'successful'! Everyone on both sides dies--territory left empty!
EXTRA!! Archery Attack on the Tangle! 60 Archers * (1d6+5 = 9)% = 5 kills, leaving 25 Gorons alive in the Tangle!
EXTRA!! Battle at the Tangle! 45 Kokiri attack 25 Gorons--attack repelled! Kokiri lose 5 troops, Gorons lose 3 troops; Kokiri retreat to Lost Woods West!
EXTRA!! Archery Attack on Sylvan Verge! 60 Archers * (1d6+5 = 7)% = 4 kills, leaving 4/24C Gorons alive in Sylvan Verge!
EXTRA!! Battle at Sylvan Verge! 60 Kokiri attack 4/24C Gorons--attack successful! Kokiri lose 17 troops in attack, leaving 43 Kokiri alive in Sylvan Verge!
EXTRA!! Battle at Hyrule Field NW! 60C Gorons attack 24C Gerudo--attack successful! Gorons lose 8C in attack, leaving 52C Gorons alive in Hyrule Field NW!
EXTRA!! Undead begin building new Fort at Chill Swamp!
EXTRA!! Zora unveil horrible new weapon of war--Giant Fishbone Ballista! Weapon successfully test-fired! 'If this ballista is a tenth as horrible as the band Fishbone, all is truly lost.'--anonymous Hylian source

And the run-down by race--

Gerudo-- -320 rupees, -24C
FINANCES: 332 + (8/3)*100 = 598 rupees; 598 - 320 - 10 (FL) = 268 rupees
TERRITORIES: Gerudo Fortress 0, Haunted Wasteland 0, The Colossus 0, The Chasm North 0, Red Rock Pass 0, Thieves' Den 0, The Old Corral 50C, Hyrule Field SW 0

Kokiri-- + 2 territories, -20 rupees, + 10 resources, -45 troops, -5 troops, -17 troops
FINANCES: 571 + (11/3)*100 = 937 rupees; 937 - 20 - 10 (FL) = 907 rupees
TERRITORIES: Kokiri Fortress 70, Sacred Forest Meadow 30, Deku Tree's Glade 40, Lost Woods E Stronghold 127/15A, Skull Kids' Refuge 131/50A, Lost Woods West 70/120A, Petrified Forest 50/60A, Black Forest 101, Sylvan Verge 43, Crumbled Wall 38, Hyrule Field SE 23
RESOURCES: 40 + 10 + 20 (RA) = 70
DEVELOPMENTS: Tower Shields--60% complete

Undead-- -2 territories, -400 rupees, -200 resources
FINANCES: 251 + (4/3*100) + 150 = 534 rupees; 534 - 400 - 10 (FL) = 124 rupees
TERRITORIES: Castle Burmunica 100, Frozen Heath 699/132A/1H, Dead Fields 30, Chill Swamp 56
RESOURCES: 250 - 200 = 50

Gorons-- -1 territory, -1 troop, -1 troop, -1/13C, -10/30C, -45 troops, -3 troops, -400 rupees, +100 troops
FINANCES: 419 + (13/3)*100 + 40 (KV)= 892 rupees; 892 - 400 - 10 (FL) = 482 rupees
TERRITORIES: Goron Citadel 100, Death Mountain 0, Dodongo Cavern 0, Death Mountain Trail 50, Rivers of Stone 300, Kakariko Village 20, Sooted Wilds 228, High Pass 1, Spectacle Rock 1, The Tangle 22, Hyrule Field N 4, Hyrule Field NE 15, Hyrule Field NW 52C, King's Highway North 40 (visiting), Graveyard 75 (visiting)

Zora-- -10H, -5 resources, + 4 territories, -150 rupees, -5 troops
FINANCES: 518 + (18/3)*100 + 30 (RA) = 1148 rupees; 1148 - 150 - 20 (FL) = 978 rupees
TERRITORIES: Zora's Domain 314/50A, Jabu Jabu's Fountain 0, The Falls 0, Lake Hylia 0, Flooded Pass 0, Zora River 0, Lake Shore 0, Cursed Mere 200, Peahat Plains 1A, Bone Orchard 0, Tundra Flats 282/369A, Abandoned Farm 0, Hyrule Field S 0, The Fences 0, Lon Lon Ranch 15H, Hyrule Field SE 10H, Ancient Kings 0, The Glacier 0, The Corral 195/95C (visiting)
RESOURCES: 92 - 5 = 87

Hylians-- -1 territory, -10 troops, -13/37C, -720 rupees
FINANCES: 527 + (13/3)*100 + 250 (loan) = 1210 rupees; 1210 - 720 - 10= 480 rupees
TERRITORIES: Castle Hylia 0, Hylia Castle Town 0, Temple of Time 0, Hylian Market 0, Guarded Path 189, Ruined Tower 0, King's Highway North 0, Old Union Bridge 0, Scorched Land 15/46C, Stone Circle 0, King's Highway South 0, Graveyard 0, Barren Mesa 10
DEVELOPMENTS: Tower Shields--Completed!
In case anyone was wondering, the reason the Gorons got 40 rupees for their Kakariko bonus instead of the standard 20 was that I forgot to give them that bonus last round.
All right, that's that. And it didn't even take a pound and a half of forever to write up, the way these Updates usually do. Well, get to posting, my fine young cannibals. Next Update's tentatively set for tomorrow evening--don't you ever miss it. Hup!
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Post by Apiary Tazy » Mon Nov 26, 2007 12:42 pm
Zant was soon in Lon Lon Ranch. The Letter he got from Shul was urgent, alerting Zant to the Hylian Army. That puffball could wait, until later.

Soon, Zant was in the Scorched land. His Zora body definatley feeling the heat. He found a camp of Hylians sitting around....eating fish....

The fact that they were eating fish angered Zant, especially after seeing what that white Marshmellow with a Deku Stick did to his Comrades....

It was Revenge Time.

Zant jumped up and slammed down upon an Archer with his Hammer. Breaking every bone in his body before he died. Zant then turned to the rest and yelled "MORPHOS APPRAENDAE!"

Zant then ran past all of them to reveal an arrow sitting in the ground....Suddenly, A large amount of Gelatinous water bursts from around the camp. Then it Attacked the soldiers. After about 10 minutes, all of them drowned. Zant laughed Eviley at his deed and walked to a dead tree. He smashed it with his Hammer, and assembled a fire with it. He then picked up a Hylian, and Pulled out a concealed Dagger...."I've never tried.....Hylian, before.....But, there's always a first time.....And I have plenty of experiment.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
Zant goes to Scorched Land.

He Drowns 4 Soldiers, and 4 Archers. And Smashes 1 other Archer.

Zant Experiments with what parts of a Hylian are Tasty......

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Post by Booyakasha » Mon Nov 26, 2007 2:12 pm
Some of you people are creeping me right on out. Yes, I know I left things wide open when I said 'Freelancers can do most anything to help out their countries', but I was honestly expecting a touch less torture, rampant murder, and cannibalism than what I'm seeing. Put it down to a diet rich in swashbucklers when I was a child--I was anticipating more of the 'Hah hah, I sure hoodwinked the alcalde this time' sort of outlaw than the 'Hah hah, I sure ripped your guts clean out of your torso' type. Maybe it's just me.

Not that I officially object or anything--these are, after all, your characters, and you know better than I who your character is, what he's like, and how he's bound to react in the context of HW., is all. You're going all Kwisatz Haderach on me, making drumheads from the skins of your slain enemies. More than halfway unexpected.
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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Mon Nov 26, 2007 2:41 pm

Booyakasha wrote:
Shadow Kirby--Travelled to Peahat Plains: killed 10H Zora, destroyed 5 resources. Territory liberated. Injured in Zora Ballista attack--can only move one space per round for next two rounds.

:mad: DAMN YOU CRAV!!!!!!!! :swear:
... Well, I'll have to make the most of my situation, I guess...

Movement: From Peahat plains to Hyrule Field South to liberate it from the Zora, since I can't move more than 1 space and there's nothing better I can do...

I stare for a long while at the wooden "spear" that fell from the sky. That blasted thing caused that nasty burn that's on my foot!!!! I noticed something wierd about the tree... a familiar scent...

"ZORA!!! What the hell's going on??? No. It doesen't matter. I'LL CRUSH THEM ALL!!!!!"

...With an injured foot, that's no easy task. I struggle to get to The southern area of Hyrule Field, with some "leftovers" from my feast last night...

"Damn this foot, damn those Zora...."

Fortunately, I find an abandoned Zora Camp. Unfortunately, with this foot, my destructive capabilities seem limited at the moment. I find some food the Zora left behind, as well as limited amounts of weapons and armor.

"Need... to... rest... foot..."

First, I take their food, then I knock over their weapons and armor in a blind rage, then I tried to heal my injured foot since I couldn't focus on anything else afterward. My feast afterward didn't feel so good. All I could think about was how my foot hurts like hell...

Not much excitment this time...

I ate their food (-2 resources; the weapons and armor are realitively safe and in working order)
I attempt to turn Hyrule Field South Neutral (again, nothing better to do)


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Post by I am nobody » Mon Nov 26, 2007 4:21 pm

Move all Frozen Heath troops to the Dead Fields.
Move all Dead Fields troops to The Chill Swamp.
Move 90 troops from Castle Burmica to Frozen Heath.
Move 56 troops from Chill Swamp to Crumbled Wall. Troops do not attack.

Note: Crav, you are not recieving territory because it would block my path to Chill Swamp. I'll give you the last two later.

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Post by Marilink » Mon Nov 26, 2007 8:51 pm
Development: Train 100 archers in LWE
Train 100 soldiers in LWE
Make 10 resources

Movement and Attacks:

127 soldiers / 50 archers move into Petrified Forest
110 archers fire upon The Sooted wilds
50 archers in LWW fire upon the Tangle, all other soldiers in PF prepare for attack
Followup attack w/ 35 soldiers
70 archers move into the Sylvan Verge from LWW
70 archers fire into HFNE
Followup attack w/ 20 soldiers
28 move from Crumbled Wall into Sylvan Verge
40 move from BF into SV
30 move from BF into LWW
50 / 25A move from SKR into LWW
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Post by heh » Tue Nov 27, 2007 12:43 am
If I wasn't a crazy, blood drinking cannibal who makes art out of the bones of his victims and who's very presence radiates madness I would not be Undead damn it!

The Bonecrafter was reluctant to leave the woods. He had found plenty of blood to drink and bones to make into art. Why, just a few days ago he had made a harp out of deer bones, with some wolfos fangs he had procured for decoration and the spine of a small child for the biggest bit. Its strings were made of Blood and marrow and they made a little bit of a screaming noise, in the background, if you listened close enough, when he played upon it. It was truly a work of art.

He had left the woods 3 weeks ago, when the kokiri had moved in a butchered 4 gorons with arrows, while the others hid away and nursed their blood-spots. He had set fire a hut the wounded were sleeping in, in the dead of night, when none saw him splatter the blood on the walls and the doors and inscribe the windows with blood-drawings and bade the blood become the flames of which burn in their rock hearts*.

He had left for the vast Hyrule field the day after. It was big, it was green, and it was boring. Nothing but grass. And an occasinal bag of blood and bone. And meat. And Cranberrys. No, that didn't make sense.

He had then come across the burnt ranch in the center of the field. It was burnt. It had most likely like burnt in a fire, but acid was plausible. But probably not. Of more interest however, was the person he had sighted leaving almost as soon as he had got there.

He was a Zora, he thought. HE had much respect for the Zoras, Especially after hearing about their massive Bone-craft. He himself had once bulit a small catapult of bone, but it was not very durable an its main use was to launch bodies dead of plague... but he had once launched the head of someone important from it as well, he thought. Yes.... But more on the topic of the Zora. He looked liek a great zora, but he seemed to be a bit hunched over for some reason, a bit drabber then he should have been a bit bloodier around the mouth... ah, that was it.

He was feasting on human flesh. He liked the Zora already. A bit later he saw him preform some magic. menial stuff, nothing big, to pack up his tent and such... he seemed to have no appreciation for the Magic of Life though, instead going about the more elemental approach... can't have everything, he guessed.

Then he went from there, to more boring field. This wa slightly less boring though, as there was a camp of gorons here. Warriors. There were also some plains people, plenty of them, some gorons, some not, some neither, perhaps. He drew a symbol on the ground (in blood of course) and bade the blood tell him they saw in their minds when they circled through it... some loved the soldiers. Most didn't. Interrupting their plainspeople lives, he susposed. He waited until night, when he drew another symbol, in his own blood, because he was running out of others, he must go hunting soon, yes... , he told the blood to fool the eyes, to say them, when the blood ran through them, to say to them, "this is not a hideous skeleton thing which will eat your children probably, This dude is just like you!" And then, in the morning he was there, and no one noticed that the person telling to to rise up, to rebel, had never been there the night before.


* I have no idea how making scary ghost stories killed 8 people so i made this up instead.

I made this one extra morbid just for you.

V Oh. Ok. That makes sense. Also I know you weren't refering to me.

Well I burned some guys too so there

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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Nov 27, 2007 1:52 am
^It didn't kill them, sillyhead--it scared them into deserting. You see the difference?

Oh, and my post wasn't actually aimed at you (I wouldn't very well expect an Undead necromancer to be all sunshine and daffodils). I just hope Jaguar doesn't start in on this 'killing small animals and licking their bones' stuff--nothing that'd bring disrepute to the good name of Hylia, says I.
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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Nov 27, 2007 11:43 am
Hylian General Update

All right, I've given you a solid day to post, Wy. Now it's inquisition time. I'm pressing my advantage--some might call it unfair, but I don't see a reason to stand by and let you four smash us with impunity.
Drop sixty rupees training the 15 troops at Scorched Earth into Cavaliers. Drop another 400 training 100 new troops at Castle Hylia.

Troop movements--
61C from Scorched Earth to Chasm North; from there, 60C to Gerudo Fortress and 1C to Chasm South. 189 from Guarded Path to King's Highway North. 105 from Castle Hylia to Guarded Path.
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Post by Apollo the Just » Tue Nov 27, 2007 4:27 pm
Ganondorf was pleased with the witches' work. "I have a new plan for you. Do as I say and WE CAN PREVAIL. The Gerudo will WIN, and the world will be MINE. Is that not what you desire?"

"Yes, my lord" the witches replied in unison.

"very good. Now fly! To the Barren Mesa. CLEAR THE LAND OF ALL TROOPS, and hide yourselves well. Now go!"

The witches flew about until reaching the mesa. It was, true to its name... barren. The land was red and dry, and a few lone troops could be seen huddled around a campfire, telling jokes and stories whilst waiting for orders.

A blazing inferno swept toward them. The troops screamed, but were not felled- they were hardy folks. "You useless wretch! Let ME do this." Kotake yelled at her sister. With a push to her twin and a snap of her fingers, the troops were frozen in eternal, soul-eating ice.

The barren mesa was now free of rule.

...sorry for the lame and shrimpy RP. I'm in class right now, but wanted this done. :P
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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Tue Nov 27, 2007 5:18 pm
^ There aren't any Gorons in the Barren Mesa...

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Post by Wyborn » Tue Nov 27, 2007 5:31 pm
Typing on Wii. Boo, for clarification, we can prevent new troop arrivals? Son of a BITCH.
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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Nov 27, 2007 5:50 pm
King of all Bastards, right here.
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Post by Wyborn » Tue Nov 27, 2007 6:02 pm
All right.....two things.

1. Did you account for the troops that Zant killed in Scorched Land?

2. How much longer do you intend to not answer either of my PMs, exactly?
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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Nov 27, 2007 6:06 pm
1. No. I'll fix it in the Warmod.
2. I'm pretty sure I've answered all your PMs. I'll double-check.
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Post by Wyborn » Tue Nov 27, 2007 6:06 pm
It's been three or four turns since my last PMs.
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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Nov 27, 2007 6:19 pm
Jiminy. I totally forgot about that. Sorry. you want your base back? I mean, I kind of screwed you over by not responding on your development idea.
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Post by Wyborn » Tue Nov 27, 2007 6:28 pm
No, man, that'd be a bit bitchy on my part. You took it fair and square. Thank you for the offer, but I'll take the option left to me.

Crav, I think our only possible course of action at this point is pretty clear.

Not going to bother with RP right now.

50C in The Old Corral......fine. They're all moving; I lose 2C.

21C from Old Corral to Red Rock Pass. From there, 1C to Scorched Land, 2C to The Chasm South, and 18C to The Chasm North.

27C to Barren Mesa, and from there to Stone Circle. Racial ability, blah blah blah, 14C to Ruined Tower and 13C to King's Highway South. I'm losing them next turn but at the next Warmod update I'm getting some rupees.

The last 1C troop, who I have a feeling I will utterly lose without, is fleeing to Lake Hylia.

Scratch that; 13C to RT and 13C to KHS. 1C in Stone Circle. That cool?
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Post by Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds » Tue Nov 27, 2007 7:15 pm
Wyborn, you should have waited for me. Jerk :p

If you're all cool, I'll edit in my RP in a short while.


Please keep in mind that I was in the middle of writing this, according to the plan I thought we had all agreed upon when Wyborn went and posted. And I'm not editing the whole thing just because he couldn't wait for the agreed-upon action to take place. Silly Wyborn, I need hugs now. All this work at dispelling storms and what-have-you, and you throw away some troops before I can finish writing.


Melvanna wasn't a kind dragon, nor a patient one. She had a strong sense of justice, though to any observing, it would be seen as a warped personal justice rather than the commonly accepted version.

Melvanna upheld her beliefs, stood for the rights of those she respected and mostly just enjoyed herself while keeping to her obligations.

After resting at Lon Lon, she had casually flown south west towards a strong pull of storm energy. It was cold and fresh. A natural storm. The lightning within it was wild and surging with power. Melvanna flew unerringly towards it, drawn like a... well, elemental dragon to a storm, eh?

Over the howl of the wind, Melvanna could hear terrified cries of Zora and Gerudo alike. Though both races were strong and proud, they had been holed-up by this storm for days and had earlier ventured forth in an attempt to make it to safer lands. Unfortunately, the lightning had immediately crashed and rumbled around them, sending the brave troops fleeing straight back into their shelter, fearing for their lives.

The dragon sliced through the clouds, tucking her wings in close to reduce resistance, then spreading them wide to make a sharp banking turn to avoid a sudden discharge of static electricity.

The storm buffeted her from all sides.

And yet, she laughed.


Melvanna cackled her delight, being tumbled through the air as other beings were thrown through the ocean's bitter waves. The dragon was heaved violently upwards before being dragged towards the ground. Her speed made the earth a deadly player in her game. Should she be tossed to the ground, bones would shatter, organs would rupture and bleed out and she would die.

The storm carried Melvanna far into the sky on an updraft of wind. With powerful wings, she soared above the storm, looked down on the bruised, churning clouds, then dived right back through into the midst of nature's rage.

Melvanna breathed deeply of the storm and reveled in the icy rain. She enjoyed it so much, in fact, that she came to the conclusion that this storm was hers and had been waiting patiently for her to claim.

It was with that decision the dragon plummeted to the earth and fought to touch down safely. Landing at a run, the dragon thudded to all fours and galloped along, pushed and pulled by contradicting winds. She screamed her glee, leaping to the low roof of an abandoned building. Atop the old structure, she braced herself against the wind and rain before standing tall and opening her arms and wings wide.

'Come to me!' she cried. The storm crackled angrily in response. 'YES! You are mine!'

With her eyes closed against the stinging water, Melvanna shrieked over and over, drawing the immense power of the maelstrom to her. The clouds swirled and fought against her pull while lightning built up and flashed high overhead. With a final howl ripping from her throat, Melvanna was hit by a stabbing finger of electricity. Her voice cut off in that instant, though the roaring of thunder would have drowned out the sound. Again and again she was hit by bolts of lightning.

Melvanna stood and took every strike.

Her soft leathery wings turned black and charred, with small pieces tearing away. The tattered edges bled profusely before being washed away by the constant rain.

The tufts of hair that grew on her dragon became hard and melted before breaking off in chunks. Where it had once grown was now only a bare, raw patch of tiny scales, blackened and bleeding.

Melvanna gasped as a single bolt of lightning crashed straight into her chest, throwing her backwards. Her eyes flew open and while they had once been large orbs of deep sapphire-blue, they were now glowing with an iridescence, casting their own light upon the world. The storm that threatened so many had grown weak and what few clouds were left scuttled away from the Old Corral.

The dragon was oblivious to her injuries. Bleeding copious amounts on the ground, she pushed herself to her feet and began walking north. She didn't see the Zora and Gerudo tentatively peek outside, and neither did she hear them throw up a great cheer and pour out to continue their war.

Melvanna didn't feel anything.

She walked until her way was blocked. On the outskirts of the Barren Mesa a small band of warriors from Hylia waited. They shouted to her deaf ears that she should stay back. They brought up pikes against her and leveled the deadly, fire-hardened points at her body.

Melvanna didn't notice.

When she could no longer go forward, she turned to the right. The Hylians scrambled to block her way. The dragon sneered, unseeing, unaware of what hindered her travel. With a maddened snarl, she leaped clear over their weapons and fell into their midst, swiping either side of her with long charred claws.

The Hylians turned and fled from her tearing nails to regroup and mount an assault against the foreign dragon. Now that her way was clear, Melvanna continued walking, heading north-east.

Before she could go too far, the Hylian fighters were upon her, slashing with swords and jabbing with spears. Melvanna screamed with rage, numb to the pain of her many wounds. Blood seeped into the soil and flecks of scale rained upon the ground. She turned, this way and that, blindly searching for her assailants. With a cry of frustration, she fell and beat her fists upon the bloody earth.

Ice spread out and shattered beneath the feet of the Hylians. The very ground opened beneath them, a great mouth tearing into the land to swallow the great warriors in one satisfied gulp.

Melvanna continued walking. Ever walking onwards. There was no explanation readily apparent as to why she must keep moving, but travel she did.

In the north-western portion of Hyrule Field waited a legion of Goron Cavaliers. They stared at the glowing-eyes dragon walking brazenly into their encampment. Their numbers were so large that they held no fear for the small and clearly injured creature.

Some even felt sorry for her.

As a handful of the high-classed warriors approached her, Melvanna hissed. The Gorons laughed and circled the dragon, blocking her way.

Without seeing or hearing their banter, the dragon still knew where each of the rock people stood. Her madness was acute and the need to keep walking was overpowering all other instinct and emotion.

Melvanna growled, deep in the back of her throat.

The Gorons laughed more and moved in closer.

Crouching low to the ground, Melvanna's arm flew forward and harsh blots of lightning shot from her palm into the Goron before her. There was a horrendous CRR-AACK and his torso burst open. The leader of the Cavaliers was dead before he hit the ground.

The other Gorons stood in motionless silence, staring in horror at the oozing rend in their captain's chest. One of the younger Gorons began hyperventilating and passed out cold.

As one, the rock people took a massive step back from Melvanna. Her head whipped around at the movement and with her arm extended at another of the Gorons, she let loose another shocking bolt of electricity.

Chaos erupted in the camp. Many of the warriors began fighting the dragon, while others ran to find safety. Blood flew from the wounds of Melvanna's body, covering any Goron nearby. Soon, the dragon's own arms and hands were bathed in her own blood.

She leaped at one of the enemies, blood smearing from her limbs onto his rocky skin. As he fell backwards from the force of her momentum, he started screaming wordlessly. Icy mist billowed up from the blood stains as hoarfrost spread across his entire body.

The Goron was frozen solid.

Melvanna's crazed massacre continued as long as there were Gorons in her path. Whether they were felled by her frozen blood or her body-splitting lightning, bodies littered the grassy plain of Hyrule Field (NW).

She would never remember how many she killed.

Melvanna walked away from the destruction as soon as no one blocked her way.

She had to keep going.
Nonsense, I have not yet begun to defile myself.

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Post by Wyborn » Tue Nov 27, 2007 7:56 pm
Sorry, SD. My bad. Loved the post, though, that was mighty aces. I acted hastily out of frustration; please accept my apologies.


I'm keeping the 60 rupees to keep on CL for however long it takes to get my base back.
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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:57 pm
^Rupees? Sure. Resources? Fine. Territories? Negatory, good buddy. i_am_nobody's little Vichy surrender to the Zora, that was one thing; this is something else.
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Post by Wyborn » Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:08 pm
Good sir! Not even one?
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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:25 pm
Not one. If Crav advances, he can claim your old lands. I don't like the idea of nations gaining territory by proxy. If you can come up with a compelling reason why they should, I'm all ears.
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Post by Wyborn » Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:26 pm
I have no particularly compelling reason - just thought I'd save you some math.
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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:28 pm
Well, bless your little heart!
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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:56 pm
It depresses me to see Generals (acting like they're) giving up...


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Post by Cravdraa » Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:39 am
Well gee, this blew up in my face. Let's see what I can do to salvage this situation.
Won't be claiming gerudo lands as my own because they're my friends, blah, blah.

978 rupees
TERRITORIES: Zora's Domain 314/50A, Jabu Jabu's Fountain 0, The Falls 0, Lake Hylia 0, Flooded Pass 0, Zora River 0, Lake Shore 0, Cursed Mere 200, Peahat Plains 1A, Bone Orchard 0, Tundra Flats 282/369A, Abandoned Farm 0, Hyrule Field S 0, The Fences 0, Lon Lon Ranch 15H, Hyrule Field SE 10H, Ancient Kings 0, The Glacier 0, The Corral 195/95C (visiting)

+208R from my gerudo allies.
195 troops at the old Corral trained to Cavaliers. -780R
203 Cavaliers at the old Corral trained to Horseback archers -406R

50C from the Old Corral attack Hyrule Field NW through the Barren Mesa.
15H at Lon Lon Ranch attack Hyrule Field NW.
10H at Hyrule Field SE attack Hyrule Field N through Lon Lon Ranch.
All remaining troops at the old Corral (203H/37C) move to The Chasm, North. 203H will open fire on Boo's forces in Gerudo Fortress.
The 200 troops at Cursed Mere will move to Tundra Flats

General Shul: He thinks he can run? Ha!
Giant Fishbone Ballista! Fire!!

Shadow Kirby was huddled up in an old abandoned stone building somewhere in southern hyrule field, nursing his injured foot and and cursing those damned Zora when he heard an odd whisling sound. As he wondered what new misery was being inflicted on him now the sound grew louder and progressivly lower pitched.

With a loud crash, an enormous and yet somehow familiar wooden lance burst through the ceiling and implanted itself in the floor only a few feet from the purple blob. His heart pounding, the littlest cannibal let out a sigh of relief. "It... It missed me..."
A groan from the walls of the stone structure derailed his train of thought. The sound of splintering support beams created a pit in stomach that no amount bloody feasting could fill.
It was all Shadow Kirby could do to sqeak out "crap, not again..." before the entire building came crashing down on his head.

SK pulled himself from the rubble. He was badly scraped and bruised all over, but alive and had escaped without any serious injury... except for his right foot. A 300lb chunk of rock had fallen on it in the collapse, smashing it flatter than a pancake.

Archie Mc Archer will move from Peahat Plains to Hyrule Field S. He says to SK, "What's up, bud? Looks like we get to hang out again."

A few RPs to be added in if I can find the energy.

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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:47 pm
Oh for crying out loud, Crav... :swear:

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Post by Cravdraa » Wed Nov 28, 2007 3:38 pm
Now you know exactly how Wyborn and I felt each time you attacked our troops or territory over and over again, unprovoked, and there was nothing we could do about it. :p

This is too much fun. Maybe I should build these things all over the map just to antagonize SK. ;)

Look at the bright side. I sent Archie to go keep you company. He's a truely open-minded soldier that can look past the random acts of cannibalism and hopes the two of you can become good friends. Oh, the wacky hyjinx that could ensue.

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Post by ShyGuy727 » Wed Nov 28, 2007 4:30 pm
How the hell did I miss this? Damn. I just made a topic last month asking about it.

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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Wed Nov 28, 2007 5:17 pm

Cravdraa wrote:
Now you know exactly how Wyborn and I felt each time you attacked our troops or territory over and over again, unprovoked, and there was nothing we could do about it. :p

True. So very true...

Now, I feel I have to dig deeper in my bag of tricks to fight back (and hopefully be legal in this war...).

If you only knew what I have planned... :lol:

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Post by Wyborn » Wed Nov 28, 2007 9:26 pm

ShyGuy727 wrote:
How the hell did I miss this? Damn. I just made a topic last month asking about it.

We're looking for a Hylian General, if you're interested.
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Post by Blake » Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:51 pm
King's Highway North:
- 15 Attack Ruined Tower
- 15 Attack King's Highway South
- 2 Attack Stone Circle

Sooted Wilds:
- Train 150(300) Archers and fire on Petrified Forest

Rivers Of Stone:
- Move 300 into Sooted Wilds

Goron Citadel:
- Move 100 into Rivers of Stone

General: Converting 195 resources to 390 rupees(I believe CL destroyed 5 a while back).

Rupees: 482 - 300 + 390 = 572

Train 143 troops at Goron Citadel

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Post by Cravdraa » Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:05 am
Can you convert resources to rupees like that? I'm fairly sure that you can't. If it was that simple then there wouldn't be any point in resources at all.

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Post by Wyborn » Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:05 am
I don't think you can turn resources into rupees, man.

Edit: Dammit, ninja'd.

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Post by Booyakasha » Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:23 am
Questions answered, plus announcements

ShyGuy727: That's a good question--how in the hell did you miss seeing this? It's been going on for a solid month, and it's been stickied the whole time. Don't tell me you stopped visiting the Zelda Forum or something. (For shame!)

Crav and Wy: He PM'ed me about it. It's legal.

I think I need to do a better job enumerating all of the rules next war (if there is one); it seems I merely implied a great deal of what I wanted to say, and I worry that clarifying so many rules after the fact like this is going to make everything I do seem arbitrary, or worse, biased.


No Warmod tonight. Sorry, but I've been up since six, and I'm exhausted. Besides which, the wireless network I've got set up is acting all shirty--I'm posting this on the family computer, which I'm going to need to get off of around 11. Look for an Update sometime tomorrow (hopefully earlier rather than later). Good night.
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Post by Wyborn » Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:47 am

Well, fair enough. Crav, if things go south for me and I don't get any rupees next turn because I don't have a fort, take all my resources and turn them into rupees. We'll get it all back later.

Boo: Yeah, there'll be a next one, but yeah, clear enumeration of the rules is gonna be hella important (and we may need to reconsider the role of resources altogether).

Edit: And don't worry about being seen as biased; that isn't an issue.

I just wish I had thought to ask that question before myself.
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Post by Apollo the Just » Thu Nov 29, 2007 1:06 am
Well, this is extremely late... but all Wy PM'd me was 'kill the ten troops in Barren Mesa". I, being lazy, didn't bother to check if they were gorons. I edited my post to say 'troops', but I meant Hylians... :D
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Post by Apollo the Just » Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:58 am
This is a double post, and will probably be automerged...

Wy, Boo... I know you'll be DEVASTATED to hear this, but I'm afraid I have to resign from my position as Gerudo Freelancer. It's been OODLES of kickass fun, but real life stuff has limited the time I can get online... and the time available is simply not enough to devote the energy Hyrulian War requires.

I have TONS of homework, am in a play that takes up all but a few precious hours of my time, and a gig with a bunch of adults to prepare for. So, I'm sorry... but as soon as a new Gerudo Freelancer can be found, I'm afraid I'll have to take leave.

It's been fun, y'all. After all this is over, maybe I can play again. Ta ta for now, though!
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Post by Jaguar » Fri Nov 30, 2007 4:26 am

My apologies for not being on, my computer decided it wanted to be reformated and I lost all my crap. Anyway, I'm gonna go wherever the action is and help out in any way I can until next month...tee hee hee.......

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Post by Booyakasha » Fri Nov 30, 2007 10:54 am

Mostly finished with the Warmod, and this damn computer locks up on me and loses everything. I'm too pissed off to start it again right now. Look for it some time tomorrow. (Yes, I know this week's round is taking way too long to finish up. I'm sorry.)
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Post by Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds » Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:14 am
My life situation has been thrown into chaos. I don't know when I'll have the time or energy to write. Please forgive me if there are any significant lapses in my participation. *hugs to all*
Nonsense, I have not yet begun to defile myself.

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Post by Booyakasha » Mon Dec 03, 2007 11:36 am
Warmod Update

Announcement! (*huzzah!*)
I'm sorry this round took so long. Things really went wrong this weekend. Don't be too surprised if this sort of 'extended round' deal happens again during exam week, and again over the holiday.
Freelancer After-Action Report!

Zant Ten: Traveled to Scorched Land; killed 4/5C Hylians with his mighty fists. Ate the corpses, too, the creepy old wiener. Still there.

Shadow Kirby: Traveled to Hyrule Field S; destroyed 2 Zora resources, turned territory neutral. Still there.

That Guy: Traveled to Hyrule Field NW; incited rebellion against Gorons (territory reverts to neutral if Gorons leave fewer than 30 troops there). Still there.

CuccoLady: Traveled to Barren Mesa; killed the crap out of 10 Hylians, using the power of freezerburn. Still there (if she's even still playing).

Saria Dragon: Traveled to Old Corral; ended environmental alert with weather-control hoodoo. Moved northeast; killed 5C Gorons in Hyrule Field NW. Last seen in Hyrule Field N.

Jaguar: Continued to hang out in Stone Circle (I can't make your move for you, man). Still there.

Daos: No post; still at Barren Mesa.
'I ut inimicos devorare!'

EXTRA!! Gerudo Fortress falls to Hylians!
EXTRA!! Hylian force at Guarded Path experiences Random Encounter with Small Neutral Party--A Pig! It grunts at them noncommittally and then wanders off!
EXTRA!! Kokiri force at Skull Kids' Refuge experiences Random Encounter with Medium Hostile Party--A Platoon of Moblins! The Kokiri lose 10 troops subduing the beasts!
EXTRA!! Environmental Alert!! Blizzard descends on Chill Swamp! Troop movements to or from Chill Swamp impossible this turn!
EXTRA!! Environmental Alert!! Damaging hail over Castle Hylia! Any troop movements to or from Castle Hylia suffer 5% losses this turn!
EXTRA!! Archery Attack on Sooted Wilds! 110A * (1d6+5 = 10)% = 11 Gorons killed!
EXTRA!! Archery Attack on the Tangle! 50A * (1d6+5 = 8) % = 4 Gorons killed!
EXTRA!! Battle at the Tangle! 35 Kokiri attack 18 Gorons--attack successful! Kokiri lose 12 troops in attack, leaving 23 alive in the Tangle!
EXTRA!! Archery Attack on Hyrule Field NE! 70A * (1d6+5 = 7)% = 5 Gorons killed!
EXTRA!! Battle at Hyrule Field NE! 20 Kokiri attack 10 Gorons--attack repelled! 2 Kokiri and 1 Goron killed in altercation--18 Kokiri return to Sylvan Verge!
EXTRA!! Battle at Hyrule Field NW! 50C/15H Zora attack 47C Gorons--attack repelled! 5C/2H Zora and 5C Gorons killed in altercation--45C Zora return to Old Corral, 13H to Lon Lon Ranch!
EXTRA!! Battle at Hyrule Field N! 10H Zora attack 4 Gorons--attack successful! Zora lose 2H in attack, leaving 8H alive in Hyrule Field N!
EXTRA!! Archery Attack on Gerudo Fortress! 203H * (1d6+5 = 7)% = 14 hits; attack loses two-thirds of its effect due to Fortified Area coverage; 5C Hylians killed!
EXTRA!! Battle at Ruined Tower! 15 Gorons attack 13C Gerudo--attack successful! Gorons lose 10 in attack, leaving 5 troops at Ruined Tower!
EXTRA!! Battle at King's Highway South! 15 Gorons attack 13C Gerudo--attack repelled! 2 Gorons and 1C Gerudo killed in altercation--13 Gorons return to King's Highway North!
EXTRA!! Battle at Stone Circle! 2 Gorons attack 1C Gerudo--attack successful! No Gorons killed in attack--2 Gorons left in Stone Circle!
EXTRA!! Archery Attack on Petrified Forest! 150A * (1d6+5 = 10)% = 15 Kokiri killed!

FINANCES: 124 + (4/3*100) = 257 rupees; 257 - 10 (FL) = 247 rupees
TERRITORIES: Castle Burmunica 10, Frozen Heath 90, Dead Fields 699/132A/1H, Chill Swamp 30, Crumbled Wall 56 (visiting)
DEVELOPMENTS: Fortified Area at Chill Swamp--67% Complete

Kokiri-- +1 territory, + 100A, - 600 rupees, + 10 resources, - 20 rupees, - 10 troops, - 12 troops, - 2 troops
FINANCES: 907 + (12/3*100) = 1307 rupees; 1307 - 600 - 20 - 10 (FL) = 677 rupees
TERRITORIES: Kokiri Fortress 70, Sacred Forest Meadow 30, Deku Tree's Glade 40, Lost Woods E Stronghold 65A, Skull Kids' Refuge 71/25A, Lost Woods West 100/50A, Petrified Forest 162/110A, Black Forest 41, The Tangle 23, Sylvan Verge 159/95A, Crumbled Wall 10, Hyrule Field SE 23
RESOURCES: 70 + 10 + 20 (RA) = 100
DEVELOPMENTS: Tower Shields--80% Complete

Hylians-- -4 territories, -400 rupees, + 105 troops, - 60 rupees, -9C, -5C, -10 troops
FINANCES: 480 + (9/3*100) + 30 (GF bonus) = 810 rupees; 810 - 400 - 60 - 10 (FL) = 340 rupees
TERRITORIES: Castle Hylia 0, Hylia Castle Town 0, Temple of Time 0, Hylian Market 0, Guarded Path 105, King's Highway North 199, Old Union Bridge 0, Graveyard 0, Gerudo Fortress 47C

Gerudo-- +4 territories, -208 rupees, -13C, -1C, -1C
FINANCES: 268 + (12/3*100) = 668 rupees; 668 - 208 - 10 (FL) = 450 rupees
TERRITORIES: Haunted Wasteland 0, The Colossus 0, The Chasm South 2C, The Chasm North 18C, Scorched Land 1C, Red Rock Pass 0, Thieves' Den 0, The Old Corral 0, Hyrule Field SW 0, Hyrule Field S 1C, King's Highway South 12C, Barren Mesa 0

Zora-- -5C/2H, -780 rupees, -406 rupees,
FINANCES: 978 + (18/3*100) + 208 + 30 (RA) = 1816 rupees; 1816 - 780 - 406 - 20 (FL) = 610 rupees
TERRITORIES: Zora's Domain 314/50A, Jabu Jabu's Fountain 0, The Falls 0, Lake Hylia 0, Flooded Pass 0, Zora River 0, Lake Shore 0, Cursed Mere 0, Peahat Plains 0, Bone Orchard 0, Tundra Flats 482/369A, Abandoned Farm 0, The Fences 0, Lon Lon Ranch 13H, Hyrule Field SE 0, Ancient Kings 0, The Glacier 0, Hyrule Field N 8H, Old Corral 45C (visiting),
Chasm North 37C/203H (visiting), Hyrule Field S 1A (visiting)
RESOURCES: 87 - 2 = 85

Gorons-- -195 resources, +380 rupees, -11 troops, -22 troops, -6 troops, -5C, -572 rupees, +143 troops, - 300 rupees
FINANCES: 482 + (13/3)*100 + 20 (KV) + 390 = 1325 rupees; 1325 - 300 - 572 - 10 (FL) = 443 rupees
TERRITORIES: Goron Citadel 143, Death Mountain 0, Dodongo Cavern 0, Death Mountain Trail 50, Rivers of Stone 100, Kakariko Village 20, Sooted Wilds 517, High Pass 1, Spectacle Rock 1, Hyrule Field NE 9, Hyrule Field NW 42C, Ruined Tower 5, Stone Circle 2, King's Highway North 21 (visiting), Graveyard 75 (visiting)
RESOURCES: 195 - 195 = 0
Done. Everyone, try checking my math if you're so inclined--I'm fairly sure everything's right, but I always feel like I'm missing something. Next Update is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday night--try to swing a post by then. Gotta run.

[EDIT: Re-refixed. Stop being incorrect, you stupid Update.]
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Post by Wyborn » Mon Dec 03, 2007 12:06 pm
Boo, I'm not supposed to have any resources. But since you left them with me, okay.

And I have no troops in the Old Corral. Thanks for the hand-out but I gotta decline.

Any Zora space I move into is moved into as a visitor. No problem - I'm not taking anything.

Convert 200 resources into rupees.

Rupee total: 850

Transfer 850 rupees to Zora

Troop movements as follows.

All troops in The Chasm North will attack simultaneously with Cravdraa's troops once he moves against the Gerudo Fortress.

The 1C in Zora River will move through Lake Hylia and into Zora's Domain for protection (I have been granted permission by Cravdraa). Try getting her now, Shadow_Kirby.

3C from King's Highway South will pass through Hyrule Field North and hit Spectacle Rock's weak spot for massive damage.

4C from King's Highway South will hit Stone Circle.

3C will hit Hyrule Field N.

All other troops will remain in King's Highway South.

Cravdraa, do what you have to.
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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Mon Dec 03, 2007 12:37 pm
Boo, you did make an error...

Booyakasha wrote:
Zora-- -5C/2H, -780 rupees, -406 rupees,
FINANCES: 978 + (18/3*100) + 208 + 30 (RA) = 1816 rupees; 1816 - 780 - 406 - 20 (FL) = 610 rupees
TERRITORIES: Zora's Domain 314/50A, Jabu Jabu's Fountain 0, The Falls 0, Lake Hylia 0, Flooded Pass 0, Zora River 0, Lake Shore 0, Cursed Mere 200, Peahat Plains 1A, Bone Orchard 0, Tundra Flats 282/369A, Abandoned Farm 0, The Fences 0, Lon Lon Ranch 13H, Hyrule Field SE 10H, Ancient Kings 0, The Glacier 0, The Corral 82C (visiting), Hyrule Field N 8H,
Chasm North 203H (visiting)
RESOURCES: 87 - 2 = 85

That Archer in Pehat Plains, well...

Cravdraa wrote:
Archie Mc Archer will move from Peahat Plains to Hyrule Field S. He says to SK, "What's up, bud? Looks like we get to hang out again."

He should be with me in S Hyrule Field, but don't worry. I'm staying where I am (meaning the "Revolution" continues) and I'm using that THING Crav shot at me and giving him a taste of his own medicine! Return to sender, sort of...

ANOTHER weird wooden spear hit the stone house I was making a temporary shelter for myself and my aching foot. That building crumbling and falling on me didn't help with the healing process...

"I'm going to get those Zora even if its the last thing I do!!!" I grumbled.

"Hey, kiddo!" An unfamiliar voice approached me. I look to find out that it's a Zora!!!
"I'm Archie!"
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"Hey, don't be so mean! I want to be your friend!"

Who the hell is this guy? There's a war going on and he wants to be my friend? Wait a minute... are they mocking me?!?!?!? Why I oughta- I cut myself off mid-thought. I had an idea; maybe this Zora might be useful to me...

"I'm sorry, Archie. I would like to be your friend, but you do know what I've done, right?" I respond.
"Yeah... I know. I still want to be your friend."

Archie extends his... fin in friendship. I shake his fin with a big :) .

"Hey, now that you and I are friends, why don't you help me with this thing?" I point to the wooden spear the Zora launched.
"I want to show you a neat trick I can do."
"Well...... ok, as long as you don't try to kill me with this 'trick'."
"I promise."

So Archie and myself, even with my sore feet, move the wooden spear into a more open area away from the rubble caused by the Zora's spear.

"Stay behind me. I don't want you getting hurt or inhaled. Now, WATCH THIS!!"

I opened my mouth and (*woooosh*) Inhaled as hard as I can. The landscape in front of me swayed on my direction, and the spear moved closer and closer to me until... It went into my mouth and made me look 3 feet taller. Archie stood there with his mouth wide open.

"Ummmmm... WOW!!!" he responded.
"That's not all I can do..."

After that, I exhaled the spear with incredible force, sending it far away from Hyrule Field.

" :eek: Incredible..." Archie was shocked, to put it mildly.
"Heh heh heh. Cool, huh?" I said...

But what happened to the Wooden Spear???
It was shot to a Zora encampment in Tundra Flats. The spear started to decend on the Zora.

"What the HELL!?!?!?" a Zora soldier yelled.

The spear pierced 4 archers, squashed 2 soldiers and 2 more archers on its decent, and with the spear's momentum ran over and killed 2 more soldiers and 6 more archers. The "attack" caused mass confusion amongst the remaining living Zora.

"Did the Ballista misfire???"
"No. It can't be. It wasn't pointing at us"
"Then how...."

The conversation amongst the Zora at Tundra Flats continued for a long while......

I became friends with Archie... sort of. :p
I launched the Spear that Crav sent me at Tundra Flats. (I'm a Kirby, b****!) :p
It killed 4 soldiers and 12 archers at Tundra Flats.

And that's it for now.

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Post by Wyborn » Mon Dec 03, 2007 12:51 pm
Concerning S_K and Archie McArcher:

I wanna ask you... Do you think love can bloom even on a battlefield?

Sorry, Boo, I had to post it.
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Post by Cravdraa » Mon Dec 03, 2007 1:15 pm
um... Boo? It looks like you must have been really tired or in a hurry when you did this, because my stats are really messed up.
610 rupees
TERRITORIES: Zora's Domain 314/50A, Jabu Jabu's Fountain 0, The Falls 0, Lake Hylia 0, Flooded Pass 0, Zora River 0, Lake Shore 0, Cursed Mere 200, Peahat Plains 1A, Bone Orchard 0, Tundra Flats 282/369A, Abandoned Farm 0, The Fences 0, Lon Lon Ranch 13H, Hyrule Field SE 10H, Ancient Kings 0, The Glacier 0, Old Corral 82C (visiting), Hyrule Field N 8H,
Chasm North 203H (visiting)
RESOURCES: 87 - 2 = 85

First off, Cursed Mere 200
These troops moved to Tundra Flats last turn. No big deal.

Second, Peahat Plains 1A
Archie here followed Shadow Kirby to HF S.

Finally, Old Corral 82C these troops... Where did they come from? I understand that the troops that attacked retreated here, but that should only be 45C Zora. wait...

Chasm North 203H
That's where they came from! The other troops were supposed to move to Chasm North with the 203H. I suppose I worded it kinda strangly. Sorry if I made it confusing. There should be 37C here.

Hyrule Field SE 10H these were the troops that attacked HF N.

Well, I'm going to take my turn anyway.
Troop movements
Chasm North 203H/37C Attack Gerudo fortress. If we have victory, return it to the Gerudo.

45C at Old Corral and all troops at Lon Lon and HF N, Attack Hyrule Field NW.

Converting my 85 resources to 170 Rupees.
Getting 850 R from the Gerudo.

Making 200 more troops. -800R
Moving them to Flooded Pass.

That should do it for this turn.

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Post by Wyborn » Mon Dec 03, 2007 1:27 pm
Boo, I have a mechanics question that concerns the siege battle, as this is the first (assuming we aren't repelled - and if we are I'm going to be mighty, mighty pissed, possibly killing your d6 with mind-bullets).

We have 257 troops attacking your 47. Now....

Damage potentials work out to about 87 vs. 47.

We deal 87 damage and you deal 25.

So we are left with 232 troops in Gerudo Fortress.

That the size of it?
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Post by Booyakasha » Mon Dec 03, 2007 2:30 pm
^Yeah. Hope my formulae weren't too unclear.

I've changed the WU to reflect your kind counsel, everyone. Oh, and by the way, I hate you all now. 'Ehhh, mistakes!' 'Ehhh, you forgot blah blah blooh!' 'Ehhh, love is a battlefield!' Miseries and kneebiters, every mother's son of you. (AKA thanks for bearing with me. Crav pinned it--I'm a little tired and harried just now. I'm just glad the semester's almost over, I'll tell you that for free.)
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Post by Marilink » Mon Dec 03, 2007 9:08 pm
Development: Begin researching Hylian Longbows

Movement and Attacks:

60 from LWW move into The Tangle
all 110 archers fire upon the Sooted Wilds
All but 1 soldier retreat from PF into LWE
20 from SKR move into LWW
20 from BF move into LWW

Question: Who owns HFN? In the stats, both the Gorons and Zora are occupying it.
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Post by Cravdraa » Mon Dec 03, 2007 9:23 pm
It's mine. Boo must have forgotten to remove it. I killed the four troops there last turn.

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Post by Apiary Tazy » Mon Dec 03, 2007 10:00 pm
Zant woke up from a Belly Ache. He felt sick from that Appendix. Although he did admit, a Hylian's Muscle tasted best when Grilled. He decided to push on more into Scorched Land. Soon he came upon a Large Hostile Party......Large. Mounds. of Moblins. Since they were all in an area surronded by Magic Seals it can only be assumed that the Hylians trapped them here.
"Hmph. The enemy of my Enemy is my friend.....for now." Zant opens his Book and looks to the Blood Red Page. The Page's Header reads "FORBIDDEN SPELLS" But, Zant never much cared for these "rules" so he immeadiatley says "Dark Mage Concelos" Suddenly, Zant changed shape, into a more dark person, Mage's Robes covering him and his skin turned Brown. He looked and could talk like a Dark Mage for now, as long as his powers held out.

The Plan was this, as a Dark Mage, the Moblins would follow him to the nearby Camp, there, he would act like a Zionist of Ganon's. There the Party would attack and the Hylians would think Ganon was back. If anything, this would put those damned Hylians on edge, and give Zant the edge he needed.

Zant took out his Hammer and smashed the seal, allowing the moblins to rush at him. At first they were going to eat him. In fact, if they did bite him, they'd find this Mage to be a fake and relieve Zant of his flesh. But, they stopped and thought they knew that Ganon had returned. They jumped for joy for about two minutes before Zant spoke.

"You must know.....that Ganon let you free for a reason". Said Zant "We are going to take over Hyule, but.....our biggest problem is the Hylians.....There is a base nearby. Kill Every Man Woman and Child! and bring any and all Resources to me!"

The Moblins cheered as Zant made an evil Grin. He knew these creatures would not survive. This was really a chance to steal everything from under the Hylian's noses, then remove them from the Scorching Lands. He motioned for the Moblins to follow him, not noticing that someone was watching him.
The Hylians completely bought Zant's Ruse. Zant hung on to the name "Onolov", and spoke of Ganon's Return from.....Death Mountain (Zant took that one from the top of his head) Zant immeadatley motioned for the Moblins to Attack. When Zant noticed that both Moblins and Hylians paid no attention to him, he changed back and ran around the fight to the Camp. There he took everything he could carry, Wood, food, Stone, and a Horse. He would've used a spell to teleport the Camp to the Zoras, but he was too weak from becoming a Dark Mage for so Long....He Immeadiatley ran from the battle and hid in a cave with an outlook of the battle.

If the Monsters won. Big Woop. He would have to direct them to more battles until they died, using the same spell.

If the Hylians won, fear would still run down the Iron Defense of the Hylians until it became like Parchment.

Suddenly, A bright Yellow Glow came from behind Zant and stated "What are you doing?

Zant Turned...........

(LOL, have to find out next installment)

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Post by I am nobody » Mon Dec 03, 2007 10:17 pm

All Frozen Heath troops to The Dead Fields

All troops at The Crumbled Wall to Sylvan Verge.

Give Frozen Heath to Zora.

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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Dec 04, 2007 10:46 am
Warmod Update...erm...updated. Thanks for pointing out my mistakes, everyone. It's nice of you all to [strike]belittle me and make me appear incompetent[/strike] check my math for me. No, I'm not crying as I write this. It's just been raining. On my face.
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Post by Marilink » Tue Dec 04, 2007 11:21 am

Booyakasha wrote:
No, I'm not crying as I write this. It's just been raining. On my face.

Thank'd for the FotC reference.
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Post by Wyborn » Tue Dec 04, 2007 2:37 pm
Wait. *peers* Why did I attack Hyrule Field North?
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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Dec 04, 2007 3:01 pm
Hylian General Update

My troops at Gerudo Fortress are booking it the hell out of there. Let's see--10% * (18C + 37C/203H) = 26 kills. Gives me 21C Hylians. They ride south, taking over Haunted Wasteland before moving on to The Colossus (there to make their last stand, like as not--they've run out of world).

Trading in 100 rupees for 50 resources.

Spending another 100 rupees and the 50 resources I just bought (yeah, we need to change the mechanics of resources for the next War) on a Mysterious Thing at Castle Hylia.

From King's Highway North, I'm moving 50 troops to attack the Gerudo at King's Highway South. Move 74 to support the Goron position at Ruined Tower, and support/attack Stone Circle with the last 75 (depending on who's in charge when I get there).

From Guarded Path, 105 move to King's Highway North.

Training 20 troops at Castle Hylia.

That's all for now.
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Post by Wyborn » Tue Dec 04, 2007 3:24 pm
I should not have attack HFN. Can I take that back?
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Post by Booyakasha » Tue Dec 04, 2007 3:37 pm
^Sure. Hell, it's my own fault--the mistakes I made in the last update were probably what caused you to think there were Gorons in Hyrule Field N in the first place. (That is why you attacked, there, isn't it? I mean, you didn't just suddenly say to yourself, "You know what? Screw Hyrule Field N and screw also anyone who happens to be standing there! Attack!" in some kind of no-birthday-gift-inspired murder frenzy, did you?)

You want them back at King's Highway South, or is this now more in the nature of a friendly visit? (Remember, a casserole costs 20 rupees and 10 resources, and requires three hours in the oven to develop.)
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Post by Wyborn » Tue Dec 04, 2007 3:39 pm
Yeah just leave them sitting pretty, better dying against your grossly misshapen troops than my allies.
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Post by Daos » Tue Dec 04, 2007 4:02 pm
(Sorry for the slow posting)

Attack resources in Barren Mesa.
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Post by Blake » Thu Dec 06, 2007 8:09 pm
Sorry for not posting sooner. My mind is boggled with all the action going on in the map that I have to update it properly before I could properly co-ordinate.

I'll edit this post when I'm set.

First Order Of Business:
Marilink- Yeah so I haven't exactly been very nice to you in the beginning. Because Crav did not hold true to his word when I pretended to bargain with him (I'll send whatever I can spare to destroy you) I have to do things differently. At this time I'm not interesting in fighting you because Crav and Wyborn are out there for blood too. I'm only bargaining with a word, cause I dare not give x amount of rupees to be backstabbed later. Up to you regardless. I'll leave your 8 main lands alone as well as The Tangle as long as our ceasefire holds. Other lands I will not guarantee. We can still fight on the central territories but we don't need to do ultra destructo mode that Wyborn and Boo suffered from.

Rivers of Stone:
Move 100 into High Pass

Goron Citadel:
Move all 145 into Death Mountain Trail

Hyrule Field Northwest:
Retreat all my cavaliers into Stone Circle

King's Highway North:
Move all the troops there into Stone Circle

Use all my rupees to train whatever troops I can at Goron Citadel.

Oh yes, Marilink I believe also owns Hyrule Field NE, Crav has 0 troops there and Marilink has 23 troops there. With Crav's massive land accumulative(a feat that he surpassed me on) I cannot allow him to get away with it! :p

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Post by Booyakasha » Thu Dec 06, 2007 9:34 pm
Piss. Well, I'll adress that in the next warmod, which is going to have to wait until tomorrow night after my shift--too much on my plate 'til then. Sorry, everyone. Generals, you might take the interim to shake awake any sleeping Freelancers.
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Post by Cravdraa » Thu Dec 06, 2007 9:37 pm
Err... blake? I never claimed to own Hyrule field NE. I've never even sent troops there. =p

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Post by Blake » Thu Dec 06, 2007 9:46 pm
^ My bad. It's Hyrule Field Southeast

Edit: I think I get your joke now. I'm smart.

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Post by Booyakasha » Thu Dec 06, 2007 9:52 pm
Don't worry, Crav. I'd guessed that's what he meant--I figured it out using my gigantic brain.
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Post by Cravdraa » Fri Dec 07, 2007 2:54 am
Woah, now I'm confused. I never even realized ML had a force in that territory. And it's been there for some time. =p Blake's 100% correct, that should be ML's.

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Post by Booyakasha » Fri Dec 07, 2007 10:27 am
I know. You've already taken your turn this round; that's why I'm waiting until the upcoming Warmod to address the situation. Would it be acceptible if I simply gave you 33 rupees fewer this coming round, to make up for the 33 extra rupees I unfairly gave you this past round?
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Post by Marilink » Fri Dec 07, 2007 1:37 pm
Oh, hey, check it out.

I really should check your math sometime, Boo. Ah well, as long as its settled and I didn't have to think.
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Post by Booyakasha » Sat Dec 08, 2007 2:27 am
Warmod Update--Now With 12% Fewer Bonehead Errors, Plus the Fresh Scent of Pine! Ahh!

Freelancer After-Action Report!

Shadow Kirby: Used his ability to suck (OOC: heh) to 'return fire' on the Zora around the Fishbone Ballista, causing 15 deaths in the Zora host at Tundra Flats (10/5A). Randomly made friends with random Zora archer for reasons beyond my ken. Current Location: Hyrule Field S.

Tazystation Ten: Problem--no Hylians in Scorched Land to have Moblins attack. Likewise no resources to steal. Solution--Moblins attack Hylian force at King's Highway North, killing 10; in the chaos, Zant manages to steal 20 rupees from the Hylians for the Zora. Current Location: King's Highway North

Daos: Attacked Barren Mesa, destroying 30 rupees' worth of Gerudo supplies (aka Gerudo lose 30 rupees). Current Location: Barren Mesa

That Guy: No post; continues revolutionary activities at Hyrule Field NW, requiring any force to maintain 30 troops in province, lest territory revert to neutrality.

CuccoLady: Assuming she's out of the game. Henceforth, the Gerudo stop paying the FL fee unless she rejoins.

Saria Dragon: No post; still in Hyrule Field N.

Jaguar: No post; still in Stone Circle
'I ut inimicos devorare!'
Issue 12.....................12-07-07

EXTRA!! Gerudo Fortress recaptured by Gerudo/Zora force!
EXTRA!! Zora troops at Flooded Pass experience Random Encounter with Medium Hostile Party--A Group of Zolas! 8 Zora troops slain in fight to subdue the beasts!
EXTRA!! Hylian troops at King's Highway North experience Random Encounter with Small Neutral Party--that damn Pig again! They chase it off and laugh!
EXTRA!! Environmental Alert!! Thunderstorms over High Pass! Any troop movements to or from High Pass this turn suffer 5% losses to Lightning!
EXTRA!! Environmental Alert!! Strange Illness in the Tangle! Zone quarantined--no deaths, but movement to or from the Tangle is impossible this turn!
EXTRA!! Battle at Spectacle Rock! 3C Gerudo attack 1 Goron--attack successful! No Gerudo die in attack, leaving 3C Gerudo alive in Spectacle Rock!
EXTRA!! Battles at Stone Circle! 4C Gerudo attack 2 Gorons--attack successful! 1C Gerudo dies in attack, leaving 3C Gerudo alive in Stone Circle! 72 Hylians counter-attack--attack successful! No Hylians killed in attack, leaving 72 Hylians alive in Stone Circle!
EXTRA!! Battle at King's Highway South! 47 Hylians attack 5C Gerudo--attack successful! 1 Hylian dies in attack, leaving 46 Hylians alive in King's Highway South!
EXTRA!! Archery Attack on Sooted Wilds! 110A * (1d6+5 = 10%) = 11 kills, leaving 506 Gorons in Sooted Wilds!

Gerudo-- -1 territory, -200 resources, +400 rupees, -850 rupees, -9C, -30 rupees
FINANCES: 450 + (11/3*100) + 400 = 1216 rupees; 1216 - 850 - 30 = 336 rupees
TERRITORIES: Gerudo Fortress 18C, The Chasm South 2C, The Chasm North 0, Scorched Land 1C, Red Rock Pass 0, Thieves' Den 0, The Old Corral 0, Hyrule Field SW 0, Hyrule Field S 1C, Barren Mesa 0, Spectacle Rock 3C, Zora's Domain 1C (visiting)

Zora-- +1 territory, +850 rupees, +170 rupees, -85 resources, +200 troops, -800 rupees, -10/5A
FINANCES: 610 + (19/3*100) + 850 + 30 (RA) + 170 = 2293 rupees; 2293 - 800 - 20 (FL fee) - 33 (special 'Boo is an idiot' reverse bonus) = 1440 rupees
TERRITORIES: Zora's Domain 314/50A, Jabu Jabu's Fountain 0, The Falls 0, Lake Hylia 0, Flooded Pass 200, Zora River 0, Lake Shore 0, Cursed Mere 0, Peahat Plains 0, Bone Orchard 0, Tundra Flats 472/364A, Abandoned Farm 0, The Fences 0, Lon Lon Ranch 0, Ancient Kings 0, The Glacier 0, Hyrule Field N 0, Hyrule Field NW 45C/23H, Frozen Heath 0, Gerudo Fortress 37C/203H (visiting)
RESOURCES: 85 - 85 = 0

Kokiri-- -500 rupees, -100 resources
FINANCES: 677 + (12/3*100) = 1077 rupees; 1077 - 500 - 10 (FL) = 567 rupees
TERRITORIES: Kokiri Fortress 70, Sacred Forest Meadow 30, Deku Tree's Glade 40, Lost Woods E Stronghold 161/175A, Skull Kids' Refuge 51/25A, Lost Woods West 80/50A, Petrified Forest 1, Black Forest 21, The Tangle 83, Sylvan Verge 159/95A, Crumbled Wall 10, Hyrule Field SE 23
RESOURCES: 100 + 20 (RA) = 120; 120 - 100 = 20
DEVELOPMENTS: Tower Shields--Complete!
Hylian Longbows--20% Complete

Undead-- -1 territory
FINANCES: 247 + (3/3*100) = 347 rupees; 347 - 10 (FL) = 337 rupees
TERRITORIES: Castle Burmunica 10, Dead Fields 789/132A/1H, Chill Swamp 30, Sylvan Verge 56 (visiting)
DEVELOPMENTS: New Fortified Area at Chill Swamp--Complete!

Hylia-- +3 territories, -100 rupees, -100 rupees, -80 rupees, +21 troops, -26C, -10 troops
FINANCES: 340 + (12/3*100) = 740 rupees; 740 - 100 - 100 - 80 - 10 (FL) -20 = 430 rupees
TERRITORIES: Castle Hylia 21, Hylia Castle Town 0, Temple of Time 0, Hylian Market 0, Guarded Path 0, King's Highway North 105, King's Highway South 46, Old Union Bridge 0, Graveyard 0, Stone Circle 72, Haunted Wasteland 0, The Colossus 21C, Ruined Tower 70 (visiting)
RESOURCES: 0 + 50 = 50; 50 - 50 = 0
DEVELOPMENTS: Mysterious Thing at Castle Hylia--50% Complete

Gorons-- -3 territories, -11 troops, -7C, -440 rupees, +110 troops
FINANCES: 443 + (10/3*100) + 20 (KV) = 796 rupees; 796 - 440 - 10 (FL) = 346 rupees
TERRITORIES: Goron Citadel 110, Death Mountain 0, Dodongo Cavern 0, Death Mountain Trail 193, Rivers of Stone 0, Kakariko Village 20, Sooted Wilds 506, High Pass 101, Hyrule Field NE 9, Ruined Tower 5, Stone Circle 21/35C (visiting), Graveyard 75 (visiting)
All right, then. Again, it'd probably be in your interest to check my maths and such. Don't be shy about calling me on any mistakes you might find.

Next Update's tentatively scheduled for Sunday evening/Monday morning. Make sure you've posted by then, my darlings. Salud!
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Post by Wyborn » Sat Dec 08, 2007 5:44 am
Aw yeah. Love that old base smell.

Any Zora territories I move through I am not taking because etc.

Train 3 Cavaliers (-24 rupees), and move 21C from Gerudo Fortress into the Haunted Wasteland.

The 21C in Haunted Wasteland and 3C in The Chasm South are going to hit Desert Colossus at the same time, cutting off all escape routes.

2C from Spectacle Rock will move into Hyrule Field North, 1C in HFN will move into Hyrule Field NW.

The 1C in Hyrule Field South will move through Hyrule Field SW and stop in The Barren Mesa.

The other 312 rupees will be used to train infantry (78 troops), all of whom move into The Chasm North.
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Post by I am nobody » Sat Dec 08, 2007 8:56 am

All Dead Fields troops to Chill Swamp.
All troops at Sylvan Verge attack Hyrule Field NE.


Give Zora Dead Fields.

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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Sat Dec 08, 2007 11:40 am
Two things:

What happened to that Archer that was with me in Hyrule Field S? Did it go away already? I'm hurt... :(

YAY!!! No more injured foot!!! I can move like I did before!!!! Look out, Zora! My next trick is for you! :D

I move from Hyrulsd Field S to Hyrule Field NW. I'm going to use one of my Medalions! Heh, heh, heh...

Another happy morning greets me today. I feel like I've made a new friend.

*yawn* "What a nice day, isn't it Archie?" Archie was nowhere in sight.
"Archie?" :(
"Too bad. He must've went back to his troops. He was such a nice guy. Oh well, it's time for me to get back to buisness too."

With my foot healed up, I sprang back into action traveling through Hyrule Field into its Northwest side. There, I saw... a LOT of troops.

"Geez, this might get tricky. maybe if I be quiet..." *snap*
"HUH??? IT'S HIM!!! GET HIM, NOW!!!!!" Look like they saw me...
"Oh s***."
"What are you going to do now, marshmallow? Sneeze on us? HA!"
*the Zora troops start laughing*

Fear hit me like an anvil hitting the ground, but they are in for a shock of their lives...

"Sneeze? More like FREEZE!" I retort.

I start to swing my sword around my head, then pointed it into the sky.

"HA! You trying to freeze us in fear? Not happening! GET HIM!!!"

Suddenly, a burst of Freezing cold radiated from my sword, turning Hyrule Field (North West) into an Iceland. The Zora were shivering cold (but not frozen, mind you).

"Don't underestimate me ever again!" I yell. "Now what am I going to do? AH! I always wanted to try Ice skating!" ^_^
So I got some practice Ice skating and got the heck out of there before the Zora warmed up and wanted to march at me...
Using "Ether":

I froze Hyrule Field NW, meaning it's now an Enviornmental Hazard area! 5% losses for any troops traveling to, through, or from Hyrule Field NW!

I try Ice skating! It's fun!!! ^_^
I run away to the Stone Circle. Hello friends! ^_^

Any ?'s about my move, I'll try to answer. That's all for me.

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Post by Blake » Sat Dec 08, 2007 12:05 pm
Hey Marilink in case you didn't see read my last post about the ceasefire I'm offering. Once you respond to it I'll post.

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Post by Cravdraa » Sat Dec 08, 2007 12:12 pm
I'm gonna have to cry foul on that one, SK. That feels a bit beyond the range of what a freelancer can do.

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Post by heh » Sat Dec 08, 2007 12:22 pm
OOC: That seems a bit much SK. I mean, most of us can only block 30 troops at a time. *glare*

The Bonecrafter decided it was time to move on. He had taught these people the glory of blood for 2 months now, and more troops had moved in and a massive magic blizzard had come from some marshmellow thing. He decided that he would leaves some fires and try to eat the marshmellow before he left.

The blood fires are standard bonecrafter trife and are not interesting at all, the only real interesting thing was they consumed half a nearby village.

The marshmellow was much more fun.

He had a friend, and archer friend. It was quite werid actually. The day blizzard had come the archer friend had woke up early to get a drink from the nearby stream. The Bonecrafter had been nearby feeding on a deer when he saw the guy. He scooped up some gore and threw it on the archer back. The archer had looked up in shock, just as the Bonecrafter unsteahed his blood-sword and ...threw it. Bloody Pete hungered, and its unholy lust for blood led it into the back of the archer where the bloody splatter was. He had just been grabbing and arrow two.

Anyway, the marshmellow.

The marshmellow was an easy target. While he slept in his tent in the blizzard, the Bonecrafter crept up on him. With a bit of the Archer blood he had been saving , he lit a fire nearby. A small cooking fire. Then he crept silently into the tent. He Quickly snatched up the marshmellow and put it in his large bag he had made during the time in the village. It stuggled a bit. He went over to the fire. He go it out of the bag a Skewered it. ( or at least he though he did, it was very elasticity.) and put it over the fire for a bit. After he was sure it was burned enough, he tried eating it. It was very elasticly and did not taste good. He chewed on it a bit more. Then he gnawed on it a bit more. eventually he got annoyed and used a bit more archer blood to cast a spell to strengthen him, and then tossed a marshmellow off the nearest cliff he could find.

Then he set out for the Colossus. He First went over a rather bland mesa. He met a dude there. He punched the dude. He went through a bunch of blood-rocks and through a chasm until he reached it. The Desert Colossus.

There were humans here. Male Humans. The kind that aren't usually here.

The Rock-Beasts were more a threat to the Necro-Men, but the Sand-Ladys were Allies. He thought. He didn't have a good memory for things. He did know they had an awesome socerous lord. Oh well.

He snuck into the Camp. He bait the leevers with blood, and bid them to follow the trail. They spun about the camp and killed 5 men and there horses. He Stayed in a nearby cave, which has a weird fountain for some reason and magic wallpaper and Life-Lights flitting about. Whatever. He went to sleep.

Edit: Doh, HF NW was taken over by Zoras. Whoops. Well, Bonecrafter couldn't tell the difference

EDIT 2: I forgot this:

Chew on SK for a bit, Move to Barren Mesa and punch Daos, Move to Desert colossus and Kill 5 C

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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Sat Dec 08, 2007 1:07 pm

Cravdraa wrote:
I'm gonna have to cry foul on that one, SK. That feels a bit beyond the range of what a freelancer can do.

If your talking about Freezing the troops AND the battlefield, I've PM'ed Booyakasha about that and two other similar moves I had planned. He said that they all sound reasonable.

If you're talking about HOW MANY troops I've frozen, then maybe I did go a little overboard. I went with what I said to him in my PM (as in Ether would Freeze ALL troops). If the number of troops I've frozen is too much, I'll let Booyakasha decide how many troops this move freezes, as I'm not sure how far I want to "weaken" Ether's effects.

Besides, I didn't kill anyone... yet.

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Post by Marilink » Sat Dec 08, 2007 2:21 pm
Sorry, Blake, but I can't do that. I already have a ceasefire with Crav, and I'm allied with the Undead. What am I supposed to do past that?

No way, man. We finish this.
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Post by Apiary Tazy » Sat Dec 08, 2007 5:04 pm
before I post:

Boo, are all the moblins dead?

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Post by Cravdraa » Sat Dec 08, 2007 7:24 pm
You killed Archie! You bastard!

V I was talking to That Guy, SK.

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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Sat Dec 08, 2007 7:33 pm
No I didn't!!! Archie was my best friend! Someone else killed him!
Or forgot about him!!! (Read my last two RP's CAREFULLY!!!)


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Post by Booyakasha » Sat Dec 08, 2007 11:53 pm
Tazy: Moblins dead. I know, it's sad, but you can at least take comfort in the knowledge that no weirdo Freelancers ate their dead bodies (none that I know of, anyway).

Crav and SK: All right, I've taken a second, harder look at my PM correspondence with SK over his gameplay ideas, and it looks like I was a little overhasty in OK-ing them. Mea culpa. SK--your spell can have one of the two effects you specified (either the Environmental Alert deal or the troop freezing--take your pick), and its effects last one round. Sorry if this seems arbitrary and unfair, but I can't allow my incompetence to unbalance the game. (And, to be fair, I've always reserved the right to manage the scale of the effects of a Freelancer's activities.)

That Guy, and everyone else, for that matter: The Undead had damn well better not be allied with the Gerudo, under the table or not. These cease-fires are vomit-inducing, but legal; an alliance of more than two nations, however, is most definitely not. Honour system, people.
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Post by Wyborn » Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:00 am
I dunno what That Guy is doing over here and I think he smells.

Edit: More seriously there's been no communication between me and the Undead, my guess is that That Guy is just on an anti-Hylian tear.
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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:18 am

Booyakasha wrote:
Crav and SK: All right, I've taken a second, harder look at my PM correspondence with SK over his gameplay ideas, and it looks like I was a little overhasty in OK-ing them. Mea culpa. SK--your spell can have one of the two effects you specified (either the Environmental Alert deal or the troop freezing--take your pick), and its effects last one round. Sorry if this seems arbitrary and unfair, but I can't allow my incompetence to unbalance the game. (And, to be fair, I've always reserved the right to manage the scale of the effects of a Freelancer's activities.)

Aw, dont't worry about it Booyakasha. Whatever's fair, ya know? :)

I edited my post (and part of my movement) to reflect your judgement. Take another look, if you don't mind. :)

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Post by heh » Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:21 am
Sorry, i forgot the specfic details of the PM IAN gave me.

I think we have a ceasefire with you guys, either that or IAN just hates the Gorons too much to care about you guys.

(Also the sand people are the second coolest race I'm helping them based largely on there cool factor. )

(wyborn is also cool)

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Post by Booyakasha » Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:38 am
Ahh. That's what I like to see--all my concerns quelled in one fell swoop, with a minimum of fuss. Thanks for playing nice, everyone. You can go back to murdering each other now.
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Post by heh » Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:39 am
PS hylians are secretly allied with undead

also wy i do not smell unless you are trying to imply i am fren i mean undead

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Post by Booyakasha » Sun Dec 09, 2007 1:21 am
^oh noes yuo break bigest conspriacy since da vinc icode!!!1
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Post by Daos » Sun Dec 09, 2007 2:04 am
I'm going to continue to attack Hylian resources for now. Maybe a RP post a little later.
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Post by Apiary Tazy » Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:16 pm
Zant turned to see a little fairy sitting on a small Pepple on Zant's Back, he stared at her for a good couple of seconds before continuing to look on. He notices the all the Moblins are dead, but it didn't matter, because the Hylians were already chilled to the bone by the Dark Mage.

Zant had done his job, but he forgot that the Fairy was still on him. "Get off" Said Zant in a very dark tone. The Fairy only asked questions, like how Zant got the Book, or why he smells like an unwashed Raccoon.

Zant was about 5 Seconds from Grabbing the Fairy and pounding her like a Fly when he starts to hear a noise.

"lalala, I'm the Marathon Man. You Can't catch me I'm the Marathon Man!"

"........crud" Said Zant, as the Marathon Man started to briskly jog towards the cave.

Zant had to act fast-

"HEY!" Yelled the Fairy, "there's a way out over there!" The Fairy points to the door on the far side.

Zant Stood up and opened his book, then turned it to a Page near it's beginning. Zant then yelled very clearly "ICE WALL!" and gets a Wall of Ice to cover the Cave enterance.

And, no it did not come from the ground or formed, it just materialized there....and the Marathon Man slammed right into it and knocked himself out.
Zant was back in the Scorched Land, which personally was not where Zant wanted to go. Nevertheless, he could keep the place neutral until either Shul or Ganondorf claimed the area.

"HEY! DID I DO GOOD!? PLEASE SAY-" The Fairy couldn't get a chance to talk before she was in a bottle. "Huh?! What is this!?"

Zant smiled for the first time since he entered the cave "Think of it as Unequivilent Exchange, you help me.....then you help me more!" Zant puts the cork on the bottle, muffling her yelling and cursing at the Zora. Zant puts the bottle in his cape Pocket and sits. Waiting for someone to claim the Area.

Claimed a Fairy

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Post by Cravdraa » Mon Dec 10, 2007 6:23 pm
Sorry for holding up the game, Boo.
Daos, just a little note. You realize you're attacking the Gerudo and not the Hylians, right? That's your concern, not mine, but I thought you should know that.

Taking SD off the payroll because I don't think she'll be posting anytime soon. If she rejoins I'll be happy to hire her again. Lord knows, I could use all the help I can get.

1440 rupees
TERRITORIES: Zora's Domain 314/50A, Jabu Jabu's Fountain 0, The Falls 0, Lake Hylia 0, Flooded Pass 200, Zora River 0, Lake Shore 0, Cursed Mere 0, Peahat Plains 0, Bone Orchard 0, Tundra Flats 472/364A, Abandoned Farm 0, The Fences 0, Lon Lon Ranch 0, Ancient Kings 0, The Glacier 0, Hyrule Field N 0, Hyrule Field NW 45C/23H, Frozen Heath 0, Gerudo Fortress 37C/203H (visiting)

Not stealing my own ally's land.

The 37C/203H at Gerudo Fortress will move to the Scorched Lands where the Horseback archers will launch an archery attack on Stone Circle.

800 Rupees to make 200 more troops. They'll move to Lake Hylia.

The remaining 640 will be given to the Gerudo to pay back the huge amount of funds they gave me the past few rounds.

That's it for now.

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Post by Daos » Mon Dec 10, 2007 6:35 pm
Gerudo/Hylians, same difference. :p
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Post by Booyakasha » Mon Dec 10, 2007 8:23 pm
Blake: In case you didn't know, SK's dropped out of the War for the time being. I'll stop charging you FL fees this coming round.

Crav: I count three General Updates this round so far. ML, Blake, and I all still need to take our turns. In other words, you haven't half been holding up the game.
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Post by Marilink » Mon Dec 10, 2007 9:09 pm
Show = On road

Development: Train 100 archers in LWE

Movement and attacks: 50 archers move from SV into LWW
82 soldiers in The Tangle attack HFNE
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Post by Booyakasha » Wed Dec 12, 2007 10:16 am
Hylian General Update

Crav: Your evil fishman riding archers deal (1d6+5 = 7)% damage--14 kills on the force at Stone Circle.

Let's see...
105 troops at King's Highway North converted to Cavaliers. (-420 rupees)

King's Highway North: 105 troops attack Hyrule Field NW
Stone Circle: 58 attack Hyrule Field NW
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Post by Blake » Sat Dec 15, 2007 6:05 pm
Boo: In the updates, you forgot to indicate I have 150 archers at sooted wilds. The expenses for them and their battle was taken care of though on that turn(2 turns ago).

Sooted Wilds:
90 Archers fire on Spectacle Rock
30 Archers fire on Petrified Forest
30 Archers fire on The Tangle
300 Troops move into The Tangle
1 troop moves into Spectacle Rock
1 troop moves into Petrified Forest

Stone Circle:
I guess retreat all the guys and attack Hyrule Field Northwest

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Post by Kokiri Kid » Sun Dec 16, 2007 3:46 am
Just thought I'd drop in and say "hi." Geez, I haven't been in a Hyrulian War in years... I haven't even been on this forum in years. I couldn't even remember my old password or email address so I had to make a new Kokiri Kid account. To think that at one point I came to this forum several times daily, and I practically lived in Hyrulian Wars.

Boo, Wyborn, love what you've done with the war, capturing the feel of the original.

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Post by Booyakasha » Sun Dec 16, 2007 5:24 am
Sweet mercy, it's the founder of the beast.

You sticking around at all, KK? Because there's room for you if you want to play--any number of roles open, depending on how deeply you wanted to get involved.
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Post by Kokiri Kid » Sun Dec 16, 2007 5:56 am
Me? Going back to another Hyrulian War? Gee... it's been so long. It seems as if most of my old comrades have long since moved on to another battlefield. But...well... it would be nice to strap the armor on again. But I've been out of it for so long! So much has changed! Last time I played, back in my day... (oh geez, I feel old) Majora's Mask was the newest Zelda game that had come out! And now-a-days we've got these fangled Minish-Caps, and Twilight-princesses, and Phantom-Hour-Glasses. ;)

Well, how 'bout a really small role? Like an old, retired, wandering soldier or something. The game seems to already be in full swing, so I don't want to jump in and mess things up. Plus, well, I have been gone for an awfully long time, so I'll have to wait-and-see how much time I'll be able to devote to the game.

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Post by Marilink » Sun Dec 16, 2007 10:04 am
Hey, man, we could always use more players. We only have about 3 or 4 active freelancers, and then the 6 generals right now. We'd love to have you along.
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Post by Booyakasha » Wed Dec 26, 2007 12:47 pm
Warmod Friday night. Thanks for bearing with me during the finals/holiday hiatus, everyone--probably won't happen again.
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Post by Apiary Tazy » Mon Jan 07, 2008 1:23 pm
*Zant still sits there......*

"Hello?! Plot?!"

*Plot Dies*


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Post by Booyakasha » Mon Jan 07, 2008 2:13 pm
If a majority of you show interest in continuing by posting here, I'll bang out a Warmod Update in the next couple days. Otherwise, I'm de-stickying this, possibly to start a new HW later on.
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Post by heh » Mon Jan 07, 2008 4:05 pm

i'm interested.

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Post by Wyborn » Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:00 pm
I didn't want to say anything because I figured you were busy, but I'm still here.

Do you think it would be more beneficial to start over, Boo? Should it be put to a vote?
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Post by I am nobody » Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:11 pm
I'm still intersted.

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Post by Marilink » Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:59 pm
I'm interested, and I'd like to finish this game out. Wy, how much do you think starting over will re-invoke interest?
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Post by Blake » Mon Jan 07, 2008 7:03 pm
I definitely enjoyed the game, but it began to lose interest the last few rounds. I'm only going to put little emphasis here, but I was not a big fan of the 4 v 2 going on here, heck I'm actually getting bored of being allied.

In addition, I will admit to abusing two techniques very badly in this war: the Cavalier instant move and resource to rupee rules. Of course the Cavalier instant move did backfire on me but I still shouldn't have done it anyway.

So I guess I would be for starting a new war, but this is coming from the losing race of course. I will finish this battle if majority says so.

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Post by Cravdraa » Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:15 pm
hey, hey, I'll play! Continue or restart, it's all good.

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Post by Apiary Tazy » Wed Jan 09, 2008 1:20 pm
^ This.

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Post by Booyakasha » Wed Jan 09, 2008 10:23 pm
Okay. As I reckon it that's one foe, one against, and a bunch of 'ehh' as regards startinbg over. We'll act once weve got a moer solid consensuas going. Some thoughts--

1. Starting over would zero everything. sort of ruining all the work you put intio the damn thing so far.
2.. Starting over wouls give me oppotunity to fix the things that were screwy kablooie wiht the original (the resorces thing, by way of a frinstance).

So weigh that in mind befotre you deicide one way or the other, gentle forumers. (And prithee pardon my typos--I had a bottle of Wild Irish Rose for dinner, and I'm half a bubble off of plumb, so to speak.)
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Post by PigeonV » Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:35 am
Yeah, but yer supposed to start over every couple months or so anyway, right Boo?

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Post by Wyborn » Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:57 am
Hey look who it is! A general.

That sounds like a vote for starting over to me!
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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Thu Jan 10, 2008 2:06 am
Hey, I don't mind either way. If I had to choose between starting over and to keep on going, I'll vote to start over.

If you do decide to keep going with this one though, throw my name back into the game as a Freelancer! If you don't mind. :)

Watch out, everyone... :D

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Post by Booyakasha » Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:12 am
Good gravy. You know, every single time I start to wonder what I'm even working on HW for, the answer comes back like a bolt out of the blue--HW lures old members right out of the woodwork.
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Post by Wyborn » Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:55 am
Also: it is a party to which everyone is invited, and it is super cool besides.
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Post by Marilink » Thu Jan 10, 2008 2:50 pm
I'd be okay with starting over if everyone else is into it. Whatever.
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Post by Booyakasha » Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:08 pm
All right. Barring any stirring arguments to the contrary, consider the first HW over as of now.

Before the next war opens, I'm leaving this topic open and stickied as a round-table discussion. If you have any grievances about the way things were running as of my final Warmod Update, this is a good place to air them out. I will answer every question and consider every suggestion--this is how we fix things and get the war to run the way we want it to. And believe me, everything is fair game here.
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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:16 pm
No, I don't have any grievances. None at all. I just have a question that popped up in my mind:

You said Freelancers can do no more than 60-80 rupees worth of damage or find treasure for their Generals worth that ammount (or something like that).
I was wondering: Can Generals strengthen Freelancers, allowing them to do more Rupees worth of damage or gather more treasure?

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Post by Apiary Tazy » Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:25 pm
*And then.....*

Um.........Hyrule was flooded.

Ganon came back and stuff....

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Post by Blake » Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:37 pm
Alright, well I'll spill a couple complaints. Hopefully no one takes it personally. Sorry if I sound like an a-hole. I can be anal about stuff like this.

Yes I definitely abused this rule. I am against resources costing only two rupees to convert. It is almost essentially rupees in my opinion.

I think resources should be gained via number of territories you own. For example, maybe each territory gives 3 or 5 resources. By gaining few resources, it allows races to carefully choose what they should upgrade. If too many resources are offered, then we'll be able to upgrade like mad and obtain all our upgrades.

In addition converting I think should go along these lines:
10 Rupees = 1 Resources
1 Resource = 5 Rupees
The basic idea I think should be that we can reconvert our income, however, continually doing so will result in loss.

Training units:
The other rule I abused. I think movement bonuses and archer abilities should be suspended until next round. Other than that the rupee costs for archers, cavaliers, and horseback archers is golden in my book.

I'm for Warcraft III: The Frozen's Throne style here. In the expansion, they made researching cost a lot more lumber than in the original. This makes sense to me and I think it's a good idea.
It works well with the resource ratio I suggested above as well. It makes you consider what you want to use your resources more wisely.

So example:
Fortification = 200 rupees, 200 resources(this would add up to a whopping 2,200 rupees if you bought all the resources).
Units = Rupees

I also would approve of a WCIII FT researching calculation for stacking as well. Such as:
200 Resources Base + (Level * 50 Resources)
So the first upgrade would cost 250, second stacked would cost 300 and third stacked would cost 350 resources.
Edit: I did forget to mention that I do firmly believe the 5% bonuses to serrated edges and tower shields are completely fair.

IMO, this makes resources much more valuable than they were last game.

It also appeared that the serrated edges upgrade was more expensive than buying the troops yourself.

1,000 Troops and '700 Rupees' for soldiers = 1175 Troops
1,000 Troops and '700 Rupees' for serrated edges = 1,000 Troops(1,050 Troop Power)

Again, if resources are gained through land owning, then yes Serrated Edges will be a useful upgrade and will definitely be worth it if it is lowered in rupee price.

So my basic idea is researching should be like 75% resources, and 25% rupees while troops should be 100% rupees(maybe a few resource exceptions).

Well towards the end you(Boo) and I were practically teamed up against 4 races. A lot of it was my fault for being greedy, but I personally began to lose interest in having to try looking out for an ally.

That's why I think races should only be allowed to ally once during a year for up to five months. If they break their alliance earlier than that, then they can not ally with another race until next year. In addition, alliances cannot be carried over to next year for 10 month alliances(there probably would be some exceptions to this rule, perhaps a 7 or 8 month max alliance if you ally up in October or November).

Once again sorry if I sound like an a-hole. I won't continue to directly argue or fight for these suggestions since I'm not GM.

Of course one of my weaknesses in this entire post and game is that perhaps I am also taking the game way to seriously, which may have caused me too somewhat make it less fun for myself.

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Post by heh » Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:00 pm
Yeah, no issues with starting over, except now I have to write all mu canabalstic bone-craft dark magic again, but thats fine with me V :) V

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Post by Booyakasha » Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:13 pm
^^I invited you all to bring out your grievances and suggestions for putting them right. Just because you did so immediately, as if you'd had a whopping great list of them all set to go, I don't hold it against you. I certainly don't think you're some kind of ugly ignorant spiteful ingrate no-brain arseface from hell. Nosiree.

As far as actually responding sensibly to your suggestions, give me a little time to mull over them. I couldn't post a full reaction to them this instant anyhow--posting this from my PS3, and the browser's character limit is ridiculously small.
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Post by Cravdraa » Fri Jan 11, 2008 12:57 am

Tazy Ten wrote:
*And then.....*

Um.........Hyrule was flooded.

Ganon came back and stuff....

Victory for the Zoras then! Woo!

Good luck to all you losers that can't breath under water. :p

Also, did I see a ghost from the past on the last page? O_o

I like the ally setup as it is. As I explained to Boo, the situation really wasn't as bad as it may have looked.

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Post by Booyakasha » Fri Jan 11, 2008 12:59 am
Nobody wins. Maybe Hyrule got overrun by hippies...maybe Godzilla attacked, and the old conflict was forgotten in the wake of the monster's swath of devastation...maybe the whole thing was a screwy nightmare all the generals simultaneously had the night before the real war was to start. Choose your poison, poisson.
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Post by Wyborn » Fri Jan 11, 2008 1:05 am
"Oooo, look at me, I'm Boo, I use fancy words"

I think the alliance system is fine - what happened to you and Blake, Boo, seemed a natural (if unfortunate) consequence of one of you attacking every single race except for the undead. A two-fronted war was simply bound to happen.
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Post by Booyakasha » Fri Jan 11, 2008 1:27 am
Ooh, look at me, I'm Wyborn, I've got a chip on my shoulder about what a sweet-tempered pussycat I am, so I overcompensate with loads of blustery faux-hostility!

Again, reaction to follow when I get on my computer.
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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Fri Jan 11, 2008 1:33 am
^+^^ :lol:
Geez, you two...

^^^^Oh, and I can swim just fine, thank you very much! :p

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Post by Wyborn » Fri Jan 11, 2008 1:45 am
I hope you are aware, Boo, that this means war.
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Post by The Missing Link » Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:41 am
Ah... look at our mods fighting...

They're just trying to deny the fact that they're weally weally secwetly in wuv wit one annuddah... awwwwwwwwwww
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Post by Wyborn » Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:57 am
[insert awkward, unintentionally homoerotic reply here]
Help me out with the best fanfiction ever, Ganondorf Beats Up EVERYONE! You decide who gets beaten!

For the battle-minded and mathematically inclined, there's the Hyrulian War, a revived time-honored tradition!

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Post by SilverWind » Fri Jan 11, 2008 4:26 am
...I'd ship that. <3
The hills are shadows, and they flow
From form to form, and nothing stands;
They melt like mist, the solid lands,
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Post by Cravdraa » Fri Jan 11, 2008 10:28 am
*fires the giant fish-bone balista at SK*

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Post by Booyakasha » Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:42 am
TML, I cuss you so bad.

Wyborn wrote:
[insert awkward, unintentionally homoerotic reply here]

"Wyborn, you just made my list of things to do today. I mean, wait, that came out wrong. Cut it out, guys. Look, it was just a poor choice of words. Shut up. Shut up. Your mom."
Something like that?

I don't 'heart' Wyborn. I 'club' Wyborn.
boo--------------de dirigiblez in flames, everyboddyz dead, and he lost his hat

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Post by Wyborn » Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:46 am
Layers upon layers, Boo. Just layers upon layers.
Help me out with the best fanfiction ever, Ganondorf Beats Up EVERYONE! You decide who gets beaten!

For the battle-minded and mathematically inclined, there's the Hyrulian War, a revived time-honored tradition!

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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Fri Jan 11, 2008 1:01 pm
^+^^ :rotfl:
This must be the "highlight" of the day...

^^^ *rides on "Fish-Bone Balista" shot*
You thought I didn't see that coming? :p

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Post by Cravdraa » Fri Jan 11, 2008 1:17 pm
What you failed to realize is that I paid extra for this one to be upgraded into an exploding shot.

*balista shot explodes, blowing SK into shower of tiny pink confetti*

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Post by Microphone_Kirby » Fri Jan 11, 2008 1:19 pm

PURPLE confetti, worthy adversary. ;)
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