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Nameless Brawl Party


Post by Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds » Wed Jul 09, 2008 6:38 am

A gentle rustling of wind in the trees. Birds calling softly to their mate; a whistle and chirp in the fading sunlight. The trees glow with the fiery end of day as a scattering of clouds drift overhead like pink cotton candy.

The very image of peace.


Nestled within the sighing woods was a multi-storey building. Classy and tastefully made, it sat in the the scenery with ease. A private lake glistened. A pair of ducks quacked calmly, feathers ruffling into a comfortable position, heads folding beneath a warm wing...


The peace was shattered by the sudden "fwoosh" of a low-flying airship. As it drew closer, the innocent ducks squawked out their distress and took to the air, leaving the serene lake rippling. The chattering of dozens of voices carried on the wind. If you paused to decipher the words, you would find yourself puzzled by the language. In fact, it sounded much like random chittering.

Standing proudly at the helm with golden hair flying and feathered wings outstretched to the wind was the captain. In one hand she held a slender rod with a large glittering star on the end. With the other hand, she made a bold attempt at steering her ship clear of danger. Scurrying around her and occasionally falling to slide across the deck were numerous little... men? Stout creatures in coloured robes and large white masks manned the airship; the source of the incessant chitter.

Hanging bravely from the crow's nest was a man in a green tunic, shield and sword at the ready. He shouted down to the captain, "The Building, HotD! That's where the party is!"

"Aye aye, SML! ShyGuys at the ready!" she cried back. Heroine of the Dragon raised her wand and yanked down on the wheel. Her crew were thrown haphazardly and SML barely kept his post when the ship banked hard to the side and splashed down into the lake- with a thwump.

A tidal wave erupted from the hull of the ship, spraying the shore and the side of The Building. Inside, the sound of water crashing upon the walls and windows was nearly deafening. Those seated around the room jumped collectively, resulting in many drinks and bowls of nibbles sent flying into the air... and miraculously, landing back in each respective glass or bowl? o_O

A mad scramble occurred as the current occupants raced to the door. Marilink was the first to reach the door, with all others gathering close behind him. He stroked his moustache in dismay, glancing back at the group. They nodded eagerly, so ML reached slowly for the handle...


ML was knocked back into the small crowd behind him as pieces of the door splintered and sprayed the room. Clouds of dust obscured any sight, though a stream of cursing indicated where ML had finally landed.

Waving dust from the air and coughing, two ladies staggered to their feet and clutched each other's arms while waiting apprehensively to see who caused the destruction. They both straightened their crowns absentmindedly and brushed debris from their long skirts, one with gold hair and the other with silver.

"Are you *cough wheeze* okay, ZG?" asked the silver-haired woman.

"*cough* Yes, I believe so, SP. Are you? *hack*" replied the golden-haired lady.

StarryPeach nodded a confirmation, but they both continued to peer through the now settling dust. Right at that moment a final ray of sunlight burst through the trees and illuminated the doorway. The silhouette of a man, head turned and lifted slightly, hands on his hips, legs held apart in a firm, cavalier stance. Wind swirled through the open door, finally clearing the dust away and ruffling the cap and tunic of the valiant man.

"Who... who are you?" asked SP.

"It is I, Sw-"

Before he could finish, two things happened simultaneously. The first was ZeldaGirl striding forward and lifting her delicate gloved hand. The second was a swarm of the small ShyGuys pouring into the room around the man's legs, comically falling over each other in their haste.


ZG's hand came down across the man's face; the slap was ever heard over the patter of many ShyGuy footsteps.

"WHAAAA?! I didn't deserve a bitchslap!"

ZG glared, ignoring the ShyGuys rustling past her.

"You're SwordMaster Link. You always deserve a bitchslap," ZG replied. "Besides. You wrecked the door." Before SML could answer, she turned on her heel and stalked off, collecting SP on the way.

One of the ShyGuys stopped and patted SML's leg reassuringly. The wide-eyed mask and perpetually O-shaped mouth turned up towards him and said, "Cheee chiit chit chee chiittt."

SML sighed and nodded in agreement. "I know it was you Guys that blew up the door. Some people can't be helped, that's all."

Marilink shooed nearby ShyGuys out of his way and edged towards SML before greeting him, "Simmle. Man. Sup."

"Emmle. Yo. Bud," SML replied. Seemingly satisfied with their manly communication, the two "links" retreated further into the room, though SML kept an obvious eye out for trouble. Behind them came yet another wave of ShyGuys and a high-pitched squeal.

"WHEEEEEEEEEE WE'RE HERE!" HotD cried, flying through the door. At least three ShyGuys dangled from her waist, all looking petrified of the Faerie flying.

HotD landed among a huge pile of her crew in the well-lit room. Far larger inside than you could imagine just by observing the outer walls, there was an assortment of couches strewn throughout the room, each accompanied by a TV and Wii. Tables covered in food were in large supply, beautifully decorated with vases full of flowers, dishes with floating candles and other assorted sparkly and shiny things; and four separate and fully stocked bars, occupying each corner. Coloured lights covered the ceiling, potted plants sat out in the middle of nowhere and Steamlord mewed loudly from his perch in the very centre of the room.

A single lamp rested comfortably on the only glass table in sight...

HotD dropped onto the couch next to ZG and SP. ZG was mysteriously guarding a pillow, seeming to try and hide it from HotD? There was a hint of paranoia in the air, though SP and HotD didn't seem to notice.

"This is going to be great!" HotD cried, bouncing in her seat. "We'll Brawl and beat up some monkeys!"

SP and ZG exchange a knowing glance. Oh, monkeys would be beaten, all right.

And maybe others.

A stray horde of ShyGuys rushed back and forth, colliding with many items of furniture along the way. Squealing and chattering, they bounced off chairs, walls, the glass table, with the lamp.


From a far-off room the sound of a vacuum started up. It grew louder, echoing through the halls, the rooms, the whole building. A ride-on vacuum finally burst through a door and whizzed across the floor, driven by a tall grey-robed figure, similarly sporting a mask like that of the ShyGuys.

"Don't mind me, just the Janitor. Nevermind the mess. I'll be sure to clean it. I'll make everything you're ruining goddamn spotless."

"ANTISOCIAL! SQUEEEEEE!" HotD waved frantically towards the vacuum-bound bandit. He raised a hand in greeting and went back to his business of mechanically inhaling the broken glass. The bundle of ShyGuys responsible hadn't ceased their stampeding, still trotting back and forth, little arms thrown skyward.

As the ShyGuy troop neared AS, they seemed to veer intentionally towards him. The bandit had only a moment of warning before the ShyGuys overturned his ride-around vacuum, poured over the top and took off running with AS bouncing along above them.

"What in the hell are you doing?" AS shouted at them. The ShyGuys only chittered louder in response. Their oversized round feet stomped across the carpet, gaining speed before the entire group ran headlong into a wall. Repeated thuds were heard, and much swearing from AS before the ShyGuys bundled him on top of their group and continued their rampage.

The ShyGuys followed the wall as best they could; they streamed under any tables in the way while AS was tossed over the top to be caught by the leading ShyGuys of the pack as they emerged on the other side. Everyone else in the room was spellbound and watched the commotion with mouths agape. The horde rushed towards a large table with a vase full of roses in the middle. AS was promptly thrown through the vase, with flowers raining down into his arms as he was swept futher along by the ShyGuys.

"LET ME GO!" AS yelled, kicking wildly. The last thing he expected was for them to listen...

The ShyGuys stopped, but AS didn't. He was juggled forward by the little creatures, until he was plopped down right into HotD's lap.

Complete with the armful of roses.

HotD's face turned bright red. Bright red. Her blush was so warm, even ZG and SP could feel it from where they sat beside her.

"I'll just... be going now," AS stated, dragging himself off HotD. The Faerie stuffed her face into the bunch of roses while AS all but ran the other way. SP and ZG giggled.

"What was that all about?!~" they cried in unison, admiring the flowers.

HotD's reply was muffled and unintelligible. She continued hiding in her roses while the ShyGuys scuttled off again. Their twittering began again, and slowly, everyone's attention was turned elsewhere.


Introduce yourself, if I haven't already. Join in the party, roleplay, grab a drink and start a Brawl match. This is the Nameless Brawl Party and you're all invited. :D

I'll get around to showing up myself next post. XD
Nonsense, I have not yet begun to defile myself.

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Post by Marilink » Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:18 am

The Two Links walked together, discussing manly things.

ML couldn't help but be amused by what ZG had done. "So, SML, nice handprint. It gives you a good Christmas look, with the red on your face and the green on your clothes."

SML was rightfully angered. "Oh, shut up. I'll bet you anything that in the next hour, ZG will have slapped you just as hard."

"Oh, really? You'll bet me anything?" The gears began to work in ML's head. After much thought, he stated, "It's obvious that the only solution is a Slap Bet."

"Slap Bet?"

"You've never done a Slap Bet? Whoever wins the bet gets to slap the other person in the face as hard as they can. There all sorts of rules, too...penalty slaps, et cetera. If ZG slaps me, you get to slap me too. If she doesn't slap me, I get to slap you."

"Hm...Sounds interesting. I'm in." The two Links shook hands, confident in their impending victories. "I have one problem, though. Who's going to keep track of the slaps, and the penalties and whatnot?"

ML thought on it, but not very long. "SP! Come over here!"

SP happily (or was it grudgingly? It was hard to tell) paused what she was doing to come over and discuss things with her two friends. "What's up?"

SML informed her, "We need you to be...The Slap Bet Commissioner."

ML helped. "This is an awesome responsibility, SP." They went on to inform her of the bet: In one hour, will ZG slap ML just as hard as she slapped SML? "SP, the integrity of this position we have put you in cannot be understated. You will go to your grave as the Slap Bet Commissioner. You will penalize us for false slaps, early slaps, and slaps without confirmation. You will tell us when we can slap and when we can't. We will only slap at your command."

SML nodded, and then asked officially: "Will you do it?"

SP, in awe, agreed. "If ZG slaps ML just as hard as she slapped SML by exactly one hour from now, SML wins. If she doesn't, ML wins. The time is 3:24 PM."

The bet was on.
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Post by ZeldaGirl » Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:01 am

A few difficult strands of blonde hair fell into her eyes, and with an impatient swoop of her hand, she drew them away from her face. Her eyes scanned the room, observing the night's activities...there across the way was Heroine of the Dragon, a healthy, pink glow coloring her cheeks, her face buried in a beautiful bouquet of roses, and at her feet, loyal Shy guys. ZeldaGirl smiled, satisfied; HotD acting all flustered because of AS was as amusing as it was adorable.

She continued her visual sweep of the room. There, huddled together conspicuously, stood SP, ML, and...him. The dandy cad.

ZG's palm itched at the sight of him - her last effort had been thoroughly satisfying, and she had rejoiced at the resounding 'thwack' that had succeeded her cuff to the cad's face. She had half a mind to go over there and do it all again...

But the way the three were hunched together, talking, made her wary. Curious even... curious enough to be preoccupied with wanting to know what exactly they were up to, rather than smack SML in the face.

She began marching.

She was not even halfway across the room before they saw her.

Instantly, she noticed the three freeze in place; ML, whose arms had once been animated in conversation, became suspended in middair, a look of "O SHI" on his face. She continued walking over to them, crossing her arms across her chest upon her arrival.

"What's up?" She tried to sound casual. The three exchanged looks before facing her, ML replying, as if unsure:


ZG raised an eyebrow, incredulous.


SP swiftly recovered. "We were discussing Test of Coconut."

"Yeah, you know, knocking them down and stuff." SML replied, rather lamely. ZG huffed an exasperated sigh.

"Fine, if that's how you're going to be..." She turned on her heel and began to march off. A few steps away, she felt tempted to turn back around and bitchslap SML...but then an even better plan surfaced within her mind.

If they wouldn't let her in on their conspiracy, she would just have to find a couple of cohorts for her own conspiracy.

"I'll find out what they're up to before the night is done," she muttered to herself, and set out to find recruitments to her cause...

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Post by Deepfake » Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:42 am


AI cursed. That bastard Steamy was cheating again, and he knew it. How else could he ever lose to anyone using Donkey Kong?

"Mrew?" Steamlord purred from his throne, looking ever the part of royalty.

"Don't give me that, you little bastard. That was three goddamn stars in a row, WTF."

The kitten remained unphased, gnawing on the analogue stick of the controller nestled between his fore- and hind-paws.

No one could really be sure when AI arrived. No one was ever really sure. It always seemed like just when they thought they were alone, they'd find him sprawled on the couch re-watching the same anime for the umpteenth time.

Well, he wasn't about to be had by the cat again. This time, he would switch controllers.

"Yeah... that'll teach him." He muttered to himself, with a crooked grin spreading sleekly up one side of his cheek.
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Post by Steamlord » Thu Jul 10, 2008 3:20 am


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Post by Swordmaster Link » Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:25 am

OOC: Did you ever get that pillow back, ZG? :lol:

"Fine, if that's how you're going to be..."

With that, the pestilent princess marched off, hoping to instill some sort of intimidation in the two links by turning on her heel in such a fancy matter. "I don't even know why I just agreed to this bet...what kind of man slaps another man anyway?" Unfortunately for him, the die was cast and he was quite certain that ZG would refrain from slapping anyone else but him - just to spite him further. He turned his attention from his inner thoughts back to ML and SP, as a few Shyguys huddled around him.

"Doesn't she have anything better to do? Clearly not, because she stomped her way right over to me when I came in with Miss Faerie. Granted, the door was smashed open, but you'd think some sort of diplomacy would be's very unbecoming of a 'princess'. And cad...why does that word sound so familiar? I think one of Miss Faerie's admirerers liked using that word a lot, after I threw him over the bar at that one party..."

As if to confirm his thoughts, the Shyguys jumped up and down in amusement as they remembered that party from so long ago. However, SML wasn't here to talk about the past, he was protect Miss Faerie...AND engage in some fierce Brawl combat. SP was standing right next to him, telling him with how sure she was that SML was going to lose the bet, but all he could focus on was Steamlord and AI. The wheels of strategem were turning, as SML was not used to brawling with this crowd. Not only his charge but his lack of Wii avaliability prevented him from seeking out the competition. He wanted to do well, and if one could listen in on his thoughts one would be able to notice very quickly.

"Donkey Kong...headbutt'd Steamlord do thatIbetIcanground do-WOAH :eek: "

The bodyguard was startled by SP, who apparently was allergic to the dust and debris that scattered about the room due to the...bumpy entrance and was blowing her nose. SP extended her apologies - she had a sort of oblivious happiness to her, the type of person who didn't seem to get sad too often.

"Sorry! My nose gets a bit stuffy when dust flies around like that...^_^"

"Listen commish. For the love of Nayru that was the worst noise I've ever heard. Try your best to alert me when such chaos is imminent. :o"

"Don't worry SML, she'll have plenty of time to do that, seeing as how I wont be getting slapped anytime soon, she won't be busy with me!"

SML scoffed at his remarks. What was he supposed to do, anyway? He couldn't hit a woman, even if she happened to be a pain in his ass.

"At the very least, I can annhilate her in Brawl. Let's play for a bit."

The others, including his Shyguys, nodded in agreement. The "Slap Bet Squad" proceeded to a nearby couch...

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Post by Gumchum » Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:07 am

"Man, I wish I had a Wii," Dylan said, isolated from the world.

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Post by ZeldaGirl » Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:26 pm

OOC: No, SML. I did not...:o

I'll post again laterz...

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Post by Marilink » Thu Jul 10, 2008 3:55 pm

OoC: Dylan, come on, join in anyway.

From that point forward, ML only had one objective: Stay away from ZG.

After five minutes, it had become perfectly clear that he had made a very dangerous bet. His pride wasn't the only thing on the line...his face was, too. As soon as SP, SML, and he narrowly escaped ZG's wrath, he soon realized that there was no way he could avoid her palm for an entire hour. His decision may be called cowardly by some, but by others, strategic.

So, ML set out to stay on the opposite side of the room from ZG at all times. When she went to play with AI and Steamlord, he went to play with SML and the Shy Guys. When she came to play with SML and the Shy Guys, he went to talk to SP and possibly give her some medicine. When she came to talk to SP about shoes and other girly stuff, he went over and simply hid behind HotD. And when she came there, he went back to AI.

This cycle progressed for about fifteen minutes. The time was 3:44, and ML wasn't sure if he could keep it up for this long. He decided he would have to do something drastic. Something big. Something...insane.

As ZG came over to AI and Steamlord, ML approached her. "Hey, ZG, I just wanted to tell yo--"


"On second thought, ZG, let's go over here." The two of them moved across the room closer to where SML was. "Listen, ZG," ML said, "I just wanted to thank you for being such an awesome friend. You're always there for me, and I love you for it." Then he did something no sane man had ever dared to do in his life.

He hugged ZG.

ML was widely known for his amazing hugs, and he had great confidence in them at most times. But this was one of the biggest risks he had ever taken. He thought he might have not only put his face on the line, here, but his boys as well.

ZG's cheeks turned red with fury. Steam seemed to come out of her ears. She opened her mouth and said...

"Thanks, ML!" And went away, happy.

The two Links and SP stood, sHoCkEd and aWeD. After he came to his senses, ML turned to SML in victory and patted him on the shoulder. Smiling, he walked away and stated:

"That just bought me another fifteen minutes."
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Post by ZeldaGirl » Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:22 pm

She was dumbstruck.

The night's events were going...well, not so swimmingly. She first tried recruiting AI, but he was too preoccupied by getting whooped by Steamlord to really listen to her petition.

She did successfully manage to wrangle the cat into the conspiracy...she thought. It didn't do her much good, as she couldn't understand just what exactly "mrreeewwwwwrr" meant... but, she figured it was still good to have some[strike]one[/strike]thing on her side...

She decided to switch up tactics for a little while and try to worm out the secret from SML... but he was intent on keeping his face buried (literally) in shy guys, so after a few minutes, she grew exasperated and gave up.

She had made her way to SP then, but SP was alarmingly good at distracting her from the matter at hand, and she found herself getting too caught up in what the silver-haired woman had to offer her. Resigned, she made her way over to HotD, and couldn't help but notice ML slink away from behind the Faerie. She puzzled over this, but went about talking with Hottie...whom ZG found too distracted for her to actually recruit her. ZG sighed, going back to AI, when she was approached by none other than ML himself.

And then... it happened.

She was flustered, and angry, to say the least. She did not like people invading her personal bubble of space...and when ML drew back, she was fully intent on making him pay.

And then, brilliance struck her. No, she would not make him pay... clearly, he was trying to pull one of his mind-tricks on her...this must have been a part of their grand conspiracy - it was against HER. Oh no, she would not falter.

Throwing out a disarmingly sweet smile, she kindly thanked ML...who seemed slightly stun by the turn of events.

She then regally stalked off over to Heroine of the Dragon, this time with renewed vigor, and unbending determination.

"Hottie," she addressed the woman, still fawning over her flowers. "Hottie, I need your help. I want to recruit you to a cause of mine."

HotD started, not used to being addressed so bluntly, but shyly smiled. "What do you mean?"

"I am forming a group. Something is going on between SML, SP, and ML, and I'm gonna find out what. Will you join my cause? We could be like... masons or something." She extended her hand.

"Do you accept?"

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Post by Antisocial » Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:26 pm

Hey, do you remember that time? That time I did THAT? That was so wicked.

[After his somewhat successful escape from HotD's lap, AS slinks back towards his office for sanctuary. Incensed, he slams the door behind him in his office and throws down his broom. His "assistant", a malicious Shy Guy known as Misanthropy, kicks back in his office chair and eyes his "employer", covered with thorns and rose petals.]

MA: ...The f**k happened to you?

AS: I don't want to talk about it. [Pulls out a thorn from his head] ...AUGH!! S**T!!!!! GAH!...Whatever happened to my promised vacation?! It was supposed to last from 2002 until...FOREVER.

MA: ...Bitch, quit your f**king whining. The Building isn't yours to own, f****t.

AS: ...Christ. Ever since the Illuminati left, it's been a little less s***ty around here, hiding away from other failed parties...Then I'm pulled into action again by these f***ers and again, I'M FAERIE BAIT.

MA: ...Huh. Sucks to be you. [Throws a paper airplane] ...Anyway, you get out there and start cleaning s**t up. I don't have all day.

AS: [Shocked, stumbling through his words] ...WHA--?!...YOU--...I--...F**K YOU.

[The janitor leaves his office with his broom, seething and slamming the door behind him]

MA: P***y. Can't even slam a door right. Jesus, I don't even get the rage over a stupid outdated, tired game dedicated to attract drooling Nintenf**ks with its obvious fanservice. "OOH! A CROSSOVER PARTY GAME WITH FAMOUS VIDEO GAME F***TARDS BEATING THE S*** OUT OF EACH OTHER!!! FUND THAT MOTHER****ER!!!! THRICE!!!!!! WE'LL WHORE THIS OUT AS MUCH AS WE CAN!!!!!" A**holes.

MA: ...Hmmm...I wonder if there's something else I can do around here that can be fun...

[Eyes the closet]

MA: ...Heh. JACKPOT.

[Outside, among the partygoers...]

AS: ...Alright...Now what do I do? OW!!!! [Pulls a thorn from his side] ...Grrr...How symbolic. What else is on me, anyway? [Feels his mask, resulting in great pain] ...AUUGH!!!!...WHAT THE F**K?!... [Pulls an entire intact rose from inside his mask]



...I'm not even going to ask how that got in there.

[Throws the rose behind him, and where do you think it lands?]


[...That squeal. It's familiar.]

AS: ...Don't tell me. It fell in her lap, didn't it?

[...A bunch of Shy Guys mob the janitor to bring back to HotD so she could thank him for his act of kindness.]


[The Shy Guys face him towards her smiling face. "...Aww, thank you so much for the rose!!!", she remarks with a giggle as she spreads her arms out for a great big faerie hug, blushing away]

AS: ...No...NO!!!!...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

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Post by heh » Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:27 pm

(TG forms his own Cat Conspiracy, except with more cats.)

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Post by Swordmaster Link » Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:52 pm

"Lucky bastard."

SML was dumbfounded as his adversary returned unscathed from his journey to acheive a...friendly embrace from ZG. As he feared, this bet was not going his way in the least. As ML and SML started to chat it up, the bodyguard noticed from the corner of his eye that ZG was making her way toward Miss Faerie. Was she out of her mind? Did she not know that SML had two armies of the willing to make sure he succeeded in his task of keeping the Heroine safe?

"Do you accept?"

"No I do not accept!" SML interjected as he and the few Shyguys he was hanging out with stormed toward her. "These Shyguy's don't accept either! You two! See her off...somewhere. The other side of the room. The basement. Antarctica. I don't really care, just get her away from Miss Faerie!!"

"But Sir, she...hits people."

"Do I sound like I'm as-"

At that moment, a palm came hurtling toward the side of SML's face, but he saw the incoming threat in his peripheral vision just quickly enough to duck under the onslaught, as breathed a quick sigh of relief as ZG's hand whizzed past his head and knocked a cup of Mountain Dew off of the glass table behind SML. The soft drink rocketed out of the cup, and splashed all over ML's back. While poetic justice was served, that didn't stop ZG from attempting another bitchslap. At that moment, the two Shyguys sprung into action, jumping onto ZG's arm comically, hindering her movement long enough for a few other Shyguys to help out their general. After a small scuffle, the Shyguys picked ZG up and carried her over to the other side of the room.

"Don't worry, if you want I'll tell the Shyguys to go get your pillow for you. #3411! #542!"

Just then, two circumflexes came in through the giant hole created earlier, and stood at SML's feet, awaiting orders.

"Ok, see that crazy individual over there being carried by my guys? I want you two to poke at her hands incessantly, so that by the time she thinks about slapping me again her hands will be too sore to do anything about it. Understood?"

The pointed wonders made their best attempt to "nod", and followed the Shyguys, where they would no doubt bring the pain on the other side of the room. If things went to plan, he would surely lose the bet, but at least he wouldn't have to worry about her meddling with his client.

Things were rather chaotic already, SML thought as he panned across the room...AI was about to throw a tantrum at Steamlord, ML was on the verge of tears - bemoaning his lost Mountain Dew, SP was still blowing her nose, and Miss Faerie was showing AS appreciation for some sort of romantic gesture. He quickly wanted to check in with Hotster to see if everything was ok.

"SQUEEEEEE HI SML!!! What was that all about?? I don't think Zee Gee wants to hurt me! :D HEY! Look at what AS gave me! Cute, ne? ;) :D "

"It is! About ZG though...maybe she does, maybe she doesn't, but I'm here to take the necessary precautions."

Hotster seemed too preoccupied with AS to be listening fully, but that was fine. At least for the next 20 seconds or so, she was safe.

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Post by Bomby » Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:18 pm

Bomby von Bombsville has become unstuck in time.

"Call me Ishmael," he said, "and in the beginning, I said, let there not be any light."

So he flipped off the light switch.

Growing tired of making references to popular literature, the writer of this post that you are reading right now at this very moment began to grow tired and old. He decided that because Bomby von Bombsville is unstuck in time, he would discover how this post ends.

It starts like this:
Bomby von Bombsville has become unstuck in time.

It ends like this:

Bomby von Bombsville stepped up in the place, and yo, he stepped correct. Woo Haa! He had everybody in check. And you know he had the rhymes to rock the discotheque. Woo Haa! And he grabbed one of HotD's Shyguy's by the neck.

He was confused about his surroundings, mostly due to the fact that I'm too goddamn lazy to feel like reading all the posts before mine and just skimmed them instead. He let the Shyguy down and began sipping on an empty tea cup that he found on the ground outside. He decided to treat the party like it was a book club.

"Does anyone remember how Slaughterhouse Five ended?"

ML replied to him:

"I think it ended like, 'Po-tee-weet.'"

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Post by Heroine of the Dragon » Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:45 pm

OoC: *giggles* THIS IS FUNNY!!!!


*HotD cherished her roses... it wasn't often that she was greeted at a party with flowers.

The Faerie had felt especially happy getting the invite!! She had made plans immediately for it... days of preparation had paid off. The new airship she had acquired from FFIX was working a charm, and once she was used to the controls, the faerie was certain that it would be smooth rides (and landings) from now on.

Just as the Faerie thought the night couldn't get much better, the unexpected happened and another single-stemmed perfect rose landed on her lap. Cupping it in her hands, the Faerie flushed as she spotted the janitor being carried by a troup of ShyGuy directly towards her. A smile lit up her face as understanding dawned upon her.*

HotD: You... you gave me this flower, too? How kind of you!!!! *giggling and not hearing the "accident explanation" given, she continues...*

...Aww, thank you so much for the rose!!!

*The Faerie envelopes Antisocial in an embrace, all the while giggling at his denial that he was enjoying it.*


*In addition, her bodyguard was very attentive. Not only was SML the most highly trained, efficient and bravest of bodyguards, but he was also a gentleman and one of the faerie's closest friends. It wasn't often that you could be such good friends with someone also protecting you...

AS made quick his second escape!! It was at this precise moment that ZG came over to chat and make her offer, and after some pleasantries... (mostly girly gushes over the flowers and talk about maybe some dancing later in the night;

HotD: Awww ZeeGee, I'm sooooo lucky!!! I have this entire bunch of roses!! Don't they smell divine? And look, all the thorns have been removed. AS is very thoughtful!!! *happy sigh* I do hope that I get asked to dance later... what about you?

ZG: Me? Oh yes, dancing would be great!)

...ZG proposes an alliance... a mason of sorts.*

ZG: Do you accept?

*Visions of Mafia flood the faerie's mind and in that microsecond, SML arrives upon the scene. HotD opens her mouth...*

SML: No I do not accept.

Both the Princess and the Faerie turn to look at SML who is now barking orders at the ShyGuys. Everything happens in a chaotic semblance of organisation and ZG is whisked away.

The perfume of the roses wafts towards the Faerie again, and she is distracted... instantaneously.

HotD: SQUEEEEEE HI SML!!! What was that all about?? I don't think Zee Gee wants to hurt me! :D HEY! Look at what AS gave me! Cute, ne? ;) :D

SML: It is! About ZG though...maybe she does, maybe she doesn't, but I'm here to take the necessary precautions."

HotD: Awwww Thank you!!! How about a game of Braw--

*A ShyGuy chitters in distress, causing all the ShyGuys to form stacks around the faerie. Trying to peer through the arms of the ShyGuys, HotD sees Bomby standing near a ShyGuy gasping. The ShyGuy slowly catches his breath, and turning towards Bomby, kicks him in the shin.*

HotD: O_O What just happened? Let me out, Guys!! I need to find out what's going on...

*SML sprints across the room as the ShyGuy is about to land another kick and speaks sharply with him. Much fragmented animated chittering can be heard, but it barely makes sense to where HotD is. She sees SML reach down, pat the lil guy and send him off.*

HotD: It's okay, ShyGuys!! You can let me out now... Ummmm GUYS!!! It's all cool now... let's go have marshmallows!!

*At that word, the ShyGuys tumble down and run about in a mad frenzy towards the buffet tables. HotD waves to SML and happily seeks out someone for a game of Brawl...*

HotD: HEYYYYYYYYYYYY... IT'S TIME FOR AN ICE CLIMBER CHALLENGE!!!! Who wants to play? Game conditions... MUST be Ice Climbers and NO items!! Random stages... Who wants to play with someone who can't jump, shield or B-attack? *giggles* :D
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Post by Steamlord » Fri Jul 11, 2008 4:58 am

Dylan wrote:"Man, I wish I had a Wii," Dylan said, isolated from the world.

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Post by StarryPeach » Fri Jul 11, 2008 1:36 pm

I can't believe those two roped me into this...

The Celestial Archmage finished wiping her nose and looked around the dusty room. She couldn't be arsed to clean up the room (and besides, some people actually LIKE a dusty room). The cad and the little dude wanted her to see who would win the bet. Secretly she hoped that the Hyrulian Princess would find out about their plan and slap them both.

...that sounded like a really good idea, actually. A smirk emerged on her face. But she wouldn't tell her yet.

SP headed over to one of the buffet tables and picked up some barbequed chicken. Then some pie. Blueberry pie. Mmm.

Then she went over to watch the brawlers duke it out.

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Post by Bomby » Fri Jul 11, 2008 2:16 pm

Bomby smelled a familiar smell.

He sniffed around for a while, trying to identify the pleasant scent. Then, it caught his eye: a table with blueberry pie.

He rushed as quickly as possible toward it, rudely pushing SP, who was on her way back from the table headed toward the brawlers, to the side before grabbing the knife and cutting a giant slice of blueberry pie for himself.

SP looked at him angrily, seemingly offended by the gesture. It was also clear that he may have accidentally spilled some of her food on the floor.

Bomby (with his mouth stuffed with blueberry pie): Umm... I'm ffforry... want me to cut you another fflice?

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Post by Marilink » Sat Jul 12, 2008 9:23 am

The Two Links sat playing Brawl. The time was 3:56. ML's safe 15 minutes were almost up.

"Okay, SML, let's finish this up, I gotta think of another way to avoid ZG's wrath for the next 25 minutes."

"Really, man? Isn't that some kind of cheating? I mean, you shouldn't be able to tweak things like this, it should just be going like it normally would."

"Who's to say I wouldn't normally be avoiding the wrath of ZG? SP, what say you?"

The silver-haired girl looked up from her tissue and said "It's true, I don't see anything wrong with this."

SML grumbled, and went back to Brawl. ML left and went in his avoid ZG routine. Things went better this time. ML wasn't sure why, but she seemed to not come near him quite as much as she had before.

5 minutes passed. Then 10, then 15, then 20....

The time was 4:23. ML made his way over to SML and pointed at his watch. SML looked at it in terror. ZG was headed in their direction, and the clock was ticking. SP came over to see what was going to happen, and the attention of all in the room (except AS, who was...preoccupied, and AI who was still cursing Steamlord's skill) was brought to where the 4 of them stood.

"Well, SML, look at this. 4:23. One more minute..."

"One more minute what?" ZG asked this with a slight tone of disdain.


ML said "One more minute...until...I, uh, kick his ass in Brawl."

ZG's reply was skeptical. "But haven't you been doing that all night?


SML's face was tingling already. He had to get her to slap him somehow. He saw his opportunity. ML and ZG were facing each other, and their heights were comparable. ML had already attempted something drastic. It was time for him to up the ante.

SML casually walked behind ML, and stuck his hand out...


Several things happened at once.

ML's watch jumped one minute forward. The time was 4:24. SML took no notice and pushed ML into ZG. Against ML's will, their lips touched. A split second later, he realized what had just happened. He turned around, terrified, looked at his watch, and slapped the living daylights out of SML. ZG took ML by the shoulders, spun him around, and bitchslapped him with her left hand so hard that he spun around and landed at SML's feet. SML picked ML up, brushed him off, and slapped the other side of his face to give it some symmetry. Then ZG walked over to SML and gave him another bitchslap. No one was quite sure why, but no one asked. All the while, SP looked on in a mixture of glee and terror.

The 4 of them looked at each other in a square: ML on the floor across from SP, and ZG and SML stared each other down.

ML shouted first: "SML false slapped! I had already won the bet!"

SML coolly (well, as coolly as he could with a giant handprint on his face) said "ML, look at SP's watch." ML crawled over to SP and pulled her wrist down.


"Sorry, ML," SML said with a tone of triumph, "looks like your watch is fast."

"Wha...wha...How was I supposed to know that?!"

SP chimed in, "As slap bet commissioner, it only makes sense that we would go by my watch."

ML protested vigorously "NO! I had no way of knowing that!"

SP shouted over ML's whining, "ML, wait! Wait! You may have false slapped, but I think SML did, too."

SML was now the one protesting. "What? I slapped after ZG did!"

SP replied, "But you see, the terms of the Slap Bet were 'If ZG slaps ML as hard as she slapped SML in one hour.' ZG slapped you with her right hand, and ML with her left. ZG, what hand is your dominant hand?"

ZG was confused, but she replied anyway, "I'm right-handed..."

SP said "Well, then it's only fair that we can assume that when she slapped ML with her left hand, it was not nearly as hard as she slapped you with her right."

SML shouted "He fell down! How was that not as hard?"

ML piped up from the ground, "man, I'm 15 and I'm not the toughest kid in the world."

SP said "I took a quick look at the right side of ML's face as soon as he got slapped. There was a handprint, but it wasn't nearly as red or prominent as yours was when you got slapped yourself."

SML was bewildered. "But...but...come on!"

SP said, "As slap bet commissioner, I rule that both ML and SML false-slapped. Therefore, both of your penalty slaps will be doled out by none other than ZG herself."

The two Links looked at SP in terror, then to ZG in even more terror. SP went on, "ZG, would you like to do the honors?"

ZG still didn't know the specifics of what was going on, but the opportunity to slap the Links in the face was irresistable. ML and SML braced themselves. ZG raised her right hand...


SML was down.


and ML next to him.

ZG and SP looked at each other, as the only two standing.

"Want to play Brawl or something?"


The time was 4:31.
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Post by heh » Sat Jul 12, 2008 9:27 am


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Post by Daos » Sat Jul 12, 2008 5:42 pm

Man, I was only gone a week. :(

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Post by Heroine of the Dragon » Sat Jul 12, 2008 8:42 pm

[OoC: I will post in this soon after I return, ESSDEE!!!! have fun without me for a few days!!!] :D
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Post by Antisocial » Fri Jul 18, 2008 5:03 am

A little somethin' somethin'.

[Misanthropy rummages through the closet for anything he can make do with to cause some mischief. Anything will do, even...]

MA: ...Huh? Oh, a key. Where does this go?

[A label on the key reads, "CIRCUIT BREAKER"]

MA: [Shrugs] ...It'll have to do.


AS: [Crashing through the office window] ...AAAAUUUUGGGHHHHH!!!!!!


MA: ...Must you always act like such a bitch?

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Post by Apollo the Just » Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:27 pm

"Benadrill!! BENADRILL!!!"

In her desperation, all doorknobs were forgotten. The slightly aged wood splintered under the momentum with which her small foot struck it, and it fell from its hinges.

A young girl ran in, clutching her throat. She had emptied the cupboards of the building completely before the disfigured door had struck the ground; at last it was found. There was no time to read labels for doses, no time to find a measuring spoon. Not even time to bother with squeezing the sides of the cap and turning it clockwise while pushing down. Adrenaline pumped inside her, and with a surge of superhuman strength the cap was off and the bottle was nearly emptied into her mouth.

"Ahh, much better," the girl said. "Sorry about the door and stuff... I kind of ate a cookie with walnuts in it on my way here."

No words were said, but the eyes of her companions in the room fully communicated their grievance over the loss of a very fine door. Indeed, it would be missed.
I believe in second chances, and that's why I believe in you.