MC Mushi Mo wrote:<Attempt to open door>
Tossing the lamp back to your left hand, you cautiously approach the door.

"You can never be too sure of yourself around a door. They are a wiley and crude folk," You recall your grandmother once saying. Well, that's what she might've said, if you could manage to remember having a grandmother

Closing your clammy palm over the grubby knob, you give it a sharp twist, and the door opens outwards. No fireworks here, folks.

You stand at the precipice of the room, unsure if it would be wise to proceed into an unknown environment.

You open the door, lantern in your left hand, leaving the table behind.

<Input Command>

How it works:
You tell me what you want to do. I will look for a consensus among posts. If there is not a consensus, I will choose either what I choose to be the best command or I will choose command at random.

Give commands such as <LOOK> or <LISTEN> and I will describe the surroundings or the sounds. You can modify these commands to say <LOOK AT OBJECT> and be more specific. Put your commands in the brackets as I have and I will see that they are a command. Feel free to discuss your actions in this topic with other members.

Cravdraa wrote:<Examine the basket for valuables>
You take a stroll northward up the boardwalk to have a glance into the basket. As you lean out to see into the basket, you can just barely peek over its edge. You see something, but you're not sure what it is, or if it's anything valuable, and you come to the conclusion that you need a different angle to see its contents.

You lean to examine the basket.

Cravdraa wrote:<Look in the hollow of the tree trunk using the lanturn>
You pull an about-face and go to the eastward side of the boardwalk. Leaning out over the edge and lifting up the lantern in your left hand, you struggle to see into the tree's hollow. You're not sure what's wrong, but the lantern isn't doing its job. You hear some scrabbling sounds and the muffled chittering of some small animal coming from the hollow, but it's too dark to see what it might be.

You turn your lantern to the hollow of the tree.

<Input Command>

How it works:
You tell me what you want to do. I will look for a consensus among posts. If there is not a consensus, I will choose either what I choose to be the best command or I will choose command at random.

Give commands such as <LOOK> or <LISTEN> and I will describe the surroundings or the sounds. You can modify these commands to say <LOOK AT OBJECT> and be more specific. Put your commands in the brackets as I have and I will see that they are a command. Feel free to discuss your actions in this topic with other members.