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Zelda Mafia Round 2: Night Four


Post by Cravdraa » Sat Dec 15, 2007 11:33 pm

Table of Contents
Day 1
Night 1
Day 2
Night 2
Day 3
Night 3
Day 4

The Players

1. Daos
2. [strike]Marilink[/strike]: Link, Hero, (Night 3)
3. [strike]kingeric[/strike] replaced by S1x
4. HotD
5. [strike]Wyborn[/strike]: Postman, Townie, (Day 1)
6. Saria Dragon
7. Shadow_Kirby
8. NintendoGod
9. [strike]CuccoLady[/strike]: Aveil, Independant, (night 2)
10. i_am_nobody
11. [strike]That Guy[/strike]: Goht, Mafia Scum, (Day 3)
12. Swordmaster Link
13. [strike]X-3[/strike]: Majora, Mafia Scum, (Day 4)
14. [strike]Blake[/strike]: Takkuri Buzzard, Independant, (night 1)
15. [strike]ZeldaGirl[/strike]: Tingle, Townie, (night 2)
16. Mikhail Gorbachev
17. [strike]Gearz[/strike] replaced by Zant Ten
18. [strike]Chunky Kong[/strike]: Cremia, Townie (night 2)
19. [strike]Rayman FREAK[/strike]: Kafie, Hero, (Night 3)
20. TML
21. SilverWind

Greeting! I believe you all know me. That's right, I'm Crav and I'll be hosting this game of Zelda mafia. I've put a lot of effort into it, so I hope you'll all enjoy it.

In "Mafia" the players are divided into two groups; the Town, and the Mafia.
If you're a member of the town you win if, at any point, all of the mafia members have been eliminated. If you are a member of the Mafia, you win if the Mafia ever comprises a majority of the remaining players.

Here's how the game works.
The rules of mafia are simple. Each game "day" is divided into day and night.
During the day, the players post in this topic, trying to decide which members of the Town are actually Mafia in disguise.

Each player gets one vote, and whenever one player has a majority of the town's votes, that player is lynched by the town, and is eliminated.

During the day, the town tries to decide who is acting evil, and debates about who to lynch. However, the mafia will try to mislead the town into lynching a town member instead.

Each day lasts until one player is lynched or until the time limit has passed. After a player is lynched, the day ends, and it becomes night. No player may post in the thread during the night. During the night, the mafia chooses one player to hit, and will PM me their choice. That player is killed, and eliminated. Also during the night, some players may have night abilities (detailed after the game begins. If they wish to use these, they PM me with their actions during the night).
Play continues in this day/night sequence until either side's victory condition is met, at which point the game is over.

Players with beneficial night abilities would be best to keep them secret, so as not to become instant nightkill targets for the mafia. Therefore, it's usually best to keep your abilities secret for at least the first portion of the game.

1. Vote by bolding your choice. It should look like this.
Vote: Person

2. There will be NO post editing. If you made a spelling mistake, then so long as it's still readable, then leave it be. I might be a little more lenient about this in the beginning, but once we get on in days, I will reserve the right to modkill you. Sorry, but this is in place so evidence stays put.

3. Please be active. By signing up you're stating that you know this game may take a while, and that the other players are depending on you to play. If you go inactive without any real reason why, I will reserve the right to replace/modkill you.

4. Don't post anything game related during the night.

5. You are not to communicate to other players about this game outside of it unless it's stated by your role.

6. All PMs concerning night skills must be sent to me.

7. Don't quote my PMs. You can paraphrase, but that's it.

8. At the beginning of the game, "Days" will last five actual days, and "Nights" will last two actual days so keep that in mind when going for a lynch, or using your night skills. This may change if I see that we need more or less time.

9. In the last game there was quite a bit of confusion about role playing and it turned into a big mess. So I'm saying this now. IF YOU WISH TO ROLE PLAY IT IS NEITHER RECOMENDED NOR IS IT A GOOD IDEA TO ROLEPLAY YOUR SECRET ROLE! If the mafia know your role then they can pick and choose when they want you dead. This is hardly ideal, so you probably shouldn't do it.

Zelda mafia

Because this game is zelda themed, almost everybody will have a role or item related to the games. This time I've decided to go ahead with the Majora's Mask theme.

Items are a special feature of this game.
Items behave very similar to an ability you might have, but the difference is that items are usually single use, and they can be sent to other players, if you so choose. (This should be done by PMing me what the item is and who you wish to send it to.) Items can only be sent during the night, however, you can send multiple items in one night, if you so choose.
An item can be used the same night as one of your abilities, unless stated otherwise by your role.

By the way, This game also feature a couple of what are called, Hero characters. Basicly the mafia can't win unless all of the heros have been killed.

Status ailments
While playing, you may find that some how or another you've been given a bad status. These are what you need to look out for:

Cursed: You've been cursed. You can't use any abilities for one whole day or night. Tough luck. Hopefully you didn't have anything important to do.

Poisoned: You've been poisoned! It's not life threatening but the next day, you'll only be able to make 5 posts before colapsing and sleeping it off. Better make them count.

Dazed: You just aren't feeling completely all there. You get confused easily. Theres a 33% chance an ability used while you have this condition could miss the target you intend and hit a different player.

Basic mafia
Here's an example of a Night/Day phase.

NIGHT PHASE: There is very little to no talking. All roles with abilities must send their actions to the Game Moderator before the chosen time limit is up, otherwise, they will find their turn skipped.

ACTIONS OCCUR: The Moderator posts and explains what happens, being as vague or specific as they choose. This is where people are declared dead and whatnot, and NIGHT becomes DAY.

DAY PHASE: This is where the game gets interesting. A time limit is set, and a majority of persons still alive must be reached vote-wise on a single person. Once this occurs, that individual will be lynched, killed, and their role revealed. IF no majority is reached, then there is no lynch. Players are allowed to discuss during this phase: and where the whole 'trickery, deceit, and lies' part comes in.

ONCE A MAJORITY IS/ISN'T REACHED: The Moderator, if there is a lynch, reveals the role of the voted out person. DAY becomes NIGHT, and the cycle begins again.

You will all be getting your role PM's soon. If you have a question, DO NOT ask what your role does in this topic (common sense.)
Instead PM me your question and I'll do my best to answer it.

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Post by Wyborn » Sat Dec 15, 2007 11:34 pm

He entered. He was the first.

He sat upon the gallows.

His face was twisted into a scowl.

"Now you will all see."
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Post by Cravdraa » Sat Dec 15, 2007 11:35 pm

A red headed woman steering a covered wagon was making her nightly deliveries. She gave a small tug on the reins to slow the horses as she spotted a stranger on the side of the road. Being the kindly sort, she was always giving rides to the people she ran into; in fact, she already had another passenger tonight. The short, odd little man, dressed in green that she'd picked up earlier was sitting on a back bench of the wagon, busily fumbling with the pictobox he was carrying.

She shrugged to herself, "Takes all kinds, I guess..."

As the wagon slowed to a stop, she regarded the dark skinned woman before her with a small nod and politely asked "Need a ride?"
The exotic looking woman nodded back and hopping onto the wagon, taking a seat after the little man in green moved over so that she could have his seat.

"So, not to pry, but what are you doing out so late? Most folks i'd be asleep right now." Inquired the red head as the horses sped to a steady trot.

"Out on business."

"Ah, me too. The town's milk supply doesn't deliver itself. What's your line of work?"

The woman chuckled a little and the distinctive sound of a sword being drawn was heard.

"Taking lives. Tonight, I take yours."

A blood chilling scream pierced the night.

Chunky Kong was Cremia, Wagon Driver, Townie

A brave young boy heard the cry from nearby and ran to the scene, hoping he could be of some help.
The odd little man, fumbled with his pictobox, trying to snap a pictograph of the carnage before him.

Just then a swarm of living darkness enveloped the wagon. The horses, already terrified and paniced, tried to bolt in different directions and the whole cart flipped onto it's side. Two shadowy figures dropped into the flapping darkness engulfing the overturned wagon from a tree the smashed vehicle had plowwed into!

The young boy drew his weapon and charged in after them.
The sound of blades clashing filled the night air, followed by two more screams.

The two figures, wraped in darkness, vanished into the night, leaving the young boy to wonder how everything could have gone so terribly wrong.

CuccoLady was Aveil, Pirate Queen, Independant

ZeldaGirl was Tingle, Pictobox man, Townie

day 3, 2007

Deadly Wagon Crash, 3 Dead
Tragedy struck last night struck late last night that resulted in the deaths of three of our beloved citizens.
Amoung those lost were Cremia, the owner of the nearby Romani Ranch, Aveil, leader of the infamous Great Bay pirates, and Tingle, our paper's own professional pictographer.
No details of what happened were released at the time of the printing, but investigators have announced they strongly suspect foul play was involved.

As more news becomes available, we'll be sure to update you on this tragic incident.
Pictograph corner
This issue marks the end of our short-lived section, Pictograph Corner, due to the untimely and tragic death of our professional pictographer, the lovable Tingle. Unfortunately, his final pictograph was spoiled, but in honor of his memory we will descibe it to you anyway. A large keese seems to have flown infront of the shot and blocked the lens, just as the pictograph was snapped. Unfortunately, it's impossible to see what the intended original target was.
Dawn of Day Three.
(118 hours remaining)

The day will end late Thursday.
With 16 left it takes 9 to lynch.

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Post by Apollo the Just » Sat Dec 15, 2007 11:38 pm

And that, my friends, is why you don't trust serial killers.

You guys... you almost had me, you almost saved one of your own...

*shakes head*

HOPEFULLY NEXT TIME I'LL BE A TOWNIE. And not some crazy independent role.

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Post by ZeldaGirl » Sat Dec 15, 2007 11:47 pm

Alas, and alack. My dear townies, I apologize for my follies yesterday - mayhap next time, I'll not act in haste, so as to preserve your much needed (though, as we can see, easily manipulated) pictograph hints.

Fare thee well, townies! I'm rooting for you still. :D

(d00ds, liek, wy did no 1 save me?) :p

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Post by S1x » Sun Dec 16, 2007 12:09 am

That's... quite a bit of carnage.

The mafia still hasn't lost anybody... how long will this monopoly continue?

Time to see what everybody's reaction is to these events... for now, I'll simply think.
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Post by SilverWind » Sun Dec 16, 2007 3:44 am

Pah! :P No love for you, Cuccolady. </3
Though I guess that likely(?) means the hero took it upon himself to kill her--or else the mafia didn't want her to live, and the hero misaimed (though the former idea seems far more likely). By the description of bats... that means Odolwa, yes?
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Post by The Missing Link » Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:08 am

TML had not slept well. He was very disturbed ever since leaving the town hall last night with a hung jury. He had presented an voting argument that sounded quite rational, yet it was that very same argument echoed from other's lips that had prevented consensus... and TML had had this sense of overwhelming dread since then, that something... SOMETHING bad was going to happen.

It wasn't until he read the Termina Times this morning until he realised just how bad it had been. Indeed, there had been three victims last night, like he had expected to happen--one Mafia, one from the self-proclaimed Pirate Queen, and one from the Hero... wherever he was. Or at least that's what it seemed to read. Three deaths, two of them Townies. He had nearly tossed the paper away in anguish.

"You voted right," he kept telling himself. "You believed in that vote... but still I presented that whole argument..." He felt guilty that his own argument had inevitably lead to the death of one of his own. Would someone else have brought it up? Quite possibly it would have. Quite possibly, he was blameless. But there was no way to be absolutely certain...

"That's it. No more mistakes. No more bad decisions. Now it's personal, and I'm going to see an end to it."


One step forward, two steps back. It's the worst possible way to wake up to Day Three. If you'll allow me to show my frustration, I'm kicking myself for suggesting we delay our vote in hopes of striking Mafia. We should've voted for CuccoLady last night because we'd be in a MUCH better situation today. Drat, drat, double drat.

Well, let's start this off with a bang, shall we?
That Guy wrote:(Post 2-25 8)
More importantly... Why are you lying ZG [about the photo you took]? Don't even bother telling me your not.
That Guy wrote:(Post 2-374) But as to why i knew you were lying waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy earlier ZG... why I know your lying has nothing to do with your post so much as your nonexistent role.

but i've said too much.

it seems if i had read i on i would have found even more suspicoun...
FoS: That Guy

I don't believe this requires explanation. But just in case:

You said you have proof ZeldaGirl was lying. More specifically, you said that ZeldaGirl was lying not about what she said in her post but about her role in the game. She claimed to have the ability to stalk someone and take pictures. And... hey look, she did EXACTLY THAT.

This looks like an elaborate cover... and I can think of two reasonable rationales:
(1) HotD is Odolwa, as ZeldaGirl claimed.
(2) Have the Townies "waste" a vote on the Slasher instead of trying to root out Mafia.

Of course, the second solution would have been a very decent one to follow. However, there are much better ways of expressing that point. Namely, "I don't trust the Slasher further than I can throw him." So... I'd be willing to throw out the second line of inquiry...

Leading us back to #1...

FoS: HotD

I was dead certain HotD would die amongst the bloodbath last night, but apparently not. There was honestly a part of me that wanted to believe that CuccoLady's gambit was genuine. However, all the rules that pirates follow are really just suggestions, to quote a famous one, and so that obviously didn't happen.

However, it's not that HotD survived that I find odd. It's how attention was diverted away from her. It was done primarily in two ways:

(1) Having That Guy call ZeldaGirl a complete liar, and
(2) HotD's role claim.

The first one got some traction, but not enough to reverse the vote count. Had HotD not role claimed, she certainly would've been lynched last night. However, as I said yesterday:
TML wrote:(Post 2-432) Wyborn posted a video showing music from the Mayor's house.
HotD role claims the Mayor immediately thereafter.
Wyborn can't speak; he can only act.
Therefore, it would seem to be against the rules to hint that HotD was the Mayor.
Therefore, it wasn't a hint.

If HotD is the Mayor, it's by extreme coincidence.
If HotD lied, then she used Wyborn's gambit as a launching pad.

The odds of her being the Mayor... so small.
The odds of her making up that role description... it reeks of Crav's writing.
In the end, it was enough for my gut to put more faith in HotD than CL. That much was correct thinking. However, now that CuccoLady is gone, there's not really someone that takes centre stage in my mind now...

Sorry, sis. Can't let you off the hook just yet. I guess you'd have to say that I'd need to see your role actually take place before I can actually trust you whatsoever.

I'd also like to claim that you dropped the little clue that you "rezzed" Wyborn to provide yourself a springboard from which you could substantiate your false role claim. I don't have proof of this; it's a running theory. Again, the only proof you are who you say you are is, shall we say, in the pudding. :)

I have other FoSes starting to percolate in the back of my head. However, for now, I'm going to leave them secret until I see people's reactions.

FoS: ???
SilverWind wrote:By the description of bats... that means Odolwa, yes?
My hunch was Gomess, the mini-boss of the Stone Tower Temple.


Addendum that I didn't add:
That Guy wrote:(Post 2-37 8) oh, but i'm giving my role away tonight! all the power was in the item, just like some of the roles in last game.

even if i die we still have the role.

a bit stupid of me. oh well

now i feel bad for voting HotD off when she gave me a hug.
It's very difficult to "give your role away" when you do so by giving up an item. Namely for two reasons --

(1) You could end up NOT giving your item to anyone.
(2) You could be Mafia and "give your item to someone else" who also happens to be Mafia... and since they know about it already, they could vouch for it.
(3) Item gifting is anonymous, so no one would know if an item came from you unless (a) your item was the only one sent AND (b) everyone else said that they didn't send an item AND (c) everyone else was telling the truth AND (d) everyone else was believable.
(4) That was Night Two. You've already had one full night to acquire someone else's item (either by a foolish gift to someone *OR* by theft).

In short, PHONY.

Nrrg... you meant a different meaning of "give your role away". Still, I think you have a lot to hide... sir.
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Post by I am nobody » Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:55 am

(Heh. The hero has killed CL on Night Two in both games.)

That was bad. ZG's pointless role claim got her killed.

Vote: HotD

I think ZG's role proves this.

Note: I'm posting via Wii again, so my post will be shorter then normal.

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Post by Marilink » Sun Dec 16, 2007 7:34 am

Well, this isn't cool.

CL got a townie.
Hero got CL. \
...................>Possibly switchable? No idea.
Mafia got ZG./

After reading that through a couple times, that's what I can gather.

If the hero got CL:

We had a townie-aligned slasher, either with her own agenda, or with bad aim.
We had a hero with good judgment that took out a threat.
We had a mafia who took out the pictographer, being a liability.

If the Mafia got CL:
We had a townie-aligned slasher, either with her own agenda, or with bad aim.
We had a hero with bad aim.
We had a mafia that did exactly as I predicted and tried to convince you all of.

Wow, guys. 4 dead, and no mafia. I guess this narrows things down a bit, but we really need to kick ourselves in the asses and get moving, townies.

Almost forget:

Finger of I'm about this close to voting for you already: HotD
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Post by Rainbow Dash » Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:13 am

"No...this can't happen...Romani...please run the ranch..."


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Post by Daos » Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:24 am

The downside with your "theory" ML is that CL killed Chunky. She said so herself.
And that, my friends, is why you don't trust serial killers.

You guys... you almost had me, you almost saved one of your own...

That means she was not at all townie aligned. She killed Chunky. The hero killed her. The mafia killed ZG.

Also, no, I will not vote HotD until I see absolute proof. You see, I have been poisoned and can only make five posts this day. Seems to me I got a little too close to the truth and since I was defending HotD last round it seems just a little convenient. So I will be watching and waiting and figuring out who is telling the truth and who is creating lies.

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Post by heh » Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:41 am

Hey TML, Read more posts please. The very next page I learned that "hero" does not mean "has a role". The Investigation result came up Townie, it confused me. I blame crav for fooling me into thinking i was rolecop (just kidding crav)

I have given the item away for safety.

Also Silverwind, I don't recall Odolwa having bats... ever? Maybe Gomess. But he was a mini boss, so i dunno.

(whoops, almost edited my post)

Well, I think the Hero went for CL. I think. I think this because ZG does not seem liek a good target for the Vig. Why would the Vig chance killing one o our smartest people, and a Claimed role at that? Obvisly whoever the hero is was in the "kill CL, HotD is innocent" faction. On the other hand the Thought of the Mafia not aiming for CL is bit out there.

Maybe Someone had a killing item? I dunno what would swarm the field in darkness though.

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Post by Wyborn » Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:50 am

Darling rose; he would not wait for Honey to arrive. He couldn't afford to. If she got here he would never leave.

His footsteps made no sound as he strode out the door, but they whispered in his passing: the look on his face was easily read for the first time since he had died. All his face spoke of was intent.

Then he was gone.
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Post by heh » Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:52 am

And yes, i think it is better that anonymous does not know where it is. Because Anomyous could be mafia. Then again, the person i sent it too could also be mafia, so I took a risk.

Or it could have been someone who just died, but i'm not telling YOU that.

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Post by Marilink » Sun Dec 16, 2007 10:26 am

Ebenezer Daos wrote:The downside with your "theory" ML is that CL killed Chunky. She said so herself.
I know you probably won't be responding to this, being poisoned and all, but I did say that. For some reason I worded it "CL got a Townie" in stead of "CL got Chunky" because that's what I was thinking at the time.
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Post by Apiary Tazy » Sun Dec 16, 2007 10:34 am



ZG, CL, AND Chunky got offed...... :(

Now, WE NEED to get a Mafioso. Otherwise I'm gonna get very nervous.

I was gonna say CL killed Chunky for defending HotD, MAYBE the Hero killed either CL or ZG, and the Mafia killed who the Hero didn't....

I'm very confused, and I'mma read on a bit more before I start thinking of anything....

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Post by I am nobody » Sun Dec 16, 2007 10:49 am

CL: Chunky
Mafia: ZG
Hero: CL

That's what got.

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Post by The Missing Link » Sun Dec 16, 2007 10:55 am

That Guy from Christmas Future wrote:Hey TML, Read more posts please. The very next page I learned that "hero" does not mean "has a role". The Investigation result came up Townie, it confused me. I blame crav for fooling me into thinking i was rolecop (just kidding crav)
So it would seem. Bloody automerged doubleposts. Make it hard to figure out extreme reversals in people's logic.
Also Silverwind, I don't recall Odolwa having bats... ever? Maybe Gomess. But he was a mini boss, so i dunno.
I remember Odolwa having something. I remember not liking that fight much because half the time I was running away from whatever mass of thing he sent after me.
Well, I think the Hero went for CL. I think. I think this because ZG does not seem liek a good target for the Vig. Why would the Vig chance killing one o our smartest people, and a Claimed role at that? Obvisly whoever the hero is was in the "kill CL, HotD is innocent" faction. On the other hand the Thought of the Mafia not aiming for CL is bit out there.
The only question that remains unanswered is which of the Mafia and the Hero nabbed CuccoLady and ZeldaGirl. However, this question really is irrelevant. They're both dead; we'll find out the answers later. For now, we look to the future and start stalking the baddies.
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Post by S1x » Sun Dec 16, 2007 11:21 am

Is there any real way to tell that the third kill was indeed by the hero, and not some other special thingy? Anyone can be shadowy in the dark.
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Post by Marilink » Sun Dec 16, 2007 11:24 am

The two figures, wraped in darkness, vanished into the night, leaving the young boy to wonder how everything could have gone so terribly wrong.
The two figures. Kind of implies Mafia--group killing and all.

btw, there were keese in the Odolwa fight. Remember how you had to light a bomb in order to get them off you?

But still, that's irrelevant. We need to lynch a mafia tonight, and we all need to AGREE ON WHO WE'RE LYNCHING.

So, my suspicions lie mostly on HotD right now.
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Post by Heroine of the Dragon » Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:53 pm



Leave me here so the Townies lynch their Mayor. Stop killing people who believ in me and will defend me. I'm sorry to see you go, Chunky. :( And, ZG... your role is CA-UTE!!! I would ahve made an interesting offer to you today had you not been negated. CL... you are EVIL!!!! I feel vindicated for picking you out.

Now excuse me whislt I do what Mayor's do... all the while trying to understand why Townies want to lynch one of their own instead of seek out the real evil.

Here are my suspicions...

That Guy - Mafia??... defended me until he incomprehensibly changed his vote. MOST SUSPICIOUS PERSON RIGHT NOW!!!! Voted both Wy and HotD.

Zant Ten - Mafia?? Townie?? Independent??... with leanings to evil side??? Reacted unexpectedly when I questioned him. Voted Wy and HotD.

Rayman FREAK - Mafia?? Voted both Wy and HotD. Not cool townie actions!! Activity sporadic.

SilverWind - Mafia?? Skips 20 pages then votes Wy and votes HotD. Strange behaviour if she's a Townie... Independent??

I don't for a moment think ALL of them are Mafia... but one is.

TG... you made some interesting statements and a surprising turn around on me. I cannot understand what made you change your mind after I role claimed, but you are seriously the MOST suspicious person in this room.


Look everyone... I'm going to the mountains for some TLC... I return Tuesday at lunch time. I have no idea if I ahve internet in the mountains but hope so. I ask you VERY kindly, and sincerely, to allow me a chance to show you some evidence and help nail some Mafia... before you all go gung-ho and lynch a Townie... namely your very bemused and crazy Mayor. WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF TOWNIES NOW!!!!

Please. :D

Jeez... I was so rushed I forgot...

FoS: That Guy I'm going to look at everything you've said for the past day, TG... and I will vote you if my suspicions are confirmed. :D
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Post by Rayman FREAK » Sun Dec 16, 2007 2:38 pm

Damn, what a night.

Clearly, I was wrong about a lot of things yesterday. I advocated trusting CL for a night, and we clearly shouldn't have. I thought CL would die at the hands of the mafia, but it looks like one of our heroes saw through her and saved us the trouble of having to use our vote today to get rid of her. Enormous thanks to that young boy.

Of course I feel bad about Chunky/Cremia, who really shouldn't have had to die last night. I feel quite a lot like TML, only worse. I argued against HotD and voted for her, whereas TML at least made the right vote.

Yes, I feel bad about it, but I do not regret it. In my eyes, the evidence against HotD is really starting to pile up, and if it weren't so early in the day, I might be voting for her right now. But there are other things on my mind that may have some impact in today's events and eventual decision (which we MUST REACH. I don't need to explain this), and I think Marilink is right in that we need to reach a group consensus.

So here's what I'm thinking right now:

First of all, there seems to be some disagreement as to who killed ZG/Tingle and who killed CL/Aveil. Most seem to believe that a hero killed CL and the mafia killed ZG, and I agree completely. Those who disagree, read this from last night's summary:
A blood chilling scream pierced the night.

Chunky Kong was Cremia, Wagon Driver, Townie

A brave young boy heard the cry from nearby and ran to the scene, hoping he could be of some help.
The young boy undoubtedly goes off to fight Aveil. Invariably, the motives described in Crav's writeups reflect the actual motives of the players. The young boy is also definitely not mafia, because he acts in the interest of a townie.

The mafia, in case you completely missed this somehow, were these two:
Just then a swarm of living darkness enveloped the wagon. The horses, already terrified and paniced, tried to bolt in different directions and the whole cart flipped onto it's side. Two shadowy figures dropped into the flapping darkness engulfing the overturned wagon from a tree the smashed vehicle had plowwed into!
I infer from "flapping darkness" and the keese shown in the pictograph that both of these characters moved under the cover of bats. The two obvious choices are Gomess and Odolwa.

There's been some confusion as to which of these two characters made the killing, and I believe it must have been both of them. Since not everybody remembers the boss battles entirely too well, here are both of them:

Bats appear at 1:37

I know it's hard to see them, but the bats are there. Just trust me on this one. ;)

I believe these are our suspects.

Unless we've all missed something, we have no information on the identity of Gomess. But I believe HotD is indeed Odolwa. I base almost all of this on the pictographs.

ZG's alliance and abilities have been confirmed, and I have no reason to doubt that she took a picture of HotD on Night 1. The "nature enthusiast" with a sword certainly seems like Odolwa to me. Some believed (HotD most adamantly) that the picture had been tampered with somehow, and ZG probably took a picture of someone else, all failing to cite actual evidence and blaming it on "possible" status ailments, none of which was substantiated or even sounds remotely possible to me.

Logically, it would make sense that ZG would pictograph HotD yet again in the hopes of catching her in another killing in order to substantiate her claims. I believe she succeeded.

ZG clearly tried to pictograph either one of the killers, CL, or the hero. We can't know which one for certain, but we know that these were the only four living people, besides ZG herself, in the location she took the pictograph (Chunky died before the bats came). She believed CL's role claim so, pictographing her seems to me like a waste of a night action. Therefore, I believe she pictographed one of the other three. I strongly believe Odolwa and Gomess were the mafiosi, and I would bet that Link was the hero. ZG believed she knew who Odolwa was, and like a good townie, probably wanted to give us further evidence to agree with her. I believe she pictographed this person, who was HotD.

In this case, it's obvious why the picture doesn't show the intended target: there were bats everywhere. I can easily accept this explanation, and I'd say it holds a lot more water than the idea of a potential, though completely unaccounted for status ailment.

I strongly believe HotD is Odolwa. But like I said, I won't vote until more has been discussed.

Fos: Heroine of the Dragon

Heroine of the Dragon wrote: Rayman FREAK - Mafia?? Voted both Wy and HotD.
Still? Still? Forgive me, but I've no time to beat a dead horse right now.
Activity sporadic.
Day 1, post 956:
-I have neither the time nor the energy to be that involved in this game, and I would have a hard time believing that any of you do.
-I am a collegiate rower. If you've ever met one of us, you probably know what I'm going to say. I'm training my kiester off every single day, I'm completely worn out when I get home, and after early morning practices on Saturday, I usually need a five hour nap just to keep myself going. I own a shirt that says "I can't: I have crew!"
-I am also currently preparing for final exams, which I am taking in Intensive Japanese, Music Theory, Physics, and American Economics. I have papers and lab reports to write in the mean time as well.
My schoolwork is coming to an end soon (keyword: soon), but every word of this post is true and still applies.

You want to talk about my mistakes? Talk about some real ones, like my defending CL yesterday. I did think it was right at the time, but it was a mistake. I would have no problem if you called me out on this, because I have no real defense apart from what my instincts told me, which I doubt would hold up well in court. Instead, you look up old red herrings.

These are your investigative skills?

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Post by Marilink » Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:22 pm

I still don't understand, HotD, why you think people who voted for you are suspicious. If you ask me, the people who voted for CL are more so suspicious--The Mafia would want to vote for their threat, so that they could take someone different out at night.

But, I gotta say, the Mafia did not do what I thought--they went after ZG in stead of CL. It made sense--ZG's pictographs were a pretty big liability. Just not the direction I expected.

So, HotD, I am still very suspicious of you. Unless you can explain yourself soon, I am voting for you.
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Post by Cravdraa » Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:40 pm

HotD, Please clean out your PM box. Important.

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Post by I am nobody » Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:57 pm

CL got 7 votes. 1 is known to be townie. I don't think Fnord is mafia, so that leaves 5. 5 is also the amount of mafia believed to be in this game.


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Post by Marilink » Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:59 pm

Ian, the mafia wouldn't all vote together.
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Post by Wyborn » Sun Dec 16, 2007 5:04 pm

There was a blast of hot air, swept in from the graveyard where the sun beat down. It shouldn't have been like that, it should have been dank and cold, but the air was hot and carried the smell of the grave and of blood.

Darling strode back into the town hall, a new something strapped to his waist, his nostrils flared and his eyes wide. He looked at no one as he came to the gallows again (how ugly, how terrible, that the gallows would be built inside of a building, away from the watching eyes of the normal person, so that only those present were privy to its function) and when he sat he drew the thing from his belt and held it up.

It was the Gerudo's knife. Cremia's blood was dried on the blade. He waved it in the air.

He drove it down into the platform beside him and the tip bit into the wood, so the knife held still when he drew his hand away.

He looked at the knife for a long time, and then looked back out at those assembled.

But he said nothing.
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Post by Apiary Tazy » Sun Dec 16, 2007 5:14 pm

Heroine of the Dragon wrote:
Zant Ten - Mafia?? Townie?? Independent??... with leanings to evil side??? Reacted unexpectedly when I questioned him. Voted Wy and HotD.
Wait.....You Questioned me? I thought you accused me of being Mafia for Voting you!

I mean, I can't spend my whole life here, I thought that "Well, ZG and CL got some good points, and only HotD is really sticking up for HotD. HMMMMM... MAYBE HotD IS MAFIA!" But, no... I guess I forgot that whoever voted for Wyborn (out of doing what he told us to, mind you) and HotD are Suspicious. Personally, I'd be looking at who voted for Cuccolady, AS WELL! Not just ignore them and concentrate those who dare question the Almighty God known as the Mayor of Clock Town/Odolwa/The Hero!

Everyone here is suspicious, and we need to wait for the one who screws up. Not just for those who vote, but those who DO NOT vote.

Thank you. Good Night.

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Post by SilverWind » Mon Dec 17, 2007 12:33 am

Heroine of the Dragon wrote: SilverWind - Mafia?? Skips 20 pages then votes Wy and votes HotD. Strange behaviour if she's a Townie... Independent??
I've already explained; Skips 20 pages due to her essays and exams, and there being an explosion of over 20 pages, on the first night alone, when we're running on no actual evidence at all.

I've also already explained that I'm taking this game easy. Though really, HOTD, you're piling the suspicion on yourself--why do you suspect people just because they vote for you, and after they've already (repeatedly) justified themselves? Going by the people who've replied just above here... Marilink, Rayman, Tazy Ten...

Rayman FREAK wrote:I feel quite a lot like TML, only worse. I argued against HotD and voted for her, whereas TML at least made the right vote.
Not having Cuccolady was a mistake, (and one I'll admit to making ;_; ) but as you've realized, that doesn't make suspecting or voting for HOTD wrong.
'A' doesn't invalidate 'B'. In fact, it could possibly have been a ruse just so we'd see that dynamic and trust HOTD more.

I guess it doesn't really need to be said, but-- FOS: HOTD


Having survived another restless night, Honey draped a dark shawl across her shoulders and set out once more towards the central square of the town. She did not have to worry about changing the sign on the door of her game shop when she left it--a simple notice was already pinned there: "Closed for the indefinite future."

Once more, the passing of time had changed her; the woman's mournful features had cleared somewhat, and her eyes flared with determination. The night had steeled her conviction. Walking from person to person, she gathered information, and spoke ardently of her suspicions.

"The [Heroine of the Dragon]... Do you finally believe me, good sir? Will you finally vote for her to-day?"
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Post by I am nobody » Mon Dec 17, 2007 5:31 am

Gold wrote:Ian, the mafia wouldn't all vote together.
They might, because it would save one of their members, they were not voting alone and most people would not expect that.

It's unlikley, but still possible.

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Post by heh » Mon Dec 17, 2007 8:06 am

HotD, I voted you because Voting CL didn't seem to be working for some reason (SERIAL KILLER IS A ROLE YOU LYNCH GUYS) And someone needed to be lynched because Abstain is a Mafia victory. Wyborn... I lynched him because he asked me too I'm sorry.

Obvisly it triggered his abiltity so.

Ok so I am suspicsous. Maybe to the mafia! I made what might as well had been a roleclaim (CRAV *shakes fist*) and probably the reason i'm not dead is because they wanted to kill of a confirmed role who couldn't give away a item that had all the powers. (ZG) Also they might have figured you lynch me if the tide finally turned away from HotD. (Seriously guys, HotD? Jesus christ she is NOT behaving like mafia. Well... I suppose she is, but thats because mafia behave like townies.)

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Post by Marilink » Mon Dec 17, 2007 9:39 am

TG, HotD has been acting off since Day 1 if you ask me. She's been overly defensive and throwing random accusations that simply don't make sense.

I voted HotD because CL was going to die that night and I knew it. What I didn't know is that she would take out a townie before she kicked it...but I'm pretty sure that was just bad aim.

HotD, I love you random accusations of people simply because they're busy. Now you're reaching.

I'm sorry, but this is just too much.

Vote: HotD
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Post by The Missing Link » Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:18 am

Gold wrote:I voted HotD because CL was going to die that night and I knew it. What I didn't know is that she would take out a townie before she kicked it...but I'm pretty sure that was just bad aim.
IF it was simply bad aim, then why didn't CuccoLady take out, you know, the one person she had voted for... the one person she had been trying to accuse of being Mafia the entire day? To me, if the Slasher had truly been "townie-aligned," HotD would have been one of the only sane kills for her to have made.

I think that's a MUCH *MUCH* stronger indication of random aim rather than bad aim.
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Post by X-3 » Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:18 am

Wow. The only way this night could have gotten any worse was if the hero hit a townie instead of CL.

FoS: HotD Acting really strange right now, IMO.

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Post by Marilink » Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:59 am

The Mistletoe Link wrote:IF it was simply bad aim, then why didn't CuccoLady take out, you know, the one person she had voted for... the one person she had been trying to accuse of being Mafia the entire day? To me, if the Slasher had truly been "townie-aligned," HotD would have been one of the only sane kills for her to have made.

I think that's a MUCH *MUCH* stronger indication of random aim rather than bad aim.
Yeah...yeah, that's true.

But I made sense at the time. I don't think any of us could have predicted CL going after Chunky.
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Post by heh » Mon Dec 17, 2007 1:22 pm

Maybe I don't notice HotD acting... off because I wasn't in the last game and i;m not on vgf in general quite often (Also i have a bad habit of skimming through large posts but until now i've always gotten the general idea), but "off" as HotD may be acting, I don't think she is acting as Mafia as I think you people are implying. Unless she is stupid, which I think we all agree she isn't.

I agree there has been some "Strange" Behavior but I don't see it as "mafia" Behavior. Prehaps we have a non-malicous independent or something (Such as a Survivor, but if she is she isn't doing a good job), Or maybe its just random odd behavior.

Also, I"m quite sure Odolwa sent those damn bugs after you, not Keese.

And yes, CL was clearly a liar.

why did you role claim serial killer cl it still makes no sense

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Post by I am nobody » Mon Dec 17, 2007 2:03 pm

CL's role claim proves that HotD is not the mayor. Why would the mayor have an ability that blocks nightkills?

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Post by The Missing Link » Mon Dec 17, 2007 2:10 pm

i_am_nobody wrote:CL's role claim proves that HotD is not the mayor. Why would the mayor have an ability that blocks nightkills?
That's not what HotD is claiming her ability is, IAN.

HotD claims the mayor has the ability to prevent day-kills (i.e., lynchings).
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Post by I am nobody » Mon Dec 17, 2007 2:28 pm

TML: Exactly. CL targeted her on Day 1. She either has two abilities, or is not the mayor. (Or both)

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Post by heh » Mon Dec 17, 2007 7:13 pm

... Serial killers target at night, IAN.

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Post by I am nobody » Mon Dec 17, 2007 7:18 pm


CL targets HotD on Night 1. HotD is not killed. She does not mention any ability blocking night kills. She is obviously lying.

Does everyone see what I'm trying to say now?

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Post by heh » Mon Dec 17, 2007 7:23 pm

OR there could be a Doctor, or CL could be lying about trying to killing HotD (she lied yesterday), or she could have been roleblocked, OR HotD may have got a fairy like she thought.

Your making a ridiculous assumption, considering this is a special role we are talking about.

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Post by I am nobody » Mon Dec 17, 2007 8:06 pm

Why would anyone send help to someone who recieved 7 votes? Why would CL reveal herself if she didn't really attempt to kill HotD?

FoS: That Guy

You are constantly defending HotD.

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Post by Rayman FREAK » Mon Dec 17, 2007 8:51 pm

i_am_nobody wrote:Why would anyone send help to someone who recieved 7 votes?
Go back to day 1. There were several people who disagreed with all of the anti-HotD sentiments. I think HotD was probably telling the truth about getting a fairy on night 1, and since I believe she's Odolwa, I very much doubt it was one of her own abilities that saved her.

This is entirely plausible in my mind.

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Post by Swordmaster Link » Mon Dec 17, 2007 9:18 pm

OOC: Finally, I'm back home from DC which means I can participate much more actively.
Now, I'm not going to pretend like I know every waking detail of the past "3" days, but obviously I've noticed that there seems to be a lot of debate surrounding whether or not Hotster is a part of the mafia. So I just have a few questions I'm going to throw out there (bear with me):

Are we positive that picture ZG took was accurate?

It seems odd to me that if Hotster was so shady, she wasn't axed "yesterday". What if they figured they would get more bang for their buck by offing ZG instead? That way, the town would almost be convinced that Hotster is mafia and would subsequently go after her the "next day".

It seems TOO easy...and let's face it, the mafia apparently has been doing well at confusing us. They're all still alive! So when in doubt, I like to refer to Seinfeld for help...for Seinfeld enthusiasts out there, you would remember the episode in which George decides to do the opposite of his instincts, because obviously they never seem to work out for him. He gets a date, more confidence, the works. So I throw this out there: even if for a slight moment, think about the opposite of your instinct and ask yourself if it seems THAT implausible, because the mafia (whoever they are) are owning right now.

And just a passing side-note, I think it's a little odd how adamant Daos is in refusing to vote Hotster until he has "absolute proof"...falling in line with what I was saying earlier, could it just be a ploy to misdirect suspicion?

FoS: Daos....I believe that's how it works. :p

So yeah, someone feel free to tell me if I botched any of the facts here.

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Post by ZeldaGirl » Mon Dec 17, 2007 9:33 pm

*comes alive* ZOMG SML ACTUALLY POSTED! *goes back to being dead*

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Post by Swordmaster Link » Mon Dec 17, 2007 9:37 pm

Are we allowed to jay kay in here?

Oh yeah, I guess it would've been useful to say that my ability is to raise any player I want back from the dead. My bad. :D

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Post by The Missing Link » Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:11 pm

Swordmaster Link wrote:Are we positive that picture ZG took was accurate?
It's as "accurate" as anything else in this game. We know she's a Townie, so her intentions should be genuine. We also know, from her testimony, that she was not dazed... and that she'd have known if she was. The question we have to answer is whether or not someone could redirect the target of the picture on that same night WHILE not alerting us of that possibility. Tack onto that the likelihood that such a role would've actually managed to hit ZeldaGirl on the night in question (one in 19) and the odds of this are small.

Granted, we've already seen some low odds get dredged up from the deep in this game already, but...
SML wrote:It seems odd to me that if Hotster was so shady, she wasn't axed "yesterday". What if they figured they would get more bang for their buck by offing ZG instead? That way, the town would almost be convinced that Hotster is mafia and would subsequently go after her the "next day".

It seems TOO easy...and let's face it, the mafia apparently has been doing well at confusing us. They're all still alive! So when in doubt, I like to refer to Seinfeld for help...for Seinfeld enthusiasts out there, you would remember the episode in which George decides to do the opposite of his instincts, because obviously they never seem to work out for him. He gets a date, more confidence, the works. So I throw this out there: even if for a slight moment, think about the opposite of your instinct and ask yourself if it seems THAT implausible, because the mafia (whoever they are) are owning right now.
What I think is very apparent is that ZeldaGirl exposed herself as a legitimate threat in this game. The ability to photograph individuals and have them presented as evidence... in public... that's a relatively strong role. And with many major roles, even if they're not strictly speaking Heroes, they'll get wiped fairly quickly... I certainly believe that's what happened in this case.
SML wrote:And just a passing side-note, I think it's a little odd how adamant Daos is in refusing to vote Hotster until he has "absolute proof"...falling in line with what I was saying earlier, could it just be a ploy to misdirect suspicion?
Now that you mention that, it did strike me odd... But what struck me odd was something else entirely.

Daos was poisoned on Night Two. His belief is that he was onto the right track of hunting down Mafia. However, during the last 24 or so hours of Day Two, he was flip-flopping more than John Kerry. In short, he absolutely had no idea what was going on, and I truly believe that he's not 100% certain of anything.

So why try to silence him?

This just smells of the Round One plot where Wyborn petrified himself.


Let's make this official:

FoS: That Guy, HotD, Daos, ???
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Post by Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds » Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:20 pm

SML, you are the win. :D Finally, someone else manages to present a sane viewpoint about HotD.

ian, man, you're kind of crazy. I don't always follow what you're trying to say, and you don't really have proof for the things you claim. No one really knows who CL targetted on night one, apart from CL and Crav (and neither of which will be devulging that information yet) and if she did, no one really knows how HotD escaped the hit. Maybe CL didn't have a 100% hit-rate? Maybe HotD had someone protecting her, or an item she didn't know about. You can't say for sure.

I don't really trust you guys who are so adamantly after HotD, still. I would FoS you, but I think that's too harsh, almost. Eh.

The fact that CL was so willing to blindsight everyone and kill a random Townie "last night", don't you think her insistance that she was "totally, 100% sure of HotD being Mafia" is a little more of a problem now? Isn't it more likely she chose an easy target, someone who was already under fire, and was trying to get a lynching regardless?

Wyborn, thank you for clearing it up for us. CL killed Chunky. Our Undead has confirmed it, end of story. You all failed, leaving her alive yesterday. :p (yes I will gloat over that, thank you very much)

Also, guys... sorry about my lack of internets, still. I got paid today, so hopefully that will be changing soon! Yay!! :D
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Post by Wyborn » Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:29 pm

"Can't confirm or deny," the dead man said. "Can only act." He said nothing more, though it seemed obvious he wanted to.

He pulled the knife free and drove it into the wood again in a different spot.

The noose was in his hands, and he tied it and untied it over and over.

He did not look at Honey. He did not dare.
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Post by Swordmaster Link » Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:45 pm

In hindsight, what does FoS even MEAN, anyway? (In the figurative sense.)

Has anyone ever thought maybe people are FoSing just to get others to look in that direction, and don't actually seem suspicious of him/her? Or am I going crazy?

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Post by The Missing Link » Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:48 pm

[ooc quantity="a lot!"]

Finger of Suspicion.

Yes, it has happened before. Look at Day One... IF YOU DARE. Mwahahahahaha!

Oh wait... supposed to blend in.... <_< j/k :D

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Post by Swordmaster Link » Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:59 pm

FoS: Jif Creamy Peanut Butter

This is delicious...

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Post by ZeldaGirl » Mon Dec 17, 2007 11:02 pm

/me bitchslaps SML

Get back on track.

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Post by Swordmaster Link » Mon Dec 17, 2007 11:08 pm

Hint: You are dead.

What was that? I think it was the wind or something...

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Post by ZeldaGirl » Mon Dec 17, 2007 11:12 pm

Wyborn, stab him or something.

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Post by Wyborn » Mon Dec 17, 2007 11:20 pm

"Can't kill in daytime."

He rethought.

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Post by NintendoGod » Tue Dec 18, 2007 12:17 am


^ Well THAT'S ominous.
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Post by heh » Tue Dec 18, 2007 5:51 am

i_am_nobody wrote:Why would anyone send help to someone who recieved 7 votes? Why would CL reveal herself if she didn't really attempt to kill HotD?

FoS: That Guy

You are constantly defending HotD.
I don't know if you've noticed, but we don't all have hive mind to beam other peoples opinions into our brain. 7 votes means 14 other people who might have wanted to protect her. Not to mention 21 people who might have roleblocked CL at random. And, since we know CL was a liar anyway, Theres one person who might have actually targeted 20 other people.

YOU are constantly thinking up random crap to accuse HotD. Speaking of which, how is defending one person suspicious? If HotD is lynched and flips mafia, THEN i'll be suspicious.

For schizophrenic evidence against HotD that makes no sense once you think about for more then a minute.


